Chapter 13
Pi slammed the door behind him and stood there, glowering and huffing.
“What happened?”
Pi’s head snapped to Ryo who was observing him with a frown. He seems to have just gotten home.
Ryo’s gaze took in Pi’s appearance. “You’re looking flushed and what’s up with your hair?”
Pi’s hand shot up to and he ran his hands through them. Mao’s hands were lost in them just a while ago. His scalp seemed to have gone numb from the thought; his heart racing like crazy.
“Did you guys fight again?” Ryo asked, as Pi stayed silent, his eyes flickering to Mao’s door. His frown deepened.
“You know us. We bicker every chance we get,” Pi said, forcing a grin and then excused himself. He could feel Ryo’s suspicious gaze on his back.
As he walked towards his bed, thoughts of their kiss exploded in his head. He didn’t know what led them to it… but it was amazing… He bit his lip… the feel of Mao’s lips still fresh…. He sat down, feeling a little weak at the thought… He is a geek.
He could never forget that. And he was sure Mao wouldn’t either as he thought back to how she had leaned her body against his… How she felt on his lap… How he craved for more… He knew it sounds so hentai…. But God, how she tasted…
Irritation welled up involuntarily as he thought back to how Oguri’s name came out of Mao’s lips… Those lips that drove his mind reeling… It’s as if she didn’t feel the way he felt… He scowled. But nom there was no denying it… There definitely was something between them… Something strong… deep… Something they weren’t able to control anymore… Something…. Something…
What was he thinking again?? He thought as he rubbed his temples. His forehead felt hot. Must be from all this thinking. He rubbed his eyes. Even his body felt hot. His body’s reaction to Mao was bordering on ridiculous… One kiss…
But he knew he couldn’t really blame her for her reaction though. How angry she got over what happened. How she must have felt guilty. Even though her boyfriend’s an ass…. Asshoooole… Heh? Wasn’t that from some movie?
He laid down on the bed, his head throbbing. That girl is really good at giving him headaches. He closed his eyes, settling under his blanket. A Mao-graine? Heh. But he didn’t mind though… As long as it meant she was always, always going to be there…
Mao lay sprawled on her back, staring wide awake at the ceiling. How could she sleep? Her whole being felt so alive. What is she doing?! There was no escape from her thoughts. That kiss… She couldn’t block it. It’s even playing in her head frame by frame as if in a movie. She shook her head hard. Whoa! Her whole world turned. Too hard.
And she has a boyfriend! But no, he’s not her boyfriend anymore! Ass… Still, that kiss shouldn’t have happened. Friends shouldn’t be kissing like that…
Okay, another onslaught of imaged she was trying to forget. She groaned. No. she doesn’t still feel Pi’s lips. She doesn’t think about how his scent was making her feel all tingly. She doesn’t want to kiss him again! She doesn’t feel like she wants to stay in his arms…
She knew she shouldn’t just blame him for what happened. Shouting at him like that…She had been angry, yes. But more at the way she had felt after the kiss…
Her heart sank. But she heard them… She heard the fireworks in her head, as lame as that may sound… It was so wrong yet it felt so right… Okay, another lame thought. Seriously, how does she come up with these? She thought to herself sarcastically, scratching her head in frustration.
She rolled on her side. P-chan and Stitch were both absent from her bed and on the floor. Stitch had already been under the bed thought. She’s always finding him stuck under there, for some weird reason. Must be Tego’s doing. (coughPicough)
Somehow what happened had made her forget the matter with Shun… which worried her even more…
Mao opened her door, looked at Pi’s door for a moment and then closed it again. She opened it once more but then shook her head and closed it. Should she really be the one to ask him to talk? She opened her door once again and jumped as Massu was suddenly standing there giving her a weirded-out look.
“Don’t scare me like that!”
Massu frowned. “You’ve been opening and closing your door repeatedly for a while now.”
“What do you want?”
“Pi’s sick,” Massu said, jerking his thumb at Pi’s door.
