Chapter 16
Mao stood outside Shun’s apartment, biting her lip nervously. Her eyes went down to her feet again and she winced inwardly, knocking on her head. It could only happen to her. When she had finally decided, everything just went out of her head and she just let her feet take her away.
Inside the train she had called Shun up to let him know she was coming over. She kept her voice steady and calm, not wanting him to know just yet the purpose of her visit. Did Shun notice or suspect anything? His voice didn’t betray anything though.
What was she going to say? How was she going to say it? Her mind frantically searched for answers. She racked her brain over that, and it was a while before she fully noticed the weird stares people were giving her. Earlier she had noticed distractedly people’s eyes seem to be going towards her more often than not but she ignored them, too preoccupied.
An old man across from her seemed to be staring at her feet. She frowned at him. He noticed she was looking and snapped his eyes away. She then looked down and then mouth dropping stared wide-eyed at her feet. She was in her Keroro slippers!
Uwaah-gah! She tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary as the people sitting beside her gave her glances occasionally. All the while she kept praying that her stop would come soon. She might have a spontaneous combustion right then and there, feeling her whole being growing hot from embarrassment. Although suddenly bursting into flames and disappearing wouldn’t have been so bad.
She shook herself back to reality. Reaching out, she pushed on the doorbell and waited, unconsciously holding her breath. Homygod! She was really doing this! The door swung open and her eyes went to Shun. She must have a shocked expression of realizing she was really going through with this, making Shun frown a bit in confusion.
“Are you alright?”
Mao nodded her head vigorously. Her nerves were starting to act up again. Her heart racing so fast and her stomach twisting in an awful knot. She carefully stepped inside. Shun stared at her slippers.
“I-I forgot about them,” she explained lamely.
Shun chuckled and led her in. “What brings you here all of a sudden? Missing me?”
He then glanced back at her, smiling. Mao worked up a smile. It felt stiff. Shun faced forward again , his smile turning a little wobbly. Somehow he knew… He knew what was coming… They stepped into the living room. It was scattered with boxes of several photos he has taken.
“What’s all these for?” she asked, somehow trying to muster up more of the courage that had made her come here.
Shun grinned widely. “I was going to tell you after the plans are finalized but… I’m going to have a photo exhibit soon!”
Mao stared wide-eyed up at him and then her face broke into an excited expression.
“Omo! Congratulations! You’ve always wanted this!”
“How about a congratulatory hug then?” Shun said, spreading his arms wide.
“Of course!” Mao then went up to him and hugged him. Shun kissed the top of her head as he embraced her more tightly, almost as if he didn’t want to let go. Almost as if this would be the last time…
Mao shut her eyes tightly as she felt engulfed by Shun. He really was happy… so happy… and she was here to… take it all away? She felt weak. Can she really do this? Do this to such a wonderful person…? She really was the worst…
“Would you like something to drink? Or pudding? I have some in the fridge,” she heard him say from above.
Mao sat on the couch absently going through Shun’s portfolio. Her eyes glanced at Shun again, sitting on the floor sorting some photos. She still hadn’t come clean with him… As time slowly ticked past, it became more and more difficult to tell him… Will she ever be able to tell him? At the rate she was going…
Her head snapped up to Shun lowering his camera with a slight grin.
“I wasn’t ready!” she attempted at a jopke.
“What were you thinking? Seems interesting,” Shun laid out carefully.
“N-Nothing,” she said, then turned back to the portfolio in her hands.
“Stop that!”
“Then tell me what you’re thinking about,” he said, grinning
Mao reached out and tugged the camera away from Shun as he chuckled.
“You’re always the one shooting me. It’s my turn!’ she said, crinkling her eyes at him.
She snapped away as Shun readily posed. He was coming up with different ones. Some funny, some serious, and some just downright weird. Mao laughed as she shot some more joking that she should get and exhibit for these too.
