Chapter 12
Mao blinked twice at him. And then shyly biting her lip, she cast her eyes down. He waited. Her gaze slowly went back to him and then she slowly leaned forward. Her lips drawing closer to his… He could feel her breath… Could almost taste her lips…
That is if they were in a perfect world. IF.
But since that was not the case, he watched as confusion etched her face and then slowly turning into a horrified expression. It was right then they heard the door starting to open.
“I mean, Masked Rider Black. Is he a bee or a fly?” they heard Massu query.
They both snapped to it, quickly scrambling to get up. Their heads bumping into each other in the process. Mao glared at him as they both winced. She wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. The feel of him was really not good for her heart,
“Do bees have red eyes?” Kei-chan asked, shuffling in.
“I still think Bioman’s the best,” Tego chirped in, closing the door.
“Hey,” Massu said, turning to Pi and Mao. “Bee or fly?”
Mao and Pi sat stiffly on the couch, holding their controllers, sitting as far apart from each other as possible, in a failed attempt to seem as if they has been playing the whole time. The game on the screen had gone blank when they crashed on the floor. The others didn’t seem to notice.
“Isn’t he a mosquito?” Mao distractedly said, grinning widely.
“Do you really expect to have a mosquito saving you?” Massu asked incredulous, trying to picture it.
“So who’s winning” Kei-chan asked.
“Ah, we stopped,” Mao said, dropping the controller on the couch and stood up. “Did you buy me my pudding?”
Pi watched as Mao stood beside Massu and looked at what goodies they have bought. It was almost as if there was no kiss. She was acting so normal now, chatting and laughing with the three. As opposed to him, his heart was still pounding. Was his palms just sweating? It wasn’t even a full kiss and he felt weak about it. He swallowed hard. His eyes dropped to the smile on her lips. He knew he wanted to feel them on him again… what was he doing?! He screamed in his head, giving himself a swift mental kick. That was such a reckless thing to do! But he just reacted… reacted to the fact that he had never wanted anyone this bad. Why did she look at him like that?
What was he going to do next? What should he do? Blank. He was as confused as ever. And Mao’s actions now were adding to that… What is she thinking? This isn’t like her…, he thought, suddenly feeling nervous.
He had no idea of the war raging inside Mao as she chatted away happily. What was that?! That didn’t really happen right?! Right?! But somehow the way Pi’s lips brushed on hers was replaying again and again in her mind. And the tingle in her lips was really not helping.
She was trying to dismiss the fact that that little kiss somehow sent a jolt of electricity through her, that led to paralyzed shock. In a good way. If that even makes sense. And she couldn’t help thinking she had never felt that way with Shun. Not this strongly… As soon as that thought crossed her mind, she wanted to bash her head in for even thinking it. No. Wait. She wanted to bash Pi’s head in.
And yet, yes, a teensy part of her wanted more…. Okay, she really needs to bash Pi’s head in now. Her gaze went to him. Their eyes met and they quickly looked away. No blushing! She scolded herself. Ugh. What now? How to approach this situation?
They had moved to the dining table and had been chatting for a while now. Pi had taken Mao’s cue and acted as if nothing has happened. But still, a part of his mind still nagged him about it and he still didn’t know what to do. Does he admit his feelings to her or not? But seeing Mao’s bizaare reaction… he didn’t think it was a good idea now…
Suddenly Mao stood up and grabbed him by the collar. Pi stared up at her, startled.
“Didn’t you want to buy something at the convenience store? She said and pulled hard.
Pi dumbstruck stood up and followed her to the door, as the three left could just blink at the suddenness of the situation.
As he followed Mao down the stairs, he knew he should think of what to say. Blank. He needed to come up with a reason for that reckless move, like right now. Still blank. His gaze went to Mao’s back. She had made it a point not to look at him the moment she pulled him out. Blank. Kiss. Blank. Kiss. Kiss. Ki- Argh! He should really stop thinking about that.
Mao stopped at the entrance and stood there, an indescribable expression on her face, looking at the wet ground. Pi carefully stood beside her, stealing a glance. Okay, reason. I was having a seizure, he imagined saying to her. Even that sounded stupid in his head. or maybe-
“Give me your hand,” Mao suddenly said, without looking at him.
“Give me your hand,” she repeated in a low voice.
Pi stretched out his right hand in front of her. She looked at it as he frowned down at her, confused. And then Mao suddenly grabbed it, held it up and bit hard.
“Ow! Ow! OW!” Pi yelled, trying to push Mao away.
Mao let go, eyes glaring up at him, gritting her teeth.
She knew she was the first who acted as if nothing happened. But she didn’t expect Pi to act the same way. Shouldn’t he at least make the effort to try to explain it to her? Instead he was sitting there laughing and joking around. He wasn’t even taking what happened seriously!
“What the hell? Why’d you do that?!” Pi angrily yelled, holding his right hand tenderly.
“I should be asking that question!” Why’d you-,” she stopped herself, pointing angrily at her lips.
She couldn’t say it out loud. Even the mere thought, she could feel a fierce blush threatening to show up on her face.
