Chapter 15
Mao sat on the floor in front of the coffee table. P-chan and Stitch were both in front of her. She frowned down at both dolls.
Why did Pi have to do that?! Why?! As if she wasn’t confused and tortured enough. Somehow she had been able to endure the frustration and inner turmoil before but now that Pi…
‘I’m in love with you.’ It sent another tingle up her spine. He shouldn’t have told her. Shouldn’t have… If he didn’t acknowledge it, she would be able to treat this thing between them as something she just thought up on her own. Something that could not possibly be real and happening. But he just wouldn’t let her.
She had somehow braced herself for some questions Shun might be interested to know. Pi had been acting strange. She knew everyone probably noticed. But what’s stranger was that Shun was acting oblivious about it. He looked and acted so normal that whole night. Or had she just been paranoid? Uwaah-gah! This isn’t healthy anymore.
Massu’s laughter broke into her thoughts. She glanced at him sitting on the couch watching drama re-runs again.
“Homygod, those costumes are lame,” he cackled.
Mao’s eyes absent-mindedly went to the television. He was watching a drama about a blue swindler. Or whatever his color is.
“Whoa! That actor kinda resembles Koyama huh?” he then commented as he ate his instant noodles.
“Who do you think will win in a fight between P-chan and Stitch?” she suddenly blurted out; her eyes back on the dolls. And in her mind an image of Shun in a Stitch outfit and Pi in a P-chan costume were squaring off. (Kinda like those old Ultraman shows when he’s fighting a giant monster.) Kei-chan came into the room at that moment.
“Stitch does have a ray gun and six legs,” Massu said, thoughtfully.
In Mao’s mind popped up an image of Stitch Shun raising a ray gun at Pi, his face all gung-ho.
Massu caught Kei-chan’s eyes who gave him a look. He got the message. “But P-chan can easily defeat him. He has that move… the… um.. Buta Death Roll.”
“Whut?” Mao and Kei-chan both frowned at him.
An image of P-chan Pi plopping down on the ground, rolling over to Stitch Shun making the whole ground shake.
“I’m kinda getting hungry. I want a corn dog now,” Massu said distractedly. All this talk about Buta Rolls…
“I think what’s more important is who do you think will win or want to win?” Kei-chan pointed out.
Mao groaned inwardly. That was it. If she just knew the answer. Ugh. ‘I’m in love with you.’ It’s as if it’s on repeat in her head.
“Look, Kei-chan! You look like him,” she then said, pointing to the television screen wanting to change the topic. Massu nodded vigorously as Kei-chan scoffed.
“I look so much better.”
Mao chuckled as her attention turned back to the dolls. Massu was insisting they should get food. They decided to order pizza then.
“Mao, do you want pizza?” Kei-chan asked as he picked up the phone.
“Yeah, I want Pi,” she said, distractedly.
“What did you just say?”
Mao’s head snapped up. Uh-oh. Massu was smiling, a twinkle in his eye.
“…Zza…,” she finished.
“No, you said you want Pi,” Kei-chan said slowly.
“Heh? I said I want pi… zza,” she defended. “The ‘zza’ just came out slower.”
“No, I think you said what you were really thinking and-,” Kei-chan started as Massu nodded his head vigorously in agreement.
“Kei-chan, it’s you again on the screen!” she exclaimed exaggeratedly, pointing.
“I’m better-looking!” Good thing they distract easily.
Kei-chan opened the door to a sour-looking Pi. He was holding a box of pizza.
“Mao, your Pi…,” Kei-chan started. “’Zza’ is here.”
Mao ignored him and stood up.
“You skip work and then have me deliver your pizza?” Pi said, narrowing his eyes at Massu, who just grinned innocently.
Mao and Pi’s eyes met as Kei-chan took the pizza from him. After his confession, he hadn’t done anything about it again. But occasionally they’d be locking eyes and she could see he wasn’t going to let her forget about it. And she had no idea what he would be doing next. He was right. Things have changed whether she likes it or not. It was inevitable.
“Hey Mao, let’s double date,” Pi then said as he stepped into the room.
