Chapter 11
But how could he forget about Mao when almost every waking moment he spends around her or with her. Even in some of his dreams he couldn’t escape thoughts of her. Big Bang even appeared in those dreams (Curse her and her obsession with those flashy, hip-hop style boys! Whut?) But one dream involving Mao making him strawberry-banana shake he would never ever tell anyone. Um… better not go into details… But it made one thing clear. He was officially going crazy over this.
It was hard. He never imagined it would be this way. He found it hard to squash the urge to take care of her...
Exhibit A. Pi was staring absent-mindedly at Horton the Elephant on the TV screen. They had been watching Horton Hears A Who. He had been teasing Mao that she looked like the character Katie and asked her to imitate the look she does in the movie. Mao obliged once, making him laugh hard. After that, he had been pestering her time and again. She took a bathroom break and when she comes back he’ll be asking her to do it once more.
“WAAAAAAAHHHH!” came her scream. He almost toppled off the couch in surprise.
Mao came running out scared and swearing. Pi stood up and went to her wondering what was wrong. She looked pale and scared half to death. Tears seem to be forming in her eyes, threatening to spill.
“A lizard! A lizard fell on me!” Mao said in a shaking voice, pointing angrily at the bathroom.
“A lizard?”
He thought it was something more serious.
“Yes! I hate them!” Mao said vehemently. She had always have this weird phobia when it comes to lizards. They just looked creepy with their beady eyes when she sees them on the wall. And when they moved so fast… it made her skin crawl. They were really disgusting.
Pi chuckled at her strange fear.
“It’s not funny! It was this big!” she then shouted, as she held her hands apart widely, her tears starting to fall.
“It couldn’t be THAT big.”
“It is!” she wailed and started crying. It just scared the wits out of her the single most horrifying thing to ever happen to her. She almost feels like it was still on her. She shivered at the thought.
Pi felt sympathetic and held her face, wiping away the tears.
“Ssshh… it’s okay now. He’s gone. He won’t hurt you again.”
She continued to wail in angry frustration.
“Sshhh… don’t cry anymore. You’re looking uglier.”
She wailed some more at that as Pi hushed her, trying to calm her down. He then held her face and patted her cheeks as she continued to wail.
Exhibit B.
“Be careful. It might be too-,” Pi started.
Mao put in the whole takoyaki in her mouth and her eyes watered. It was too hot.
“Spit it out!” Pi yelled as he put his hand out.
Mao spat it out in his hand and then fanned her mouth. He gave her is soda and she gulped it down. A pained expression on her face, she felt her tender tongue. She looked at Pi, pouting.
“Why are you looking at me? It’s not my fault,” Pi said as he wrapped the takoyaki in tissue and wiped his hand.
“I was hungry…”
Pi gently took her chin and asked her to show her tongue. She lolled it out, as one of her hands reached to pick up a new piece.
“Can’t you wait?” Pi pushed her hand away.
Mao looked at him grudgingly.
“What’s that?” Mao pointed behind him excitedly.
“Yeah. That’s really going to fool me.”
He then pinched her cheeks hard and pulled, laughing at her face as she shot her hands out and pinched his cheeks as well.
“Let go!” they both yelled at each other, not willing to be the first to let go.
Exhibit C.
“Are you sure you want to watch this?” Ryo asked as they looked up at the poster of the horror movie.
“Of course!” Mao said, already thinking of what flavoured popcorn to order.
“Why? Are you scared?” she taunted him.
Ryo scoffed, shaking his head. “Just don’t come knocking at my door.”
Pi looked at them in wonder.
“For some reason, she likes to watch horror movies,” Massu explained jerking his thumb at Mao who stuck her tongue out at Ryo.
“Even though she gets so scared in the middle of the night and wakes Ryo up, asking him to sleep on her couch so she wouldn’t be alone,” he finished, rolling his eyes.
She couldn’t help it!
“You can wake me up anytime, Mao,” Tego chirped in, grinning at her.
“She goes to Ryo because she knows all the monsters are going to be scared of him,” Massu whispered loudly.
They all guffawed out loud as Ryo gave them a sharp glare. Their laughter faded away awkwardly. Someone coughed and cleared their throat.