“Sick?” Mao asked, alarmed.
“I’ve already given him some medicine. He’s resting now. Why aren’t you going to work?”
“I… I took a week’s leave. I deserve it, you know.”
She had called Takki up and told him she needed to visit her mom coz she fell ill (Sorry, Mom.). Takki gave in after much convincing. She really didn’t know how to face Shun and Toma at work just yet. She needed time. Of course, she didn’t tell Shun. She was sure he’ll find out from Takki. Her phone for now would be turned off for a week.
“Lucky! Anyway, good, you can look in on Pi from time to time then.”
Massu had left and she stood at Pi’s door, biting her lip and wondering if this was a good idea. Maybe she should stay away from him for a while. Yeah, she’s been telling herself that quite a lot but does she ever listen?
She peeked in and could see Pi sleeping soundly. Concern for him won over everything else. It must be because they got drenched in the rain.
“You’re such a weakling,” she muttered, as she stopped by his bed, looking down at him, worry creasing her brow.
She felt his forehead. Really hot. Pulling the blanket up to his chin, she thought it best to let him sweat it all out. He’ll feel better after that. She looked around his room. It was practically empty of any house wares but full of little toys and gadgets. Such a boy, she thought endearingly.
She wrung the towel she got out of her room and then started wiping Pi’s face and neck gently. Why am I doing this? She thought, as she gently pushed Pi’s hair out of his face and then slowly went down to his cheek, caressing it.
Soup! This man needs soup! She thought vehemently, wanting to just strangle herself as she threw the towel into the basin making water splash out on the bed.
“Eep!” she squeaked and peeked at Pi. He slept on.
“I heard he’s sick,” Tego whispered.
“So we’ll just borrow his laptop and then ask him when he’s awake and all better,” Kei-chan whispered back as he and Tego tiptoed into Pi’s room.
“Maybe those voodoo dolls do work,” Tego snickered.
“What was that?”
“Nothing…,” Tego answered innocently. “Laptop!”
Kei-chan snapped it up off the table and was about to go when…
“Do you hear something?”
Tego looked around. “Maybe he’s just snoring.”
Kei-chan frowned and walked to Pi’s bed, crouching down beside him. Tego followed suit, wondering why Koyama was wasting his time.
“See? Nothing.”
“Mao…,” Pi mumbled.
“Is he saying ‘Ma’?” Kei-chan wondered, rubbing his chin.
“’Ma’? Is he crying out for his mommy?” Tego cackled.
Kei-chan gave him a slap on the head.
“You’re allowed to laugh like a psycho when we’re out of here.”
Tego rubbed his head with a wounded look. “Maybe he’s calling out for you KoyaMama.”
“Me?” Kei-chan perked up. “Aaww… I knew I take good care of you guys-“
“He’s asking a kiss from you?” Tego once again cackled.
“Psycho laugh. Leave for later.”
“Ma… Kiss…”
“No, wait. Is he saying ‘monkeys’?” Kei-chan looked at Tego.
“Why are you looking at me?” Tego said, defensively.
Kei-chan gave him a glare.
“And why would he be dreaming about monkeys?” Tego added.
“Maybe he likes bananas.”
“Mao… Kiss…”
“Mao. Kiss. Mao. Kiss. Homygod! He and Mao kissed?!” Kei-chan’s eyes widened.
Kei-chan covered Tego’s mouth as Pi stirred. He tried to stop Tego from hurling himself at Pi. Kei-chan shushed him and looked at him sternly. Tego calmed down a bit, breathing heavily.
“We’re not sure, okay? I’m just guessing here.”
“Your guess is totally off!” Tego pouted.
“Fine. Maybe we can ask him.”
“Right now? He’s sleeping. Are you going bananas?”
“A-ha-ha-ha. He’s already mumbling. Let’s try. Pi, did you and Mao kiss?” Kei-chan asked excitedly.
“Yes,” Pi mumbled.
