Chapter 9
“Hey brat. Where have you been?” Mao said, standing at her door.
“Brat? Are you talking to me?” Pi asked, in the process of opening his door.
“Duh. I am looking at you,” Mao shot back.
“Why? You missed me huh?” Pi teased, grinning.
Pi went back home for two days. He knew it was a risky move. Jin and the others might found out he was back but fortunately everything had gone smoothly. His mom had been missing him so he thought to visit her.
It was also a great opportunity to get away from his frustrations here. The whole Mao situation. Knowing that only a hall was separating them really doesn’t help. That night had been too much.
He couldn’t get any sleep, tossing and turning, knowing Mao was just on the other side. He had jerked up several times, thinking of banging on her door and telling her everything. But in the end, he couldn’t do it. What a coward. He was too afraid he could totally lose her and change everything between them, if all goes wrong.
Back home thoughts of her would still pop up but it was better compared to when he was here. He knew he should calm himself down first in a different environment. One night should do it, he had thought. But his mom, being his mom, made him stay for two. And he realized now how much he misses Mao.
He watched as she scowled at his retort.
“Of course not,” Mao said, almost defensively. “I haven’t had this much peace in a long while now. You shouldn’t have come back so soon.”
It was Pi’s turn to scowl at her. Mao had woken up the next morning after not much of a good night’s sleep to the news that Pi had gone away. He had something to attend to, Massu had repeated what Pi told him. That was it.
Mao had thought that she would at least get an apology from Pi for his childish stunt. And also for ruining what could have been a perfect night. She had thought of calling him but thought better of it.
She had imagined she would be drifting off to sleep dreamily with thoughts of her date with Shun but instead it had been replaced with thoughts of an uncute Buta. She had tossed and turned in bed, the scene where she bit him popping up from time to time. Why is she thinking about that now?! As thoughts of his scent started cramming into her head. She growled as she lay sprawled on her back. She should be thinking of Shun. She closed her eyes and tried to when something soft grazed her hand.
She snatched it up and stared up at P-chan’s big eyes. And then she got up and started pounding on him, imagining it was Pi. She laid on top of him, trying to flatten him, feeling frustrated. In the end, she kicked him off the bed, laid back down and closed her eyes. After a while, she grudgingly got up, got P-chan back and laid down holding it. She unconsciously hugged it.
Stupid Buta. Not realizing she had forgotten about the Stitch doll beside her.
“Just admit it. You missed me,” Pi said, realizing he really wanted to hear it from her.
“Where have you been?” she asked, genuinely curious, adamant not to admit that she did miss the stupid Buta. Well, just a little.
“Shige had some problems he needed help with,” Pi said. Although it was usually the other way around.
“Shige?” Mao repeated, frowning. “Oh yeah. Your cousin.”
She hadn’t seen him since that first time they met.
“So aren’t you going to say something to me?” Mao then said, looking up at Pi.
“Like what?”
“Like ‘I’m sorry for the other night’.”
“I forgive you then,” Pi said, patting her on the head and smiling.
Mao swatted his hand away.
“I wasn’t saying that to you! I meant you should be telling me that!”
“My memory’s a bit hazy…” Pi said, dreamily. “I wonder what we’ll be having for lunch.”
Mao growled at him. Pi growled back. And then grinned boyishly as Mao gave him a death glare. Suddenly one of Big Bang’s songs started playing.
“How often do you change your ringtone?”
“It’s a text message,” Mao said, as she checked it. “Okay, I gotta go!”
“Where are you going?” Pi asked. It was too early for her to be going to work.
“I’m meeting up with Shun for breakfast,” she replied, throwing up her hand in a wave and ran towards the stairs.
Pi scowled. “You better come home early for dinner!”
He disliked the idea of her gallivanting with Shun after work. What?
“What are you, my mother?” she called back and then was gone.
“We’re having curry!” he shouted.
Just then, Sho came out of his room.
“Hey Sakurai. What?” Pi then asked as he noticed the sorta knowing smile on Sho’s lips.
“Nothing,” he said, then sniffed. “I smell a storm brewing.”