“Ha! This time I won’t be knocking on Ryo’s door!”
“You’ve said that for like the ten millionth time.”
“Just wait and see!” Mao said as they headed for munchies.
And for the first time ever, she didn’t. She knocked on Pi’s door instead, hugging P-chan in her arms, trying not to look scared at every small sound she hears.
Pi opened his door and stood there, his eyes half closed, holding on to his pillow. Mao looked up at him, with his hair all tousled, standing there leaning on the door frame, stifling a yawn, he certainly looked cute… Deliciously cute… She fought the sudden urge to bite him.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t be scared,” he said, his voice husky from sleep.
“No more knocking on doors,” he added, as he looked down at Mao in her Ultraman shirt and shorts, looking really- Ah, he really should stop that.
“I only said I wouldn’t be knocking on Ryo’s door,” she claimed.
“Can you- Can you come to my room and sleep on the couch?” she quietly added.
She peeked up at him as Pi’s hand stopped rubbing his eyes. Their gazes met; Mao quickly and shyly looked down. Pi’s heart raced as he looked down at her, almost forgetting to answer. He worked his throat.
“Okay. I-I’ll just go get my blanket,” he said in a strained voice, as he pointed behind him.
Mao grinned up at him, nodded and quickly turned around, biting her lip. Pi stared for a moment at her open door, feeling like he’s lost the ability to move his legs. And then snapping to it, he went inside to grab his blanket.
Pi laid on the couch. It felt quite uncomfortable he now realized. He tossed and turned trying to find the perfect position. But it wasn’t just that. Mao was just a few feet away from him… His mind and heart were in overdrive. He was feeling restless. His eyes looked over to Mao’s bed, somehow too aware of her presence… He turned around and tried to go to sleep. No use. He shifted his weight and rolled over again.
“Whoa!” he yelled out as Mao standing over him startled him.
“Don’t pop out like a ghost!” he added, clutching his blanket.
“Ghost? Where?” Mao then said, whipping her head around.
“What is it?” Pi then asked, taking her mind off that word.
“I can’t sleep with you always moving around.”
He didn’t realize he was making that much noise.
“You really can’t sleep on the couch?” Mao asked. “Shun had no trouble though.”
“I gave up my comfortable bed for this, you know,” he growled, resenting that last remark.
“Sorry… Well, how about I spread the comforter at the side of the bed on the floor? Will that be better?” Mao asked, peering at him.
“I’ll be sleeping at the side of your bed?”
“Beside you?”
“Uh… yeah?” Mao frowned. Haven’t they gone over that?
A slight pause.
“Okay.” God help him.
Pi laid on his side, his back to Mao. An attempt to block her out. What has he gotten himself into? He really doesn’t expect to get any sleep that night. He closed his eyes tight. Just don’t think about it. Don’t think about her. Yeah… that’s gonna happen…
“Pi?” came her voice.
Pi groaned inwardly. She really was making it harder. He squashed the urge to jump into her bed and hug her. He allowed himself to imagine how she would react. Punch him probably.
Pi grunted to show he was still awake. Mao gazed at his back, P-chan still in her arms. She didn’t feel scared anymore now that he was here but she still couldn’t sleep. For some reason, Pi at her side, in her room, she was feeling slightly giddy. And why did she suggest him sleeping at her side? Well, she just felt bad. That’s it.
“I can’t sleep. Maybe we can talk till we both drift off eh?” Mao suggested, suddenly wishing Pi would face her…
For a second, she thought he had fallen asleep. He suddenly laid on his back, looking up at the ceiling.
“We can do that.”
“Shun’s going to watch a movie with us next time, okay?”
Well, he didn’t really mean they should talk about Oguri…
“Is that alright with you?” Mao asked again when Pi didn’t answer. He was still staring up at the ceiling; still not looking at her.
“I didn’t know you were asking permission.”
“I’m not,” Mao shrugged. “It’s just that… You don’t like him too much, huh?”
Pi started. “Huh? Sorry. I drifted off there.”
“With your eyes open?” Mao asked in disbelief.
“Such things are believed to be possible,” Pi answered sagely.
“You sound like Yoda,” Mao chuckled. “Are you avoiding the question?”
