Chapter 17
Mao sat on the same table at the bar the other night, occasionally looking to the entrance. Nino is late, she pouted. She had started on a bottle of soju. Nino didn’t sound too happy. He doesn’t know she wasn’t really trying to drown her frustrations this time. More of… she needed the alcohol and Nino to give her a boost.
She had left early in the morning to avoid Pi. She knew they should really talk. There was something she still needed to say to him… But she was still sore about the fact that he lied… and he had been thinking of leaving…. But after walking around aimlessly for a whole day, clearing her mind, she knew he had to have reasons…
Why was he even thinking of leaving anyway? Wasn’t it because of her? It was partly her fault too… But her pride was sorta keeping her back from finally facing Pi and just telling him the truth. She had been acting pretty immature. Like a brat. She didn’t know brattiness was contagious, as an image of Pi popped into her mind.
Maybe with the help of a few drinks she’ll finally be able to admit her feelings to Pi. She really wished the adrenaline rush from yesterday could come back.
It’s not her fault though! She’s actually never professed love for anyone before. How does one do it? Although she already knows Pi’s feelings for her; it’s just all new to her… It’s just weird… and she’s not really the type to do this… She’d never imagined she’d be doing this… How does one convey their feelings?
“Hey baby boo, be the bee to my honey yo!”
Uh… that doesn’t sound right.
“I’m just a girl… standing in front of a boy… asking him to love her...”
Oookay… that sounds just a teeny bit familiar.
“Oink. Oink.”
Okay, so she has to work on that. She knew keeping things simple would be best. (Okay, so maybe she secretly wants her confession to be sort of epic. She’s just a geek that way.) She shook herself mentally, knowing she was just trying to calm her heart down with her overactive imagination. Just thinking about Pi was making her restless… This confession thing kinda feels like bungee jumping. Ugh. Bungee jumping scares the wits out of her… But for Pi…
Where is Nino? She thought, looking back to the entrance again. The door opened and in stepped Pi. Her eyes widened and she ducked under the table. What was she doing? It was Pi! But she wasn’t ready to face him. She took a peek and saw Pi scanning the bar. That Backstreet Boys loving idiot! She thought as Nino’s face popped into her mind.
She squatted down and started duck-walking towards the back of the bar. There had to be a back door here. The few people that she passed just stared at her. This wasn’t really weird. She then stood up, still crouched low as she rounded the corner and bumped her face into someone. She immediately apologized and looked up, her eyes widening.
“Well, if it isn’t Inoue Mao,” Toma smirked crookedly. He looked like he’s had a few drinks.
Of all people… She stood there immobile.
“Where’s Shun eh?” he asked as he stepped closer to her. She started to dart away from him towards the back door when he caught her arm.
Toma looked down at her, frowning as she struggled, telling him to let go of her. Toma continued to stare down at her.
“I could just be really drunk or Shun was right,” he said quietly.
Mao looked up at him, frowning and confused. Thought she didn’t give a damn. She really needed to go before Pi-
Toma suddenly pulled her closer as her eyes widened. What was he doing? Was his mouth leaning towards her. And before she knew it, Toma was now on the floor. She blinked. Pi stood there beside her, glaring down at him. His eyes snapped to her, obviously irked.
“Why do I get beaten up every time?! I’m not a punching bag!” Toma shouted as he looked up to the ceiling.
Pi and Mao followed his gaze. Who was he talking to? Toma sprang back up on his feet and grabbed Pi by the collar, punching him back. Pi scowled darkly. They took swings and ended up pushing each other out the back door and into the alley as Mao kept yelling for them to stop.
They both seemed to be taking their frustrations out on each other. Mao exasperated had ran inside for help and seconds later they were being pulled apart by the bouncers and staff. They pushed Toma in as they called the people he came with. The bouncer told Mao and Pi it was better if they just leave now.
They stood there alone, staring at each other. Her eyes went to the cut on his cheek. His hair was dishevelled, breathing heavily, looking at her with irritation in his eyes. She then wordlessly turned away and started walking.
Pi scowled at her and followed behind. “What? Not even a thank you?”
“I was about to handle it anyway,” she said without looking back.
“He was about to kiss you!”
“I would have handled it if you hadn’t interrupted being all macho!” she huffed.
Why were they fighting again?
Pi growled; frustrated at her. “If you had stayed at your table it wouldn’t have happened!”
Mao glanced back at him and then turned her head back, continuing walking.
“Yeah, the bartender told me there was a weird girl walking a bit funny towards the back door. Stop avoiding me! We need to talk!” he snapped, failing to keep his voice calm.