The smell of pizza wafted out as Massu opened the box on the table, frowning at what Pi said. Kei-chan regarded them thoughtfully.
Double date? Like she’ll be going out with both Shun and him? Okay, that sounded stupid. Somebody kick her in the head, please.
“You and Oguri. Me and my date,” he explained, grinning. “Oguri came by the shop with some friends. We had a small talk and I just realized it would be fun.”
Is this the same person who just confessed he was in love with her? Okay… focus.
“I suggested it to Oguri. He seemed pretty excited about it.”
Shun? Really? Wait, is this really happening?
“Okay…,” she said, finally able to speak.
Pi cheered and then said goodbye to go back to work, taking a slice of pizza with him, winking at Massu and Kei-chan. Mao felt quite lost. A double date with Pi. Pi with another girl. Another girl that’s not her. Why is the image so wrong? Okay, a kick on her head right now would be just great.
What is he thinking now?
Mao nervously smoothened her dress as she and Shun got off the car and walked into the hotel lobby. They were going to try out the buffet at the Japanese restaurant people have been raving about.
Shun had looked at her appreciatively when he came to pick her up. She had spent hours getting ready; not remembering ever to be this nervous. Somehow she felt like she had been trying to look her prettiest for Pi. A thought she squashed as Shun took her hand. As she wondered where Pi is now, they headed for the elevators. Pi’s voice then called out from behind them.
They turned around. Pi never really told her who his date would be. And the curiosity had been eating away at her. She felt her mouth drop open at the sight of the girl at his side. Leah Dizon. Seriously? Not noticing the slight change in Shun’s stance as his hands clasped her hand more tightly.
They watched as Pi and Leah walked towards them. Two perfect looking people. She swears all that was missing was the wind in their hair. She could feel Pi’s eyes on her and she met his gaze hoping it was a steady unaffected one.
Awkward laughter came out of Mao’s lips as she wiped her mouth gently with the napkin. It had been that way all night. How can she even pretend to have fun with Leah? And for this, her irritation at Pi got worser as the night wore on.
Pi took a sip of water and observed Mao over the rim of his glass. He knew she was not particularly happy with him right now and with the situation he had placed her in. He wasn’t happy with himself actually. He was still shuddering at the thought he was on a date with Leah. desperate times call for desperate measures. And he wanted Mao to realize it was him she wanted to be with. It was him she should be with… He knew dating Leah would definitely provoke her. And he could see it, no matter how hard she tries to hide it.
Mao felt Shun touch her arm lightly, offering some food. He had been extra attentive to her that night, as if he wasn’t going to let Pi outdo him, who had been equally attentive with Leah. Mao glanced at them bitterly.
Lightning suddenly flashed outside and it started to rain. It had been pretty windy earlier; anticipating this downpour. Heavy droplets splattered onto the windows as other guests looked out worriedly. It looked like it wasn’t going to be stopping soon.
“I’m guessing we might have to spend the night here,” Shun then observed as he turned to Mao.
She then caught Pi’s eyes sitting across her. He didn’t look too happy with that.
Mao absent-mindedly got off the elevator and started across the hall. She had come back from the restaurant, having forgotten her clutch bag in her preoccupied state. They had gotten rooms for the night. One for each couple. So Leah and Pi in one room huh? That doesn’t bother her at all.
“1723,” she muttered under her breath, searching for their room. Her eyes caught the room number on a door and she froze.
What was she doing on the 15th floor?! She screamed in her head. Leah and Pi had their room on the 15h floor. She was definitely insane. A door pulled open and she heard Pi’s voice. Panicking, she whipped around and quickly ran off. She won’t reach the elevators in time. She then dodged around the corner containing a couch set and some big potted plants. Maybe she could hide behind the plants. Yeah.
She ducked towards it, hoping the leaves would cover her. She had her back turned, pretending to examine the leaves in fascination, hoping against hope that Pi won’t be turning his eyes here.
“What are you doing?”
Ah. Crap. She slowly turned around. Pi was giving her a weird look. She gave a small awkward wave and grinned. They watched as a guest who got off the elevator walked past them.
“Where are you going?” she then grabbed the chance after that pause.