“Just WHY?!” she finished, throwing her hands up.
Pi was flustered to begin with, add the fact that Mao just gave him a bite made it even harder to think.
“I-I-I was just getting back at you,” he blurted out. Okay. Why was his foot in his mouth/?
Mao’s eyes widened at that.
“Excuse me?”
“You were mocking me and it’s really irritating!” he continued. Foot still in mouth, Pi.
“I thought it would be the best way to shut you up,” he carried on. Somebody should really tape up his mouth now. Anyone?
He was seriously going to give her a heart attack.
“Aaaaaaaargggggh!” Mao screamed. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
She stomped her foot angrily as Pi watched on warily. She felt like pulling on her hair. No. Wait. It should be HIS hair. She fixed her livid gaze on him.
“Now, wait-,” he started.
And she started pounding on him in frustration, ignoring Pi’s protests. He tried to move away but she wasn’t going to let him. When she felt his arms going around her in an attempt to stop her, her heart gave a sudden lurch. She shouldn’t be this close with him, she thought, instantly pulling away. She glared at him.
It was then that Sho appeared suddenly behind them.
“What’s the problem here?” he asked.
Mao’s eyes snapped to him. “Can you kill him for me, Sho?”
“My chainsaw’s out for repairs though,” he quipped carefully. Pi must have done something crazy again.
“I don’t want to talk to you ever again!” she yelled at Pi and then stomped off.
Sho watched as she went up the stairs. His attention turned to Pi, who had his arms crossed, looking sullen.
“What did you do?” Sho asked.
“How come you assume it’s my fault? It could be hers you know,” he snapped.
“I don’t think so.”
“I don’t really want your opinion right now,” he said. But he was more angry at himself more than anything.
“Why don’t you give him a kiss to shut him up then?” Mao suddenly called from the top of the stairs. She had heard and blurted it out in irritation.
“You!” Pi glowered and stalked towards the stairs.
Sho shook his head, his eyes filling with mirth.
"We are not talking to Pi anymore, got it?” Mao said as she burst into her room, Pi following behind.
Three pairs of eyes blinked up at her.
“Okay!” Tego agreed happily, throwing a punch into the air.
Pi glowered at him.
“This isn’t kindergarten, you know,” Kei-chan said. “What happened now?”
“Fine. Get out of my room then,” she huffed, pulling them off their chairs and pushing them all out.
“B-But I agreed.” Tego.
She knew she was acting like a child but she really can’t stand Pi right now. She gave them one last glare and slammed the door in their faces.
“What did you do?” Massu asked Pi as Tego glared at him.
Why is it always him?
“Um… I guess coz she lost to me in the game?” Pi lied, forcing a grin.
“What? Mao lost?” Massu asked, disbelieving.
“Ah, I guess that’s why it was such a blow to her then,” Kei-chan said solemnly as they started walking away.
Pi looked at the closed door dejectedly, not really looking forward to the following days.
Mao stomped towards the couch angrily, but stopped as the mental image of them popped into her head again. She went towards her bed instead, scolding herself.
He really wasn’t normal. What was he thinking?! To get back at her?! That jerk! It was just nothing for him but didn’t he think what it could do to her?
And why was she thinking about it still? Of course, it’s just normal! This was a big deal. Sort of! And she has a boyfriend! The nerve of him.
But why did she like the kiss so much? Wait. No. not really so much. Just that- Argh. Pi’s face popped into her head. Maybe because Pi is a very good-looking guy. Really very good-looking. Hmmm… Okay, focus! So does this mean she has a crush on Pi? That’s normal right? To have a boyfriend but still have crushes? Yeah… But no! She doesn’t have a crush on Pi! She couldn’t! Crushed shouldn’t be like this.
Does she…? Argh! She should just crush him instead, she groaned, as she lay sprawled on the bed.
Pi slowly walked around occasionally bumping into people rushing by with trails of garment, paperworks or advertisements. Where was Mao? She had been extra busy lately and he hadn’t seen her for the most days. Something to do with a fashion event that’s coming up.
He was still apologizing over and over again though. And he had given her some space before approaching her again. She was not hiding the fact she was avoiding him anyway. Judging by the way she’s been after that incident, he would say she was still pretty sore about it.
One time, he had walked in on her and Tego seemingly busy with something. They sat on the floor, the coffee table in front of them, looking like they were sticking pins on an object lying on the table. He stood behind them after they failed to hear his greeting and peered. His mouth dropped open. It was a make-shift voodoo doll with his picture taped on the head, including a ridiculous amount of pins stuck to it.
“Oi!” he yelled, which fell on deaf ears.
“It’s your turn, Yoshi,” Mao said.
Tego gladly took three pins in his hand.
“Die! Die! DIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!” he suddenly yelled as he stuck the three pins in consecutively.
Pi’s face twitched. Mao stared at Tego, mouth slightly agape. Tego suddenly looked embarrassed.
“I didn’t know you had that in you, Yoshi! That’s cool!” Mao suddenly said, amazed.
