Chapter 18: Pork & Beans
Pi pulled the curtains, resulting to Mao’s shrieks. She was in the tub, having a bubble bath. She glared up at him, teeth gritted, holding a strawberry-banana shake in her hand.
“Get the pudding out of here!”
Pi gazed down at her. The look in his eyes… “I want a taste…”
“A taste of your strawberry-banana shake.”
Mao stared, wide-eyed up at him. And then…
“How about I make you one then?”
It was Pi’s turn to stare. “R-Right now?”
“Why not? It’s especially just for you to enjoy…,” Mao said huskily and started to stand up.
Someone bopped him on the head with a magazine, taking him back to reality. Belatedly realizing he had been giggling giddily biting into his fingers. Mao. She was looking at him suspiciously.
“What are you so high about?”
“N-Nothing.” He can’t help remembering that particular dream sometimes. It had been too vivid, although suddenly feeling guilty for being such a hentai.
“I bet he’s having perverted thoughts about you!” Tego said, indignant.
Pi scowled at him. “I was thinking of having strawberry-banana shake!”
“I don’t even want to know,” Mao said, rolling her eyes as she turned to the magazine and flipped a page. “Hey, Buta! It’s Hey Say Jump!”
“I am NOT a fan!”
“Wait, they’re all topless. What are they? Seven?” Mao said, frowning down at the page. “ It’s almost like child pornography!”
“Blame it on Johnny’s Entertainment, the evil organization that’s trying to take over the world with flashy ‘I-am-being-violated-as-a-human-being’ costumes and fruity dancing!” Massu.
“Johnny’s Entertainment? Oh yeah, known for producing pretty boys with no actual talent,” Mao said thoughtfully.
Silence. Mao looked up from the magazine. “Whut?”
“For some reason, I kinda got offended by that remark,” Ryo said, scratching his chin.
They all mumbled in agreement.
“You don’t have to be so harsh, you know?” Pi pouted.
Mao stared at them with a ‘What the Pudding?’ expression. Oookay… She then turned back to the magazine as Pi pulled her closer. She automatically settles into him as they looked at the magazine. Pi softly nuzzling her. She flipped a page. Pi flipped it back. He wasn’t finished! Mao flipped it over again and nudged him with her elbow.
Kei-chan observed the two of them thoughtfully, still lost in their own little world.
“That’s it? That’s your story?” he suddenly blurted out.
“Whut?” Mao and Pi.
“It wasn’t as dramatic and action-packed as I would have imagined it,” Kei-chan said, somehow disappointed.
“Whut? There’s nothing wrong with our story!” Mao defended, somehow, and she didn’t know why, taking offence at what Kei-chan said. Pi echoed her thoughts, looking sullenly at Koyama.
“There’s one huge hole in it! I should have ended up with Mao!” Tego muttered, pouting.
“You found out he’s rich and you just accept it. Not much drama about it?”
“Hey, if I find a rich guy who loves me so much, why would I complain?” Mao said, matter-of-factly. “Come on. He’s rich! Who would say no to that?”
“Wow, you’re such a romantic. I feel so loved,” Pi said sarcastically, shooting her a dark look.
Mao smiled at him sweetly. “Anything for you, my bumblePi.”
Pi smiled despite himself and suddenly hugged her. “I wanna squish my marshMaollow.”
“My little lovebug.”
“What’s happening? What’s happening?” Tego exclaimed. Massu had quickly covered his eyes and ears to avoid another fainting spell.
“Please, just put a bullet in my head,” Ryo said, disgusted at the two sitting on the couch who was stifling their laughter.
Kei-chan slammed his palms on the table. “This is unacceptable!”
Everyone jumped and stared at him. What was up with him?
“Your story doesn’t cut it, okay? It’s such a boring story to tell your grandchildren! What I think should have happened…,” Kei-chan started.
Massu’s ears perked up. “Can you make it drama-like? And what could the title of their story be?”
“Pork & Beans,” Kei-chan said automatically.
“I would so watch that,” Massu said, suddenly feeling hungry again.
Mao wrinkled her nose at him.
“And what’s the theme song?”
“As long as it isn’t sung by Arashi. They have like, whut, twelve million singles?” Pi said bitterly as Mao stared at him.
“Make Mao end up with me in the end!” Tego gushed as a cushion (thrown by Pi) bounced off his head.
“Retards,” Ryo said, rolling his eyes.
“I’m going to start now,” Kei-chan said, rubbing his hands together. Despite themselves, Mao and Pi were a bit curious as to what he had in mind.
“Oblublublublublu~” Kei-chan then said, wiggling his fingers.
They all stared at him.
“Whut? It means we’re going into a dream sequence. Haven’t you guys watched Wayne’s World?”