“To try to get another room. I told Leah we shouldn’t be doing this on the first date,” he grimaced. “Or ever.”
Mao wanted to bang her head on the wall at the way her heart soared at that.
“Really? And she let you go?”
“I’m going whether she likes it or not. She’s like an anaconda. Might eat me in the middle of the night,” Pi shuddered.
Mao scoffed. “You went out with her. I’m pretty sure you know how it will end.”
“I’m sure it’s pretty obvious you know why I did this,” Pi then retorted. “Isn’t that why you’re here? You don’t want to see me with another girl.”
Mao opened and closed her mouth, trying to think of something to shoot that remark down.
“Why are you here, Mao?”
“I-I got lost!”
“On the 15th floor??’
“That reminds me… Bye!” she started and then quickly turned on her heel.
“Do you love Shun?” he called to her.
Mao stopped in her tracks. Her heart raced. Answer, damnit.
“If you really love him… If you’re really in love with him… you wouldn’t be here right now,” Pi calmly told her back.
Mao then snapped to it and ran towards the elevator, unable to catch the one that was already closing.
She returned to her and Shun’s room, finding Shun sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard, watching TV. It looked like he had showered for the night, wearing the shirt they bought at the gift store.
Mao awkwardly climbed into bed beside him after freshening up. Shun turned his head to her and pulled her closer. Mao put her head on his shoulders as they watched TV. Her thoughts went back to what Pi had said. Does she love Shun? She does! She didn’t want to see him get hurt… She didn’t want to see him sad… but somehow the way she felt about him had changed…. How? He wasn’t Pi…
Shun looked down at her as she closed her eyes tight and buried her face in his neck. He frowned; his heart giving that nervous and restless lurch. The words were at the tip of his tongue why can’t he say them?
He had heard. Heard everything she and Pi had said. He really should stop the habit of accidentally listening in to their conversations. That damn elevator. He had went down to go find Mao since she had been gone for quite a while. Another guest had gotten on the elevator with him. And he got off the 15th floor. That’s when he heard Pi and Mao’s voices. He had held the elevator open, wide-eyed.
Pi was right. What was she doing on the 15th floor? Pi asked Mao if she loves him… her silence… it was deafening… it crushed him. Footsteps had sounded and he quickly pushed the ‘close’ button. He had gotten off the 14th floor and climbed the stairs back to their room. His mind a complete blank. And now with Mao beside him, he still can’t find it in him to confront her. Who knew he’d be such a coward?
He looked down at her again. Mao was watching the TV screen but her mind was somewhere else though, as she kept biting her lip. He started caressing her arm softly. He had an idea who was making her this confused, his eyes clouding.
He had purposely went to the pizza house Pi worked in, planning to talk to him. To tell him to just stay away from Mao. But when he was about to open that topic, Pi had suddenly suggested the double date. Dumbstruck for a few seconds, he had thought he had truly decided to give up on Mao. He was planning to move on. His heart had felt considerably lighter but still wary. There was nothing to worry about anymore… he had thought blindly.
How wrong he was. He knew the moment he saw Pi walk in with Leah. He hadn’t been planning on giving up. He was trying to make a point. Shun thought, his jaw tightening. If he had really wanted to move on, he wouldn’t have brought Leah. And he saw how Mao has been affected…
But she was here right now, isn’t she? By his side. She always comes back to him. That says a lot. That’s what matters. She had chosen him. Him.
Shun then gently lifted Mao’s chin up and slowly leaned forward. She was his. His and his only as their lips moved over each other’s. But Mao’s kiss… it felt like something was holding her back… coupled with that the thoughts that were making him restless came rushing…
His kisses then turned hungry, almost a desperation in them, as his arms encircled around her, locking her in a tight hold as he laid her down. It was as if through this kiss, he was trying to tell her to stay. To never go anywhere. To love him… to always choose him…
Mao’s heart pounded as Shun’s kisses felt more and more different. His hands running all over her body. His mouth almost devouring hers. Her eyes snapped open as she felt his hands go under her shirt and then she started to push him away…
Shun felt a hazy consciousness of hands pushing hard on his chest. Mao broke her lips away from his, still pushing and telling him to stop. Shun then snapped to it as he looked down at her, as if in a daze. Her eyes looking confused and something in them… it ate away at him…
“A-Are you okay?” Mao asked, gently touching his cheek.