As Mao watched him through the lenses, his face all lit up and laughing, she felt a slight pang of pain in her heart. He really was great… He deserves to be happy… She can’t hurt him…
But then a different face suddenly popped into her head… Pi… No, she can’t hurt Shun… but moreover she doesn’t want to hurt Pi… and herself… It was him she wanted to make happy… Shun looked blurry now; She felt the tears roll down her face as she looked through the camera.
“Mao?” Shun’s concernec voice called out.
She lowered down the camera and looked at him as he got up and quickly sat down next to her., cupping her face. He gently wiped her tears away with his thumb.
“Is my face that ugly that it made you cry?” he attempted one last time at teasing.
Mao then wordlessly took off the necklace he had given her. She didn’t deserve to have this anymore… It had felt heavier and heavier around her neck… She placed it in Shun’s hand, her own slightly shaking.
“I-I’m sorry. I can’t lie to you anymore… It’s too much… I-,” she started.
Finally, she has said it.
“I know.”
“I can’t- W-What? What do you mean?”
“It seems I have this unlucky habit of overhearing your conversations,” he grimaced. “It’s Pi isn’t it?” he then continued steadily, surprised at how calm he was at this moment.
Mao looked up at him as she wiped her tears away from her cheeks. Shun was gazing down at her, waiting for her answer. It was time to hear it.
“Yes.” And that answer made her heart feel lighter.
Shun managed a small smile. “I knew I would get a call like this from you one day.”
Her eyes snapped up to him.
“Deep down. When we got back together again, I sorta have already known it isn’t the same anymore. But I was in strong denial. I refused to see, to believe the obvious.”
Mao sniffed as she watched Shun. “I don’t know what to say. Before I realized it… I was in too deep…”
Shun gave a low chuckle and flicked her forehead. “You came here in your Keroro slippers. You know how much that crushed me. It’s like you couldn’t wait any longer.”
He tried his best to make it sound lighter tan it is but somehow it was impossible. Mao cast her eyes down. He glanced at her.
“You know what’s eating at me the most?”
She looked back up at him. He picked up the camera and reviewed the shots. He stopped at the shot he took of Mao earlier.
“It’s this look. Lately, I seem to always take many shots of you like this. You’re not happy with me anymore… I’ve noticed it but I’m just blinding myself. I knew I was being selfish… but I didn’t want to let you go…,” he softly said, turning to her.
Mao bit her lip to stop them from quivering.
“And also, I know the look when you’re thinking of Pi. But I’ve deleted them all. Makes my blood boil,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her.
Mao let out a small laugh; her head bent down, sniffing. He smiled shakily.
“I’m sorry. I’m not really good at this… I’m sorry… I thought I can make you happy…” he then said.
Mao shook her head. “Please don’t say you’re sorry. Just don’t. I’m the one who’s sorry… I should have been more honest-“
“So we’re both not good with this huh? But I guess nobody really is though. It’s just a matter of willing to make things work…,” Shun said softly, staring off. Mao looked at him sadly.
“Yosh!” he then said as he stood up. “I should be sending you off now. I can’t believe it. But I am.”
His insides were turning into mush. He felt like she needed to go as soon as possible or else he’ll be changing his mind. Mao slowly stood up. His gaze went to her and he felt like he needed to say it.
“For what it’s worth… I’m really happy that for a time I had you…”
Mao smiled up at him. “Me too, Shun. Me too,” she said sincerely.
The next thing he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know but they were at this point already, right? There really was no use talking about it now…
“Did you ever love me?” he then suddenly asked.
Mao’s eyes snapped to him. She looked taken aback at the question and she didn’t know what to answer. She had never once said ‘I love you’ to him. He knew she wasn’t the type… She wasn’t good at expressing herself… Or maybe there was another reason…
Shun felt his heart sink. “Is it ever like the way you feel about Pi?”
She met his gaze and in her eyes… He had his answer… Mao opened her mouth to speak but Shun ruffled her hair and smiled at her reassuringly. As if saying, he’ll be able to get over that. He then walked her to the door. She stepped out and turned around. But not really knowing what to say.