He then inclined his head in good-bye as Pi watched him go down the stairs, confusion etched on his face. His thoughts then went back to Mao and Oguri having breakfast. He growled.
Mao slowly walked as she shifted the plastic in her hand. She had bought some takoyaki to appease the Buta at home. She had sent the whole gang a message saying she wouldn’t be joining them for dinner. Tego was the first to reply.
“Aawww… T_T. I’ll miss you! Let’s have dessert together! \(^v^)/”
“Yay! More for me!” Massu’s came next.
“Who’s this?” Ryo.
“You’re having dinner with Shun right? So where are you guys eating? We haven’t really talked about this you know. We should! I hope I get some time soon. So where are you eating? You guys can try that new place that opened up. Seems really romantic!” Kei-chan’s ramblings came. And with so many emoticons crammed in.
Only one didn’t reply. So he was choosing to ignore her again. Mao shook her head as she thought of Pi. And why did she buy takoyaki for him again? She was spoiling him. She should stop. But she didn’t want to bicker with him again. Her thoughts shifted to Shun, he suddenly was needed at the office so she had told him she’ll be fine going home alone. Hope everything at work is okay, she thought.
A puppy’s cries suddenly reached her ears. It was torture to hear those kind of cries. It came from the small alley ahead. She quickly ran towards it, hoping it wasn’t seriously injured. As she was about to round the corner, malicious laughter rang out. She took a peek and saw four teenage boys standing around a small pup, clearly scaring it to death. One of them pulled on its tail, it snapped at the hand. The other boy then kicked it in the mouth. It gave a yelp.
Mao gritted her teeth. They were too much. She was kind of scared of the boys. But no one seems to be coming… The puppy… The cries came again and then taking a deep breath she jumped out and yelled at them to stop. She thought, maybe they will run away but unfortunately…
“Awww… are you coming to rescue him?” one of the boys leered at her maliciously.
“What’s that in your hand, obba-san?” the other kid said, as he slowly walked towards her.
Obba-san? She glared at them, hiding the fact that she was kinda scared… She didn’t notice a third boy had come up behind her and snatched the takoyaki away.
“Great! I’m sorta hungry right now.”
“No you’re not. Give it back,” a voice came from behind them.
Mao whipped around. Sakurai Sho. Her heart soared. At least she wasn’t alone now. She never would have imagined she would ever be this happy to see him. He would teach these kids a lesson. Maybe hurt them a little. The boys sized him up and then from the look in his eyes decided he wasn’t someone they should be messing with.
One of them signalled to the others and started to run. Sho held his foot out and tripped one of them.
“You haven’t given it back,” he said in a bored voice.
The kid handed the takoyaki back to Mao.
“Apologize,” Sho said.
“We’re sorry,” they automatically chorused and then quickly sprinted away.
Mao thought she would be able to see Sho in action. An image of Sho doing some kung-fu moves flashed across her mind. It would have been an interesting story to tell Kei-chan. Mao bowed to him. Her eyes full of gratitude. Sho smiled at her. For the first time, she didn’t feel scared or intimidated by him. She then went to check on the puppy.
“Is it alright?” Sho asked, walking towards her.
Mao scooped up the shaking pup into her arms.
“He’ll be alright. But we can’t just leave him here,” she said, as she gently patted the pup, trying to calm him down.
“We can take him home,” Sho suggested. “I have a friend who helps find home for strays.”
Mao smiled at that and nodded. And they started their walk home.
“I can care for him for the night and then take him to my friend tomorrow.”
Mao stared up at him. It was definitely a side she never expected of him. They have always cooked up bizaare ideas about him but he wasn’t as cold as they thought he was.
“I’m not going to eat him when I take him home, you know,” he then said as Mao continued to regard him silently.
Mao had the sudden image of Sho laughing evilly as he cornered the pup in his room. She shook her head mentally.
“I wasn’t thinking that!” Mao said, chagrined.
Sho smiled. He had a nice smile. Mao observed.
“It’s kinda refreshing to see a different look in your eyes when you’re looking at me now. No scared look anymore,” he continued, amused.
Mao grinned at him sheepishly. They were that obvious huh? She noticed the package Sho was carrying.