They high-fived each other and clapped their hands happily, completely ignoring Pi’s furious protests behind.
“You two better stop that!”
“So should we hang him next or drown him?” Mao wondered.
“Maybe we can do both?” Tego said, hopeful.
“What is wrong with you two?!”
Mao and Tego clapped their hands happily once more.
Even watching TV, he can’t escape the two of them. They sat behind him throwing tiny paper balls at his head, even keeping score. He had growled and stood up, sending them scrambling away, but not before throwing all their paper balls at him. Tego was really enjoying this.
Also, they had watched a movie one night. Kung-fu Panda. Of couse, Oguri was there. Just great. He didn’t know anything about the kiss. He didn’t think Mao would tell him anyway. But still… he wanted to make him jealous for a change. He shook his head mentally. Now is not the time.
Mao walked in front of him as they went to find their seats. The person in front of her suddenly stopped, startling Mao and she bumped back into him. Pi’s hands went to both her arms, steadying her. She looked up at him. He could smell her strawberry shampoo. How he wanted to kiss her hair right now and take it all in….
“Shun,” Mao said and then went to his side when he came back from buying popcorn, avoiding his eyes.
He had waited for Mao outside the ladies’ washroom after the movie. He knew that looked really weird but he didn’t care. She had jumped when she saw him as she came out.
“You’re acting as if I have some kind of disease or something,” he said, staring intently at her. Even inside the theater, it was obvious she didn’t want him sitting beside her. And when their hands bumped into each other as they reached in for the popcorn tub, she had pulled away as if he has some skin-eating disease.
Mao shrugged, not looking at him directly. At least she didn’t run away. That was a good sign. He walked up to her. He noticed some cheese powder under her chin. He involuntarily reached out and brushed it off with his thumb.
Mao looked up at him, startled and took a step back. Pi winced inside. He really should be careful.
“I’m sorry,” he said, sincerely.
“Yeah. I have puddings to last me for the winter,” Mao attempted at joking.
Their eyes met and then they both laughed, albeit awkwardly.
“Mao… I…,” he started.
“Pi, let’s just do this next time, alright? I just- I just need next time,” she cut him off, looking up at him.
Pi looked taken aback at the look in her eyes, not fully understanding. But he respected her request.
But it’s been a while now and they really needed to talk. He wasn’t sure what the hell he was thinking of doing but he’ll just see when they get to have the chance.
He walked past a row of pictures of models. His head snapped up and he backtracked a few steps. Up there was a picture of him in one of those shoots he had done. Groaning, he wanted to go to Takki and seriously talk to him. His ears perked up as Mao’s voice carried over. He rounded the corner and saw her talking (or more like arguing) with Takki. Ah, just the two people he wanted to see.
“We don’t need him. You’re doing this on purpose,” Mao was saying.
“When I say we need him, we really do. You had no problem with it before,” Takki answered.
“I just checked the list for the models and everything’s all set.”
“Why are you so against this? I am still your boss.”
“B-But he’s not ideal for this! People will focus more on him than on the clothes! You wouldn’t want that right?” Mao asked, coyly.
“Ah, Pi. Just the model we need,” Takki pointedly said to Mao as soon as he spotted him.
Mao whirled around in surprise.
“Yo!” he greeted, sorta feeing slighted sensing Mao was trying to get rid of him.
“You arrange everything, okay? Work with him,” Takki ordered and then walked off dialing his phone.
Mao glared at his back and then turned her head to Pi, definitely annoyed. She was really trying hard to avoid spending anytime with him.
“You’re in the fashion show,” she stated flatly and started to walk.
“They’re featuring collections from new young designers. I really have a lot of work to do. So I’ll leave you to someone else,” she said, looking for a person immediately.
“Whut? Takki said to work with me,” Pi pouted, pointing to himself, thoughts of getting through to her flying out the window.
Mao ignored him. Where are all the people?
“Shoot! I forgot to tell him to take down that ridiculously large photo of me on the wall. Why’d he have to put it up?” Pi groaned.
Mao had also thought of telling that to Takki. Coz that picture really isn’t helping. It’s just making the things she’s trying to ignore worse. And every time she passed by it, she couldn’t help but look. He looked like some sort of Sun God. And that thought was making her frustrated right now.
“Why don’t you kiss him to get back at him?” Mao huffed.
Pi glared at her. “Stop saying that every chance you get.”
“Ah. Here, you help this model for the coming show,” Mao suddenly said, pulling a girl out of nowhere.
The girl didn’t seem to mind as she eyed Pi appreciatively. Mao quickly walked away, waving her hand in good-bye.
“Oi!” Pi yelled after her, wary of the girl.
“It’s you!” she then squealed, mouth hanging open as she recognized him from the picture.
Pi groaned inwardly. And then suddenly, his eyes caught on a guy that was walking by a short distance away. He frowned. His profile looked familiar…
“Back from your vacation eh?” someone called out to him.
“Had a blast. Tell you about it next time,” the guy laughed, rounded the corner and was gone.
