Chapter 19: Mao-Tarta y Pi-Tuerca
Translation: Mao-Tart and Pi-Nut
“Mr. Matsumoto Jun. Your band mates are waiting for you at Gate 27,” the announcer announced. (Uh…)
Mao stifled a yawn as she placed her head on Pi’s shoulder. Pi leaned against her, closing his eyes. Massu watched as the bubble he was blowing grew bigger and bigger. Tego was throwing paper balls at Pi bitterly (whose face was starting to twitch) while Ryo slept on, his cap over his face, as Kei-chan softly sang along to the song he was listening to, which sounded suspiciously like Big Bang’s Haru Haru. (Curse you, Mao!)
They were in the airport waiting for their flight. To where? Hawaii. Pi was the one who covered all the expenses. Why? Just cause.
Mao had been eating pudding on the couch watching TV when Pi suddenly jumped in front of her. His hands were hidden behind his back.
“Get away. He’s finally remembering her in the cabin. After having amnesia that is slightly excessive yet manages to come off really sweet.”
Pi rolled his eyes at her. “What could be more important than this?” And then he produced a pineapple in his hands, grinning widely at her.
“Did you just pull that out of your butt?”
Pi’s eye twitched. You love her Pi. Remember, you love her, he reminded himself. He scowled at her as laughter filled her eyes. He placed the pineapple in her hands.
“Guess where we’re going,” he said as he plopped down beside her.
Mao frowned at the pineapple in her hands. “Ah-ha! We’re going to go for an underwater adventure to find Pedro living in his pineapple under the sea!”
Blank stare.
“At least give me credit for being creative.”
“You almost got it though,” Pi said sarcastically. “Come on, just guess.”
“I’m missing the proposal,” Mao whined as Pi growled.
His eyes then darted back and forth from her and the poster by her window. Mao looked confused. Pi should get his eyes checked. Pi widened his eyes and they significantly were telling her to look behind her. Mao frowning, slowly turned her head.
She slowly turned back to Pi, a blank expression on her face and then Pi was almost blown away by her shrieking. She hugged him tight, chattering excitedly, unable to believe it and then-
“Wait a minute, I don’t have enough money for the trip.”
“Duh! Of course I’ll be paying for it. And no, I don’t want you repaying me.”
“Okay!” Mao said, grinning.
Pi narrowed his eyes at her. “Wow, you didn’t even hesitate.”
“You don’t want me to. I’m not going to make things hard for you,” she shrugged slyly. Of course she’ll find a way to pay him back. Although this means slaving away for the most part of her life.
"But maybe Korea would have been better ne? I want to go see Big Bang!"
Pi glared at her and pinched both her cheeks. She automatically pinched him back.
“Retards,” Ryo had muttered when he walked in on them trying to outpinch each other again, growling.
Pop! Massu’s bubble went. He started to clean it off. ‘Last Farewell’ then started ringing. Mao checked her message.
“Have a safe flight.” Shun.
“Who that?” Pi asked, peering in as Mao started to type her reply.
She and Shun were off to a new start. And she was glad that it was he who had made the first move. Kei-chan had come into her room that time while she and Pi were hunched over the dining table arguing about something while Pi was holding a permanent marker.
“Mail for you, Mao-Mao,” he said, handing her a large envelope. He stared down at the table and saw the ‘I Belong With Tego’ shirt.
“Open it for me, Kei-chan,” Mao said. She was a bit busy with stopping Pi from ruining the shirt with the permanent marker. Pi growled at her.
Kei-chan shrugged, opened it and peeked in, saying it contained a couple of photos. And then thought it funny to imitate a reality TV show.
“I hold in my hand two photos but only one. can. become. the. next. top. model,” Kei-chan said in a mystical voice.
Mao stared at him. Pi took the advantage of that distraction, scribbled something and then grinned smugly.
Kei-chan looked dramatically at the two of them as they waited there with bated breaths.
“Congratulations, Pi!” he then announced, presenting him a photo from the envelope.
“I’m a Covergirl!” Pi gushed. “Or in this case, boy.”
Mao pouted at Kei-chan. “How come it’s not me?”
“Choosing Pi is more realistic,” Kei-chan said.
Mao hit Kei-chan on the arm as he chuckled. Pi looked down at the photo in his hand.
