Chapter 10
Pi felt like his head was going to explode as Mao stood there in front of him screaming shrilly. He couldn’t believe anyone can let out a scream that long.
“Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod,” she said so fast as she held onto Pi’s arms, jumping up and down.
He was still recovering from the scream, looking almost disoriented.
“I think my eyes just bled out,” Ryo said, looking at Mao as if she was a lunatic.
Massu tried to shake his head. “I can still hear ringing!”
“Guys! Takki just called and informed me we’re going to have a small feature on Big Bang! They’re coming for some promotions!”
Mao cannot stand still, her face red from excitement, grinning from ear to ear.
“You might not even get to meet them. I thought just the important people in the company gets to meet such artists,” Ryo mused.
“I don’t even feel like punching you in the face right now,” Mao said, still grinning goofily. She was in heaven.
“I could even hug you,” she added perkily.
“Don’t” Ryo said but without much conviction.
“How come Big Bang just keeps popping out of nowhere all of a sudden?” Tego asked.
“I know what you mean,” Massu agreed.
“Awww… don’t worry, you guys are still in second place for my favourite guys.”
They all scoffed.
“Who wants that anyway?” Pi retorted. Hmph.
“I saw one name. G-Dragon? I mean, how corny can you get?” Ryo said, a bit weirded out.
“It’s a stage name. Hello?” Mao said, rolling her eyes.
“I saw one of them has T.O.P as a stage name. That’s kinda cool. With an attitude. But G-Dragon?” Ryo continued.
Pi snickered. Mao glared at him.
Massu laughed. “If he’s the G-Dragon, then Pi’s the Pi-Buta.”
“I’m the M-Dog. Tego’s T-Rex. And Ryo? I don’t want to say anything coz he scares me.”
He laughed hysterically as the others just stared blankly at him.
“Not funny? Fine!” he pouted, crossing his arms.
“He can totally rock the corniest stage name,” Mao sniffed. “Unlike you guys. You’re just boyband material.”
“Boybands aren’t that bad,” Massu shrugged.
“Yeah? Singing in the rain with bad choreography and then shouting ‘taiyou no namida’?” Mao said, making barfing noises.
“What’s wrong with singing in the rain?” Tego asked, his lips quivering.
“Throw in a couple of guy playing with hoses and you get gay,” Mao smirked.
“Well, your G-Dino is gayer. Do you see the clothes he’s wearing? What’s up with those ripped pants?” Pi mused.
“He’s a fashionista. He’s got more style than you guys put together,” Mao said smugly.
Oh wait. She should stop with the retorts since she still had a favour to ask…
“But still, you guys are the best!” she then quickly said, perkily throwing her arms wide open.
They narrowed their eyes suspiciously at her.
“Come on. Let’s go,” she then said, heading for the door.
“Where are we going?” Massu asked, frowning.
“You’re going to help me wash Takki’s car,” Mao said very quickly, as if that would help to get them agree easily. “So come on.”
“What are we, your slaves?” Ryo retorted.
“Technically, yes.”
They all stared at her.
“We have better things to do.”
“Come on guys. Let’s leave her and form our own boyband,” Massu said stiffly. He had no intention of wasting his weekend away.
“Yeah. And name our group NewS!”
“I think there’s already a NewS.”
They started to file out. Mao grabbed onto Pi’s arm and pulled on it, pouting up at him. Pi felt his heart squeeze. He was weak to that…. But then… He started making faces at her, taunting her as if saying ‘Fat chance!’. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I’ll treat you guys after, of course!” she announced, still holding on to Pi.
Massu was the first to turn back.
“Come on guys, Mao’s our friend. Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves?”
“That was fast,” Tego mused.
Ryo bopped him on the head.
“I wish I was Koyama right now. He has an excuse to sleep in,” Pi said wistfully.
“Why do you need all of us anyway? It’s just one car,” Ryo complained.
“I’ll just be managing you guys.”
They started filing out again.
“I’m just kidding! Can’t you guys take a joke?” Mao called out.
She then got her bag and they started heading out.
“What now?” Ryo said, irritated.
“Let’s just do one dance to celebrate the news I got from Takki!” Mao declared giddily.
“Are you freaking kidding me?”
“You’re weird.” Pi.
“No way! Let’s just go! I will not-“
Mao started singing off-key. “I’m so sorry but I love you I just can’t lie…”
And they all started dancing to “Lies” automatically. Mao laughed happily and raised her hands for high-fives. But they were all filing out, ignoring her.
“Hey! Hey!”
As they walked down the stairs, Massu started humming.
“I’m so sorry but I love you- Argh! Mao this is your fault!”
The song was now stuck in his head.
“Mwahahaha!” Mao.
“Is this even part of your job description?” Pi asked, as they arrived at Takki’s house. The car was parked in the small driveway.
“What do you think?” Mao answered. “His help took the day off and he needs the car to meet up with some potential advertisers.”
“Why are you doing this again?”
Mao shrugged. She was used to it.
“Besides, I’m hoping he’ll be buying me a new PDA phone,” she grinned. “I’ve been giving him hints.”
“Can you do that?”
Mao stuck her tongue out. “That’s why I have my fingers and toes crossed.”
They started getting things ready. Tego went over to the hoses as Mao put on rubber gloves. Pi was looking around looking a bit lost. Ryo had found a chair and a nice spot, put his cap over his face, ready to drift off to sleep.
“I just got my nails cleaned though,” Tego mused out loud.
“Dude! That sounds so gay,” Massu said, standing next to him.
“What? And how come Ryo’s sleeping?”
“Coz I’m Ryo,” Ryo sleepily declared.
“Crap!” Mao blurted out. She forgot to tie her hair up before putting on her gloves. She looked to Tego who seems to be busy having a serious conversation with Massu as they looked at his fingers. She didn’t want to know.
“What is it?” Pi asked, walking towards her.
“I just need help tying my hair.”
Pi stood behind her and took the scrunchie from her. For some reason, Pi standing so close behind her was making her heart pound. Something she wanted to ignore. She stared fixedly ahead, trying to look unaffected. She felt Pi’s fingers gently lift her hair, resulting to a slight tingle running down her spine.