Tego let out a howl like a wounded animal and prepared to jump on Pi. Kei-chan pulled him back. He was going to wake Pi up! Where’s a pair of socks when you need to gag someone?
“Wait!” Kei-chan grunted. “We have another important question. Pi, do you like Mao?”
“Mao’s mine!” Tego shouted at the top of his lungs.
Pi jerked awake and turned his unfocused eyes to Kei-chan, who had Tego in a headlock, grinning widely at him. Tego seemed to be shooting daggers at him with his eyes but he wasn’t sure.
He swallowed; his throat uncomfortably dry.
“W-What are you guys doing here?” Pi asked weakly, his head still throbbing.
“Can we borrow your laptop?” Kei-chan grinned as Tego tried to escape his hold.
Mao put the thermos down. She had ran out of instant soups so she went out to buy some. She endearingly thought back to how Pi had made soup for her. Well, this time she was just returning the favour, she thought firmly.
She felt his forehead again. His fever seemed to have gone down. Good. She heard Kei-chan and Tego arguing again. She had heard their weird conversation outside when she came back.
“Massu’s mine!”
“Wait, did you just say Massu?”
“I mean Mao! See? He’s making me so mad!”
“Should I be concerned here, Tego?”
“Shut up!”
Weird. They better keep it down. She thought as she looked down at Pi. She stood up to tell them off when they have suddenly gone quiet.
Her eyes went to Pi again. She kneeled beside his bed and gazed at him, sleeping like a little boy. A smile unconsciously touched her lips.
Her eyes then involuntarily went to his lips. Did they really felt that… She slowly leaned forward, as if drawn to them… And then pulled herself back really hard. She toppled back and banged her head on the wall behind her. Idiot! She scolded herself, wincing in pain as she rubbed her head. She saw Pi stir and she quickly got up and scrambled out of the room.
Pi opened his eyes. He thought he heard the door close. He doesn’t feel that groggy anymore. Thought he was drenched in his sweat. He lifted his head up and then his eyes went to the thermos.
“DRINK!” A post-it stuck to it. He knew who it was from. True Mao fashion.
His smile lit up his face. He put his head back down on the pillow and then smiled giddily into it. It for sure wasn’t the fever anymore that was making him delirious.
“Yo!” Nah. Trying to act too nonchalant.
Mao stood outside Pi’s door the following day, trying to decide what was the best approach to take when she goes in to see him.
“So who’s the world’s weakest weakling?” she tried cheerfully. Hmm…
“My kiss gave you that fever, eh?” she tried again, giving an exaggerated wink at an imaginary Pi.
She slapped her cheeks. Was she going insane? She took a deep breath. Ah, whatever happens happens then. She knocked and turned the knob. Peeking in, she saw Pi sitting on his bed, drinking medicine.
“Morning, weakling!” she greeted cheerfully, wincing inside. She can’t help it. It was a defense mechanism.
Pi gave her a glare and she stepped inside carefully. She stood by the couch awkwardly as Pi gazed at her intently while she tried to grasp for something to talk about. She was about to open her mouth when-
“About what happened…,” Pi started.
“Yeah, about that, crazy huh?” Mao laughed awkwardly. She thought she’d be able to stall talking about it.
“It felt real,” Pi said simply.
“Of course! It really did happen,” Mao said, her mind in overdrive.
“I meant-“
“It was just the heat of the moment!” she said almost too strongly. Pi looked taken aback.
And then giving a small laugh, she added,” I was hurting that time and you were there and… and things got out of hand… and maybe- maybe somehow I was just trying to get back at Shun.”
Pi’s sharp gaze added to the twinge she felt in her heart. She knew she shouldn’t say that but… she can’t let things get more complicated…
“I just don’t know. After the kiss, I was thinking ‘What the fu- pudding is going on?!”
“What the pudding?”
Mao grinned. “I shouldn’t really use the other word. Anyway, I just don’t want that to ruin what we have. Our friendship. This- This matter with Shun is already draining me. And I know it’s selfish of me. But I need you as my friend.”