“I’ll watch you go inside,” she then said to him.
“It’s okay. I’ll-,” he started.
“No, I don’t want my back to be the last thing you see,” she said, feeling as if she wasn’t making any sense.
It’s just that she still wanted to remain friends with him. Maybe not now. Maybe not immediately but someday… She felt it wasn’t the right time to be asking that from him right now. Even she was surprised thought that she would be thinking this way. She had always thought she could never be friends again with someone she has broken up with. But losing someone like Shun as a friend… She didn’t want that…
Shun looked at her silently. “I-I just want you to know I’m not walking away completely.”
And he understood. Nodding somberly, he forced another smile at her. “Later.”
Mao smiled up at him genuinely, tears shining in her eyes as he slowly closed the door until he couldn’t see her anymore. Mao stood there immobile at first, staring at the closed door. And then her heart thumping, she hurriedly ran down the stairs. Pi…
Shun stood there, forehead leaning against the door. Mao quickly running down the stairs as if her life depended on it… to run to Pi… made his whole body feel weak… He slowly walked back towards the living room, plopping down on the couch limply, as if dazed. His eyes caught a box on the floor and he reached over to pick it up.
He opened the lid and a photo of Mao was smiling up at him. It was all the photos of her he had taken. He slowly took them out and looked at them, knowing he was just torturing himself. But he couldn’t seem to stop. He stared down at the last photo in the pile. It was the shot he had taken of her when she was talking animatedly to Nino… He smiled sadly as his eyes roamed over Mao’s shining face… He thought he had found something that was just for him… He thought he had found a place he belongs to…
Her image was getting more and more blurry… Tears rolled down his cheeks as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, his hands still clenched on the necklace…
Unfortunately, she belongs somewhere else…
Mao glumly snapped her phone shut. She had been trying to get a hold of Pi but his phone seems to have been turned off. She called Massu up to ask if Pi had come back but there was no sign of him. In a desperate attempt, she had tried to check the placed they had gone to in the past (after buying herself a nice pair of flats first, though). Hoping he was somehow also there wandering around aimlessly. But no luck. Isn’t that supposed to be the case? He would be sulking, thinking of her in a significant place and then they would somehow end up meeting there dramatically, she thought, pouting.
Or maybe he really had been to those places but they just keep missing each other? Hey, it could happen. She sighed. What was she thinking anyway? She kicked at a stone, feeling restless. She wanted to tell Pi everything… Just everything… She still didn’t know how. But she wants to see him so badly…
As she was about to round the corner to their building, she heard unfamiliar voices, making her stop in her tracks.
“Pi’s been living here? Are you sure?”
Mao frowned. These people knew Pi. She quickly took a peek. They somehow look familiar…
“This is definitely the place Shige went to the other day,” one of the guys said.
That voice… Mao’s eyes widened. That jackass at the bar! He knows Pi??
“What? You followed him?” Yuu asked in disbelief.
Jin scoffed. “Do you think I’d waste my time on that? Of course I hired someone. I’m too pretty anyway. I’d stand out too much. Not a good quality for stalking someone.”
Yuu and Eiji just stared at him. This guy is just full of himself! Barf! But wait, hired someone? Mao thought frowning. To follow Shige, they say. To find Pi? Why?
“I can’t believe Pi gave up his mansion and apartment for this,” Jin said, as he looked up disdainfully at the building. “And he could have told us! We’re his friends! Disappearing just like that…”
Mao jerked. Mansion? Apartment? Heh? Is he…
“You never can tell what he’s thinking. It’s always been like that,” Yuu said, as he took in the surroundings, still unable to believe Pi would choose to live here.
“He knew we wouldn’t understand. Maybe he just wanted a different perspective to life,” Eiji mused.
“We have booze, girls, money. What more does he want?” Jin.
Eiji rolled his eyes at him. That was all his brain could handle.
“That kind of deep crap doesn’t last though. I’m pretty sure he found it new and exciting. But Shige did say he was coming back home soon. I bet he’s already had enough,” Jin said confidently.