That strawberry scent again. Why was he torturing himself like this? He gently tied her hair up, exposing her nape. He had the sudden urge to kiss it. He quickly put his hands down and jammed them into his pockets. Before he does anything with them.
“Done,” he squeaked as Mao stood there immobile.
“Oh, thanks!” Mao then chirped perkily, avoiding facing him. She knew she was blushing. She went towards Tego and Massu with a frozen smile on her lips.
“What’s up with your face?”
They were almost finished (No thanks to Ryo.) and was hosing down some parts of the car. Pi stifled a yawn as he held the hose.
“Ryo’s still sleeping! It’s not fair!” Tego then complained.
“Then you wake him up,” Massu challenged.
Pi’s eyes went to Mao. She had a little soap on her forehead from when she wiped her sweat off earlier. She seemed oblivious to it as she concentrated on wiping the car.
“Aaacccck!” Mao then sputtered, trying to open her eyes, hearing Pi’s amused laughter. He had turned the hose on her unsuspectingly.
Mao was able to open her eyes and then glaring, she tried to throw water on Pi with the pail but missed. Pi laughed some more and then choked on the water on his face.
“I got him for you, Mao!” Tego gushed. He and Mao then did an air high-five, laughing victoriously.
Massu then casually placed the soapy sponge on Tego’s head and squeezed. Tego glared at him. Oh, this was war. Mao then ran towards Pi and tried to snatch the hose away from him. They struggled, pulling on it so Mao tried to turn the water on him but shrieked as he successfully drenched her again, laughing out loud.
“Will you keep it down?” Ryo called out under his cap in an irritated voice.
Silence. Good. And then he got beaned with soapy sponges and wet rags. He sprang forward to amused laughters as they pointed at him. Ryo then ran towards Tego and Massu as Massu screamed out loud. Ryo successfully snatched the hose from Tego. They all ran away.
“You’re using me as a shield?! Oh, thank you very much,” Mao said sarcastically as Pi, Tego and Massu crouched behind her.
Ryo put the hose on her and she pulled Pi out, hid behind him and then pushed him forward.
“Wait! Wait!” Pi said as Ryo focused the hose on his face. He then fired back. They continued laughing and shouting.
Just another normal afternoon for all of them.
Pi sat on the ground drying his wet hair with a towel as he leaned on the car. Someone plopped down beside him.
“Ugh! It’s getting uncomfortable,” Mao said as she opened a bottle of water. “My chuck taylors.”
Pi looked down at her feet as she wiggled them, chuckling. He then sighed contentedly, leaning his head back.
“What?” Mao asked, a smile in her voice.
Pi looked at her. That sigh says it all. Mao grinned softly at the expression on his face.
“You’re glad you found us huh?”
His eyes softened at her. She continued to stare back. More than you’ll ever know, he had thought, referring mostly to her.
“I knew it!” she exclaimed, as she took a swig of water, reading the expression in his eyes. It made her feel all warm despite her wet clothes.
“I know you’re glad you found me too,” Pi teased, trying to cover up the fact that he may have revealed too much.
Mao scoffed.
“Here have some water,” she said, as she gave him her bottle.
Pi pouted as he took it.
“I’m happy I found a pet Pi-nut Buta!” she said finally, patting him on the head as she stood over him.
Pi growled.
“Good boy,” she teased and walked away.
Pi grinned boyishly at her back and looked down at the water in his hands. He opened the cap, suddenly thirsty and slowly realized she had placed her lips on the mouth. He paused and then looked around as if embarrassed at what he was about to do.
He slowly put the mouth to his lips and drank. Mao’s lips suddenly popping into his head. He suddenly felt giddy and then shook his head at himself, chuckling. Crazy.
People were staring at the five people standing outside 7-Eleven, each holding a popsicle in hand, looking totally drenched. Kids these days…
Mao happily licked the popsicle in her hand. Strawberry. She then turned to the others. They were just staring at her.
“If I knew what you’re treating us, I would not have gone,” Massu finally said. “I feel like I’ve been cheated.”
“I kept my end of the bargain! You didn’t ask where I’ll be treating,” Mao defended.
“At least treat us to something hot. We can easily catch a cold in wet clothes as it is,” Ryo said, frowning.
Pi just shrugged and opened his. Apple. Tego followed suit.
“So let’s hurry home then!” Mao said and started forward. All of them shaking their heads at her.
“Looks like it’s about to rain,” Mao said as she looked up, her half-eaten popsicle in hand. “You can smell it too.”
Pi sniffed the air. The two of them were in front while the others walked a little behind. They could still hear Massu complaining, the popsicle was too small.
“I kinda like that smell. You know, just before it rains,” Mao said, grinning, her lips had turned strawberry red.
Pi tried to keep his gaze off her lips. He was really going crazy. He stole another glance. Mao then turned to him, startling him. She stuck her tongue out.
“What’s the color of my tongue now?” she asked an obvious question.
“Green,” Pi answered. He stuck his tongue out this time.
“How about mine?”
They then laughed at their supposed joke.
“Are you guys talking your alien language again?” Tego asked, grudgingly.
Pi and Mao grinned at each other. Mao was feeling really happy that day; she loved everyone around her.
“To friends,” she suddenly said as she held her popsicle up high as if in a toast.
Pi held up his as they heard footsteps run towards them.
“To friends!” Massy and Tego held theirs up too. All that was left of Massu’s was a stick though. (It was small!) They swung their arms over Mao’s shoulders.
“Yeah. Yeah. To friends,” Ryo said, rolling his eyes. But he smiled despite himself. Pi grinned boyishly.
They all had their popsicles up high, belatedly realizing they had arrived at their building, laughing.
“Mao?” a voice spoke up.
“Shun!” Mao exclaimed with a smile. He had been waiting for her.
Yeah, friends… Pi thought as Mao stood closer to Shun, his heart sinking. That’s all they were ever going to be, huh?
It was really awkward. I mean I really wanted to jump out the window,” Shun joked as they stopped in front of a bench in the park.
Mao chuckled as Shun relayed the time he spent with Pi and the others when she went to change.
“Koyama, was it? He was talking non-stop. Just asking me questions. I haven’t even answered his first question he asks a next one,” Shun said, shaking his head.