Shun shook his head wordlessly then buried his face in the curve of her neck. No, he wasn’t okay.
“Do you want to move in with me?” he then asked impulsively. She really can’t spend anymore time with Pi.
Mao frowned at him and gave an awkward laugh. “What?”
“Move in with me,” he then said as he gazed down at her.
“I don’t think my aunt will let me live if I do that,” she joked, her heart pounding. Shun was really acting strange… Does he…
“Mao, I-,” he started. And then, “You’re probably right. I still have to impress the family.
He forced a grin and Mao gave another laugh as she flicked his forehead. Why can’t he just confront her? Tell her he didn’t want her to be around Pi anymore. But he just can’t do it… Why? Coz he was afraid of messing things up? He’s never went through something like this before. But there really was no reason to bring it all out right? She’s with him… Yes, she’s with him, repeating it to himself over and over again. Trying to block out the nagging feeling at the back of his mind. That it was really because he was afraid of Mao’s real answer…
Mao absent-mindedly sipped her glass of water. She was sitting by the glass windows of a coffeeshop, waiting for Shun, looking pre-occupied yet again. Her eyes fell on something on the window and the water sprayed out of her mouth. Other customers had looked at her.
Pi was outside the window. And he had his face pressed against the glass deliberately making an unattractive face. Mao tried hard not to smile or have any reaction as she wiped the water on the table. Some people were pointing, amused at Pi. Some were weirded out. She busied herself with the chocolate cake in front of her, slicing a huge piece and putting it in her mouth, adamant on not acknowledging Pi.
Pi pulled away from the window and waved exaggeratedly at her, grinning. She was refusing to look back at him. He tried again even knocking on the window, still nothing. He narrowed his eyes at her and scowled.
Please don’t come in here, she thought repeatedly when Pi was gone from the window, knowing it will be in vain. And sure enough, his familiar footsteps came nearer and he plopped down on the seat in front of her.
“Oooh, chocolate cake!” he exclaimed, eyes shining. He motioned to the waiter and ordered one for himself too. Mao quietly picked at her cake; Pi’s presence wreaking havoc inside her. How did he find her?
“I can’t believe I’d bump into you here,” Pi then proceeded to say. “I met up with Shige nearby and then I saw you by the window.”
It was true. He did meet up with Shige owing to the fact a tiny problem had arisen. They had met up at this burger place he had been meaning to try out.
“Wow, I had disappeared for a while eh?” Shige said as they sat down.
Pi looked at him, frowning. “Heh?”
“I thought I wouldn’t come out again,” Shige continued. “Whew! That’s the downside when you have an almost non-existent role.”
“How come even in made-up stories I get the least attention?” he then continued, deep in thought.
“Uh…,” Pi said. What was he talking about? “Anyway… Is Jin still bugging you?”
“Now more than ever,” Shige replied, as he bit into his burger remembering his frustration at Pi’s friend again.
He had never really liked Jin and now even less, which he didn’t think could be possible. Jin had been pestering him for information ever since Pi had shown his face to him. If only he had kept a low profile… He’s so far been able to ward off Jin, but for how long he didn’t know.
“I don’t know how long I can keep this up. He might do something about it soon.”
Pi nodded seriously. “Just hold him off for a while longer.”
“When are you coming back? And when are you going to tell Mao?” Shige asked carefully.
Pi took a huge bite out of his burger and chewed.
“I’m not sure. All I care about right now is Mao gets to understand my feelings and she gets to realize hers…”
Shige looked at Pi, feeling a bit sympathetic. He knew what had been going on recently. And he also wished Mao would soon make the both of them happy…
“Me being rich is beside the point. It doesn’t really matter.”
“But it does carry some weight. Technically, you’ve been lying to her from the start.”
Pi waved that away. “She got to know who I really am. It doesn’t change anything between us. Being rich is not a part of me really. It’s just a small pesky detail.”