“How can you be sure Shige didn’t just say that so you can get off his case?” Yuu asked.
“My guy also overheard him talking to Pi on the phone, asking something about when he would be leaving.”
“Well, why doesn’t he come back yet?” Eiji asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jin frowned. “How would I know? The important thing is he’ll be back with us soon. I was just curious how he had been living. Never expected this in a million years.”
“I just remembered that girl he was pretty concerned about. Wonder if she has anything to do with this?” Eiji mused out loud, pursing his lips.
Jin guffawed. “You really think he’d be interested in her? Please”
“I wish Pi would come out right now and sock you.”
“What did you say?”
“Nothing,” Eiji said innocently. Yuu cleared his throat.
“Anyway, when he comes back, we’ll be having one hell of a party-“
Mao slowly walked away, not really wanting to stay to hear more. She’s heard enough and she was at a loss still trying to digest the fact that Pi is really rich. And that he’s planning on leaving soon. Without even telling her? So is this the real reason she couldn’t reach him? He’s suddenly gone away? He’s really had enough? It was over?
Anger flared up inside her. Then why the hell would he still confess to her. If he’s just going to give up in the end? And she was even ready to tell him what she really felt! Ugh! She hated finding things put this way. Guess Shun wasn’t the only one who has the unlucky habit of overhearing unpleasant conversations.
“If you don’t come over here right now I’m going to spread the fact that you’re a big Backstreet Boys fan!” Mao threatened over the phone.
“I’m NOT a Backstreet Boys fan!” Nino yelled defensively. “It was one song. One song!”
Minutes later, Nino entered the bar grudgingly and found Mao sitting alone at one of the tables. Nino, exasperated, went over to her. She sounded troubled over the phone so he thought to check up on her. (Nothing whatsoever to do with her threat. Na-uh.)
“What’s wrong?” he asked, as he stopped in front of her. She was pouring herself some soju.
“What? Two friends can’t enjoy some soju?”
Nino rolled his eyes. “You expect me to believe that? Aren’t scenes like these overused already? Soju plus drinking alone in some random bar (or sometimes outside in street stalls) then calling out a friend to talk to equals love problems.”
“Have you been spending time with the Sho-racle?” she asked as she downed her shot glass.
“Huh?” Nino frowned. Mao stayed silent not acknowledging the fact he was spot on about the love problem.
“I’m just upset about GD’s hair fiasco. (Whut was that? He doesn’t have any hair on just his left side!)”
“Heh?” Nino regarded her silently as she poured soju into another glass for him. He will find out soon enough anyway. And he was right as the night wore on and more bottles of soju appeared on the table.
“Pour me soju, chingu!” she demanded and pushed her glass to him.
“Stop acting like you’re Korean.”
Mao’s head snapped to him. “Someone once said that to me before.”
Nino drank his soju and was startled, almost spitting it out, as Mao suddenly yelled. “That big fat lying pig!”
“Why? Why didn’t I see it? He does everything he wants! He’s so spoiled. He’s got all those fancy clothes! Why…?”
Nino stared at her. “Who are you talking about?”
Mao’s eyes snapped to the bowl of peanuts. She grabbed some, laid it on the table and used the soju bottle to crush them. Oookay… He gets it now.
“And I don’t like that punk friend of his (which is really too much of a coincidence, imho) Aaand… he decides to leave just like that! What? Like he’s had enough fun with us? Are we his little toys? Just to pass time till he returns to his rich, spoiled friends and then they’ll be sitting around drinking wine and laughing about it?” she downed her glass angrily.
“Let me get this straight. Pi’s actually rich?”
“Yes! Haven’t you been listening?” Mao snapped.
“You weren’t exactly giving out the details,” Nino said, gritting his teeth.
“Yeah and he then waltzes into our lives for a bit of fun, see? And then the minute he’s bored he waltzes back to his world!”
Nino frowned a bit. “That doesn’t make sense though. Why would he think our world would be better fun?”