“Of course not! You’re thinking too much into it.”
Mao looked at him. Yeah… she was. What answer was she expecting anyway? She really should snap to it.
“How many girlfriends have you had?” she suddenly asked, curious as to what type of girl Pi was attracted to. She suddenly felt an unexplainable slight pang of jealousy when she imagined his exes.
This time Pi’s head snapped to her. Finally, he was looking at her.
“Why suddenly ask about that?”
“I’ve never heard anything about it. And according to society’s standards, you are exceptionally good-looking, so I just thought it’s natural you’ve had many girlfriends.”
“Society’s standards? So you don’t think I’m exceptionally good-looking?” Pi narrowed his eyes at her.
“I think you are,” she let slip.
Pi grinned dorkily.
“But guys like Shun are more my type, “she quickly added.
Why? Why did she have to say that? To remind herself? She stuck out her tongue as Pi scowled at her.
He let it slide. “I’ve never really considered them as girlfriends. More of… flings?”
“Men!” Mao huffed.
“Ah, not really the right word but just that I’ve never felt really serious about any of them,” Pi retracted.
“What kind of girl do you like anyway?” Mao asked curiously as she edge closer to the side of the bed.
You, the thought popping into his head. He really shouldn’t be facing her. Coz he was finding it hard to look away now. He shrugged off her question.
“Tell me when you’ve found her. You know, the one you want to be serious with. I want to be the first to know!” Okay, why was she being extra perky?
She felt her breath caught as Pi continued to stare at her silently, as if struggling with something.
I already have. Those were the words he wanted to say. He opened his mouth. Mao’s heart raced in anticipation. But no, he can’t do that…
“I didn’t know you can be such a nosy little Mao-tart,” he then chirped.
Mao threw P-chan at him, landing on his chest. He let out a laugh, said thanks and then laid on his side, his back to Mao.
“Give P-chan back!”
“You’re the one who threw him away. That’s animal cruelty.”
“No. This is,” Mao said, as she stretched her leg out, placed her foot on Pi’s back and started pushing him. When he seemed unfazed, she started to kick him repeatedly.
“Wow. It’s like a free massage,” Pi commented. Mao growled, still not letting up.
“Fine, fine!” Pi suddenly said and threw P-chan back to Mao, almost hitting her face.
He then laid on his side again and demanded she stop disturbing him. He needs sleep. Mao imitated him mockingly and then laughed.
“Pi?” she called him a few times. Pi-nut. Buta. Pistachio. No answer. He must really be sleepy, she thought, smiling.
She gazed down at his back again, hugging P-chan close; somehow imagining Pi’s scent again. Her eyes drooped a bit.
“Oyachumi,” she then whispered Pi’s usual greeting.
Her eyes slowly close as she drifted off to sleep. Her whispered good night sending a slight tingle down his spine. He is such a geek. He waited a while and then carefully turned around, looking over at Mao. Smiling at her endearingly, as she slept soundly, her mouth slightly open. Noticing P-chan in her arms, he wanted to take his place.
He shook his head mentally. This was going to be a long night… He had woken up looking like a grouchy panda while Mao looked well-rested and in high spirits, asking him how he slept. He just stared art her silently, his eyes narrowed as she jumped out of bed, still smiling.
And why was he enumerating each scenario. Anyway, the point is he was fighting a losing battle. He had thought of just leaving, leave all these behind… as if it never happened. But it was too much to lose. He had felt happiest here. And he knows, deep in his heart, but refuses to think about it; the more time he spends with her, the harder it is getting to forget about her. Does he really even want to?
And now, as he stepped out of his room and bumps into a pale-looking Mao, his whole being was just screaming to take care of her and never, ever leave. How could he leave? Why would he leave?
“You’re home early. Are you okay?” he asked. She was clutching her stomach, almost hunched over looking really harassed as Pi supported her.
“Cramps. Period,” she said, wincing at the pain as she took out her keys and unlocked her door, unable to stand up straight.
As soon as they were in, Pi awkwardly walked behind her, still trying to support her. She walked like an old lady. Throwing her bag on the floor, she crawled into bed and laid down in a fetal position. Pi automatically threw her blanket over her.