“What’s that?” she asked, striking a different conversation.
“A head.”
Mao stopped dead in her tracks and stared at him wide-eyed.
“From a mannequin,” Sho then said, frowning. “It’s for a friend of mine. He claims to be an artist.”
Mao was able to breathe again. What Tego had told her once made her jump into conclusions.
“What? You thought it was a real head?” Sho chuckled, shaking his head.
Mao stuck her tongue out in embarrassment.
“Is that for Yamashita?” he then asked, pointing at the takoyaki.
“Yeah. So he can be less of a pain in the ass,” Mao said seriously. “How’d you know?”
“I dunno. It suddenly came up in one of our conversation,” Sho shrugged. That was weird. “So he’s a pain huh?”
“Yeah, more so recently. I don’t get him,” Mao complained, shaking her head.
“Maybe something big happened recently?” Sho hinted, a smile on his lips.
Mao thought hard. Well, he hasn’t said anything that’s happened to him recently. A frown creased her brow.
Sho stared at her for a while and then shook his head.
“Never mind.”
“Why are you home so late?” Pi demanded as Mao and Sho reached their floor. He didn’t even think it was strange they were coming home together.
“I have takoyaki for you anyway,” Mao said, rolling her eyes.
Pi’s eyes lit up but he tried to act less excited. He then noticed something.
“Why do you have a puppy?”
“Wow. Your powers of observation amazes me,” Mao said, sarcastically.
It was Sho that volunteered to tell the story.
“What? Are you crazy? You could have gotten hurt!” Pi told her off, as he checked her for non-existent bruises or wounds.
“I’m okay! Sho came just in time!” Mao exclaimed as she smiled at Sho.
“Here, let me take him in. He should get some rest,” he offered and reached for the puppy.
“What name should we give him?” Mao then mused. The pup was too cute. She almost wanted to keep it but her aunt would not approve.
“Puppy,” Sho said.
Mao and Pi stared at him.
“Simple. Creative,” Pi chirped.
“You become attached to it when you give it a name,” Sho claimed mysteriously, as he looked from Pi to Mao.
Mao and Pi stared again. Anyway…
“I want juice, Mao-Mao,” Pi then said.
“Can’t you go make it yourself?” Mao said, annoyed. “You are such a brat.”
“I don’t know where you keep it!”
Mao snatched the takoyaki from him, said good night to Sho and the pup and then stalked off to her room.
“You really know how to show your love,” Sho commented as he opened the door to his room.
“People around here are so clueless,” Sho fake-whispered to the pup in his hand.
Mao’s voice suddenly called out from her room. “Didn’t you want juice? I’m giving it all to Meat Bun along with the takoyaki.”
“Don’t you dare!” Pi yelled and then ran to her room; Sho chuckling amusedly.
“What are you doing?” Mao asked.
She had stopped going around her room (which was in total chaos) and getting things ready for a big shoot that day. Ryo’s store and clothes were going to be featured in the magazine. He was already on his way so was Tego who was one of the models. (Ryo wasn’t too keen about that.) She had some last minute things to do as usual.
Pi turned his head to her.
“I’m taking this down,” he said, pointing to the poster of the actor she still didn’t know the name of. “Don’t you think he looks weird?”
”Oohh…,” she said, suddenly distracted. “You can put up my Big Bang poster. I can’t believe I forgot this.”
Pi caught Massu’s eyes, who had been sitting on the couch watching a drama re-run on TV. He shrugged as he bit into his sandwich.
“Here!” Mao came back, carefully holding a huge poster with five guys in it.
But Pi had already put up a different one. A poster of Hawaii.
“This one’s better,” Pi said, jerking his thumb at it and then rolled up the actor’s poster. He’d been meaning to do that for a while now.
Mao frowned. “That’s just going to make me depressed. It’s one place I will never ever go to.”
“It should serve as your inspiration to work hard for it,” Pi wisely said. Mao grunted.
“But I want my Big Bang poster up,” Mao whined.
Massu turned to look at the poster.
“Big Bag, huh?”
“Big BANG,” Mao corrected, pointedly. “Who would name their group Big Bag?”