“Hey, it’s us!”
They crowded beside him and looked down at it. It was a picture of them that time at the beach taken from behind them. Shun. In the photo, she and Pi were pinching each other’s cheeks. Massu had clumps of sand boobies on his chest while Tego was laughing and pointing as Kei-chan took pictures. Ryo, as usual, was looking at them like they were crazy.
They took out the other photo. This time they were all watching the sunset. The way Shun had captured it made them speechless. A little note came with the photos.
“I don’t like pork and beans but I can live with it.”
Mao smiled down at the note in her hand. Pi put his arm over her shoulders and kissed her temple. Kei-chan’s eyes then fell on the shirt on the table. He had found out what Pi had been trying to do.
“Don’t let Tego see that.”
“See what?” Tego asked from behind as Massu and Ryo filed into the room. He then pointed an accusing finger at Pi. “What are you doing back?”
“I still have my room,” Pi said, sticking his tongue out at him. Who says he can’t come back from time to time?
Tego’s eyes fell on the table. “What did you do?! You ruined it!”
Mao looked around and then shook her head, exasperated as Pi proudly held up the shirt. He had crossed out (I mean, really crossed out) Tego’s name with the marker and written in his name. She had tried to stop him but… Tego tried to take it away from him, glaring as Pi jumped back. The others looked back at the photos again, ignoring the two in the background.
The photos were now hanging in her room.
Shun’s phone beeped.
“Thank you,” came Mao’s reply. Including a ‘From Mrs. Yamashita’ typed in.
“Ignore the last part,” came another message.
“Don’t ignore it.” Mrs. Yamashita.
Shun could only chuckle at the messages. He then looked up as the men were starting to set-up the place. He will be holding his photo exhibit soon. The assistant he had hired came up to him to discuss some minor final details.
“How come these two are named ‘Pork & Beans’ though?” he pointed at the photos of Mao and the others.
“I just like the randomness,” he shrugged and grinned. “Don’t you?”
“Give me that!” Mao yelled as she pried her phone away from Pi’s hands. “Stop typing in, Mrs. Yamashita!”
“Whut? You will be eventually. Why not get used to it?” he teased.
Mao made a face at him. “We don’t know that.”
“Whut? My mom likes you,” Pi pouted.
And it still surprised her. She had been pretty nervous about meeting her (maybe because of the way Kei-chan had portrayed her in his alternate universe) and she had held on to Ryo as Pi tried to pull her when they were off to lunch to meet her.
“No! No! I change my mind! We’ll do it next time,” she cried, not letting go of Ryo. He tried to pry her off.
“Let go!” Pi and Ryo yelled at her.
But it wasn’t so bad. His mom was so… normal. Really nice and warm. She had chuckled as Pi relayed to her the scene she had made earlier (earning a death glare from Mao.)
“Don’t worry. Pi doesn’t have any fiancées in his closet. I don’t like that kind of business,” she had winked at her making her relax a bit.
Mao stuck her tongue out at him and pinched his nose, grinning despite herself. Pop! came Massu’s bubble again. Pi checked his watch and glanced furtively at the others. He nudged Mao and whispered something into her ear, making her eyes widen. They gave each other a look and then-
“See you guys later!” Pi then called as he grabbed Mao’s hand and they sprinted off.
“Whu-?” Ryo mumbled as he straightened up, startled awake by Pi’s voice. Kei-chan seemed not to notice as he was still into the song. Massu and Tego could only stare at them.
“Sorry, we’re travelling first class! We’ll be going to the VIP lounge for some food!” Pi called back as they continued to walk quickly.
“Yeah, coz I’m VIP! Get it? A Big Bang fan. You know, they call them VI-,” Mao explained to them as Pi stopped and tried to cover her face.
“You’re embarrassing me,” he said as Mao growled at him.
They had stopped a few distances away and started to bicker. Ryo had pulled Koyama up to watch the two. They looked at them shaking their heads.
“Let’s just go,” Pi then interrupted and grabbed her hand. Mao glared at him, but despite herself broke into a smile as she and Pi started to run hand-in-hand. The others even looked on at them wistfully…
And then she tripped and almost fell flat on her face if she hadn’t crashed into Pi. (Pwahahaha!) She swears she could hear Ryo and the others guffaw. It was supposed to look really romantic but hey, she’s just the way she is.