“Pi, can you get me really warm water and pain killers from the cabinet?” Mao said weakly.
Pi did as he was told. After she drank the medicine, she aid back down. Pi gently brushed her hair away from her face, feeing her forehead. She had broken into a cold sweat. Her eyes looked dazed from the pain.
“Pi?’ she suddenly said, as if remembering something. “Can you go buy me some napkins? I ran out…”
Pi stared blankly down at her.
“Thanks,” Mao said, smiling distractedly. Seems like she doesn’t know what she’s saying anymore. She then closed her eyes, totally drained.
Pi stared at her for a bit. And then gave her a little poke.
“Mao,” he whispered.
Poke. No reaction.
Pi entered the small grocery store and grabbed a basket. His cap was pulled low over his forehead and he was wearing sunglasses. He then started grabbing random things off the shelves, looking around. There was a fairly small amount of people there. He saw one of the staff stamping prices, looking really bored.
“Excuse me…”
The guy looked at him. Okay, how to do this? He looked around. There was a couple standing close by.
“Where are the ‘supplies’ for the girls’… ‘Red Sea’?” Pi asked in a low voice, doing waves with his hands. Whut? What was he saying?
Apparently, the guy also was confused. He stared at him blankly. He took off his sunglasses.
“You know, the Red Dot?” he said, winking exagerratedly.
Blank stare.
Pi sighed. What was he doing? He left the guy still staring blankly. He found the aisle containing the napkins at last, thankful that no one was there. He took off his sunglasses. Okay, now which ones are the right ones? He looked around furtively and then peered closely. This one’s for heavy nights, he thought. Well, it was technically still daytime. Although Mao may need it later…
Still unable to believe he was having this conversation with himself, he grabbed one from the next pile. Wings? A confused look appeared on his face.
“Homygod! Is he a pervert?” a voice reached his ears.
He glanced sideways and saw two high school girls, looking at him, still holding the napkin.
“He couldn’t be. He’s too good-looking,” the other one said, almost wistfully.
Pi straightened up. The two jumped and pretended to be checking on something. Pi felt his face growing hot. Distractedly, he grabbed whatever he can reach, threw them into his basket, and quickly left that aisle. The two girls peered around at him as he put his sunglasses back on.
People behind him in the line were peering at the things he bought. Apparently, he had grabbed one too many and instead of being subtle, he ended up being too conspicuous. He stood there stiff and stony-faced. Mao better be using all of these…
Pi carefully placed the thermos with the soup beside Mao’s bed. He had called Shige up to ask for some help earlier when he came home.
“What? You’re making soup?” Shige asked in disbelief.
“Yeah. Mao is not feeling well right now,” Pi explained as he peered into the cupboards. “You know, the Red Dot.”
“The what?”
“Why doesn’t anybody get that?” he pouted. “So tell me, what do I need to do?”
“You could use the instant ones. She must have some.”
“Is that good for her?”
“You don’t know how to make soup.”
“Fine,” he pouted, as he started taking out a pot.
He sat down beside Mao on the bed and gently stroked her hair, hoping she would be feeling better when she wakes up. She didn’t look that pale now; mouth slightly hanging open. He continued to gaze down at her. He had to get to work though he didn’t feel like going right now. Impulsively, he suddenly leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead and then stopped himself.
He had decided, hasn’t he? Reminding himself once again. He took one last look at her and slowly got up.
This love got me high I’m soaring,
Baby girl, you know I live for it,
And I’ll never ever hurt you
Without you there’s no life in me…
She couldn’t believe it. She was watching Big Bang’s concert and G-Dragon was looking straight at her, singing “This Love” just for her. Squee. Her heart hammered. Everyone seemed to disappear around them,
GD jumped off the stage and stood close in front of her. She felt her knees go weak. He took her hand.
This love got me proud to show it
Ain’t no doubt, I’mma keep on holding
And it’s on till forevermore
You know we got each other’s back yo
This love… This love…
She stood there staring at him slack-jawed as he finished the song. He stood there looking warmly down at her. But then…
“You!” he suddenly pointed at her. “Why do you have that beanie? Stop copying me!”
Mao’s hand went to her head.
Dae Sung suddenly appeared wearing a sparkly gold coat with matching sparkly gold bowtie.