“I hope I answered some of them right.” Shun added worriedly. “He’s not going to lock you up and never let me see you again, right?”
Mao threw her head back and laughed. “Kei-chan’s harmless most of the time.”
Shun continued. Tego was glaring at him the whole time. Massu was eating popcorn and watching amusedly as he got grilled by Koyama, as if watching a funny sitcom. And in true Nishikido fashion, Ryo didn’t bother staying around.
“And well, Yamashita as always, I feel some kind of animosity from him,” Shun mused.
Weird, Mao thought. Pi was normally pleasant unless provoked.
“He’s been weird lately. Don’t worry about him,” Mao said, waving her hand.
“Yeah…,” Shun said quite unsure.
Mao sighed. “You really picked the worst time to take pictures of me. I look a mess! Can we do it some other time?”
“I think you look pretty.”
Mao grinned shyly at him.
“A pretty mess,” Shun teased as he took out his camera.
Mao gave him a playful glare.
“I think that’s probably enough, huh?” Mao said as she plopped down on the fountain edge.
Shun sat down beside her as he checked the last shots they took.
“I kinda can’t get enough of you,” he grinned and peeked at her.
She blushed and pursed her lips.
“It’s hard satisfying the fans,” she joked dramatically.
Shun chuckled and reviewed more of the photos. Each shot of Mao, her radiant smile was present. It was contagious as he gazed at the photos. If not, she was being her clumsy self. There was a shot of her where the side of her lips had ketchup and she was laughing holding a hotdog. A scene where she tripped on a protruding rock. He loved the fact she could totally laugh at herself.
He loved Mao’s solo shots. They tell so much. But he equally loved her with other people around her. She just had this charm that affects the people so naturally; they themselves are enamoured by her charm and they glow with her.
“If there are stolen shots of me with a lazy eye look, delete them,” Mao said, as she peered in.
“You mean like this one?”
It was a close-up and she looked demented.
“Omo! Delete that!” she said and reached for the camera.
“I’m blowing this up and putting it up in my future gallery,” Shun laughed.
Mao waved a fist at him threateningly. Shun then pulled her to him and aimed the camera at them.
“Funny face!”
They were cross-eyed and had blowfish faces.
“Surprised looks!”
Their eyes were wide and mouths open.
They look liked hip-hop stars.
“Let’s do a normal shot this time.”
They smiled widely for the camera. Shun checked the last shot. They looked truly happy. Mao then stretched her hands and legs. And then… SPLASH! Shun looked around. Mao had gone off-balance and landed in the fountain, a horrified expression on her face. She sat their immobile.
Shun put away his camera, trying not to laugh. Their eyes met and then he couldn’t help it. He threw his head back and laughed out loud, clutching his stomach.
Mao glared at him. “Aren’t you going to help me?”
Shun continued laughing. He took Mao’s hand. Mao then pulled with all her might, intending to pull him in with her.
“Eh?” Shun chuckled, when she failed miserably. He had anticipated that move of hers. He remained standing and dry.
Mao pouted. Shun sighed. Mao looked up at him, her eyes hopeful. And then Shun let her pull him into the water.
Mao’s laughter rang out as water splashed on Shun’s face. They then started splashing water on each other for a while, drawing attention.
“It’s not as romantic as it seems in the movies, huh?” Mao declared after a while, pausing.
“Yeah, it’s kinda dirty,” Shun agreed.
Their eyes locked and they burst out laughing. Shun pulled her up to her feet. She lost her footing and clung to him. He gazed down at her, his eyes softening. Mao shyly looked down and noticed some coins blinking up at her.
“Is this a wishing fountain?” she mused.
“I dunno… If it is… guess what I’m wishing for right now.”
Mao looked up at him. He had a faint smile on his lips, pulling her closer to him. His hands at the small of her back. He started to lean down… drawing Mao in.
A whistle sounded. The guard at the park was coming towards them. Shun groaned. What great timing.
“This is romantic,” Mao said, laughing as Shun gathered his things and they sprinted away.
They stopped at the entrance of the park. The guard seems to have given up on them. Catching their breaths, they looked at each other and felt a rush as they laughed at their misadventure. Shun paused and then gave a light kiss on her lips. He pulled away slowly as Mao looked up at him.
“I got my wish,” he said.
Mao blushed as she smiled softly at him. Suddenly a drop of rain fell on her cheek and then grinning at each other, they ran hand-in-hand as the rain gradually fell.
“I’m shaking, Pi,” Mao whispered in a small voice.
“They’re here.”
“Who’s here?”
“I’m breathing the same air as them,” she said, her voice in awe as she stared up wide-eyed at him.
Pi sighed inwardly. Big Bang’s in the house yo, he thought exasperatedly.
“What’s that for?”
She was holding a box of Krispy Kreme donuts.
“I know Ji Yong likes crispy donuts. Are these considered that?” Mao asked.
“Ji Yong? Who’s that?”
She slowly walked towards the room where Big Bang were. Pi was about to walk away when she pulled him back.
“Come with me. I need to have some support or else I can’t go in there alone,” she peered up at him, nervously.
She knew she was being pathetic in front of him but she didn’t care at the moment. Pi sighed. He really didn’t want to be there when she’s drooling over some guys.
“Okay, I’ll go with you. But you have to tell Takki I’m not doing anymore shoots. I specifically said it’s a one-time thing,” Pi glowered.
Mao nodded fervently. She grabbed onto Pi’s arm and they walked forward. Pi felt like he was losing feeling to his arm as she squeezed it. They opened the door, surprised at how security was a bit lax. Mao inhaled sharply. He followed her gaze. G-Dragon.
“Oh my god! He’s smiling! He’s smiling! I love his smile,” she said, trying to stay calm as she pinched Pi’s arm.
“Ow! OW! Stop that!”
They walked in, Pi rubbing his arm, pouting at Mao. They stood by the table holding foods and drinks. One of the members was there. He saw them, smiled and then bowed at them, thinking they were part of the staff. He looked really friendly.
“Whut up, homie?” Pi greeted, pounding on his chest.
Mao and the Big Bang member stared at him.
“So it’s ‘whut’ now? Don’t embarrass me.”
They turned back to the Big Bang member.