That voice… His head snapped up. Was it…? He quickly ran to find out, leaving the gushing girl behind. His ears were pounding. He could just be overreacting. He could be mistaken, he thought repeatedly as he ran.
He reached the elevators. They were closing and he caught a small but not good enough glimpse of the guy before they close. He stood there, deep in thought. Nah. It must be his imagination… He hoped with all his heart it really was… as something nagged at the back of his head…
Mao growled and refused to look at him. She was harassed enough as it is. She can’t deal with him right now. She was almost bulldozed over by people carrying a huge couture dress. Focus, focus, she told herself and continued to talk into her headset. Everything seems to be going well.
She peeked outside and saw more and more beautiful people coming in, all anticipating the newest offerings to the fashion industry. Behind her, organized chaos ensued. Models were now in hair and make-up. The others were already being helped into the outfits. The show was starting soon. She went back in, talking into her headset distractedly.
Someone pulled her aside. She crashed into that person. She didn’t want to see who it was. She looked up and groaned. Pi, who else? He was all done with hair and make-up. And he looked so cute with his little bow tie and- and what the heck was she thinking?
“What?!” she said, irritated.
“Your fly’s open,” he said so casually.
“Omo!” she squeaked, looked down and yes, it was indeed open. And she had been walking around talking and coordinating with people. Her face was like a tomato now, as she turned around and zipped it up. She slapped herself on the forehead, shoulders drooping.
“I’m sure no one noticed,” Pi said, peeking at her.
“You did,” she said dejectedly.
“That’s coz it’s you,” he said quietly.
Mao’s head whipped around. Don’t say weird things, she pleaded in her thought. Or her heart will be going haywire again.
“I’ve been calling you to tell you.”
Oh. She thought he wanted to talk.
“And when is this ‘next time’. We need to talk.”
“Hey, please help put this on the model. Make sure he goes out alright,” someone thrust a vest coat in her hands.
“Why can’t Mao be my dresser?” Tego whined as he appeared behind them. His dresser pulled him to get ready.
Mao wordlessly helped Pi into his vest. She smoothed out his shoulders, tugged here and there, all the while not looking at him.
“Is my hair okay?” Pi asked.
Mao reached up and brushed away some of his hair from his face, feeling Pi’s gaze on her. She didn’t dare meet his eyes. He suddenly grabbed her hand. She ended up looking at him. Their eyes locked.
“What are you doing!?” Tego hissed from behind.
He had no idea… no idea the confusion she was feeling now was scaring her more than anything. She should stop this. Stop getting affected. Maybe it will help her. Maybe… Just take things in stride… It should go away…
“What’s there to talk about? We’re okay, Pi. I’m sorry for being so immature. I guess you’re punished enough now,” she chuckled as she pulled away.
“That’s not it-,” he started.
“Let’s forget about it, okay?”
Forget about it? He can’t. He just can’t… Mao’s headset crackled and she excused herself.
Pi sighed loudly. He saw Tego glaring at him but his eyes were more focused on what’s behind him across the room. It was Oguri… and beside him… whispering something into his ear was THAT guy. That guy he had delivered pizza to, talking about… Shit! So it definitely was Oguri Shun they were talking about? His mouth had gone dry. He was feeling restless.
“Damnit,” he swore under his breath as he watched Shun’s face grow dark as the other guy moved away.
“You’re all set,” Mao said as she came back and surveyed him again.
“Mao, what if I’m going to tell you something and-,” he started.
“Is it going to make me feel good or feel bad?” Mao mused.
Pi paused. Though he really wasn’t sure about this…
“If it’s bad then I don’t want to hear it,” Mao said, starting to push him to fall in line.
The show was about to begin. Music blared and Mao gave him a thumbs-up, grinning.
Mao stood there holding a drink, feeling really underdressed. They were at the after party and the place was packed and swinging. Shun smiled down at her.
All the others were there too. Ryo had received an invite and he came with his date, Erika. He let Massu and Kei-chan tag along. They were all dressed for a party. She, however, forgot about this and opted for comfort. She knew she would be running around the whole night. Jeans, sneakers and a baby tee. She groaned inside. Shun didn’t seem to mind.
She sipped her drink in a cover to observe Pi over the rim of her glass. He had been pre-occupied ever since the show. And was it just her? Or was he giving Shun dark looks the whole night?
“Bathroom break,” she grinned up at Shun and handed her drink.
She manoeuvred through the throngs of people carefully. Sometimes bodies bumped into her so hard as the music played. Smoke, people, and the lack of light made it really hard. She finally reached the bar when someone bumped into her and she crashed into the guy in front of her, his drink spilling on the both of them.
“What the hell!?” he yelled.
“Sorry!” she apologized, looking helpless. What could she do?
Pi, who had followed her, stared wide-eyed at the person she bumped into. Crap. He never expected to see them here. But it was a party full of models after all.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it. You ruined my suit,” Jin glared at the homey looking girl in front of him.
Mao took a deep breath. He was being a really big jerk. Well, she would have ruined his chances to score some girls here. But with a face like that? She imagined saying that to him, but she remained silent.