Mao paused. “B-Because that’s the way it is! He wants to make fools out of all of us!” Her voice was growing louder and louder.
“Don’t you think the fact he’s willing to live a simpler life counts for something?” Nino pointed out. “You know Pi better than that, right?”
“W-Why would he lie to us then?”
“Coz I bet you wouldn’t be able to see him beyond the fact that he’s rich. Maybe that’s it. Or maybe he never expected to get so much out of this…”
Maybe Nino was right… But right now… He deserved to be misunderstood. Hmph.
“Who’s side are you on anyway? This is a big lie! It’s not like you lying about not being a Backstreet Boys fan.,” Mao said as she drank more soju. A vein in Nino’s head was threatening to pop.
“Or maybe you’re more upset about the fact Pi being rich could make things a whole lot more complicated between the two of you.”
“Whut? I’m not afraid of possible evil mothers bent on breaking us apart, okay?” Hm. Or maybe she actually is. A bit. “I’m upset because he lied and then just disappears without an explanation. And he was intending on leaving all along.”
“I’m not entirely convinced he’s gone for good. He had confessed, right?”
Mao’s head snapped to him.
“I talk to Ryo,” Nino stated, shrugging. “Don’t completely write him off like that. You know better.”
Mao sighed, exasperated, as she downed another glass. The reasonable part of her knew Nino somehow has a point. That she shouldn’t just jump into conclusions. There should be an explanation. But the angry part of her … She eyed the peanuts again.
“Oh girl, I cry cry, yo my all, say goodbye. Oh my love, don’t lie lie, yo my heart, say goodbye,” Mao sang as she giggled and leaned on Kei-chan. He trying to steady her.
“What is she singing?” Kei-chan asked, confused. They stood outside their rooms. Nino was rubbing his temples. A drunk and upset Mao really can drain you.
“I think it’s one of Big Bang’s new songs. She was babbling on and on about eyeliners, headbands and underground carparks. The rest, you don’t even want to know,” Nino explained, shaking his head.
“I am Spiderman!” Mao then shouted, throwing a punch into the air.
“Yeah, yeah, and I’m Robin,” Kei-chan said as he started to usher her to her room.
“You should have said Batman. Robin is just the side-“
“Shut up, Massu,” Kei-chan said.
“KoyaMama!” Mao exclaimed, as if seeing him for the first time and then gave him a tight hug.
“Mao, you’re squeezing too tight,” Kei-chan choked.
Tego stepped forward, and then gently tried to pry Mao’s arms off. “Here, I’ll help. I’ll support her this time.”
Massu narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “You’re not just trying to get Mao to hug you too, right?”
Tego stiffened and then, “How could you think that a time like this?” he gasped in an exaggerated way.
“What’s this all about?” Ryo asked as he watched the display. Teo was insisting he’ll take Mao now as Kei-chan held him back, pushing his face away. He would have thought everything would be smooth-sailing. Has she talked to Shun? Contacted Pi?
“She’d been asking for peanuts the whole night just crushing them,” Nino said significantly.
“Peanuts?” Ryo frowned. “What happened with Pi?”
This doesn’t make sense. Before Nino could answer, footsteps behind them sounded. It was Pi, wondering why they were all crowded in the hall. His eyes went to Mao. Tego had managed to pry Mao from Kei-chan and was about to take her in his arms.
“Unhand her!” he yelled. All of their eyes snapped to him. Unhand her? Dramatic much? Tego glared at his timing as Pi walked towards them.
“Don’t come near me, you pig liar!” Mao then yelled.
Pi stopped in his tracks. “Heh?”
Did she just call him a pig? Well, Buta means pig too but he felt much cuter if she calls him that. But pig? A scowl appeared on his face. “What was that for?”
“Why are you back anyway?” she said, though she tried to ignore the hazy thought that she was glad he is. “Go stay with your rich friends in your mansion that probably includes an evil mom!”
“Heh?” Ryo and the others all chorused.