“Eeenow Mau…. Solo album…, “a sound came out of Mao’s mouth.
Pi looked down at her so did Tae Yang, feeling a bit awkward by now.
“Inoue Mao,” Pi deciphered what she said. “And then something about a solo album? She’s a fan.”
As if that explains it all. Tae Yang then bowed again and smiled shyly. He then shyly reached out to shake her hand. Mao’s hands shot out quickly. Gaah, she was shaking Tae Yang’s hand!
“Thank you for the support.”
Aawww… he’s so cute when his eyes disappear like that.
“I just remembered. They’re Korean and they can understand us?” Pi whispered loudly to Mao.
Mao shrugged.
“They understand English anyway,” Mao whispered loudly back. “Don’t you think it’s weirder we’re Japanese but we always speak in English?”
“Good point.”
Tae Yang looked at them a bit confused and smiled awkwardly, as they both grinned at him.
“Hey, hyung, who are you talking to?” Seung Ri walked over to see.
G-Dragon and Dae Sung came behind, talking and laughing. Mao noticed GD was wearing his infamous star beanie. He looked so stylish as always, she thought giddily.
Mao held out the box of Krispy Kremes.
“This is for G-Dragon,” Pi automatically said. Why wasn’t Mao talking?
She was still trying to calm down. She wanted to make sure or else the first thing she’s going to blurt out in front of GD is ‘I love you. Marry me!’.
Seung Ri pouted. “How come it’s only for Ji Yong-hyung?”
“Me?” GD pointed at himself, surprised. “Ah. Thank you.”
He smiled a bit shyly. Mao almost fainted. She felt like pinching Pi again. Top suddenly appeared quietly.
“That’s favouritism. You should at least be subtle about it,” he joked in his own unique way.
“He-He-He.” Ohmygod! Where did that ugly sound come from? From her? Pi looked taken aback as Dae Sung stood by him with a big smile. Does all he ever do is smile? Weird guy.
Mao finally worked her throat.
“Can we take pictures?” she shyly asked.
It was at that time their manager came in and told them to get ready. There’s no time for pictures.
“Don’t worry. It will just be quick,” GD said and then smiled at Mao.
She had died and gone to heaven. Pi obviously ended up being the photographer. They took a couple of group shots. She was thankful GD was standing next to her with his peace sign. And the other they posed with Top’s infamous twirling finger move. She knew it was a long shot but she requested a last solo shot with GD.
“Favoritism,” Top joked again, shaking his head. “You are breaking the other’s hearts.”
“Why is it Ji Yong-hyung again?“ someone pouted. Seung Ri.
Pi looked a bit wary at Dae Sung. He still had that big smile on his face.
She got her picture with GD. He had his arm over her shoulders. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t fainted yet.
“So you’re going to watch our performance, right?” GD asked.
“Of course.”
“B- to the I- to the-,” he started.
“Bang Bang!” she finished, laughing a bit embarrassed. Pi looked lost.
She was able to get a hug from each member. GD gave her a wave and gave her one last smile. And then they were gone. She stared dreamily at the door.
“Somebody pinch me.”
Pi did.
“That’s for pinching me I don’t know how many times.”
Mao grinned widely and reviewed the pictures. She couldn’t stop smiling.
“I love that beanie of his,” she casually said. She bit her lip, still feeling giddy.
“You owe me for this, you know. I don’t know what could have happened if you went alone.”
“Okay, I’ll treat you then!” Mao said, looking up, that giddy smile still on her lips.
Pi had the urge to kiss her right then and there.
“I’ll pick something expensive then.”
“Okay!” Mao said, perkily. He knows she wasn’t fully listening. She was still on cloud nine as she looked down at the pictures again.
“I knew I’d find you here. Mao, let’s go have lunch,” Shun’s voice suddenly came from the door.
“Hey…,” Pi softly protested.
Mao nodded at him.
“You got pictures with them?” Shun smiled.
“Yeah!” she said excitedly and ran towards the door. She then peeked back in, “Oh, Pi. I’ll treat you next time, okay?”
Pi’s heart involuntarily soared for a moment. And then they were gone. Pi sighed and dragged his heavy steps towards the door.
“A vespa? A vespa??” Pi exclaimed weakly as he and Shige stood a little ways away from the front of their bulding beside the shrubs, standing in front of a vespa.
“And it’s pink!” Pi then choked.
Shige stood there, scratching his head helplessly, looking down at it. Pi had called him suddenly and asked him to bring a motorcycle over to him. Something that could be considered “badass”. That kinda threw him in a loop. He had somehow contacted one of their biggest clients, one of the biggest distributors of motorcycles, and asked to load one, somehow thinking up some wild excuse.
The client had his hands tied and could not spare one. It was too last minute. But he did have a vespa. It was considered an antique and Shige better take good care of it. Since he was pressed for time (Pi had called just the day before), he took it.
“You didn’t give me enough time, sir…,” Shige said quietly.
Pi was still staring at it in disbelief.
“Just take it back and get me a proper motorcycle next time.”
“What is this for anyway?” Shige then asked. “Is this because Oguri has a Ducati?”
Pi was a little flustered.
“Mao’s going to be treating me and I want to take her to this curry place I discovered. Riding a motorcycle is the best way to get there,” he reasoned out.
Shige regarded him with a knowing smile.
“Then why does it have to be ‘badass’,” he teased.
“I didn’t say that,” Pi said his face blank.
“Yes, you did!”
Suddenly, they heard Mao’s voice ring out. She was talking on the phone. Obviously talking to Oguri. Her voice dripping with sweetness that made Pi want to growl. Her voice seemed to be nearing the corner. Crap! He didn’t want her to see this but the vespa it is. Pi then looked at Shige.
“Hide!” he hissed and pushed Shige towards the shrubs.
Shige struggled. “But she knows me. It’s okay!”
But Pi had already pushed him in hard and he crouched low, sighing.
“Hey Pi-nut!” he heard Mao call. “What’s that behind you?”
“You still haven’t treated me,” Pi said. “So I’m letting you treat me today.”
So Mao didn’t even know she was treating today, Shige thought, shaking his head amusedly. He heard Mao’s footsteps stop in front of the shrub.
“It’s a vespa!” she squealed in delight. “You have a vespa?”