“What are you planning to do about it, ugly?” Jin said, advancing on her.
“Jin, dude,” Eiji stopped him. “Stop overreacting.”
And to Mao, “Sorry about that. He’s had a few drinks.”
Mao forced a smile on her face but failed. Jin kept on hurling insults at her.
“Yuu, some help here would be good,” Eiji called to Yuu, who was busy with a group of models.
With his ears pounding, (that had nothing to do with the music) he advanced towards Mao. His jaw clenched. He didn’t care if Jin and the others see him. He longed to give Jin a-
He stopped in his tracks. Oguri. He stepped in between Mao and Jin.
“Someone should really bash your teeth in,” he said silkily. He felt Mao’s hands on his back, grateful that he had come.
“This is none of your business,” Jin spat, pushing Eiji aside.
“It is my business,” Shun said, glaring.
Jin took a step forward, swinging his fist. Shun dodged it and then socked him in the stomach. He socked him once more and he crumpled to the ground. Eiji went to his side, wary of Shun.
“That’s for my girlfriend,” Shun said and then turned to Mao, who looked up at him her eyes softening.
He pulled her closely to him and they walked off. Pi’s gaze followed their backs and gave a sad smile.
“Hey Jin!”
“What?” Jin said irritated as he turned around.
A fist connected with his jaw.
“Shit!” he spat. And then looked up in disbelief.
“Pi?!” the three chorused.
Pi stood there giving Jin a dark look.
“What the hell was that for?” Jin belatedly demanded. Pi had never ever lay a finger on them.
“When did you come back?”
“Shut up. What you did to that girl was way out of line.”
They stared at him.
“You know her?” Eiji asked, frowning.
“She’s a… friend,” Pi said. He knew doing this was way risky but Jin was really asking for it.
“What was that pause? Wait, are you and her…,” Jin’s voice trailed off.
“Is this a charity case or something?” he added.
Pi took a menacing step forward. Yuu held him back, giving Jin a warning look.
“Have you been in Japan all this while? What are you keeping from us?” Yuu then asked turning to Pi.
“You don’t need to know.”
Pi noticed Kei-chan coming in their direction, heading for the bathroom. He then grinned at his friends.
“I have to go. By the way, the bouncers are coming. So better get ready to be thrown out. Bye!”
He quickly walked off before they could comprehend what he just said.
Two large bouncers walked behind Kei-chan towards them. Pi gave a boyish smile.
They stood in a circle as they danced and swayed to the music. Pi stood there, pursing his lips, his eyes on Mao. He wanted to dance with her but… He watched as Shun whispered something to her, making her shake her head. Shun gently pulled her aside as Chris Brown’s “Forever” played.
“I really can’t dance Shun,” Mao pleaded. “Don’t ask me to make a fool of myself.”
They had broken away from the group and strode a little ways away. Shun smiled down at her.
“Just follow my lead,” he whispered.
Mao felt really awkward. She felt ridiculous attempting to dance. Swaying she could do. But dancing? She feels like she looks like a chicken dancing. But as Shun held her close, she forgot all about that. She felt her body just following his movements. She looked up at him, remembering they way he had defended her. She bit her lip and gave an inviting smile that made his breath catch, as their bodies inched closer.
Pi’s face had gone dark as he watched them. Oguri seemed to be sincere about Mao… But he still wasn’t sure about that though… He had to look into it… For Mao… He watched as her body swayed along with Shun… and quickly looked away before he feels like punching someone again.
He didn’t realize there was another person looking at Mao as he danced with his date…
Ryo and Erika waited at the table while Mao and Oguri went to the counter. They were at McDonald’s after the party, just the couples.
“Is Shun really going out with her?” Erika suddenly asked.
Ryo frowned. What kind of a stupid question is that?
“Yeah. Obviously.”
“I dunno… Don’t you think he’s too good for her? I mean, they just don’t match.”
“Really,” Ryo said, his mood dropping.
“Yeah and I bet lots of people think that way,” Erika nodded, sounding pleased with herself.
Ryo’s annoyed gaze locked with her eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“I think this is the end of our date. You can go now,” he smirked.
“What?!” she said in disbelief.
“You heard me. You really should stop being a bitch. You’re being an eyesore now,” Ryo said, sounding bored. “Well, I said go.”
Erika sat stunned for a moment and then angrily got up. She was about to go when she suddenly stopped.
“If you like her so much, why don’t you go out with her then?” she snapped and then stalked off.
Ryo frowned at that. Mao and Shun came back after a while, curious as to why his date wasn’t there.
“She wasn’t feeling well,” he lied.
“You should have taken her home,” Mao chided, as she bit into a fry.
“I like fries better,” he said, grinning at her.
Mao rolled her eyes at him, too used to his ways. She then turned to Shun handing him his burger.
Ryo was feeling a bit uncertain as he looked at them. Erika’s words coming back… He was just being an overprotective brother… That was it…. Nothing more… he convinced himself as he watched Mao happily bite into her burger.