“How would I know? I hear weird group names everywhere like Kisft2, Kitty Gym, News,” he defended.
“Good point,” Mao conceded, nodding.
“Who’s your favourite again? G-Dino is it?” Pi said, as he turned to see if the poster was straight.
“G-Dragon,” Mao said, narrowing her eyes at him. “I’m going to marry him someday.”
Mao laughed at her own joke. Pi didn’t look amused.
“Fangirls are scary,” Massu said, rubbing his arms.
“Shut up,” Mao said as she carefully rolled up the poster again, afraid of creasing it.
Massu turned back to the TV.
“I wonder why in dramas when a person wants to go somewhere to catch up with someone, they run. They always run! Couldn’t they just take a taxi or something?”
“It adds to the drama,” Mao explained, as Pi nodded solemnly.
A cellphone suddenly rang. A muffled Big Bang’s “Last Farewell”.
“Help me find my phone,” Mao called out as she started rummaging through all the stuff.
Massu started doing the “baby,baby” dance with his hands up in the air. Pi bopped him on the head with the poster in his hand.
“Are you turning into one of her?”
“It’s catchy,” Massu pouted, rubbing his head.
“I don’t know I like the one I’ve heard recently. I think it was “Weeek”?” Pi said, thinking.
Mao scoffed.
“But I think it’s ‘weeeak’,” She then quipped, laughing hard at her own joke. Sometimes she just cracks herself up.
Pi and Massu looked at each other not amused. She then demanded they help her find her phone. Finally…
“Ah! Here it is!” she said then answered.
It was Takki.
“Mao, find another male model. The one that’s supposed to be in this shoot called in sick.”
“What? Aren’t there extra models over there?”
“No. And our hands are tied. There’s still too much stuff to take care of-“
“How about the agency?”
“I wouldn’t call you if they could handle it. Just find one,” Takki said, as someone in the background called for him.
“But I can’t just get someone off the street-“
“Don’t be late,” was all he said and then hung up.
Mao stared at the phone. He’s being “Devil Wears Prada” right now. Though if she had Anne Hathaway’s wardrobe, it wouldn’t be so bad, she thought and closed her phone with a snap.
“What’s wrong?” Pi asked concerned over Mao’s worried scowl.
Mao looked at him. And then her eyes stared fixedly at him. As if it was the first time she has really seen him.
“What?” Pi asked, a bit wary at her look.
She then smiled sweetly at him.
“Why did I agree to this?” Pi groaned.
They were quickly walking towards the subway station. Mao working hard to keep up with Pi’s long strides. He was going to be the model. Mao was ecstatic about it. He was perfect. At least she wouldn’t have a hard time looking for one anymore. Saved her a lot of trouble.
“Because you love me,” Mao said, without thinking.
Pi’s head snapped to her. She was distracted as she shifted her bag and some of the things she needed to take to the shoot. Pi swallowed hard and tried to ignore his racing heart. But she was right… He couldn’t leave her hanging.
“Why didn’t you take Massu?” he croaked. Massu had asked the same question. “Is Oguri Shun going to be there?”
“No, he has a different shoot on location,” Mao informed him. Pi felt glad at that piece of news.
They were about to cross the street. Pi went to her other side, where the cars were coming from. Mao was surprised at his action.
“What are you doing?”
“So, if ever an accident occurs, the car would hit me first,” Pi said nonchalantly, thinking of the first time he saw her.
Huh? Mao thought. And then waved it away.
“Wow! There’s really so many people,” Pi observed, as the people around him walked briskly.
“Don’t stray away now,” Mao warned as if talking to a child.
Her everyday commute was like this. She would be pushed around by all these people; she would squeeze in-between them. She was used to it. She turned to Pi. Somehow he had a much easier time. It was sorta amazing how the people didn’t seem to touch or come near him. As if he was walking around with an invisible shield around him. He was looking around, his eyes full of amusement. He looked as if he was having fun.
“Ow!” Mao yelled as someone stepped on her foot. She, on the other hand, was not.
Shit! And that person didn’t even stop to apologize. But why bother?
“Are you alright?” Pi bent down, his eyes full of concern. Mao nodded.