“Why is it pink though?” she then added.
“I don’t want to talk about that.”
Shige imagined Pi narrowing his eyes at the shrub. He laughed softly.
“It looks so well-maintained. How come you never said you have a vespa?” Mao asked, still admiring it.
“It’s not mine. Do you think I’m the type to own a pink vespa?”
“Yeah. Kinda,” Mao replied, shrugging.
“You’re really uncute, you know that? It’s Shige’s. He’s the one who likes pink.”
Shige closed his eyes, shaking his head.
“You didn’t really let this treating thing go, huh?” Mao teased.
And it was a reason to spend some time with her.
“Yeah, so put on the helmet.”
“Aawww… and you have a pink helmet as well,” Mao teased snickering.
“Put it on already.”
Mao snatched the white one instead. “You take the pink one.”
“Hey!” Pi growled.
“Suits you better,” she grinned as she put on her helmet.
Pi tried to snatch the helmet from Mao as she ducked, laughing. Pi grumbled and put on the pink helmet. Now he was one with the vespa. They both got on. Mao placed her hands on Pi’s shoulders.
Pi looked at her hands on his shoulders and frowned.
“Is that the right way to hold on?” he berated, as he took Mao’s hands and placed it securely around his waist to Mao’s surprise.
He pulled her closer; Mao’s face bumping into his back.
“This is the proper way. I don’t want you falling off now,” he said as he started the ignition.
Mao stared at the back of his head in disbelief. And then despite herself let out an exasperated smile. She unconsciously held on tighter. Pi’s lips broke into a small giddy grin.
“Wait, you’re sure you know how to do this right?” she then asked, her voice worried.
“Of course,” Pi scoffed. “Have a little faith, will you?”
“Okay fine. Then let’s go!” she said excitedly.
“Wee!” they both cheered simultaneously.
CRASH! They went straight into the shrubs.
“Wait. I can’t breathe,” Pi choked as Mao held on tight.
She then recovered and knocked on his helmet.
“Have a little faith huh?” she shouted, knocking his helmet once again.
“Sorry about that! It’s just been a while…”
“Sorry, shrub,” he then said. Shrub meaning Shige.
Shige’s heart pounded. He swallowed hard, trying to calm down. Good thing he moved. He then heard them ride away, still bickering. When the coast was clear, he suddenly jumped out, leaves falling off him.
“Oh my God!” an old lady shrieked, clutching at her chest, startled at Shige suddenly popping out. “What are you doing? Pervert!”
She reached for her umbrella and started whacking him. He ran away trying to explain as she whacked him again.
Sigh. The things he does for Pi.
“Look! Look at the cabbage!” Mao exclaimed, pointing and laughing.
“How come that line sounds familiar?” Pi then asked.
“I dunno,” Mao shrugged, still pointing and laughing.
They were passing by a small stretch of market stalls as Pi looked around, obviously trying to figure out where they were right now.
“Are you lost?”
“Of course not. It’s just around that corner.”
Still no restaurant. Mao knocked on his helmet.
“You are lost.”
“Stop knocking on my helmet!” he yelled.
Mao laughed and knocked on it once more. Pi growled.
“I’m hungry already!” she said.
“Look who’s the brat now.”
“Stop that!” Pi yelled once again to Mao’s laughter.
After a while more of bickering, Pi finally found it and parked around the corner.
“Come on! Hope there aren’t too many people,” he said, not wanting to wait.
He suddenly grabbed Mao’s hand and ran to the entrance. Someone greeted them at the door and informed them that they were just clearing a table.
“What do you want to eat?” he then asked as he pulled her to look at the menu. “Their curry is the best here.”
Mao turned to the menu, trying to decide when she realized Pi was still holding her hand. She glanced up at his profile furtively. He looked really good… His eyes shining at the thought of curry. She smiled inwardly at that. Not really knowing it was the fact he had her hand in his. She unconsciously started to close her hand on his. What was she doing?
“I want katsu-curry!” she said a little too enthusiastically as she pulled her hand from Pi’s and pointed at the menu.
She grinned widely up at Pi. Trying to wave away the awkward thought that keeps popping into her mind. Pi forced a grin back. He knew too well she found an excuse to pull her hand away. It was natural… he thought a little sadly.
There table was ready. Mao was talking about anything and everything perkily. Pi knew she was agitated when she starts doing that. Was he making her nervous?
“So, did you have fun at Big Bang’s mini performance?” she then asked. “I’m sure you did, huh?”
“It was okay. I’ve seen better,” Pi said, purposely trying to tease her.
Mao made a face at him.
Takki had given Shun extra tickets for Big Bang. Knowing too well Mao’s obsession with them and her relationship with Shun, he had given it to him. He knew Shun would definitely take her. He didn’t want his other staff to think he favors Mao more.
“Aaww… he’s still trying to hide the fact he cares about me,” Mao said as she looked at the tickets excitedly.
Shun laughed. “I guess he is. But we have an extra ticket. You know anyone that wants to go?”
“I’ll go,” an idiot spoke up.
“I don’t have anything to do anyway,” the idiot added.
Who was the idiot? Yeah, it was him. Pi didn’t know why he was doing this to himself. Sticking himself with them, he knew it was bound to make him crazy. But he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to spend one of Mao’s happiest moments with her…
It was one night he had wanted to erase from his memory. Shun had borrowed a car that night since there were three of them. Pi had sat in the backseat enduring their sweet moments. Mao was telling him about how she named Shun Stitch coz he can imitate Stitch’s voice pretty well. Shun had demonstrated, saying ‘I love you’ in Stitch’s voice as Mao burst into laughter. Pi forced a laugh. He could do a better Stitch. Hmph.
During the performance, Shun had held out a donut in the air suddenly. This caught the attention of Big Bang in stage. G-Dragon spotted Mao and then flashed her an amused smile. That was why Shun insisted on taking the other box of Krispy Kremes she had bought for him. Mao squealed in happiness and hugged the laughing Shun. Pi averted his eyes, knowing too well what came next. Mao planted a quick kiss on Shun’s lips. Pi gritted his teeth.
At the end of the night, they had dropped Pi off. His skin was already crawling from the lovey-dovey moments and he felt like he was going to explode. He wanted to punch something so bad. He was amazed at how he held his composure up to now.