“Whut up, homies?” he said.
GD slung his arm over his shoulders and steered him around.
“Let’s go. I’ll write you a trot song,” GD then said to Dae Sung’s enormous smile.
“Wait, GD-“ Mao started forward.
“Don’t you follow me!” GD then shouted, pointing a finger at her. “Stay right there!”
And then they walked away leaving Mao standing there confused.
She whipped around. Pi stood there, holding two napkins in hand.
“Which one are you using? The one with wings or the one without?”
“For your Red Dot.”
“Okay. There’s no reason you won’t get that,” Pi scowled.
“Pi. I-“
Someone was shaking her and calling her name. She stirred.
“Ji Yong?” she then said, opening her eyes slowly.
Shun looked down at her with narrowed eyes.
“You’re not supposed to be dreaming of anyone but me,” he teased.
Mao grinned sheepishly at him, as he sat down beside her. That was one weird dream. GD picking DaeSung over her is never a good thing. And what was up with Pi? Good thing she didn’t blurt out his name…
“Seems like someone made soup,” Shun pointed out.
Mao looked over and saw a thermos with a post-it stuck to it.
“Power up with my special soup!”
Mao chuckled. Buta.
“You wouldn’t laugh at the sight of the kitchen,” Shun laughed. He then stroked her cheeks.
“Are you feeling alright now?” he asked. He had known from Takki Mao went home to rest.
Mao nodded as she got up, pinching Shun’s nose. She took the thermos and they headed towards the kitchen. Mao noticed two large grocery bags and peeked in.
“What the-?”
Shun laughed out loud.
“Did he clean out the whole store?” he joked.
Mao shook her head, an amused smile on her face. Oh, Buta.
“I didn’t know I asked him to buy for me,” she said. “I didn’t think he would really do it though…”
Shun chuckled softly. “It should be my duty though.”
“Really? You’d do that for me? Awww…,” Mao teased.
Shun ruffled her hair.
“I bought some congee. You need to eat.”
Mao nodded as Shun started taking them out. She looked at the thermos in her hand and ignored the thought that she only wanted soup though…
Mao closed her cabinet door after taking out a big envelope and some pictures. Something fell off and she bent down to pick it up. It was Pi’s Polaroid picture with her birthday message. She had stuck all five of their pictures on her cabinet door. She put it back up, unconsciously smiling softly at it.
Turning to her bed, she laid down on her stomach and opened up the envelope. Her order for Big Bang’s photos online had arrived and she excitedly checked them out. She held up GD’s photo giddily and then planted a kiss on it, laughing at herself.
She then turned to the other batch of pictures. The ones from her birthday. Kei-chan had some printed and she hadn’t had the chance to look at them. There was a huge smile on her face the whole time as she reviewed them. What a crazy bunch, she thought endearingly. She stopped at a picture with Pi and Kei-chan, lips pouted.
“You should change your poses and expressions more, Buta,” she chuckled.
She continued staring down at the his face. Suddenly, she looked around, hesitated and then pouted her lips, leaning towards Pi’s face in the picture; Her heart racing.
“What are you doing?” a voice suddenly asked behind her.
“Uwaaahh-gah!” she shouted, startled and then placed the picture down in the pile.
“That was a weird sound. What was that face you were making?” It was Pi. His voice sounded amused.
“Face? What face? What are you doing barging in here?”
“I knocked. Come on, let me see. What was that picture you were holding?”
Before she could stop him, Pi started forward and tried to pry the picture under her. She laid her body on top.
“Stop it!” she exclaimed, pushing Pi’s hand away.
Pi pulled it out, to Mao’s shock, took one look at the picture and then threw it back down. It was a picture of Shun with Ryo. Mao breathed a sigh of relief.
His heart gave a slight twinge. Obviously, she was thinking of kissing it. But maybe due to temporary insanity, he thought it was… He shook himself. He’s gone mental.
“You didn’t have to act so guilty,” Pi said.
“W-Well, you would have thought it was cheesy and eewy,” Mao sputtered.
“Eewy?” Pi repeated incredulous. “Yeah, it is.”