Pi suddenly took her hand in his, she looked down at it without a word and they started forward. Their way had somehow cleared. She didn’t have that much of a hard time anymore. Or was it all just in her head?
“Homygod! Look at that guy! He is sooooo handsome, like homygod!” Mao heard a schoolgirl squeal in delight.
“Where’s my phone? I want to take a picture,” her friend exclaimed.
“Homygod! Is that his girlfriend? He deserves soooo much better!”
Mao looked down. They were still walking hand-in-hand. She looked up at him. He seemed oblivious to the conversation she was overhearing, still looking around.
“She’s not even pretty!”
Mao caught their eyes and glared at them. They didn’t even have the decency to feel ashamed, ignoring her.
Mao snatched her hand away as they walked ahead. Pi looked down at her.
“Hey, Mao! Look! A vending machine for umbrellas! We don’t have to worry if it rains. Cool huh?” Pi said, excitedly, childishly.
He was looking at her grinning. It hit her now just how much she liked the way Pi would look at her. As if she was the only person around him. Everything else was unimportant. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it before, but now as people walked around them, all his attention was on her. Had it always been that way?
She flicked his forehead as she felt her heart race. “Come on. Stop being so excited. People might think you’ve come from another planet.”
She pushed on ahead.
“Hey, don’t walk so fast,” he called.
What was this she was feeling? It was weird. The way she sees Pi… She’s just being overdramatic. Yeah, that was it.
“Take your card out,” she said, distractedly.
When she looked up, Pi was nowhere to be found. Her heart plopped to her stomach. Where has he gone?
“Pi!” she called and looked around nervously. Too many people.
She walked back. Maybe he just got distracted by some shiny object. She pushed through some of the people and then somebody crashed into her and hugged her all of a sudden. She didn’t see it coming.
“There you are!” Pi said, hugging her tight.
Mao stood there, unable to move. Pi still wasn’t letting go.
“I couldn’t find you all of a sudden…,” he softly said, sounding really worried.
Pi’s hug… It was making her weak in the knees… And then snapping to it, she pushed him back.
“I told you to stay with me always!” Mao scolded, hoping she wasn’t blushing. Her face felt hot.
“I’d like that,” he grinned.
“You’re so overdramatic sometimes,” Mao scoffed, trying not to feel too awkward.
“When you weren’t by my side… I didn’t like the feeling,” he quietly said, looking at her intently.
Mao’s heart involuntarily skipped a beat. She tried to wave the situation away.
“It was at most a minute. You are such a baby.”
Pi stuck his tongue out and then patted her on the head.
“Coz you’re so tiny, I lost you. You’re like a Mao-tart!”
“Stop making up nicknames,” she said and then turned around, as her lips twitched into a smile.
“Wait for me, Mao-tart!” Pi said, earning a glare from her.
They were pushed back all the way in as more people tried to squeeze in. Mao’s back was squeezed into the window, Pi standing beside her. The guy in front of her was looking appreciatively at her and was deliberately trying to stand closer to her. Mao’s face had a pained and disgusted expression. Pi noticed it and with a dark glare at the guy, he inched his way between them blocking Mao from the guy, facing her. The guy retreated. Mao looked up at him and mouthed a “Thank you”.
But then there was a new problem. Pi was standing really close to Mao now. But he couldn’t risk any other guy attempting to take advantage of her so he didn’t move. He looked down at her. Their bodies occasionally bumping into each other as the train moved. Pi gulped. He could smell her strawberry shampoo. He looked up, trying to think different thoughts. He swallowed hard again, too aware of her.
Mao stared fixedly at the button on Pi’s jacket. It almost made her look cross-eyed. She could feel the heat from his body… She could smell his scent…. The scent she was starting to love… What?! Wait! No, that’s not it! She looked up at him just as he looked down at her. Their eyes locked for a moment and then quickly looked away.
Suddenly, a person pushed into Pi as the train was stopping. And Pi was pushed into Mao. He had both his hands on the window; Mao in-between his arms. Their eyes locked again. They could feel their breaths on each other, oblivious of the people getting off. Pi’s eyes went to Mao’s lips. Mao snapped to it. The train had lesser people now. She saw there were vacant seats and quickly ran to it before anyone could take it, patting the empty seat beside her at Pi, glad for the distraction. Pi sat down, biting his lip.