Blank stares. Kei-chan waved that away.
Yada. Yada. Blah. Blah. Mao. Shun. Broken up. Mao, still in her humiliating Keroro slippers (Pokemon would have been so much cooler) was now running towards the man she loves. The only man that had made her love herself for her, made her feel she was the most beautiful person in the world… The one she had seen naked in the shower…
{“Okay, why do you have to bring that up?” Mao demanded as Pi blushed.}
{“It’s true, isn’t it? Well, okay, it’s beside the point. Got it."}
Erase the fact about the naked in the shower thing. Mao thought her heart would literally jump out of her chest as anticipation of finding Pi, telling him her feelings, and then watch his face light up and then give her that look that makes her breathless everytime filled her every being… She bit her lip as she let her feet take her away when suddenly she was pulled back. She yelped and then crashed face first into someone. Looking up, dazed and confused, it took a while for her to realize it was-
“Shun!” she exclaimed. What was he doing here?
Shun looked down at her. His eyes had a determination in them that worried her. He had let her go, right?
“I can’t, Mao. I can’t do it,” Shun said as he tightened his hold on her arms.
Mao looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Shun… we’ve been through this… Please… Why are you doing this?”
“Because you’re the only one that can make my world right…,” he said softly. “I found you… I’m not going to make another mistake of letting you go…”
{“Wow, those lines… You better make my lines better than his,” Pi said.}
{“Hai, hai.”}
{"Seriously. Retards."}
“And also because the second male lead always becomes stubborn and persistent even if he knows the girl can never love him,” Shun continued.
Heh? Mao stared up at him. Suddenly, from the distance, a pink vespa came rounding out the corner. In the blink of an eye, it had zoomed towards them and Mao was suddenly pulled on it out of Shun’s grasp. They rode away as Shun could only blink at the sudden turn of events.
Mao held on tight to the guy who had just helped her. She wished it was Pi (as the pink vespa was familiar) but it wasn’t him…. She would know if it was… She closed her eyes… Shun wasn’t going to let this off easily…
Mao got off. They had stopped in front of her building. She turned towards the guy. As she observed his pink goggles and pink helmet, he looked familiar… The guy reached up and took them off.
“Sho!” she exclaimed. “T-Thanks for that. It’s such a wonder how you knew…”
“I just know,” Sho answered, in a raspy voice.
“Why are you talking in that raspy voice?”
{Okay, Massu, since you’ve obviously butted into the story, why is Sakurai speaking in that voice?” Koyama asked pointedly.}
{That’s so he can hide the fact he’s Sakurai. He’s disguising his voice. Mao will not recognize him,” Massu explained, chewing. “He’s going to be the mysterious character who’s saving Mao.”
{"Um… Meat Bun? I’ve already seen his face in the story though…,” Mao said slowly.}
{"Oh, shoot. Okay, I’ll handle this,” Massu replied.}
“So you won’t recognize me,” Sho answered in that same raspy voice.
“But-,” Mao started and then suddenly jumped back startled.
“Why do you have a Masked Rider Black headgear thingy on?!”
Sho reached up and felt his head. “I have no idea.”
“This is creepy. I’ll help you take it off,” Mao volunteered as Sho nodded.
Sho had bent down as Mao tried to pry the headgear thingy off, her foot pushing on Sho’s stomach. It still won’t budge.
“Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow…”
{SLAP! “Ow!” Massu shouted at Koyama.}
{Ryo cackled like crazy. “That segment was a bit unnecessary.”}
{“This isn’t going anywhere. Don’t interrupt me again,” Koyama said.}
Mao and Sho (who’s headgear thingy has magically disappeared) heard footsteps coming from behind them. They turned around. Toma.
“What are you doing here?” Mao demanded.
“As my revenge for Yamashita suddenly punching me that one time (Can I not be punched this time?), I am going to reveal his biggest secret!”
Mao and Sho gasped exaggeratedly. Toma smirked smugly.
Pause. “Wait, what was the secret again? Hold on. I’ve written it here somewhere.”
He started rummaging through his pockets as Mao and Sho looked on. Mao stifled a yawn. Toma took out a bunch of tarot cards from his pockets and also some photos (that looked suspiciously like Ohno Satoshi, looking high). Okay. Who is Ohno Satoshi again?
“Ah-ha! Here it is! Yamashita is in fact rich!” he exclaimed victoriously.
Mao and Sho’s eyes widened.
“Oh. No. That. Lying. Pig.” Mao said in a monotone as if reading a script.
“He. Has. Lied. To. You. But. I. know. You. Won’t. be. Swayed. By. This. You. Have. Known. The. Real. Him.” Sho reacted in the same tone.
“So is that it?” Sho then turned to Toma.