Music blared as Pi peeked into Mao’s room. He saw her swaying awkwardly with Tego giving his all. Pi stifled a laugh at the look on her face.
“Yoshi, I really can’t do this,” Mao said, covering her face in embarrassment. “I really want to laugh at myself right now.”
“But we were doing great. How come with Shun…,” Tego’s voice trailed off.
“Coz it’s Shun,” Mao shrugged, grinning.
“Yeah, I know…” Tego said, dejectedly.
Mao suddenly caught sight of Pi.
“When did you peek in? Did you see anything?” Mao asked, shocked. She didn’t know what movements she could have come up with.
“Just now. I would have laughed my ass off if it was earlier,” Pi joked, snickering.
Mao growled at him.
“What are you guys doing?”
“Mao owed me a dance,” Tego said smugly.
“Really?” Pi said, his ears perking up like a dog. “Then she owes me one too.”
Mao opened her mouth to protest but Tego beat her to it.
“No, she doesn’t! Just me! She doesn’t want to dance with you-,” he shouted to Pi’s amusement.
His phone suddenly rang.
“Argh! That was my manager. I have to go,” he said, starting for the door. “You still owe me a dance.”
Mao groaned. “Can I just wear the “I Belong With Tego” shirt instead?”
He didn’t seem to hear her as she rushed out.
“You’d wear that?” Pi laughed.
“Rather than dance,” Mao nodded solemnly and then laughed.
Their gazes met and then this awkward tension ensued. She didn’t know when it started. It’s Pi. It’s just Pi, she kept reminding herself.
Pi had found out some things. Oguri and Ikuta Toma were best friends. He’s heard some pretty nasty things about Ikuta, which worried him even more. He stared silently at Mao, who went to turn off the music. How can he tell Mao about this suspicion of his? If it had no truth in it, Mao would never forgive him… But he didn’t want to see her get hurt… How could someone ever think of hurting her? His thoughts went back to Oguri and her on the dance floor… He didn’t deserve her if that was the case…
“You owe me a dance too,” he suddenly blurted out. His eyes on her.
“Don’t be an idiot. You want to get hurt in the process? People had gotten hurt with my dancing,” Mao chuckled at herself.
She jumped as Pi suddenly whirled her around and held her close.
“A slow dance will do,” he said and changed the track number.
“I really don’t have an obligation to dance with you,” she said, trying to pull away.
“Yes, you do,” Pi grinned, enjoying irking her as they swayed, holding tight deliberately.
Mao stepped on his foot. And again. And again. And again.
“Will you quit that?”
“I was forced into this! Take your slippers off. So it will be more painful for you.”
The battle of the slippers began and they both ended up barefoot. Mao stood on his feet and started stomping on them. Pi yelled out in pain and banged his head on hers to make her stop. Both of them glared at each other, wincing. And then they realized they were behaving like a couple of kids and burst into laughter.
“This is more like it,” Pi said, smiling as he swayed, taking Mao with him, still standing on both his feet.
Mao looked up at him as she felt him hold her closer. His gaze lingering on her. Her left hand clutched tightly on his shoulder as they swayed. They both swayed silently, unable to take their eyes off each other.
“What do you want Pi?” she asked softly, her voice full of confusion as can be seen in her eyes.
Pi stopped moving. What does he want? His gaze flicked to her lips for a second. He opened his mouth-
“Dirty Cash” started playing. It was her phone. They both snapped to it as Mao jumped off. She grabbed her phone and answered it; Thankful for the interruption. She didn’t dare think of what could have happened.
What does he want? Pi jammed his hands into his pockets, fighting the urge to hug her from behind…
Mao checked the address on the paper and looked around. This should be it, she thought, smiling happily, looking up at Shun’s building. She had received a message from him, inviting her over all of a sudden. She tried calling him but the phone was turned off. She had never been to his home before. He always said it should be for a special occasion. Then what was this? She thought, shaking her head endearingly.
So she had cooked for him and she thought it was not bad for her first attempt. She had called Massu and Tego over to have a taste. Mao watched them in anticipation.
Tego took a bite, his face expressionless, chewing slowly. He swallowed, his eyes unsure, and then gave an overenthusiastic two thumbs up. Massu took one bite and then froze, his eyes bulging.
“It’s good?” Mao said, smiling widely.
“I think he’s in shock!” Tego gasped, shaking Massu,
“Shock that it’s good?” Mao laughed, as she packed the bento box.
“I don’t think that’s the case though…,” Tego said, his voice growing fainter and fainter.
“I’m off! You can move now, Meat Bun!” she called, opening the door.
“What did you do to me, Mao?” Massu howled. “I’ll be forever scarred by your meatballs!”
“Stop being such a drama queen!” she yelled and then closed the door, Massu’s howls still continued.
Mao climbed the stairs. Ah, here. The door was slightly ajar. He was expecting her. She grinned at that. As she was about to push open the door, a voice from inside stopped her. She recognized that voice. Toma.
“So when are you getting rid of Inoue Mao eh?” Toma asked.
“What?” Shun.
“Oh come on. You expect me to believe you’re serious about her?” Toma chuckled.