Yeah, she knows that. But she wasn’t ready as her nervousness was coming back tenfold. And Pi’s agitated voice wasn’t helping. Her mind was a complete blank.
“Will you just stop and face me already? This really can’t wait anymore!” he yelled after her glaring.
He wasn’t going to let her off now. No distractions. No more dragging it out. “I’m not going to let you avoid this until we-“
Mao had flown into his arms and she hugged him tight as she buried her face in his chest. Pi stood frozen for a second and then slowly encircled his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. What was he saying again?
“Careful!” Pi yelled, glaring at Mao who had stamped a band-aid on his cheek none too gently.
They sat on the couch. Mao silently dabbed medicine on the bruise on his forehead as Pi gazed at her. They had been silent all the way home. Somehow that hug had thrown him off-balance and it wasn’t till they were back in her room that he was itching to lay everything out. She still wasn’t trying, he thought, peeved.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Shun?” he asked calmly. Mao didn’t look up as she cleared up the first aid kit. She started to stand up. Pi pulled her back down.
“You guys have broken up and he said that after, you were running to find me. Why?” he knew what it could mean but he wanted to hear it from her.
Mao just stared at him silently. Pi’s face was starting to twitch.
“If you don’t speak up soon, I’m going to kiss you!” he warned, narrowing his eyes at her.
Mao continued to just stare at him. Pi then grabbed her arms.
“I’m serious! I will kiss you!” he said as he started to lean forward.
Mao pushed his face away. “You’re a liar.”
Pi sighed. “I’m sorry… I never thought it would end up like this. I was planning on telling you guys. It just never occurred to me… There were more important things. Like you practically taking up most of my thoughts.”
Mao’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly stood up and went to stash the first aid kit away. “So you’re putting the blame on me.”
“No. I’m just saying you got to know the real me. Isn’t that enough? That detail doesn’t change anything.”
Mao closed the cabinet door, her back to Pi. He was right. It doesn’t change anything, especially her feelings towards him. No matter how much she resented the fact that he had lied…
That hug…. She wasn’t able to help it. For some reason, the fact that she had missed him so completely overwhelmed her and she just let her feet take her tom him. Shouldn’t that be a clue to her feelings already? But no, he wanted to hear it straight from her.
“Why did you break up with Shun?” Pi asked her as he got up and turned towards her. Back still to him.
Just say it! She yelled in her head. Why can’t she say it? I loooo… I lo-lo… Ugh. Okay. Maybe there were other ways to express her feeling tight? She can do this.
Okay, nothing is coming up! The thought of saying it out loud was just so foreign to her. It gave her goosebumps in a good and at the same time bad way. How come in dramas it always looks so easy? The leads meet, they gaze into each other’s eyes, saying all those line you don’t hear in real life, cue romantic background music and it’s magic! Duh, Mao. that’s why it’s a drama! And why is she thinking of this when there were more important matters at hand?
As she was having this slightly idiotic conversation with herself in her head, a peeved Pi was trying to catch her attention.
“If you’re still not going to talk, I’m going! And if I’m gone, I won’t be listening to what you have to say!” Okay, so it wasn’t much of a threat.
Maybe if she gives him, a thing that sorta counts as a clue to her feelings? Hmmm… well, she very well can’t bake cookies right now. Heck, she doesn’t even know how to bake. Still oblivious to what Pi was saying.
“I’m going! You hear me?” Pi said, walking towards the door. He grabbed the doorknob and glanced back at her.
She still wasn’t turning around. He scowled and pulled open the door.
“You’ll regret this!” he yelled once more, stepping out as he continued his empty threats. He closed the door behind him.
He poked his head back in a second later. “I’m really gone!”
What if she gets some reference from dramas she had watched in the past? What were they again?
Pi scowled at her back again and slammed the door shut. That brought her out of her reverie. She looked around. Ah, Crap.
Pi haphazardly threw his clothes into his suitcase, scowling at no one in particular. She wasn’t even affected! That girl… he thought vehemently as he opened a drawer. Okay, so he wasn’t really serious about leaving. He just wanted to act all tough and dramatic but still he heard nothing from her.
Well then maybe him packing up would get to her. He pulled out his shirts and then his eyes fell on a box. The necklace. He had started to reach for it when…. Was he hearing things? Or is someone singing at his door?
Frowning, he walked towards it. it definitely was singing and he knew that song. He pulled open the door and there she was. Attempting at dancing or more like trying to move her body, looking stiff. Her back to him.
“I’m so sorry girl, I love you I just can’t lie. Oh I was so wrong, I can’t live without you (Please listen to me!). I’m so sorry girl, I love you now I realized should have never let you go away, now my life don’t seem right…,” she sang loudly in an off-key voice.