Pi frowned. “You-“
“Yeah, I found out your little secret. And the fact you’re leaving soon! Sick of us already? Had your fun?” she shot at him.
“Are you stupid or something?” Pi glared at her.
Mao scowled at him. “I probably am for actually falling for your lies!”
“That was the only thing I lied about! Look-“
“I don’t really want to talk to you or even see you right now!” Mao said, slurring and then wobbly turned on her heel. Kei-chan held her as they walked to her room followed by Tego.
“W-Well, I don’t want to see you or talk to you too!” He sounded like a child but she was impossible! Always unwilling to listen to what he has to say. Tomorrow he’ll have to talk to her when she’s not too mad or too drunk, he thought sullenly as he watched them go into Mao’s room. They stood outside in silence until Kei-chan and Tego came back out.
All of them regarded him silently. Pi couldn’t look them in the eye. He had lied to them. He knows whatever reason he may have doesn’t justify that.
“I-I’m sorry,” he started, his head bowed down.
“Were you ever going to tell us?” Nino asked quietly.
“Of course. But honestly I don’t know how to… and I didn’t want you guys finding out this way.”
“Frankly, I feel kind of offended why you found it necessary to keep it from us from the start,” Ryo frowned.
“Although I somehow understand. You didn’t want it to be an issue between us,” Kei-chan offered.
“It eventually became an issue though,” Massu shrugged as Tego remained quiet not looking at Pi.
They all went quiet. Pi stomach flip-flopping nervously. He didn’t want things to change between them. He wanted to say it right now but it didn’t feel right. Now fully realizing how much their friendship meant to him. (Okay, even with Tego.)
They all turned to go to there respective rooms. Nino followed Ryo into his. Pi stood there sadness washing over him as he heard doors closing one by one. When will things turn out alright? He stood there immobile, his eyes closed as he leaned against his door.
“Yo…,” he heard a second later. His eyes snapped open. It was Massu. His head poking out of his door.
“So when are you going to make it up for us as a way of apologizing?” he then asked, flashing a wide grin.
Pi could only stare at him as the others all came out again and stood before him grinning.
“Had you going there, huh?” Koyama said chuckling.
“I thought we were going to give him a hard time?” Tego grumbled as Koyama shushed him.
“We’re really not the dramatic types. We leave that to you and Mao,” Ryo smirked.
“They’re just the crazy types,” Nino commented.
“You were in on this too!”
“So how was my acting skills eh? Pretty convincing huh?” Massu asked.
“Oh yeah. I loved your line.”
Koyama ran his hand through his hair dramatically. “I should have been an actor.”
They all burst out laughing. Pi joined in. “Don’t do that.”
“Just always be honest with us from now on then,” Koyama said, grinning as Pi nodded, amused. Definitely.
“Where have you been anyway? You’ve been gone a while making Mao jump into conclusion,” Nino explained.
He had gone back to sort some problems in one of the projects their company was handling. It took away most of his attention as he dived into work. He really wanted to at least call once or twice but the situation didn’t allow him to.
“I just wish I could talk to her right now,” Pi sighed.
“Talk? You’ll just be biting each other’s heads off,” Ryo said, rolling his eyes. “By the way Pi-“
He wanted to tell him about Mao seeing the videos on his iPod.
“I’ll just go in and rest now,” Pi then said. Feeling really exhausted. He hadn’t had much sleep.
Ryo nodded. He can tell him tomorrow. Pi went into his room. Nino had also said goodbye and went home. They’ll try to figure this out next time.
“I hope things would soon work out between them,” Koyama sighed, shaking his head dejectedly.
“We were almost there,” Ryo said.
“What are you guys talking about?” Tego asked, frowning.
They looked at him. They have somehow kept him outside of the loop. Should they tell him?
A loud howl echoed from the building. Koyama put his hand over his mouth as he tired to pull free, shaking his head, crushed. Ryo gave him a sharp glare as Massu chirped, “Sorry Tego, this is Mao and Pi’s story.”