“Yeah, I think it is.”
“We’re good then,” Mao said as Toma gave two thumbs-up and started to leave.
“Wait,” Sho called. “I still have to punch you.”
“Wh-What?” Toma cried as Sho flexed his hands.
“Sorry, it’s just the way it is.”
Toma sighed. “Fine. Let me do the evil laugh first, okay? A-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
Sho’s fist connected with his jaw.
{“You are ruining the story!” Koyama yelled at Massu as Mao and Pi were doubled up in laughter on the couch. Mao leaned against Pi, weak from laughing.}
{“I thought it would be good,” Massu squeaked.}
{Ryo had stood up to prepare some instant noodles, feeling as if he was the only sane person in the room.}
{“This story sucks!” Tego commented.}
Pi is rich? Why? Why didn’t she see it? Ignoring the fact that this is a fan fiction. So is that why he has suddenly gone missing? He’s already had enough? Is his confession, all that he said a lie too? She kicked angrily at a stone. The nerve of him! And she had been ready to admit all her feelings to him!
That voice… She would know it anywhere…. She turned around and saw Pi purposefully walking towards her. Her heart pounded. Whatever she found out, her heart was more focused on a different matter...
{“Ah, finally I’m here. I was wondering when I would be coming out,” Pi said.}
{“How self-absorbed of you,” Mao retorted, earning a glare from Pi.}
She was suddenly startled to see a group of reporters dash past Pi.
“I think that’s the one Yamashita Tomohisa is in love with!”
As the reporters ran towards her, followed by Pi, who was filled with worry, she stood there unable to move. Did she look okay? Was there something in her teeth? How would she look on TV? She thought, secretly wishing someone would tape this.
The reporters then blew past her. What the pudding? And started harassing the person who was behind her, a few feet away, shooting quick questions.
“I am NOT Inoue Mao! Hello! I’m a guy!” Tego yelled.
“You’re too pretty to be a guy.”
And they continued to swarm him as Mao could only stare at them, mouth hanging open. She admits Tego is prettier than her but this… She was suddenly whirled around.
“I know you already know. You weren’t the only one Toma shared the information with. This doesn’t change anything though.”
They could hear Tego yell, “That’s them! Look! They’re having a moment and you’re keeping me from ruining it!”
Mao snatched her arm away as she avoided Pi’s eyes. Looking into them, she knew she’d falter.
Pi gazed down at her. “Please don’t do this, Mao.”
She felt a tingle as her name came out of his lips. She had missed him. Missed him so much she could just hug him and never let go… but things… have gotten a lot more complicated…
The reporters finally got it and moved to her, leaving Tego looking exhausted. They thrust their microphones at her, bumping her on the head, giving slight feedback. She couldn’t understand all the questions directed at her. It was too much! She had to get out of there! As she turned to leave, Pi’s voice held her back.
“Do you love me, Mao? That’s all I want to know. That’s all that matters! I can’t see anyone but you… Why can’t it be the same for you?”
{“How do you come up with these things, Koyama?” Pi asked.}
{Koyama smiled smugly. Tego rolled his eyes.}
{“I saw that!”}
Mao turned around slowly. Her eyes locked with Pi’s. Those eyes…. She wanted to erase the hurt he had in them… She should just say it… as her feet walked towards him… Everyone around them became silent, observing the two… She was now standing in front of Pi, his eyes searching her face for an answer.
SLAP! Pi’s eyes widened as he sort of froze. His cheek stinging. Another SLAP! No. His cheeks stinging.
{“What the pudding?!” Pi turned his accusing stare at Koyama.}
{“It wasn’t me!”}
{“I’ve always wanted to slap someone whenever I’m so angry. Don’t you ever wonder how that feels like?” Mao said, as if in a daze. “Never done it though.”}
{“Why do you have to slap me twice?”}
{“It’s more dramatic!”}
{Pi growled at her.}
Mao closed her hands into fists. They hurt… She almost wished she could undo it. But she thought ending it will be best… There was nothing for them in the end… Right?
“Is that your answer?” Pi asked in a hollow voice.
She looked up at him, lips quivering. No, it isn’t! she wanted to say it so bad. She didn’t trust herself to speak and turned away.
“If you’re asking me to give up, that’s impossible! I can never give you up. I would never…,” he choked out.
He watched helplessly as Mao walked away. His heart crushed. Tego had fallen into step with her and was now comforting her. He looked back at Pi, his eyes solemn. And then… gave a smug smirk.
Pi’s face twitched. That- He’s holding Mao too close! He had started forward to stop them but the swarm of reporters closed in.