Mao stuck her tongue out. Pi turned around saying it’s time for lunch. Her gaze followed his back and then she pulled on her hair. What was that?! What was she doing?! She dropped her head on the bed. Shun’s picture staring up at her. Someone should give her one swift kick, she thought as she stared at it.
Pi had kicked her leg, suddenly irritated.
“Aren’t you getting up yet?”
He had found her still staring at Shun’s picture. Is she that lovesick? He turned back around ignoring Mao’s furious shouts.
Mao looked around furtively, hunched low. Nobody seemed to be around. She checked one last time and then tiptoed towards the door.
“Oi!” Pi suddenly exclaimed from behind her.
Mao jumped up and banged her head on the doorknob.
“Why are you suddenly always startling me from behind?” Mao glared, rubbing her head.
Pi shrugged.
“I noticed you creeping around. What are you up to?” Pi asked. “One thing though, you’re not good at being subtle.”
Mao glared at him again and then remembered to shush him. She pulled him down and the both of them squatted down.
“I don’t want people to see me heading here,” she said in a hushed voice.
“Really?” Pi said, not bothering to lower down his. “I think Nino saw you. So did Takki. But they just think you’ve scrambled your brain coz of your tendency to bump your head into things. You’re acting like you’re in a spy movie.”
Okay, so maybe she got a little too much into it…
“Admit it, you have the Mission Impossible theme playing in your head the whole time, right?” Pi said, grinning at her.
Mao looked flustered. “I did not!”
Pi snickered. She hit him. Then stood up, inserted a key and then turned the doorknob. She opened the door.
“Tantantantantantan~tanana~,” Pi sang the Mission Impossible theme song.
Mao gave him a kick. He stifled a yelp. They went in. Mao locked the door behind her. Pi looked around and saw rows and rows of designer clothes and dresses. Shoes lined up the walls. Accessories hung on the walls and overflowed the drawers.
“I’ve always wanted a closet like this,” Mao said wistfully and started forward. “You be the look-out, okay?”
“Why are we here again?”
“I need something to wear for my date,” she said, as she checked the racks. “Shun’s taking me to a fine-dining restaurant.”
Pi scowled involuntarily as Mao happily pulled a dress out.
“How was your shoot?” she then asked, pulling another one out.
Mao was in a pinch again as they were short-hand on models. Takki asked her to find one again so Pi had to step in. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t want her in trouble.
“Somehow, I think Takki’s doing it on purpose,” Pi glowered.
“Awww… at least you know he likes you,” Mao said, grinning widely.
Pi growled.
“I think I’ll try this one,” she said.
She looked around; There was no place to change. Although the row of clothes could hide her somehow…
“Um… Pi… can you turn around first? While I change?” she shyly asked, unable to look at him.
Pi stood there immobile for a while, nodded and then turned his back to her. Mao started changing. He heard her kicking off her shoes. He tried to keep his mind blank, not allowing himself to think of anything. He could hear Mao move behind him. Okay, he shouldn’t be hentai about this! He stood there stiffly, pushing any thoughts away.
“So why can’t you let anyone see you come here?” he croaked. He needed to distract himself. He thought back to how funny Mao looked, tiptoeing around.
“I don’t want anyone giving me slack about borrowing clothes here,” she said. “I’m done!”
She stepped out as Pi slowly turned around. She stood in front of a mirror, wearing a black Lolita-inspired dress, barefooted. She turned around, feeling unsure.
“What do you think?” she asked Pi, who was silent.
She hadn’t worn that many dresses in the past. Never had much chances. Feeling kinda akward and different at the same time. A good kind of different.
Pi pursed his lips and slowly stepped towards her. She stood there as she sensed Pi’s gaze roam over her. She felt slightly tingly. He stopped in front of her. His slightly intense gaze on her.
He had always found her beautiful. But she looked extra pretty right now. If only she was dressing up for him… if only it was for his eyes… But she was showing a lot of skin. He kinda wanted to throw his jacket over her… At the thought that Oguri will be looking at her too…
“I like you better in your normal clothes,” he finally said.
“Is that another way of saying it doesn’t suit me” Mao pouted, her eyes narrowed at him.
Pi’s gaze locked with hers. She looked taken aback at the look in his eyes. Pi’s hand involuntarily reached out to her but then he held it up and ran his hand through his hair.