“You go on right ahead, Pi. Shun and I are just going to stop by somewhere and make out for the rest of the night,” Mao had said.
Of course she didn’t actually say that. It was just his bitter thoughts. He had watched them drive off as he tried to calm himself down, feeling frustrated as he couldn’t do anything about it.
“Stop scowling! The food’s here!” Mao said, as their orders arrived.
Pi hadn’t realized he had been scowling as he was remembering that night. Mao opened her soda and filled her cup too quickly causing it to spill over the brim.
“Crap!” she muttered as she hurriedly reached for some tissue, knocking her cup in the process.
Soda spilled over the table and trickled off the edges.
“My jeans!” Mao wailed, as she quickly slid her chair away. She tried to wipe the spill with tissues, Pi helping her.
Mao whimpered softly as the tissues started soaking up the soda. Pi suddenly took her hand and then started wiping it with wet tissue.
“Your hands are going to get sticky,” Pi said as he gently wiped them.
Mao sat there pouting like a kid as Pi wiped her hands. She peeked up at him.
“Do I always have to take care of you?” he teased. And he liked the feeling. He wanted to take care of her…
Mao scoffed.
“That’s not the case. You’re the brat here.”
Pi’s lips broke into an amused smile.
“I can take care of you,” he then said seriously as he looked at her.
Their eyes locked. Mao can’t seem to look away. His thumb involuntarily caressed her hand softly. It was at the tip of his tongue – Suddenly Mao pulled away and then stood up, muttering she’ll just wash her hands.
Mao stood at the sink absent-mindedly washing her hands. What was wrong with her? When did she become this conscious of Pi? This aware of his presence? It was frustrating her! She shouldn’t be feeling these. He was a friend. A very good friend and that’s the best thing. And she had Shun…
But when he said he can take care of her… she whole-heartedly believed him and she wanted him- Arrggggh! She screamed in her head and scowled at her reflection. She didn’t notice someone was beside her. The girl looked at her a bit afraid and then stepped out. Ugh. This was all just in her head. Right? She thought as Pi’s intent gaze, his hold on her hand popped into her mind again. She violently pulled on some tissue, ignoring the tingle she felt.
She went back to the table and pushed all those thoughts into the back of her mind, acting as if nothing happened and started chatting happily away with Pi. Pi followed her cue.
“I hope you and the guys are planning a really good surprise for me,” she suddenly said as she chewed.
“We always plan surprise parties for each other,” Mao said, grinning.
Blank stare.
“My birthday’s coming up soon,” Mao said, exasperated.
Oh. That was what Koyama meant when he said they should be planning soon.
“What kind of friend are you? You don’t even know when my birthday is.”
“Why? Do you know when mine is?”
“I wonder if there are any good movies lately…”
“See? You don’t know my birthday.”
“Stop scowling! You’re getting uglier.”
“You have something in your teeth.”
“You’re still getting uglier.”
They continued to bicker. Yes, things shouldn’t change. Things were just right they way they are right now…
“How does this look on me?” Mao asked, turning to Pi.
They were looking around after having lunch and spotted a whole street full of stalls. Mao was trying on sunglasses happily.
“Nice! How about me?” he asked, striking a pose.
“Kyaaaa,” Mao faked a fangirl scream.
Pi chuckled as Mao then turned her attention towards the caps. Pi wandered out and into the next stall, selling necklaces and different trinkets. As he was about to leave, his eyes caught something interesting.
It was a necklace with a small starfish pendant. The starfish was of a reddish-orange color with some bits of yellow. He quickly stepped towards it and held it up, smiling. Mao loved the stars and the beach. A starfish would be just perfect for her birthday gift.
He remembered he hadn’t spent the first salary he had received. It meant something special to him because it was the first money he had earned living his new life. Well, Mao is someone special… he thought endearingly.
“What are you doing here?” Mao suddenly appeared beside him just after he paid for the necklace.
“What did you buy?” he then asked as he shoved the necklace into his pocket.
Mao walked into her building and as she was about to step onto the stairs, something on the wall caught her eyes. A Polaroid picture held up by tape. She took it off the wall.
Kei-chan’s grinning face looked up at her.
“Happy birthday, Mao-Mao!” was written under it.
Mao grinned widely and quickly started up the stairs. She reached the door to her room. Another picture was stuck to it. Ryo’s smirking face this time.
“Up the roof, brainiac.” It said.
Mao stuck her tongue out at Ryo’s picture and then headed for the roof. Two pictures were on the wall by the stairs. Tego and Massu.
Tego’s lips were pouted in a kiss. “How about a birthday kiss?”
Massu was eating chocolate cake happily in his. “You’re late! Your cake's all mine!”
Mao reached the top of the stairs, Pi’s smiling picture was the last one.
“You’re getting older but still not growing, Mao-tart!’
Mao stepped onto the roof. She noticed a small stage had been put up and then lights suddenly opened and music started blaring. Pi and the guys appeared on stage and started lip-synching to the chorus of Big Bang’s “Dirty Cash”.
“No, I don’t want your dirty cash…”
Mao ran up laughing at the sight as they gave it their all, smiling at her, even having some instruments as props. Shun suddenly appeared beside her waving light sticks in the air. She jumped and hugged him and then turned to Pi and the others until the song finished. Fake money started raining down.
“You guys!” she exclaimed, laughing happily as they stepped down.
“Group hug!” Kei-chan shouted.
Mao ran up to them, the guys engulfing her. She pulled away, belatedly noticing they were wearing Hawaiian outfits. Pi and Ryo were in Hawaiian shirts and shorts while Kei-chan, Tego and Massu were topless and they had a grass skirt over their shorts. Mao laughed at the sight.
“Don’t ask,” Kei-chan held up his hand.
“We were tricked!” Tego exclaimed, glaring at Pi and Ryo who were snickering.
“Do I look fat in this?” Massu asked.
“Not really. Just suck in the tummy,” Mao teased, patting Massu’s stomach.
“I love the Hawaiian theme, guys!” she then added.
“Happy birthday!” Nino suddenly appeared holding a chocolate cake with lighted candles. Sho appeared behind him.