She finally turned around and froze as she watched Pi regard her silently.
“What are you doing?”
“To cheer you up, I’m singing!” she said perkily, her heart jumping to her throat.
“Why that song? You know I don’t like Big Bang,” he scoffed.
“Because it’s a great song! It’s what put Big Bang on the map!” she defended. “Weren’t you listening to the lyrics?”
“Yeah, I did. You didn’t even change the lyrics! Why are you calling me ‘girl’?”
“I just sing it as it is! Don’t be so nitpicky! I’m already embarrassing myself here!” she said, narrowing her eyes.
“Whut? Did I ask you to sing? And it’s such a lousy way to tell me how you really feel,” he retorted.
Mao glared at him. Lousy? She had been racking her brains out on how to tell him and this suddenly came up to her. Personally, she thinks it’s really cool. Hmph. She started to turn away.
“There you go again. Always running away! Why can’t you just-“
Mao suddenly flung her arms around his neck, pulled him down and kissed him on the lips, standing on tip toe. Pi was staring at her, caught off guard. Mao broke away, her hands sliding down his chest and looked up at him.
“Is that still lousy?” she asked.
Pi gazed down at her. “Yeah, it is.”
Mao looked scandalized and pushed away when Pi suddenly grabbed her arms and pulled her back to him. Mao still glaring at him.
“Coz I haven’t had enough,” he murmured and then swooped down and caught her lips with his.
Mao’s hands found their way back up and linked them around Pi’s neck as their kiss deepened. Pi’s arms slowly encircled around her, wrapping her closer to him, as they slowly backed into his room...
Pi hugged Mao closer, a giddy contented smile on his face as they laid there on his bed, loving the feel of her. Mao nuzzled his neck as she bit her lip, brimming with happiness. They laid there for a while just taking in each other, content on hearing each other’s breathing.
“Took you long enough,” Pi then pouted as he looked down at her.
Mao hit him on the chest. “I found out about you being rich. I think I have a right to be slighted.”
“I thought you were never going to let me know…,” he said quietly as he brushed away her hair gently.
Mao bit her lip. She knew she had been a little hard on him.
“The thought had crossed my mind but… then all I could think of was being with you… and all the other things just went from my head… All except you…”
Oh, wow. That just flowed right through her and she had been sweating bullets over it. You can never really know.
Pi smiled softly at her. “What made you change your mind though? Breaking up with Shun and then trying to find me.”
“Ryo gave me your iPod. I saw those clips.”
“W-whut? You saw that?” Pi said in disbelief, suddenly blushing.
Mao grinned at him. “Yeah, you know, if I found out it was a whole other person that had videos of me in his iPod, I would have been majorly creeped out.”
Pi pouted. “Like Tego?”
Mao laughed out loud. “But since it was you… It’s not that stalkerish.”
Pi narrowed his eyes at her and pinched her cheek as she stuck her tongue out.
“And then I just knew I had to find you. I don’t want to think about the what ifs anymore… I just know that whatever happens, we’ll find a way right?”
The way Pi made her feel… She was willing to risk it with him. Because she knows the two of them won’t allow each other to drift away.
Pi gently caressed her cheek. “Always.”
“And I talked to the Sho-racle before that.”
“Ah. The Sho-racle,” Pi said wistfully as he put his palms together as a sign of respect.
“Yeah, I was the one who came up with that,” Mao said smugly.
“No, you didn’t I did!”
“Heh? I did! You can even ask Sho about it!”
They continued to bicker and then suddenly Pi stopped, remembering something. He stood up and went to take something out of a drawer. Mao raised herself up as Pi cam back holding a small box.
“Pedro!” Mao gushed as Pi held up the necklace for her.
“Say his whole name,” Pi teased.
“Pedro Steve-“ Mao started.
“I want to change Steve to Nacho.”
“Because it sounds better! And I want to! Nacho, okay?”
Mao narrowed her eyes at him.
“Fine! Pedro Nacho Chihuahua Supercalifragillisticexpialidocious Spongebob III (The Third). Hey… it does sound better!” she said, sarcastically.
“I knew it would,” Pi said, as Mao rolled her eyes at him and then looked at the necklace again.
Pi smiled widely as Mao looked at it with eyes shining. She laid there as she looked down at it happily after Pi had put it on her. Her eyes went back to him, smiling softly. Pi gazed down at her, his heart racing. The look she was giving him was pulling him in… He then cupped her face and gave her a lingering kiss.
“I love you,” he whispered softly as he caressed her cheek.
Mao’s eyes snapped to him and then she suddenly hugged him, closing her eyes as she buried her face in his neck.