“Whatever you wear, Oguri will love it anyway,” he suddenly grinned. “Ah, look at the time. I have to go.”
He quickly turned on his heels. Mao looking surprised. He was about to do the unthinkable… He really should avoid being with her… Pulling open the door he suddenly closed it softly again and then turned to Mao.
“Someone’s coming. Looks like a model,” he whispered.
“Shit! Is it Stick Figure One or Stick Figure Two?” Mao asked, quickly picking up her clothes and running to Pi. Those two were more trouble than anyone else.
“Uh… I think it’s Stick Figure Twenty-Seven. Does it really matter?” Pi asked, exasperated.
Right. She then pulled him inside and they hid behind the racks located at the far back. They heard the door open and footsteps padded on the carpet. Mao couldn’t see who it was but it sounds like she was taking a lot. They held their breaths hoping she wouldn’t come to where they are.
Duh. Of course she’ll go near them. Her footsteps were coming closer. Mao pushed Pi into the small space beside the clothes rack. She stepped in herself. They were crammed in with more clothes, bumping into each other. After a while more, the footsteps headed towards the door. The lights then went off, only the dim yellow lights remained on.
“That was close,” Mao sighed as she heard the door close.
She looked up at Pi. A shadow was thrown across his face, making him look more intense than usual. He continued to gaze down at her silently. Mao’s heart raced. Her knees felt weak… There was a flutter in her vein… She felt Pi slowly lean forward. His gaze went to her lips… She held her breath…
The lights suddenly glared back on, snapping them out of it. Pi quickly looked away, pretending to check the clothes that hang at his side. Nino’s amused voice came out.
“How’s our spy business going, Mao? I saw you earlier. Don’t we have a movie to catch?”
Pi cleared his throat. “See? I told you.”
Mao chuckled, her face was hot. She then stepped out and headed towards the door, calling out to Nino.
“I knew you were the one most excited about Hanadan Final!” she exclaimed to Nino’s scoffing.
Her heart still was racing… For a minute there, she thought Pi was going to kiss her… and for a minute there… she was going to let him…
The lights flickered in as Mao stepped into the room. They went straight to the office after their dinner date. Shun smiled as Mao walked towards the set apparently ready for her glamour shots. She had told him the idea herself. She had been extra happy and giddy that night and it could also be because of the bottle of wine they’ve drank earlier. She turned around at him and smiled cheerfully.
“How do models do that serious look on magazines?” Mao asked as she watched Shun get the camera ready.
“It’s really a cool look but when I try to do it, I look funny. Like I’m angry at the world or something,” she laughed.
“You just look naturally funny, dear,” Shun teased.
Mao gave him a playful glare. She held on to the ring on her necklace. She had been doing that unconsciously a lot lately. Is it to remind herself about Shun’s place in her life, in her heart? She had felt extra happy with him, not allowing herself to think anymore ridiculous thoughts. This night somehow confirmed that the thoughts were just that. Shun was right here with her. What more could she ask for? Right?
“Come in the shot with me,” Mao said, after Shun had shot a few solos of her.
Shun set the camera’s timer and went to Mao sitting on the chair. Shun jokingly made to sit on her causing her to laugh. They then posed, mostly horsing around.
Mao had a sudden impulse. Something in her heart really was bothering her and she wished it would disappear.
“Shun… Can you kiss me?” she suddenly asked softly when Shun came back after setting the timer again.
Shun gazed down at her, a bit taken aback. He slowly crouched down, not taking his eyes off her. He then leaned forward and captured her lips, moving over them slowly, gently. Shun’s tongued invited her lips to open for him. Mao shyly opened them… The camera clicked away, as the kiss deepened but they didn’t seem to care.
They must have been leaning back too much, so into the kiss that Mao suddenly slid off the chair and landed on her butt. They both stared at each other dazed from the kiss and then they cracked up.
Mao laid down on the floor, snorting as Shun kneeled beside her, laughing at the situation, laughing endearingly at her snorting.
“I-I can’t seem to stop snorting,” Mao laughed giddily.
Shun then laid down beside her. He looked sideways at her; her smiling face tugging at his heart. He then pulled her to him as Mao buried her face in his chest.