Ryo’s thoughts went back to the two. “Honestly, we should just tell them outright. Sick and tired of all these-“
“Sick and tired of all these people talk about. What’s the deal with this pop life and-,” Massu sang and then stopped in the act of shaking his booty as the other three could just stare.
“What the pudding was that?”
Massu straightened up and cleared his throat. They heard someone come up the stairs. Sakurai! They walked towards him and hurriedly relayed everything that happened.
“But you already know that huh?” Koyama asked tentatively.
Sho just shrugged.
“Okay, just tell us when they’re going to end up together. The suspense is killing me!” Massu said, exasperated.
“What?! Mao and Pi ends up together?!"
Sho flashed one of his rare smiles as they all ignored Tego. “Hmm… I bet we’ll find out soon enough.”
Pi knocked on Mao’s door the next day, berating himself for waking up so late in the afternoon. He really was too exhausted. Good thing Mao wasn’t an early riser too. He knocked once more, frowning. And then placed his ear to the door, listening in to see if anyone was moving inside. It was too quiet. Crap. She had already went out, keen on avoiding him.
He had tried calling her but knew that wouldn’t work. Either she has it turned off or she’ll ignore his calls. Her phone was off. He then went to the places they had gone to in the past. Isn’t that how it works? He had stopped at a ramen shop, without any luck, as his stomach had been rumbling for a while now. He slurped his noodles wondering where on earth she had gone now, his frustration rising. Only she can irk him this way.
His phone suddenly rang and he quickly fumbled for it, hoping it was Mao. His heart fell as he saw it was an unknown number.
Shun popped the takoyaki into his mouth and chewed. He glanced sideways at Pi who hadn’t touched his, his face set. What did Shun want? Although he probably knows it already. It was about Mao.
“You aren’t eating. Mao said this was your favourite,” Shun started.
Without looking at him, Pi reached out and popped one into his mouth. Shun observed him from the corner of his eyes. For someone who’s finally with Mao, he didn’t look too happy. Or maybe he was just feeling guilty around him. Well, he should be…
“Mao did always talk about you. How did I miss that?” he then said casually.
Pi’s eyes snapped to him. He wasn’t the only one that missed that. Mao too. He can’t take this anymore. Sorry, Mao. He thought to himself. But I need to tell him.
“Mao and I-,” Pi started.
Shun then turned to him. “Can I punch you?”
“Whu-,” he felt Shun’s fist connect with his cheek. He fell off his chair. And then looked up at Shun. “What the hell?”
“I know Mao chose you. But I still don’t like the fact-“
Wait. Whut? “What are you talking about?”
Shun paused for a second, frowning down at him. “Aren’t you two together?”
Pi could only stare up at him.
“We broke up. It was because she…m” he couldn’t finish the sentence. “I thought the way she ran from my apartment yesterday she was going to you…”
There was a buzzing in Pi’s mind. And then he snapped to it. That girl…
“She didn’t say anything. She-,” he started as he got up. His phone then rang. It was Nino. He knew where Mao is.
“I have to go strangle the girl I love now,” Pi told Shun and then quickly turned around and ran, his heart pounding.
“This isn’t good. Jin just told me he knows everything. I think he hired someone to follow me around,” Shige’s voice came from the other line. “He says he has seen your building.”
“Yeah. Mao already knows,” Pi said. “She must have overheard him if that’s the case.”
Shige could hear Pi running hurriedly on the other end and then was shouting for a taxi. “Where are you running off to?”
“Where do you think?”
“Ah.” Shige smiled.
Yamapiggy: *peeks* hello peeps! keke! sorry i wasn't able to put this up soon! i've almost finished meeeh... computer's still a bit T___T so it might be a while ne. hope you like this! and thanks again y'all! ^____^ represent! will reply to comments later! ^^
ahhh the suspense is killing me!!! not pressuring u though ... i'll wait patiently for the next chapter :) thank u for such a wonderful story ...
hey evi, thanks for the comment ne! hope you like the latest! ^___^
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