“Everything’s so complicated, so confusing. But I want the friendship between us to stay the way it is. Because – Because…”
Because the thought of losing you, just like what happened with Shun, is something I don’t ever want to face. She suddenly thought. And being friends with you is the only way I can think of to keep that from happening… Feelings… Feelings just screws everything up…
“Because you’re a girl and I’m a boy-“
“Um…” Pi wanted to correct her.
“And you know, sometimes it just can’t be helped but that doesn’t mean we have to let it come between our friendship right? So let’s swear never to kiss again and we’re good!” she said, an urgency in her voice as her eyes watched Pi’s reaction.
“Never to kiss again?” Pi pursed his lips and glance at Mao. That kiss had almost turned his whole world upside down. How can she say that?
Mao felt a blush creeping up her face.
“Yes. Friends, remember?”
Pi let out a laugh.
“Okay. Friends,” he said pointedly.
Maybe he was still weak from the fever. Or maybe he was just tired already… Apparently, that was really all he was ever going to be… If she was that adamant on shooting down anything that would say otherwise…
He watched as Mao’s lips broke into a relieved smile. Fighting to bite back the screaming protest he was longing to say… Fighting to forget about their kiss that said more than any words can express…
How long can he stay as her friend? When all he wants is to be more than that? And he thought she didn’t want him to stop looking at her the way he would…?
Mao held up her hand and waved.
“I’m going back to my room to sulk some more.”
“You don’t have to go to work?”
She told him about taking a week’s leave.
“I just… I just want to be sure I’m ready to face them. On my terms,” she said quietly.
Their eyes locked.
“Well, then, bye-bye-cycle,” she suddenly said.
“Heh? Arienattsuno!” he exclaimed.
They both laughed.
“Kon-kon!” she said, holding up a fox sign and then closed the door behind her. Pi then laid down limply on the bed, closing his eyes.
Mao closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the door. She wasn’t stupid. She knows there was an attraction between them… Something she can’t deny… But… things would be simpler if they stayed the way they were right now… There would be no chance of screwing it up…
Mao rolled over on her back. She must have dozed off again. Four in the afternoon, the clock read. Her thoughts went to Pi and the others. It had been a while she had spent time with them. Lately, she just wanted to be alone… She already told all of them what happened with Shun. And she loved them all for their support in their own way.
“I guess you’re stuck with me then. See you at 40!” Ryo said, grinning. But she knew he was gritting his teeth and will not let Shun off easily when he meets him.
“You can have all of my gyoza,” Massu said as he handed it all to her, along with a hug.
Well, no one can decipher what Kei-chan was rattling off anymore in his anger but Mao hugged him and he stopped and hugged her back.
“I have Oguri’s voodoo doll,” Tego had said, handing it to her. “Let’s burn him right now.”
“Why do you have an Oguri voodoo doll at the ready?”
Those guys are just love… She stretched her arms and yawned loudly. Her eyes cayght an iPod video on her nightstand with “Watch Me!” witten on a post-it.
Frowning, she picked it up and put on the earphones. What are those guys up to now? There was only one video in it. For Mao-tart. She pressed play. Pi’s couch then came into view.
“Go on!” Kei-chan’s voice came from behind the camera.
“Why do I need to give a message? What is this cheesiness again?” Ryo demanded as Massu and Tego pushed him down on the couch. Tego waved at the camera before stepping away. Ryo stood up and headed for the door.
“Get him!” someone shouted. The camera shook and then was turned off.
Next cut. Mao burst out laughing. Ryo was sitting on the couch. He was tied up, using a jump rope, with a very dark look on his face.
“Read your message,” Kei-chan’s voice called out happily.
“Hi, Mao! You’re looking great today! And I love porn- What the hell?!”
Massu and Tego’s voice cackled off-cam.
“Which idiot wrote that idiot board?” Kei-chan demanded.