“But to her-“
“I’m not really worried. You see, we’re pork and beans,” Pi said and then chuckled at that last sentence as Shige shook his head and then smiled despite himself.
Pi watched as Mao was still pretending he didn’t exist. The waiter put the chocolate cake in front of him and he picked up his fork.
“S-Shun’s coming here soon,” she then finally said something. She wanted him to leave.
Pi frowned at her. “I still have chocolate cake.”
Mao glared at him.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he then said, becoming serious.
And he really hates that. He was coming home one time and Mao had turned the corner. She had jumped when she saw him. His ears perked up and he smiled at her. She then ignored him and hurriedly walked past him, head bent low. He looked taken aback and turned around just in time to see Mao bump hard into a post in her hurry. She stood there wincing as she rubbed her head. Pi started for her. Her head snapped to him and then she quickly ran ahead, looking like an anime character, legs like motor, as he stared at her in awe.
“I’m not. You must be imagining things,” she mumbled lamely as she shoved cake into her mouth.
Yeah right. When Takki had called him to participate in a shoot, he had accepted, using it as an excuse to go find Mao at work. He had arrived earlier than was scheduled and was lucky enough to find her walking towards him, her thoughts far away.
“Am I on your mind?” he then teased as he stopped in front of her.
Mao was startled and looked up. Pi. He didn’t know just how true that is. She scowled at him and started walking. Pi fell into step beside her.
“Are you going to be in the shoot?” he asked, grinning at her.
“Since you’ll be there, I won’t be.”
He growled at her. Then suggested they should have lunch together. They passed by an on-going shoot and he doubled back, before Mao could answer him. Mao looked around, feeling Pi was gone from her side. She saw him enter the room. Frowning, she followed him inside.
Before it could dawn on her, Pi had stopped beside the photographer, whirled him around and punched him in the face. The models screamed and the others could just stare. Mao’s mouth dropped in shock. And then recovering, she pulled him out, saying they should have lunch NOW, before Toma could recover from his own shock. Toma watched, disoriented, as Mao pulled on a really sullen Pi.
Mao pulled him outside quickly. The farther, the better, she thought as she dragged a reluctant Pi. She heaved a sigh of relief when they were at a safe corner.
“Are you crazy?!” she then turned to him. Though she already knew he had the tendency to be.
“He hurt you,” he simply said.
Mao’s angry tirade got lost in her throat. Frankly, when she saw Pi take a swing at Toma, she had felt grateful It was something she had forever wanted to do but just can’t seem to.
She then allowed a smile on her lips. “I admit. It felt quite good seeing that.”
“We can go back. I can hold him down while you stomp on him,” he said, almost serious.
She chuckled. That really was tempting… and then recovered.
“But I don’t want you getting into trouble so don’t ever do that again!” she chided. “Well, not in the workplace. But outside, it’s okay then.”
“Aawww… Mao-tart still cares about me,” he then said, peeking at her, grinning.
A closed expression had appeared on her face. Shouldn’t have said that.
“How about that lunch?” he then changed the topic.
“Whut that?” Mao suddenly said, pointing at his back.
He turned his head back and then realizing his mistake, his head snapped back to Mao. She was gone. What the pudding made him fall for that? He thought frustrated.
He pulled himself out of his reverie to the present. Mao was shoving another mouthful of cake.
“Can you not be so awkward?” he then requested.
Mao avoided his eyes. How can she not be awkward? He had confessed to her, for pudding’s sakes! No matter how much she wanted to let it go… She can’t… She won’t You shouldn’t have said it!
“It’s because of my confession,” he said. It wasn’t a question.
Duh! Glad you’re not an idiot not to come to that conclusion.
“Of course, I’m not an idiot,” Pi retorted.
Wait a minute. How come he knows what I’m thinking?
“Coz it’s written all over your face,” he answered.
Mao’s eyes snapped to him and she narrowed them. She reached for her glass of water only to find it was empty. She called to the waiter who passed by for more water and smiled. The waiter gave her a look before nodding and going Pi also stared at her for a moment. She felt a bit weirded out at that. She looked back at him and then he started wolfing down his chocolate cake. The same waiter came back with her water.