Mao yawned forgetting to cover her mouth. Pi covered it for her. She slapped his hand away to Pi’s chuckles. She gave him a playful glare.
“I’m so sleepy. Just wake me up when we arrive at our stop,” she said then closed her eyes.
Pi watched her with a smile and then he took out his iPod. After a while, he turned to look at her, amazed at how she managed to fall asleep sitting upright. He quietly reached over and then placed her head gently on his shoulder. Pi gazed at her sideways and softly smiled. She nuzzled a bit on his shoulder and slept on. He yawned himself, leaned gently on her head and slowly closed his eyes. A last thought flashed across his mind…
“Because you love me.”
“Why did you have to sleep as well?” Mao exclaimed, looking harassed as they went up the flight of stairs to the building.
“I was sleepy too!” Pi said, glaring. “Are you the only one allowed to sleep?”
Pi scowled at her answer as she angrily pushed the button for their floor. If Takki hadn’t called, they would have slept straight through to the last station. They had missed their stop by too many stations.
Mao stomped out the elevator, greeted by an equally angry Takki.
“I told you not to be late,” his tone level which means he was seriously pissed off.
“It’s because of him!” Mao accused, pointing at Pi.
Takki laid his eyes on Pi. Pi started to explain.
“Where’d you find him?” Takki then asked.
“From Planet Pain-in-the-Ass.”
Pi glared at her.
“He’s ridiculously good-looking. Good job.”
Mao stared at Takki who was already pushing Pi towards wardrobe. That was it? They weren’t kidding when they said looks can help you in this industry.
“I’ll deal with you later.”
Me? Mao thought. Yes, they sure weren’t kidding.
A whirlwind of people and the shoot was in progress. Mao walked into the set later on and saw Ryo standing there talking to the photographer.
“You sure know how to impress your boss,” he greeted her as the photographer walked away.
Mao sighed. She didn’t bother explaining anymore. Nino suddenly appeared beside her.
“Did you see Pi? He’s causing one hell of a racket,” he said.
And as if on cue, Pi appeared with a trail of his newest fan club behind. All of the people were fawning over him. The stylist, make-up artists and let’s not forget the models. He didn’t look like he was enjoying it. He caught sight of Mao and the others. He looked at Mao waiting to see how she would react to him. Mao looked away as if she didn’t see him. She was still miffed.
They called Pi over to stand next to Tego and Leah. Mao’s gaze went back to him. He looked gorgeous. His hair was all tousled up but in a stylish way and whatever he wears he rocks it. Mao observed almost grudgingly, unable to look away.
And the shoot started again. Pi looked like he was at home in front of the camera, giving pose after pose. He seemed so into it, especially his poses with Leah, Mao thought almost bitterly.
“Pi’s totally working it with Leah Dizon,” Ryo said, shaking his head. “Too bad. I’ve had my eye on her.”
“Barf.” Mao. Nino smirked, looking almost bored to death.
“I know a beauty when I see one,” Ryo leered at her as Nino yawned.
“Double barf.”
The shoot had stopped for some retouches. Pi and Leah were talking and looking like they were having fun. Mao felt irritated as she watched them. Leah was being so touchy with him, she looked on with narrowed eyes. Ugh. She then started towards the door, having had enough. Ryo asked her where she was going.
“Some of us have other important things to do,” she growled and stalked off, unaware that Pi’s gaze had followed her.
Why was she so bothered at Pi and Leah? It wasn’t because she resented their closeness in the shoot right? Yeah, it was because she is a bitch and Pi is choosing not to see it! Yeah… That was it…
She typed away on her computer as she enjoyed listening to her Big Bang songs; It had helped her to calm down at least. A bit confused at the sudden surge of feelings that surfaced, she adamantly chose to find excuses for them. Or sometimes just sang along to the songs so she won’t be able to hear her thoughts.