“Ohhhh… was that supposed to be funny?” Massu teased Kei-chan.
“I’m going to untie Ryo now."
“W-Wait!” Massu cried.
Mao can’t stop laughing.
“Mao, just come out and play. They are going crazy,” Ryo said, rolling his eyes and leaned back in frustration.
Next cut. Tego sat down on the couch fixing his hair and clothes.
“Are you ready? We’re not taking ID pictures here,” Pi’s voice called.
Tego glared at someone off-cam. He cleared his throat.
“Mao… will you marry me?”
Things started flying in his direction. A tissue box bounced off his head.
Mao laughed out loud, holding her stomach.
“Oi! Stop that!”
“You be serious then!” Pi huffed.
“I love you, Mao! So when will we be torturing the Oguri doll? Or better yet, the Pi doll!”
He whipped out the a doll that looked like a dog had been gnawing on its head. Pi suddenly came out onto the shot and went after Tego. The camera went off again. Mao wiping her tears of laughter.
Next cut. Massu sat there eating a plateful of gyoza.
“You know, Mao,” he started, mouth still full. “There’s a saying. No gyoza, No life! There’s still plenty of gyoza for us. So let’s eat and be merry eh? Stop hiding now.”
“Okay, if you make meatballs, I’ll even eat them just for you!” he added with a pained expression.
Mao stuck her tongue out at Massu and grinned.
“Woo-hoo! You are our hero!” Tego called out.
“So why are we still filming him eating like a pig?” Ryo mused as Massu got distracted with his gyozas. The camera turned off. Kei-chan was next.
“So just come to KoyaMama okay?” was all Kei-chan’s cut said.
Mao frowned. Not like Kei-chan at all. She watched as Kei-chan stood up and said, “I mean it guys. No editing.”
Mao laughed her head off. They just edited his whole speech out to one sentence. Next cut. And this was the one that was making her heart all jumpy even before he came out.
P-chan came into view, sitting on the couch. Mao grinned.
“I know you’re smiling right now,” Pi’s voice said. The camera still on P-chan.
“You’re happy I’ve admitted that I’m a buta?” his amused voice called.
Mao tried hard not to smile but failed. She watched as Pi suddenly jumped out grinning his boyish grin.
“Come out already. Everything’s going to be alright.”
And he gave a smile. And she knew everything was going to be alright. The video ended with all of them jumping out and just telling her to come out of her room already.
Grinning, she jumped off the bed.
They weren’t in their rooms or roof. Mao ran down the stairs and stopped when she saw Pi sitting on a bench he had placed by the entrance, looking serenely up at the sky. She slowly walked up to him and sat down, not looking at him. Copying him, she also looked to the sky.
Pi’s gaze went to her, a smile on his lips. “The others went to buy some food for our party.”
Mao turned her head to him.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
He ruffled her hair. And they sat in comfortable silence. She glanced back at him. She really shouldn’t do this…
“Pi… come stretch your legs with me before they come back?” she asked tentatively.
Pi smiled.
They were wandering around the mall, with no real plans, just a couple of friends hanging out. Before they decided on going to the mall, they had no real destination. But somehow it didn’t matter. Just as long as they were together… That’s what Pi felt…. It reminded him of what Mao had asked him once… What was the one place he really wants to go to? Before he had no answer… But now… he knows… It was wherever she was.
They were curious as to why there were a lot of kids and their parents this day. And found out it was because of the small carousel the mall had setup. They had decided to go back home when Mao suddenly bumped into something. WAAAAAHHHH came the wails of a little boy.
“Sorry. I’m so sorry!” Mao said, squatting down.
More wailing.
“What did you do?” Pi asked.
“Nothing!” Mao glared at him over the boy’s cries.
“He must have lost his parents,” Mao said as she patted the little boy, trying to calm him down.
Instead it agitated him more. WAAAAAHHH!!!
“Hey, kid, where’s your mommy and daddy?” Pi then asked him, patting his head.