Pi’s head snapped up to him. “Can I have some water as well?” he asked, grinning widely at him.
Mao covered her mouth to stifle a laugh as Pi’s teeth were covered with chocolate, still smiling at the waiter. The waiter stared and then awkwardly went to get some. Pi turned his eyes to her. She was trying not to laugh and then she realized…
“I have chocolate in my teeth too, don’t I?” she said dejectedly.
Pi grinned his chocolatey grin more widely. She paused and then they both burst into laughter. Laughing like idiots, chocolate in their teeth.
“I miss your laugh,” he then said, his eyes softening at her.
Mao stopped. Their gazes locked. Pi smiled again, chocolate everywhere. Mao snorted and they laughed some more. Every time she tells herself that whatever is between them could only lead to nowhere… he somehow does something to convince her otherwise…
Shun walked closer to Mao’s table, feeling a bit sick at what he was seeing. Mao and Pi immediately stopped laughing and pointing at each other.
“S-Shun!” She almost forgot he was coming…
Pi wiped his mouth with the napkin and told them he needed to go anyway. He gave a small wave at Mao and then as he stood up, gave a nod to Shun. Shun didn’t look too happy. He walked towards the cashier to settle the bill, glancing back at the table. Mao was talking animatedly while Shun was quiet and seemed a bit distracted. His eyes settled on Mao who was grinning and seemed to be trying to cajole Shun, noticing his mood.
What he would give… he was willing to wait… no matter how long… for that chocolatey grin to be directed only at him..
Mao dragged her steps towards their building, feeling distracted and out of it. She had just come back from the movies with Shun, somehow feeling a bit guilty at how she was glad that he didn’t have to give her a ride home. He had received a call for an important meeting and she insisted she can go home alone. Grabbing this opportunity, she just wanted to be alone. To take some time to think to clear her mind…
Trying to ignore the fact that the reason she was feeling a bit down was because Pi had been gone for three straight days with his previous reason of he just had something to attend to. She kicked at a stone, frustrated. She had Shun by her side! She shouldn’t be thinking of any other guy! But it was getting harder and harder… Shun was lovely to be with… but for some reason, he was becoming more and more of a friend… It wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with Shun… But her mind would always drift off to-
She shook her head. Why can’t she just make up her mind? But whoever she chooses she’s bound to hurt someone… and that sucks. (Understatement of the year, she rolled her eyes at herself.)
She was surprised to see Sho sitting on the bench at the entrance, playing his Nintendo DS. That’s a sight to see, she thought amused. He looked like a big kid.
“Hey Sho! Haven’t seen you in a while,” she greeted as she walked towards him.
Sho looked up. “You seem to have a lot on your mind right now. So it’s time for me to magically appear out of nowhere and help you out on some things, which in turn will help trigger a chain of events for more dramatic purposes.”
Mao paused in the act of sitting down, staring at him, confusion on her face. “Ooookay…”
For someone who didn’t talk much in the beginning, he sure had a lot to say now. Though they don’t make sense. She settled in her seat.
“You’re looking kind of stressed lately,” Sho stated, as he put his DS down. “What’s on your mind?”
“I always look like this,” she joked.
Mao narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’re missing Yamashita,” he then said, matter-of-factly. “And your relationship with Oguri is burning you out because of him.”
Mao’s head snapped to him as her eyes widened.
“W-What are you talking about?”
“If you love Oguri, being with him shouldn’t be this hard for you,” Sho said seriously.
Mao looked at him. Startled at how he was able to see right through her right now.
“You know very well who your heart wants,” he continued. “Why won’t you give it a chance?”
Mao’s mind had gone blank. “I’I’ve never seen this humorous side of you. He-he-he,” was all she could say.
“I’m saying all these cheesy lines. The least you could do is admit it already.”
Mao opened her mouth to speak. Sho took a deep breath and plunged on.