Shun stayed silent. Mao’s heart pounded as she listened in. What?!
“When I asked you to do this little thing for me, you said you didn’t want to. But you approached her. Come on, what’s really the plan here?”
“She’s a really easy one, huh? I remember the way she fell for me. She’ll believe anything! But she just had to come to her senses at the last minute,” Toma said, clicking his tongue, undaunted by Shun’s unresponsiveness.
“’I’m not that kind of girl’,” Toma said, imitating Mao. “Yeah right. Her friend, Nino, was it? Made me out like a sex maniac. Even though she was all into it seconds before… Anyway, so that’s why I needed you for a little experiment. So have you done it?”
“You’re losing your touch, man,” Toma chuckled some more. “Or is there more to the plan?”
Shun chuckled mirthlessly. Mao’s knees weakened.
“You’re doing it all wrong. I don’t think you put enough time into it. A week or two won’t cut it,” Shun started.
“She’s a different type of girl. You need months. But I don’t think you have the patience,” Shun said, a smile in his voice.
“You know me so well,” Toma said, sounding pleased.
“Don’t you think throwing her aside after getting what you want, after months of lovey-doveyness, making her feel secure, making her put her whole heart on the line will be so much better?”
“Ah…. I never thought of that… So when will you be throwing her aside?”
Mao felt sick to her stomach. She can’t take anymore. She fought to hold back the tears as she ran down the stairs. Don’t cry! She scolded herself. He’s not worth it… He’s not worth it!
Shun slowly stood up and stopped in front of Toma. His face indescribable. Suddenly he swung his fist and punched Toma hard. He crumpled to the floor. He looked up at Shun’s dark face.
“When I said, I’m not taking you up on your offer, I’m not,” he said steadily.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Toma yelled, spitting out blood on the floor.
“I thought I was very clear I am serious about Mao. I though I didn’t need to tell you. That was a mistake on my part.”
“I guess you could say that punch is my way of telling you now. Stop talking crap about Mao. Good thing she came to her senses at the right moment,” he continued.
“I’m your friend and you’re doing this to me over a girl?!’
“Oh, she isn’t just any girl. She’s my girl. And the sad part is, I thought you, as my friend, would get it… No need to get up. I’ll see myself to the door.”
Shun grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open.
“What’s so special about her anyway?” he heard Toma mutter bitterly.
“You should ask yourself that. Isn’t that why you can’t get over her?” Shun said, turning her head towards him.
“I don’t think it’s just about your ego,” he added.
Toma laughed. He would let those words sink in later.
“Does she even know the real you? Your past and all. Don’t act as if you’re so holy and righteous. You’re the one who started the game.”
“I intend to tell her. And yeah, I think she’ll accept me. My past and all. I’ve finally met a good girl. I hope you grow up soon, Toma.”
And then he was gone.
“Sir, are you sure about this?”
“Don’t call me, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
Pi rolled his eyes. He had asked Shige to give him a ride to Ikuta Toma’s house. Pi got the address from the pizza house. They had parked the car and were now walking in the rain towards the building; Shige holding up an umbrella for the both of them.
“I need to know about Oguri Shun. I heard them the last time.”
“What if it’s really what you think it is…?”
He honestly didn’t know. He- What the-? Mao dashed out of a building and started running in the rain.
“Mao!” Pi called and then grabbing the umbrella from Shige, he ran after her.
“Sir!” Shige cried as he held up his hands to shield himself from the rain.
“Mao!” he repeatedly called from behind.
She didn’t hear him. The light ahead was red and she came to a stop, suddenly squatting down.
Pi stopped behind her, catching his breath. He then squatted beside her wet form. She seemed to not notice he was there. Her eyes had a faraway look to them.
“What’s wrong?” he softly asked her. She had dashed out of Toma’s building. Could it be…
Her head snapped to him. Buta. His concerned face somehow making her weak. Somehow making her want to give in to crying. Why is it he always sees her at her worst?
The light turned green. She stood up and sprinted ahead, wanting to distance herself from Pi… She didn’t want him seeing her like this… With him beside her, her resolve not to cry was threatening to crumble… She could hear him calling after her… Just go away, she thought.
“What happened? Mao!” he called, throwing down the umbrella and ran ahead.
Mao stopped in her tracks. “Just go away!”
That irked Pi. Go away? What the hell was that? He stopped behind her and whirled her around.
“How do you expect me to walk away and leave you like this?” he yelled, grabbing her arms.
Mao looked up at him. At the angry Pi. He always gets angry. Mostly at her. Yeah, he should be angry. Should be angry at her stupidity.
“It’s all one big joke!”
“What is?”
“My relationship! Shun! All one big joke! I am a joke!” Mao choked and she couldn’t fight it any longer. Her tears flowed down mixing with the rain on her face. She clutched onto Pi’s shirt and pounded on his chest in frustration. Pi gazed down at her. So it was all true…
“You’re not a joke. Shun’s the joke here. He’s the one who can’t see how great you are…”
Mao shook her head and gave a strained laugh.