She saw the corner of Pi’s lips twitch. She narrowed her eyes darkly at him. He covered his mouth trying to suppress the laughter that was threatening to come out. Mao could see mirth filling his eyes.
“Don’t laugh,” she warned.
Pi’s shoulders started to shake.
“I said, don’t laugh!” she said as she tried to cover his mouth.
He couldn’t hold it in any longer and laughed out loud, holding his stomach. Mao growled and attempted to bite his shoulder. Pi moved away as she followed him, still trying to give him a bite, trying to make him stop. People were watching them, amused.
“Hentai!” he cried as Mao’s teeth connected with his shoulder. She pinched him and he yelped. Though in the end, she was laughing at herself too. Whatever happens, she was glad that Pi is always there to catch her... Even if she makes a fool of herself. Although he’d be laughing all the way too, but that’s just the way she likes it.
Pi pouted at her with a wounded expression and then smiled as she laughed, looking up at him lovingly. His eyes went to her lips.
“Whut that?” he pointed at them.
Her eyes automatically followed his finger and then his lips met hers, lingering there for a while. They broke apart slowly.
“What did you do that for?” Mao said, pushing him and then glancing around, a little embarrassed. People were looking.
“Whut? I wanted to make everyone jealous,” he grinned goofily at her.
Mao’s eyes softened at him as he stroked her hair. And then she frantically whipped her head left and right.
“What if your fangirls are crawling around here? My life could be in danger!” she cried.
“Whut?” Pi frowned down at her, a bit confused.
Mao shrugged. “I dunno. You just look like someone that has a lot of fangirls.”
“Shouldn’t I be the one who’s worrying about your fanboys? Even in this story they’re all around!”
Mao stared blankly up at him. “I don’t get what you’re saying.”
Pi proceeded into an agitated tirade about how most of the guys in the story (What story?) likes her. Mao could only gape up at him as he continued. She then grabbed his collar and kissed him this time. Pi blinked down at her.
“I just wanted to shut you up,” Mao said sweetly as Pi beamed down at her.
They didn’t even bother turning around. They watched as Pi and Mao turned to go again. Massu’s stomach growled.
“Let’s go get some food,” Kei-chan said and they stepped over Tego to go.
“Wait! We can’t leave Tego like this!” Massu claimed.
“Sure we can.” Ryo.
Massu shook his head at Ryo. He then took out a pen and a post-it (Yes, he keeps random post-its in his pocket.) and scribbled a message for Tego. ‘Went to get food. Would you like something?’. He then stuck it to Tego’s forehead. The three of them stared down at his work.
“Okay, now we can go.”
“Give me a piggyback ride,” Mao suddenly said.
They were now walking (Mao suggested not to do the running dramatically in the airport thing anymore.) towards the VIP lounge hand-in-hand.
“Whut? No way!” Pi said.
“Why not?” Mao pouted. “We haven’t done it. And the VIP lounge is so far!”
“That’s so overdone! We have to be different!” Pi said. “So you carry me then,” he finished.
“You’re the Buta, okay?” Mao rolled her eyes at him.
Pi stuck his tongue out at her and ignored her. She then attempted to jump on his back.
“Get off me! I don’t want to!” he protested. And then went to her back. She should carry him instead. Mao pushed him and then jumped on him again as they continued to bicker.
“Hello? That’s why it’s called a piggyback ride. Ride on the piggy's back,” she said, pointing at him.
Pi growled at her. “Give me a kiss first.”
“Heh? We’ve already kissed twice in this epilogue.”
“So what?”
“Whut?” Blank stare.
“Coz we’re supposed to be going to a dream sequence right now,” Mao explained, frowning in confusion a bit.
“What are you talking about?”
“I really don’t know…”
“Shut me up now,” Pi said, as Mao pushed his pursed lips away, teasing him.
Ah… La belleza de la carne de cerdo y frijoles… (Ah… The beauty of pork & beans…)
Lo que el flan? (What the pudding?)
-La Final-
Yamapiggy: OMO! No puedo creer que ... es terminado!(omo!i can't believe it... it's finished!)[pardon the mistakes. i just used an online translator just like massu]kekeke! have you guys enjoyed it?i hope so. ^^ on to the ramblings!
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