The boy immediately stopped crying and shook his head.
“Wow. You have a way with kids,” Mao said, amazed. “Maybe we should take him to the staff.”
She gently took the boy’s hand and he started wailing once more. Mao tried to shush him, feeling her patience was about to break. She was starting to have a headache. She didn’t like kids much. Pi suddenly picked him up and then he stopped crying once more.
“Okay, this kid hates me,” Mao stated flatly.
“Let’s do an experiment,” Pi then said.
Pi held the boy closer to Mao and he started to cry. He held him away and he immediately stopped crying. Pi did it again and again. Wail. Stop. Wail. Stop. Wail-
“Okay! Okay! We all get it!” Mao said, giving Pi a death glare as he tied to stop laughing.
“Homygod! Aren’t they too young to be parents? And that’s his wife?!” a teenager exclaimed, shocked.
“Like he can so sooooo much better. Good thing the son got his father’s genes,” her friend chimed in.
Mao gave them a dark look as Pi looked around for some staff.
“Aren’t those two really familiar?” Mao asked flatly, still glaring at the two teenage girls.
“Whut?” Pi turned to his head to her.
“Never mind.”
The little boy in Pi’s arms tugged at his hair and pointed to the carousel.
She didn’t know what gives but Pi dumped the boy into her arms, gave two thumbs-up sign and then left them. The boy looked up at her and his lips started quivering. She groaned.
Luckily, the moment he sat on the wooden horse, he stopped crying. I will get Pi for this, she thought, as she rubbed her temples. Her ears still ringing. The kid seemed to be enjoying now, even started giggling. She smiled despite his shrill cried earlier.
Mao looked out and saw Pi waving at her among the crowd. They made a full circle. She waved back at Pi when they passed him again, using the boy’s hand. But the next time, Pi was gone. Mao frowned. She looked around. What is he up to? Another full circle. Still no Pi. She started becoming nervous for some reason, looking left and right, peering into the crowd.
And then she saw him. In the same place but with two ice cream cones in hand, grinning boyishly at her as he held them up. Mao chuckled, her heart still racing. What was that? She panicked when she couldn’t find him… Was she that attached to him? But she already know the answer, right…?
“Tomo!” a mother screamed as Mao and the boy went out the gate. She fussed over her little boy and hugged him tightly.
Tomo? Mao and Pi looked at each other. The boy’s mother thanked them profusely. She told Tomo to say goodbye to the kind people. The boy waved at Pi, Pi waved back with the cone. But when it was Mao’s turn, the boy’s lips started to quiver again. And Mao’s face fell.
“Tomo huh? Just like you, really uncute!” Mao growled as she and Pi started walking.
Pi snickered. “Here, this will cheer you up.”
He handed her the other ice cream cone. Mao took it and then pushed it into his nose.
“Oi!” he shouted angrily.
Mao snatched the untouched one and started forward. Pi shouting at her as he followed. She just felt frustrated. Frustrated at realizing how much he affected her. Is this even the right time to be feeling that? Wasn’t she the one who decided they should stay friends?
“Omo! Why are you eating with you nose?” she feigned innocence as Pi caught up with her, wiping his nose.
Pi scowled at her. “Stop acting like you’re Korean!”
“Aigoo~ Someone’s panties are in a twist! You can’t do anything about it! Pabo!”
“I bet that’s the only Korean word you know.”
“Na-uh! Koh jid mal! Ma ji mak il sa!” Mao shot back.
“You’re just rattling off Big Bang songs!”
“So? They’re still Korean! There’s still kimchi, bulgogi…,” Mao laughed.
“Chap chae?” Pi rolled his eyes and laughed despite himself.
“Saranghaeyo!” they both yelled, eyes shining, pointing at each other.
Ooops. They both shut up and concentrated on their ice creams as they continued walking.