“Don’t try to comfort me with those words!” she shrieked.
“I’m telling it as it is!”
“I fell for it again. I never learned my lesson. I freaking fell for it all over again! He must be laughing right now. He was laughing in my face the whole time!”
Pi pulled her tight to him and embraced her. No words can make her feel alright right now. She screamed in anguish; her face buried in his chest, pulling at his shirt.
“I’m so stupid! Stupid! Stupid!”
Pi held her in front of him.
“You’re not stupid for willing to see the good in a person!” he shouted as he looked at her.
Mao continued to sob. Her body shaking in anger.
“But you are stupid in one aspect…,” he continued softly. “You can’t see me in front of you… This whole time…”
He then hugged her again. Not really caring if Mao heard that or not. He just wanted to take away the pain even though he knew it was impossible…. He could feel the warm tears soak into his chest…
Mao held on tight to him… Somehow… Somehow even in this cold rain…. She felt warm in his arms…. Safe…. And somehow it dulled some of the pain…. And… and she never wants to leave…
Mao sniffed as she focused her eyes on the TV screen. Pi sniffed beside her, sipping his hot chocolate. They had showered and dressed after coming home soaking wet. The taxi driver had been a bit furious with them. And now they were watching television on her couch, sharing a blanket. They had been like that for a while, quietly sipping and watching, like everything was normal.
“How are you feeling?”
She had stopped crying the moment she took a shower. Maybe she had cried all her tears out. But the pain still stung… But not so much now, she thought as she glanced at Pi, grateful that he was there at the right time…
“What were you doing in that neighbourhood?”
Mao rolled her eyes. “Weirdo.”
“You’re hurling insults now. So you must be feeling better,” he joked, as he put down his cup of hot chocolate.
“Is that the right way to be treating me now?”
“Snot. Here,” Pi suddenly said, pointing at her nose.
Her hand quickly shot up and then she glared at him.
“There’s nothing!”
“Yeah? But earlier it was all over your face.”
She kicked him under the blanket and he winced. They both glared at each other. And then she laughed. She never imagined she would be laughing this quickly.
“Feeling better?”
“If you go away, I will.”
Pi growled at her. “Then I’m staying. Just to spite you.”
“Just watch your drama.”
“You chose this, not me!”
“Yeah, right.”
They went silent for a while as they watched the heroine punch the lights out of some guy.
“Hey, doesn’t that guy look like the actor from your poster before?”
They stared at the screen.
“Nah,” they decided.
Pi looked to her. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Mao shook her head. “There’s really nothing to talk about. It’s crystal clear…”
Pi looked somber. And then…
“Do you want a hug?”
Mao frowned at him. “Who are you, Barney the Purple Dinosaur?”
“I was just concerned!” Pi scowled.
Mao chuckled. “I might cry again if you hug me.”
“Then you should. You should let it all out,” he said quietly.
“Okay, Barney. If you want a hug that much…”
Pi growled in protest.
Mao laughed at him and then leaned over and hugged him. She had intended to quickly let go but she couldn’t seem to… Pi’s arms encircled around her waist; leaning his head against hers. Mao, biting her lip, also hugged him tighter.
“Y-You feel so good,” she whispered, closing her eyes.
A sharp intake of breath.
“You do too…,” he then whispered in her ear.
Her eyes snapped open and she slowly pulled away. Their faces inches apart; she could feel his breath on her. His gaze taking in all of her…
He had always seen her at her worst… and yet… he would always be looking at her in that same way… that made her feel beautiful…
“Don’t ever stop looking at me that way,” she whispered as she clutched tightly onto his shirt.
Pi’s gaze grew darker, more intense. They dropped to her lips and then back to her eyes. The look he saw in them… His heart pounded as he leaned forward... She slowly closed her eyes and met his lips. And then everything exploded.
Pi’s lips moved over hers gently at first and then went deeper and deeper. His hands lost in her hair. Her body pressed against his, she returned his kisses passionately. They nipped at each other’s lips, not seeming to get enough of the taste. Mao ended up on his lap as things turned more and more torrid.
Footsteps outside broke into Mao’s thought. She pulled away from Pi, looking dazed. She looked down at him. Pi leaned forward again, wanting more. She paused and then as if someone gave her a kick in the head plummeted back to reality.
Horrified, she jumped back from him. Pi was coming to it, sensing all hell was about to break loose.
“What did you do!?”
“Me?! You were here too!”
‘You- Shun- Not right’ was all he could make out from her and upon hearing Shun’s name anger flared up inside him.
“Get out! GET OUT!”
“Look, Mao…”
“I don’t want to look at you right now!” she shouted. “Get out!”
Pi glowered at her. “Fine!”
He stalked towards the door, stepped out and slammed it behind him. Mao sat limply on the couch, hunched over, her hands going to her lips. Her heart racing a mile a minute… That kiss… That kiss shouldn’t feel this right… It shouldn't...
Yamapiggy: Aigoooo~~ >w< ahhh i thought i would be able to write two chapters. but alas. LOL hope you guys like this! ^_______^
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