“I was in charge of the fake money,” he shrugged and then smiled.
Mao smiled widely. They told her to blow the candles and make a wish. She blew them out and then smiled happily up at them. Shun suddenly smeared chocolate icing on her cheek. The others followed suit. Pi dabbed some onto her nose.
“Hey!” she yelled, laughing exasperatedly and then started running after them as they scattered around. All of them laughing hysterically.
Pi finished placing food onto Mao’s plate and started looking for her. He spotted her sitting on one of the bean bags they brought up. He started for her but stopped in his tracks when Oguri appeared and handed her a plate. He forgot her boyfriend is here.
“Why are you holding two plates Pi?” Massu asked as he aimed a video camera at him.
“It’s for you,” he said rather lamely and handed it to him.
“You’re so sweet. Let me give you a kiss,” Massu said, pouting his lips.
Pi pushed him away as Massu laughed and walked away. Sho then stood beside him.
“I would have thought that was for Mao.”
Pi pulled his gaze away from Mao and turned to Sho. Was he that transparent?
He grinned rather awkwardly. “What are you talking about?”
Sho shrugged. “I was just wondering if you’re ever going to do anything about it.”
Sho turned after that cryptic message, not noticing Nino had overheard.
“Big Bang’s album!” Mao exclaimed. She hugged Nino happily.
“Yeah. Thanks to your not-so-subtle hints,” Nino said, rolling his eyes.
Mao grinned up at him.
“How are you and Pi?” he asked out of the blue.
Mao looked up from the album and followed his gaze. Pi and Kei-chan were striking a pose as Massu took their picture.
“The usual. Why do you ask?” she asked, frowning.
Nino shrugged. “I’ve been hearing a lot about him from you lately. Seems like he’s all you mostly talk about these days.”
“That’s coz we’re always butting heads for some reason lately,” she said. “You know that.”
She felt nervous all of a sudden. What was Nino trying to say? Sure, she has some weird thoughts when it comes to Pi lately but that was just all in her head. Her overactive imagination… But it was a different case if someone else was voicing it out. The fact that Pi’s been on her mind a lot recently…
“I see,” was all Nino said.
“What’s with the tone?” she said, suddenly feeling frustrated.
“What tone?” Nino asked, bewildered.
Mao sighed and shook her head. She should forget it.
“Don’t tell Ryo I told you,” Nino suddenly said, as Ryo walked towards them. “But he’s feeling a bit jealous of Pi lately.”
Ryo stopped in front of them, his eyes narrowed.
“I heard my name.”
“Nino said you’re jealous I’ve been closer with Pi lately,” Mao said, grinning innocently at Nino.
“And you actually believe him?” Ryo scoffed.
“Admit it! Where’s my gift, you?”
Ryo narrowed his eyes at her.
“Just go to my store and pick anything you like.”
Mao cheered and hugged him. Ryo tried to push her away as Nino chuckled.
“Stop hugging me!”
“The more you tell me to stop, the more I’ll hug you,” she joked, laughing up at him.
Ryo looked down at her and an exasperated smile appeared on his lips. His cellphone suddenly rang. He took a look and then excused himself.
“Don’t you leave! I’m not going to share you with any other girls today,” Mao called after him as he made a face at her.
“There you are!” Mao said as she went down the flight of stairs. Shun was sitting on the bottom step and smiled up at her as she sat down.
“Cigarette break?”
“I’ve quit for a while now.”
“Really? I never knew that.”
“You don’t like smoking,” he grinned at her.
Mao’s eyes softened at him.
“You didn’t have to do that though,” Mao said. “You don’t have to change anything because of me.”
“Yeah, but I want to,” he said quietly. “For you.”
Mao placed her hand on his cheek and caressed it softly. Shun was really sweet to her, more than she had ever imagined…. He kissed the palm of her hand and then handed her gift to her. It was quite big. Mao clapped her hands and then smiled at him. She tore open the wrapper haphazardly.
“Excited much?” Shun teased as she stuck her tongue out at him.
It was a photo frame with two of her solo shots and in the middle was of Shun and her by the fountain, smiling happily.
“Wow, I can’t believe I can look this good in pictures,” Mao said.
“I am a professional, you know,” Shun joked. “But you always look this good.”
Mao met his gaze.
“Except for the crumbs on the side of your lips right now,” he then added chuckling as he wiped it with his finger.
Mao hit him on the arm playfully.
“Do you really have to include yourself in here? Kinda ruins it all, you know,” Mao joked, making a face.
“Of course! I have to be in your face like this every time,” he then said, and leaned close to her face, their noses touching.
Mao giggled as Shun planted a light kiss on her lips.
“Happy birthday…,” he softly said.
Pi looked at the necklace he bought for Mao sitting in his drawer. He sighed as he thought of the conversation he had with Shige. He had shown it to him and expressed he will be giving it to Mao on her birthday.
“But sir, aren’t giving necklaces a boyfriend kind of thing?” Shige had asked carefully.
“Is there such a thing? I don’t think they would think too much about it… I just thought of her when I saw this,” Pi said, smiling softy down at the necklace.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea, sir…”
Pi stared down at it. His head and heart utterly confused. Sho’s words suddenly appeared in his mind. Will he ever do anything about it? He grabbed the necklace and another gift then stepped out of his room. Pi was startled to see Mao going out of her room as well.
“Bathroom break,” she grinned up at him. “Oohh, is that my gift?”
She wiggled her eyebrows at him. Pi secretly put the necklace in his pocket. And then handed her a really badly-wrapped gift. It was all balled up. Mao stared at it for a while.
“What? Koyama ran out of wrappers. I had to make do,” Pi explained.
Mao chuckled amusedly as she took it. It was soft.
“Wonder what this is? This better not be another stuffed toy,” Mao joked, narrowing her eyes at him.
Pi looked at her expectantly, still thinking whether to give the necklace or not. Mao pulled out the gift and turned it in her hands. It was a star beanie. Just like G-Dragon’s. Her heart went to her throat as she looked wordlessly up at Pi. And then Pi was almost knocked over as she squealed shrilly, jumping up and down.
“My head! My head!” Pi shouted.