Shun put down the phone in his hand. Mao’s phone was still turned off. What was wrong with her? Leaving her phone like that. He was concerned if her mother was okay. If she was okay. Shun heard someone come up behind him. He glanced back and his face turned stony. Toma.
Pocketing his phone, he turned on his heel without a word, brushing past Toma.
“Still no answer from your girlfriend?” he sneered.
He wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of an answer.
“I think I may know the reason why,” Toma then added, his voice full of malice.
Shun kept walking.
“Have you really gone soft? Haven’t you made the connection yet? She went to visit her mom all of a sudden. Isn’t that too much of a coincidence?”
Shun stopped and turned around, his eyes narrowed at Tome. He had been more than panicked at the way Mao just went away without a word to him. His heart felt heavy. It wasn’t lost on him that Toma might have planned something. But he refused to acknowledge there’s a chance of that happening. Due to the fact that he desperately wants things to remain okay. Things would always be okay… Toma would never… But he should have known better… He should have…
“Let me break it down to you. Your girlfriend may just have heard our interesting conversation last time. And judging from the fact she isn’t here and you’re unable to reach her… she might not have stayed to hear the end. Pity. Tsk Tsk.”
In the blink of an eye, Shun was holding him by his shirt collar. His face twisted in anger.
“You set me up?!”
“I haven’t grown up,” Toma cackled. “Has she made you slow in the head?”
Shun’s fist connected with his face. And then socked him in the stomach. He gave him another punch, gritting his teeth. No amount of pain he inflicted on Toma was enough though. He pushed him away and then started running. Mao…
“You were wrong. This was never about her Shun,” Toma said quietly, as he felt his jaw. “I would never let a girl get to me. You look like a fool.”
This time it was Shun’s turn to laugh. A mirthless, helpless laugh.
“What you can’t have, no one else can have too,” Shun said. “That’s always been you, Toma.”
Shun then ran out as Toma angrily kicked the stool beside him.
“Koyama said they’ll be here soon. There were a lot of people in the grocery. Seems like there was a sale,” Pi explained to Mao as they sat down on the bench at the entrance.
“Alright! I can’t wait for the food!” Mao grinned as she looked up the sky.
Pi nodded enthusiastically as well. And then glanced at Mao. Her hands were placed on the bench on each side of her. He looked down at his left hand and then her right hand. Feeling impulsive, he slid a little closer to her. His fingers drumming on the bench. He pursed his lips and stole another glance. Mao had a small smile on her lips. Friends, friends, he reminded himself.
Mao wasn’t lost on the fact Pi slid closer again for the second time. Their hands could almost touch. Her heart was pounding. She bit her lip, trying to contain the sudden burst of giddiness… Pi’s hand moved a little closer…
Why would she stop it now? Why was she stopping it in the first place? Her whole heart had never felt this light after this realization… So what if it screws up? What if it doesn’t? She would be missing out on a lot…
Maybe they could-
“Mao,” a voice called out.
Mao and Pi’s shocked stares fell on Shun.
Mao jumped up from the bench, not realizing that Pi had been about to take her hand in his, still staring wide-eyed at Shun. Pi stood up as well, a dark look on his face, animosity filled his eyes.
“W-What are you doing here?”
“We need to talk about this. Right now,” Shun said, trying to steady his voice. He looked harassed and he didn’t like the way Mao was looking at him.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Ryo’s voice came from behind.
Shun didn’t seem to hear or didn’t really care. His eyes were only on Mao.
“There’s really a big misunderstanding here. Let’s talk about this!” he said urgently.
“Mao. Do you want him to go?” Kei-chan asked. The others behind him took a step forward.
Pi looked to Mao. Her eyes were cast down.
“Okay. We’ll talk,” she finally said, after a while.
Mao looked up. Shun, relieved, stepped towards her. But stopped as Pi stepped in front of Mao. He frowned as he looked on.
“Mao… No…”
Pi gazed down at her, his eyes pleading. He didn’t know why. But he had a feeling, if they talked… if they talked… they would…
“It’s okay, Buta,” she smiled up at him, misinterpreting his concern. “I can handle him. I think I’m ready.”