“Aren’t you supposed to say something too?” Pi then said, when Mao had said nothing for a while.
“Don’t ‘heh’ me,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Um…,” she really can’t say it. “Wow, I just have a sudden craving for pork and beans…”
Pi stared blankly at her.
“You don’t get it?”
“That’s coz I didn’t hear it. Stop speaking in codes!”
“Well, I sang it for you just now! You’ve heard it already!”
“That doesn’t really count! Why can’t you say it?” he glared.
“Why do I need to say it?” Mao demanded.
“Duh! A guy would obviously want to hear it from his girl!”
“Can we not fight in front of Pedro?” Mao asked, pointing to her necklace.
“Then say it,” Pi said, sounding like a child.
Mao sighed. She looked up at him. He waited.
“Oink. Oink.”
Blank stare. “What the pudding?”
“Oink. Oink. Take it or leave it.”
Pi opened and closed his mouth in disbelief. Mao squeezed his cheeks together. “It’s going to take a while okay? I can’t say it… yet…”
Pi rubbed his cheeks and glanced at Mao. “I don’t know why I fell in love with such a weirdo,” he said, though his voice sounded amused.
“I’m a weirdo? You fell in love with me so that makes you even more of a weirdo then!” she shot back.
But it wasn’t so bad… Finding someone equally weird that can put up with your craziness and weirdness. Not bad at all…
Pi stuck his tongue out. “So you’re saying you’ve never said it to Shun as well?”
Mao shook her head slowly.
“But in his case, maybe you were never really in love with him. It was me all along,” he teased, nudging her.
“Your big head is crowding the bed,” she stated flatly
“So when did you start noticing me?”
“When I saw you in the shower,” Mao joked, snorting.
“Y-You just want my body,” Pi gasped, covering his body dramatically.
Mao gave a smug smirk. “Did you think there was more to it? A-ha-ha-ha!”
Pi’s eyes suddenly went to her, a mischievous glint in them. An evil grin then appeared on his lips. Mao eyed him warily.
Pi suddenly started pulling up his shirt and made to undo his belt. Mao shrieked, jumping off the bed.
“What the pudding are you doing?”
“Well, you said you wanted my body. I’m giving it to you. That’s how much I love you, Mao-tart,” he said, innocently, as he slowly stood up.
“Stay away from me!” Mao warned.
Pi jumped towards her, still pretending to undo his belt. Mao jumped aside avoiding him.
“Stop that, Tomohisa! Or else I’m going to pound you!”
“I love it when you play rough,” he teased, walking towards her. His belt was now off.
“Uwaah-gah!” Mao exclaimed as she ran towards the door. Pi followed her, laughing his head off.
She suddenly stopped in her tracks, startling Pi. And then slowly turned around looking at him. Pi gulped.
“Get away from me!” It was now his turn to yell as Mao tried to pull on his pants, trying to take them off.
“You wanted to take it off, right? I’ll help you!” she said, as she ran around after him. Pi pushing her away each time.
“Uwaah-gah!” he exclaimed.
“Wait, listen!” Koyama suddenly said as he stopped in front of Pi’s door. Tego and Ryo looked on as Massu stood beside Koyama.
“What’s up?” Massu asked, as he popped M&Ms into his mouth.
They had just come home and heard voices coming from inside Pi’s room. It sounded like Mao was in there too but they weren’t sure.
“Stop it, you hentai!”
“Hentai? You wanted to take your clothes off earlier!”
“D-Don’t touch that!”
“Take it off ! Take it off!” Mao chanted.
They all stared wide-eyed at each other. Tego looked like he had been struck by lightning.
“So this means they’ve worked things out right?” Massu asked tentatively. “ I mean, since Mao’s trying to get him naked and all.”
They heard someone coming up the stairs. It was Sakurai, listening to music as he whistled to the tune of Big Bang’s “Lies”. Mao had suggested it to him. And he quite liked it. He turned to his room.
“Sakurai! Mao and Pi are-“
“Finally together? Ahh… “Lies”” is such a good song isn’t it?” he said, his mind seeming far off.
And then, “Oh, you guys better get ready to catch Tegoshi.”
“Whut?” they chorused.
“That’s why,” Sho said, as he looked down.
They all stared at Tego lying down at their feet.
“I think he’s fainted from the heartbreak,” Ryo said, matter-of-factly as Massu nudged him with his foot.
Slight pause. And then they all turned towards their respective rooms, leaving Tego behind.
“Nooooooooo!” Pi.
“Mwahahahaha!” Mao.
Yamapiggy: omo! was able to put it up. and oh. i still am working on the rest! >w< replies later. thank you yo yo! ^__^v
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