The shoot must have finished as people started to slow down and breathe. Suddenly she heard Leah’s sickeningly sweet voice carry over to her as she heard Pi chuckle at whatever she was saying. Mao scowled at no one in particular. They seemed to have stopped to stand and talk. She didn’t want to stand up and check. They might see her.
Slowly, pulling her chair with her, she casually inched towards the edge of her cubicle. The back of her chair facing out; she slowly leaned back and peeked. Leah seemed to be whispering something while Pi had a smile on his face. She sprang forward. What was she doing? Spying on them? And what’s it to her anyway? He can talk to anyone he likes.
But he didn’t have to be so friendly with her, she thought bitterly as she leaned back on her chair once again, craning her neck. Didn’t he know how she treated her around here?
And then suddenly, she lost her balance and fell flat on the floor, along with her chair causing a lot of banging. She winced loudly, her pride hurt more than her actual back. She heard footsteps running quickly towards her. People were peering to see what happened.
“Are you okay?” Pi asked, his voice full of concern.
Mao looked at him. He looked really worried and was checking her for injuries. Mao saw Leah peering overhead and looking like she wanted to laugh at how ridiculous Mao looked right now.
Mao pushed Pi’s hands away. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she mumbled.
She stood up her face getting hot. Pi still wanting to support her. Leah resented how Pi was this concerned for Mao. Honestly, how does she get close to all the hot guys?
Mao’s phone rang and she quickly picked it up, avoiding questions as to how she ended up on the floor. It was Shun.
Just realizing now that Shun hadn’t crossed her mind the whole day until now, she felt guilty. She then walked away, talking to him, leaving Pi a little lost.
“No, I don’t want your dirty cash!” Mao sang along to the song in her ears as she turned some hot dogs on the pan. She was cooking breakfast for everyone in her room. They do this once a month in rotation, if they remember.
The boys filed into her room, scratching their faces and yawning. She stopped dancing (attempted dancing really) and smiled at each of them but when she caught Pi’s eyes, she became expressionless.
Pi narrowed his eyes at her as he watched her place hot dogs on plates and placing them on the table one by one. She hadn’t been friendly with him ever since that shoot. She was giving him the casual treatment, which irked him more as compared to if she totally ignored him.
Pi looked down at his plate. At the burnt hot dogs.
“Um…,” he tentatively said. “They’re not edible.”
“Oh, sorry. I wasn’t really careful with them,” she said flippantly. “Don’t eat it if you don’t want to.”
Pi sighed inwardly. She was getting back at him in his own game somehow. Tego looked from Mao to Pi, chewing thoughtfully, curious to what’s going on. The others seemed to be more curious if Pi was really going to eat the hot dogs.
To their horror, he did. He took a huge bite at the thoroughly burnt hot dog. Mao’s face remained blank as she ate.
“What does it taste like?” Massu asked, his voice full of wonder.
“Delicious,” Pi grimaced, as he took another bite, his eyes on Mao.
“What’s going on with you two eh?” Kei-chan asked. “Didn’t I tell you no fighting at the table?”
“Nothing’s going on,” Mao said quietly.
“You can never tell with these two,” Ryo commented, as if bored at their antics.
Pi wolfed down the hot dogs. Mao’s face was still not betraying anything.
“So what’s this I hear Sakurai Sho is a hero?” Kei-chan then changed the subject.
After breakfast, Mao heard everyone file out. She started to wash the dishes when Pi’s voice startled her.
“Are you pissed over the Leah situation?”
She thought they had all gone out.
“Why are you still here?” she said, annoyed. “And no, I’m not.”
Pi continued his intent gaze on her back. She could feel it.
“Stop staring at me,” she scolded without turning around.
“I was just trying my best to make things easier for you, working my ass off at that stupid shoot and acting all nice to those models,” Pi explained.
Mao sighed. Why was he bothering to explain? Although it made her feel better to hear it…
“I know you don’t like them but I don’t want to give them more reasons to make things hard for you,” he finished quietly.
Now she was the one who felt like an ass. She was acting irrationally… Even she couldn’t fathom her actions. It’s just that Pi was making her have weird thoughts and weird feelings… and it was becoming more frequent… She turned around slowly, her back leaning against the sink. They regarded each other silently.