“Let’s go to my room, Shun.”
She turned around. Pi caught her arm.
Mao smiled at him reassuringly. And with the others, he could only watch on helplessly as Mao and Shun went up the stairs.
“We’re done, Shun, We’re-,” Mao started as soon as Shun closed the door behind him.
She gasped as Shun embraced her tightly from behind.
“Don’t say that,” he whispered. “Don’t.”
“Get off of me!” Mao yelled and pulled away, feeling disgusted.
“It’s not what you think!”
“Why are you still acting, Shun? It’s over! You’ve had your little fun so just- just go!” Mao shouted, trying to hold back the tears. She didn’t want him to see. She won’t look like a fool in front of him again.
“Toma set me up! He was the one who asked you to his place!”
“I heard everything. Your whole brilliant plan. Do I have to feel flattered you were willing to spend that much time on me?” Mao said sarcastically. Her ears were pounding.
“I was like that in the past I admit. But now I am serious about you! You never heard the whole thing!”
And he started explaining everything. Everything she hadn’t heard that time. He finished and Mao looked at him. Her eyes void of all emotion.
“You expect me to believe you just like that? If I do, are you going to be laughing with Toma again?”
He knew he had hurt her deeply… and he was willing to do everything just so she can understand… Their gazes locked and he slowly kneeled down in front of her… His eyes welling up with tears… She must understand…
“I know asking you to believe me right now is impossible… but I love you… I love you… and I can’t take the way you’re looking at me right now…”
Mao blinked at Shun, who was pouring all his heart out and in his eyes… Mao could see the truth… She was still fighting it, telling herself he was a good actor… but his eyes…
The realization hit her hard… It was all a misunderstanding. Shun loves her… Her tears fell… shun pulled her slowly to him and he buried his face in her stomach…. Mao, still in shock, gazed down at him… not knowing what to do… her hands slowly wrapped around his head… She looked around totally lost… What should she do? Her eyes stopped at the door… What should she do? As thoughts of Pi involuntarily crammed into her head… making matters worse…
Shun’s head laid on top of her lap as he slept, his legs going over the side of the couch. Mao gazed down at him, her thoughts confusing and frustrating her. She had been ready to move on… with the thought that Shun wasn’t worth all the anguish and hurt she felt… Thoughts of Pi invaded into her mind again… She really is a bad person… She is the worst… All this while, Shun had been thinking of her and only her… And her? Guilty feelings surfaced… It was almost as if she betrayed Shun... She can’t hurt Shun… right? But the way she put things… as if just out of guilt… She shook her head. Her eyes went towards the door again…
“I don’t think he’s coming out till tomorrow, Pi,” Ryo said, stepping out of his room.
Pi sat on the floor, his eyes not leaving Mao’s door. Ryo knew he had been waiting ever since they came up. It had been two hours. It was obvious what was happening. He had waited with Pi but after an hour had gone into his room. There had been shouting at first but everything had been quiet for a while now.
“Yeah,” Pi grunted, as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back.
“Too bad. I wanted to take a shot at him,” he then added, opening an eye at Ryo.
Ryo chuckled. “Ditto.”
Pi slowly got up. He opened his door.
“I’m glad to see someone that cares that much for Mao,” Ryo said quietly to Pi.
Pi looked back at him.
“Right back at ya.”
He grinned at Ryo, took one last look at Mao’s door and disappeared into his room. Ryo stared a while at his door and then to Mao’s door and slowly hung his head.
Yamapiggy: how are you guys? hope you like this new update ne! *bows* i tried my best. ^______^ some i thought up when i had a fever. so if you're going "what the pudding?" gomen ne. LOL! i'm typing chapter 15 too. hope i can put it up soon >w<
1 comment:
oh dear! faster faster, pls let mao admits that she likes pi! haha
great chapter :) though shun is in between them at the moment =\
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