“You’re in love with him. Just admit it. You want to run to him but the thought of losing him maybe in the future is stopping you from doing that. That’s just stupid. (Though you probably know that and is soon going to choose Yamashita but I’m just giving you this little push.) I don’t think Yamashita will allow that to happen anyway. I know you don’t want to hurt Shun. That’s to be expected. But you’re hurting him more. Being with him but always thinking of someone else. You’d be surprised to see what will happen if you just tell him how you really feel.”
Mao stared at him, mouth hanging open. Sho reached out and pushed her chin up to close it.
“H-How… Y-You..”
“I just know,” he shrugged since there was no one else to say it for him this time.
“So you’re like the Sho-racle?” her lips twitched.
Sho stared at her and then said, “You two really belong together.”
He picked his DS back up and started playing. “Do something about it before it’s too late,” he then said, concentrating on his game.
Mao bit her lip, deep in thought.
Mao was still deep in thought, her brow furrowed as she stepped onto their floor. She had left Sho with his DS. Seems like he’s finished imparting his wisdom to her. All hail the Sho-racle. Whut?
“You’re going to get uglier and uglier if you don’t stop stressing,” she heard Ryo say.
She looked up and saw him leaning on his door with his usual smug smirk.
“I really should stop hanging around ugly people like you then,” she shot back.
She struggled to get away as Ryo had her in a headlock. He chuckled as he let her go while her eyes shot daggers at him. He then pulled her towards the next flight of stairs and they sat down.
“It’s been a while since we’ve done this eh?” he then said.
“Yeah. It is… Awww… you missed me.”
Ryo rolled his eyes and scoffed. “So have you talked to Sakurai?”
“Wait a minute-“
“I have said we should just bang you and Pi’s head together.”
Mao opened and closed her mouth.
“Do you really expect no one will ever notice?” Ryo asked, shaking his head.
“We really don’t want to see you like this,” he then continued, flicking Mao on her forehead. “Didn’t I tell you to be careful?”
Mao rubbed her forehead, pouting, eyes softening at him.
“Now I want you to be happy,” he then said as he took out Pi’s iPod video from his pocket and handed it to Mao.
Mao took it not understanding as she looked at him questioningly.
“Koyama found it in his room. Pi must have left it accidentally. Let’s just say, he had seen Pi watching something on it looking quite giddy. We thought maybe you should know the reason.”
Mao frowned down at the iPod and then looked back to Ryo.
“Thank you,” she said, smiling.
Ryo patted her on the head and leaned forward, as if to kiss her on it. But then suddenly ruffled her hair instead as they sat there grinning at each other.
“If you still don’t get it, I’m going to sic Tego on you,” he warned sternly making Mao laugh.
Ryo sat there as he watched Mao close the door to her room. He ruffled his won hair and then smiled a genuine smile as he looked to her door.
Mao put on the earphones as she sat down on the couch. Ryo had told her to watch the one named “Video”. Sounds sketchy. Is he pulling her leg? This could be porn! She gasped in her head, her nervousness making her think up ridiculous thoughts again. She pushed play.
And was startled to see her own face appear on the screen. It was the time Massu had been playing around with Pi’s video camera. He had pointed it at her and then started pinching her cheek with his right hand.
“Aigoo~ so meaty,” Massu teased, as she narrowed his eyes at him.
“Why are you aigoo-ing too?” Pi huffed in the background.
“Look! Mao’s face is filling up the whole screen. I’m gonna be crushed! Aaah!” Massu continued, laughing.
Massu’s wounded cries came as she had reached out for his cheeks and was pinching him hard, looking into the camera.
“Who’s the Meat Bun? Huh? Huh?”
“You are!” he shouted and then, “Ow! OW!”
“I’m not letting go!” she said laughing.
“It’s me! It’s me!” Massu howled as she stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her eyes.
The video jumped to a different scene of her on her couch. The camera focused on her. She was wiping away tears and blowing her nose.
“Can you tell our viewers why you are crying?” Pi’s voice called.
“Get that away!”
“We’ve just finished watching a documentary on cruel seal killing,” Pi somberly said when he directed the camera at himself.
The camera turned back to her. “It’s just insane! They were so helpless and innocent. It’s inhuman!”
She blew on her nose again. And reached for more tissue.