“Do you want juice to wash the taste down?” Mao finally said, referring to the burnt hot dogs.
“Are you going to put salt in it?”
“Do you want me to?”
Pi grinned, despite himself.
“Hi! Good evening, ma’am! What would you like to have?” Pi greeted in a perky voice and super bright smile.
Mao burst into fits of laughter as she banged her hands on the counter, Pi narrowing his eyes ta her.
“Do it again! Do it again!” she said, her face red from laughing.
Pi pursed his lips, not amused.
“Are you enjoying?”
“Yes!” More laughter.
“What are you doing here anyway?” Pi demanded.
“Shun and I wanted pizza. So I thought to come here,” Mao explained. “That way I can also see you two.”
She waved at Massu who happily waved back as he placed a pizza into a box.
“So order already!” he said, as his mood took a dive.
He was trying to control that now. Otherwise, they’d be butting head every minute. They haven’t had much drama between them lately.
“I’ll wait for him,” she said and then went to find a table as Pi pursed his lips.
“What do girls see in him?” Pi mused out loud from the counter. Massu followed his gaze.
Shun and Mao were obviously having a good time. Mao took a bite of pizza but some of the toppings fell off onto her lap. She laughed sheepishly as she picked it up one by one. Shun giving her a tissue as he chuckled.
“I dunno. If I were a girl, I’d definitely have a crush on him,” Massu commented, not thinking too much about Pi’s weird question.
Pi gave him a sideways look.
“Of course, you’re prettier,” Massu then retracted as he swung his arms over Pi’s shoulders.
Pi growled at him.
“But he does have a Ducati…,” he then said quietly.
“Anyway, you have a delivery my friend!” Massu said cheerfully at Pi. “Go wow the ladies with our scooter!”
Pi slowly made his way up the stairs, his thoughts back to Mao and Oguri. He was alright if he didn’t see them together, he can forget they were going out. But when he does see them…
“What’s up with Oguri nowadays?” a voice carried out of the open door.
Pi stopped in his tracks. Oguri? This was too much of a coincidence now.
“He’s not hanging out with you anymore. Almost kinda avoiding you,” a new male voice commented.
Could it be the same Oguri? Pi thought and he listened on.
“I think he’s working on a ‘project’,” another voice chuckled maliciously.
“Really? With that chick? I thought he turned down your suggestion?”
“He did,” the malicious voice answered. “But I think he’s pulling my leg that time. After that, he went straight to approach her. What does that tell you?”
“Ah… Oguri always does have something cooking up his sleeves.”
“Yeah… he probably wants to surprise us with something different…,” though this time the malicious voice sounded unsure.
“Isn’t it taking a bit too long though?”
“You don’t rush a genius at work. He’s probably bored with the way things are usually done. My boy has never failed me before,” the malicious voice chuckled again.
“Yeah. He’ll be able to get the chick, unlike you,” one of the voices laughed.
“What did you say?” Someone didn’t sound happy.
“Hey, do you smell pizza?”
“The delivery knows he can just come in.”
Pi snapped back, He quickly reached the door and called ‘Pizza delivery’. They couldn’t be talking about the same Oguri. And the girl couldn’t be Mao. Yeah, Oguri’s a pretty common name. Pi pushed the door open slowly.
He peeked in and saw two guys lounging on the couch as the third one walked towards him.
“Hey, Toma. It’s your turn to pay,” the guy stopping in front of Pi called back.
Yeah, they couldn’t be…
Yamapiggy: Yeah... I was surprised as well how quickly I put up Chapter 9. LOL! We'll see how long this can go on! >V< Hope you guys enjoy! I tried my best. ^_____^
and the world is sunny and beautiful again!!! :):) i really enjoyed ur fanfic ... i also missed it terribly when u were away ... so i'm so glad that u're back :)
hi epi!
thanks for your words ne! i truly appreciate it! ^______^
maji happy you like the fic!
thank you again for the support! *grins*
hope you enjoy the latest ^^
luckily I checked your blog often for any updates of yours if possible!
Matte yo... I'll read this 2 chapters when I'm free from my assignments :) *excited*
honto ni arigatou gozaimasu!
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