She snorted again. Shun then copied her, as he buried his face in her hair, still laughing.
“About time you got home,” Pi’s disapproving voice greeted her.
“You guys used the extra key again?” she rolled her eyes.
“Massu couldn’t sleep. He wanted to stay up for you,” he said, pointing at Massu on the couch.
He was sound asleep, snoring lightly. His leg twitched. Tego was beside him, his head on Massu’s chest, also sound asleep.
Mao’s lips broke into an amused smile. She looked to Pi who had his arms crossed over his chest.
“I’m home now, Dad. Safe and sound,” she said.
“I don’t approve of that tone,” he said, sounding like her dad indeed. He also didn’t approve of the giddy look on her face. And why didn’t she cover herself up? He specifically reminded her before she went out.
She went to wake up Massu and Tego. They sleepily rubbed their eyes, complaining to her how Pi bullied them into watching DVDs when they clearly didn’t want to. They both filed out of the room. Tego asked Mao for a good night kiss. Massu pulled him out.
“Why do you want to wait up for me, Pi?” Mao teased, the effects of the wine and the night making her mood high.
“I wanted to watch DVDs,” Pi said defensively.
Mao smiled up at him. She closed her eyes and sighed. His weirdness and randomness never fails to amuse her.
“Stop looking like that,” she heard him say.
She opened her eyes. “Like what?”
“Like that,” he said weakly.
Mao frowned.
“You make me want to-,” he stopped himself and jammed his hands into his pockets.
It was that look. That look again of his. The way he would look at her keeps pushing those weird thoughts back in. But no, not tonight, she already knows. Her heart already understands. Right. Right… so why is she talking about this to herself again? Okay. Nothing wrong about that. Just pointing things out. Yeah, that was it. Okay. Right. This was getting a bit weird.
She waved that away and then pushed Pi out the door.
“Oyachumi!” she said happily. “Go get some sleep. You’re looking more like a panda than a buta!”
The door closed softly. Pi stared at it for a while as a feeling of dread came over him… The feeling that sooner or later… he was going to lose control…
Rain splattered on the windows as the sound of a wrestling match blared inside the room. Mao and Pi sat on the couch fervently pushing at the controls in their hands. Their tongues sticking out in concentration.
“Woohoo!” Mao cheered, throwing her hands up as she won yet again another match.
Pi groaned. He hates losing. What he hates more than losing is losing to Mao. She’ll remind you again and again.
“What’s taking them so long?” Pi grumbles, referring to Massu and the others who went out to buy some snacks.
Mao blew on her fingers.
“You want to be crushed again?” she said smugly.
Pi glared at her. Rematch it is! Somebody should teach her a lesson but apparently it wouldn’t be him.
Mao laughed evilly as she was about to win again. Pi glanced sideways at her. And then he reached out one hand and grabbed at her controller, pulled it and hid it beside him out of Mao’s reach.
“You cheater!” she shouted, hitting him and reaching for the controller, pulling at the cord. Pi pushed her away as he continued beating the hell out of her player. She then pulled his controller but he held on. They tugged and tugged and finally Pi pulled hard, making himself lose balance and he fell off the couch, taking Mao with him.
He groaned as he felt the pain in his back. Mao lay on top of him, wincing at the pain in her knee.
“You’re such a sore loser!” she said, hitting him on the chest.
“You’re making it harder with your mocking!” he shot back, scowling.
They belatedly realized the position they were in. Staring at each other, they were unable to move… His body now totally aware of Mao… The way she was looking at him… He must stay calm…
He then lifted his head and brushed his lips lightly on hers… Mao blinked at him when he laid his head back down… Their gazes still locked…
Ah, crap. Who was he kidding? It had been impossible to forget her right from the start…
Yamapiggy: kekeke! Sorry for some of the randomness in this story >w< Hope you guys like this update! ^^
I love chapter 11! And finally, Pi couldn't wait any more to releash his love for Mao!
Do update soon! Ganbatte yosh!
awww thank you girl! maji happy ne!
Pi releasing his love? haha! we'll have to see about that!
hope you like that latest chappie! ^^
sangkyuu as always!
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