Mao hugged him tight. She almost felt like kissing him and then shook her head mentally. Pi hugged her back and was about to close his eyes, enjoying the feel of her when Mao pulled away.
She jammed the beanie onto her head.
“How does it look?”
Pi stared at her for a bit.
“Okay. I’ll take it back now. It doesn’t suit you.”
Mao laughed out loud and slapped his hand away as he grinned. She looked really cute and flushed. He thought of the necklace again…
“How did you find one just like it?”
“I have my sources,” Pi said and thought back to how he told Shige to find it no matter what.
Pi was taken aback as Mao hugged him again. She couldn’t help it.
“Thank you,” came her muffled voice.
They slowly pulled away. Mao beaming up at him. Pi smiled down at her. He shoved his hands into his pockets. One hand closed in on the necklace.
“Mao…,” he started.
“Hmm?” Mao looked expectantly at him.
He held the necklace tightly.
“What’s more important to you? Friendship or love?” he suddenly asked.
Mao frowned at the weird question.
“Well… I don’t know… Friendship, I guess,” she said slowly.
“Wouldn’t Oguri be unhappy when he hears that?” Pi attempted at teasing. It was one answer that changed everything.
“For me… friendship never wavers. Love can... I know I shouldn’t be thinking that right now. But I’m still scared when it comes to Shun and I. That’s just the way it is… But with friendship, it will always be there, right? Just like what we have.”
Pi felt a pang of pain at that last sentence.
“Do you-Do you love Oguri?” he asked, gazing down at her.
Mao looked up at him, startled. Does she?
“Why are you asking weird questions?” She tried avoiding the question.
“Do you?” Pi asked again, searching for the answer in her eyes, still holding on to the necklace in his pocket.
“I’m new to all this,” Mao laughed awkwardly. “He makes me happy…”
She couldn’t think of anything else to say. Pi was making her really nervous. What did he want to hear? She wanted so much to ask him. And why couldn’t she say she loves Shun? Is it because it really scared her? Risking all your feelings for one person… Giving that person all the reason to be able to hurt you… Maybe if she didn’t say it out loud… it wouldn’t count as a big deal… Or maybe…
Pi took out his hand from his pockets.
“I’m glad to hear that. Anyway, happy birthday!” he then said brightly.
Mao looked at him. She thought he was going to say something else to her. What was that anticipation in her heart? They suddenly heard footsteps coming behind them.
“Mao, look what we got you!” Massu said then held it up.
It was a customized shirt with the words “Excuse me, I’m V.I.P.”
“Omo!” Mao squealed.
“We knew your obsession with Big Bang was the best inspiration for your gift,” Kei-chan said as Mao hugged all three of them.
“I got you another shirt, Mao!” Tego said cheerfully.
He held up a “I Belong With Tego” shirt. They all stared at him silently.
“Excuse us while we go beat him up,” Massu then said as he and Kei-chan dragged him away. Mao laughed out loud following them.
Pi started walking behind them as he gazed sadly at Mao’s back.
“Can you really fit on the couch?” Mao mused as she looked at Shun trying to imagine it.
The party had finished really late and Mao suggested he sleep over for the night. He looked tired and had a few drinks. Shun didn’t protest. Although Tego almost did.
“I can always sleep on your bed,” Shun then quipped.
Mao looked at him and then blushed.
“You sleep on the couch,” he added and laughed as Mao threw a cushion at him.
“You know, if I were anyone else, I think I’d be jealous you’re living with all of these guys,” he casually said.
“So you’re not jealous?”
“No. Should I be? Why? Has someone slept over?” Shun then asked alarmed.
“They’re all my friends,” Mao said, laughing. Pi suddenly flashed across her mind. She shook herself mentally.
Shun grinned at her. “Wait, pick one. Left or right?”
He then held out two closed fists. Mao contemplated and then picked his left hand.
“Are you sure?”
Mao nodded. Shun opened his hand. There was nothing there. Mao pouted.
“Since it’s your birthday…,” he smiled and opened his right hand. A necklace fell out with a ring as a pendant. Mao looked at him.
“You’ve always liked my ring. I’m giving it to you now,” Shun said as he put it on Mao.
“It also means you’re mine,” he joked. Though he was quite serious about it at some point.
Mao touched it gently and smiled softly at him.
“So what are you going to do now?” Shun asked,
“Uh…,” Mao stared blankly at him.
Shun frowned and then pointed to his lips. Mao chuckled softly and then slowly leaned in. Their kiss deepened as Shun pulled her closer.
Click. They didn’t hear the door softly closing.
Mao pulled up the blanket on Shun, sleeping on the couch. She looked down at him as she softly caressed his hair. She then went to her bed. All her gifts were there. She reached out to pick up Shun’s gift but then her hand stopped at the start beanie Pi gave her. She held it gently and smiled softly down at it. Their weird conversation earlier popped into her head again…. She was a little bit confused about it still. Looking over at the sleeping Shun, she then tiptoed quietly towards the door and stepped out.
She stood in front of Pi’s door, the beanie still in her hand. She wanted to thank him again. Yeah, that was the excuse she repeatedly said in her head. She took a deep breath and then raised her hand to knock but stopped herself. What was she doing? Shun was sleeping in her room and she was here knocking on another guy’s door. Wait, but it was just Pi… Yeah, that was the point. It was just Pi… so why did it matter so much?
She slapped herself on the forehead, a little too hard. She winced softly, rubbing it and went back to her room, taking one last glance at Pi’s door.
Pi didn’t hear anyone at his door. He was too concentrated, staring up at the necklace dangling in his hand. She looked truly happy with Oguri…
He went to her room with the intention of giving her the necklace. He didn’t care anymore. He was going to risk it, their friendship, but he had accidentally seen them being really sweet on the couch. Shige was right. Giving a necklace… was a boyfriend thing… And the kiss… He took it as a sign…
After that scene, he had somehow become numb. And after much thought… he had finally come to a decision. He put down his hand and closed his eyes.
Forgetting Mao won’t be impossible…. Yeah… As long as he puts his heart to it… At least they were still friends… He still had that with her… It was enough…
Yamapiggy: Sorry if it's wayyy too long XD LOL had to split it in winglin ne... hmmm! anyways, enjoy! and thanks always for the support! ^______^
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