“You still have snot coming out.”
“Oh, thanks,” she said, reaching up to wipe it and then stopped.
“Oof!” Pi. She had kicked him.
“Stop filming! Why do you even want to capture this moment? Is my nose red?”
“I just think it’s endearing,” Pi explained from behind the camera.
She blew her nose loudly.
“Not that though.”
Next scene. She was sound asleep on the couch as stifled giggles could be heard in the background. Massu and Kei-chan waved to the camera. They then focused the camera on her face. Mouth slightly open and then she let out a light snore. Not a pretty sight. The camera wobbled as she heard stifled laughter.
“The Mao in its natural habitat,” Kei-chan announced in a whisper.
Stifled laughter again. Another light snore. Her unfocused eyes then opened. She looked straight at the camera. Massu and Kei-chan seemed to be holding their breaths. And then-
“What are you doing?!” she yelled, reaching for a cushion ready to smack the two.
“You looked so cute sleeping!” Kei-chan tried to reason.
The next scene was of Pi and her. She remembered it was supposed to be their rap video. She was in her star beanie and a printed jacket three times her size. Pi was wearing a baseball cap and a printed jacket as well. They had lots of bling-bling. She then started rapping while Pi attempted at beatboxing which mostly consisted of ‘Pffft’.
“I’m the Maoster and I like peanut butter. Uh. Uh.”
Pffft. “Fo sho, Fo sho.”
“Pi-ter pan, my main man. Hey Say Jump’s biggest fan.”
Pffft. “Freaky freaky fresh.”
“We be fly, fly. Now give me that pie.”
Pffft. “Schizzle, yo yo!”
“M to the A to the O. Mao-Mao! P to the I to the N-U-T. Nut-Nut!”
Pffft. ”Holler ya’ll.”
“Represent!” they both yelled. “Like whoa!”
“I really wanna slap you guys right now,” Ryo calmly said from behind the camera.
“Word!” they both yelled again, crossing their arms, still in character.
“Like serious bodily harm.”
“Whut? This be the schiznit!” she said.
“Once again!” Pi and her yelled, intending to start rapping again.
“I’m going,” Ryo said.
“Wait! We were just kidding!” she held him down while Pi laughed out loud beside her.
Mao couldn’t stop laughing as she watched Ryo and herself continue to bicker in the video. What craziness. But then her eyes went to Pi and her laughter faded away. He had stopped laughing and was now looking at her with a small smile on his lips. Just looking at her contentedly as she continued to talk to Ryo animatedly. She turned to face him in the video, suggesting ideas for more videos as Pi chuckled and just looked at her.
Her heart thumped wildly. Almost as if it was going to jump out. These clips… the way Pi was looking at her… It made her breathless… What was she hesitating for? She wanted those eyes to always, always be looking at her didn’t she? Ever since… His eyes… That look had always been reserved for her…
Before it’s too late… Sho’s words came back to her. She thought of the double date with Pi and Leah again… She doesn’t want to lose him to anyone… She can’t…
“And there she goes,” Ryo said as Mao zoomed past them and rounded the corner. He and Sho were both playing Nintendo DS.
“I knew the video would do it.”
“I bet that ‘before it’s too late’ speech had something to do with it too,” Sho said. “Works everytime.”
“Who do you think she’s running to?”
“If you know almost everything that’s happening or going to happen, why don’t you just tell them? Lay it all out?” Ryo asked.
“That wouldn’t be fun now, would it?” Sho smiled. “It’s better if they figure it out for themselves.”
Ryo nodded solemnly at that.
“Besides, we’ve still got a couple of chapters to go.”
Their attention went back to their DS.
And then something came back to Ryo,” Did she just run out in her house slippers?”
“Yeah,” Sho nodded.
Ryo smirked and then shook his head.
Yamapiggy: aneyong! ^^ i'm glad to be able to post this one chapter. i have other chapters but unfortunately my computer is holding out on me. T___T i can't type them all up. i wish i can put them up soon.
hope you guys like this! ^^ thank you so much for the wonderful comments ne! ^^ Go Big Bang!!!! <--random hehehe!
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