{“I thought you said this story sucks. Then why do you want to be in it?” Pi snapped.}
{“Coz I’m here to save it now,” Tego said, making a face at him.}
{“Bad idea. Bad idea,” Ryo chanted as he slurped his noodles.}
{“At least Massu’s stopped butting in,” Koyama said.}
“Are you alright?” Tego asked as he looked at Mao, concern filling his face. She was looking a little pale. They stopped as the light turned red.
Mao nodded her head. But obviously it was the complete opposite. Mao held onto Tego’s arm for support, feeling like her legs were about to give in.
“I hate seeing you like this. And I hate the fact that I can’t do anything about it,” Tego said, a frown creasing his brow.
She was really lucky to have so many people around her to support her. “Yoshi… I’m just happy I have a friend beside me…”
Tego’s eyes clouded. “ But you know I want to be able to do something for you… not as a friend… I want to be more than that…”
Mao’s eyes snapped to him. Tego raised his hand to brush away her hair gently as he moved closer to her.
{“You’re ruining the moment, Mao!” Tego pouted as Mao covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. Pi was sitting there glaring darkly at Tego.}
{“I-I’m sorry, Yoshi,” Mao said, gasping for air. “You know I adore you, but never in that way.”}
{Pi smirked smugly at Tego. He put his arm around Mao. Tego’s eyes were mere slits.}
{“Let me finish!”}
{“Okay, okay,” Mao said, still giggling. “Reeeeeemiiiiiiixxxxxxx!”}
{Blank stares. “I mean, reeeeeeewiiiind!”}
Ignore the Mao laughing like a psycho part. Mao’s eyes snapped to him. Tego raised his hand to brush away her hair gently as he moved closer to her. But all of a sudden, what’s that! Tego suddenly slips and then falls out onto the road. He then got hit by a bus.
{“That was uncalled for!” Tego yelled at Ryo.}
{Ryo gave a bored smirk. “I think it’s cool.”}
{“Nobody gets to die here, okay?” Koyama chided.}
{“Whut? I’m not going to kill him off. He’ll just be paralyzed and unable to speak. Now wouldn’t that be great?”}
{Pi snickered. Tego sat there seething in anger.}
Again. Again. But suddenly he slips and was about to end up on the road. Mao pulled him back in time as a bus zoomed out of nowhere past them.
“Y-You saved my life!” he said, clutching at his chest.
“Be more careful, okay? I don’t want to lose you now.”
Tego looked at her with stars in his eyes. “For that Mao, I give myself to you. You can do anything you want with me.”
Mao stared at him. “Uh… That’s okay, Yoshi…”
“No, I insist!”
“No, I insist.”
The light had turned green and Mao started forward.
“How about just the weekends then?” Tego asked, falling into step beside her.
Mao stood outside Pi’s door. After that disastrous meeting they had, she thought he wasn’t going to come back. But she heard him come home last night. She had been waiting. Waiting like an idiot. He had stood outside her door for a moment and she had held her breath, heart pounding. Just screaming at herself to just open the door and jump into his arms. But she didn’t and she heard Pi go back to his room, and she was left tossing and turning the whole night.
She knocked on the door. What was she doing now? She didn’t know. Her whole being just felt so alive as she anticipated the look on Pi’s face when he opens the door. But that never happened. Frowning, she tried the door. It was unlocked. Peeking in carefully, her jaw dropped. His room was bare, almost as if he’d never been there.
She slowly stepped inside. Apart from something (that looked suspiciously like an old poster of an actor she had, ripped into shreds) in the trash can, there was no sign that Pi had been in her world. Her eyes noticed a piece of paper lying on the table. Slowly, she picked it up, hand slightly trembling.
Dear Mao,
I have left because I have realized that what I felt for you was nothing more than curiosity. You were different… something I’ve never had in my life… But the slap (or should I say the TWO slaps *glare*) you gave me woke me up to the reality that I was never really in love with you. It was all just something new to me. That was it. I got carried away but I’ve moved past it now. And no, if you’re thinking this is something I’m lying about to make you forget about me, make you think I’m not in love with you because someone has a hand in this and I have to listen to them so you won’t get hurt, no, it isn’t. Na-uh. Nope. All my decision. Have I said this is all me?
Hugs & Kisses,
Mao stared at the letter, heart wrenching. (Not really getting the big clue Pi just gave.). Tears burned in the back of her eyes… He was gone… He was really gone…
“Where is Mao? She really needs to sort things out with Pi. Those two…,” Koyama said, shaking his head. Why would Pi suddenly think of leaving? He thought he would never give Mao up…
They all sat in his room, looking glum. Ryo was staring transfixed at the television.
“Can you watch your porn later, Ryo? We need to watch the news coz there’s something we need to watch, I feel,” Massu said loudly.
{“Hi…,” Massu said as Ryo gave him a death glare.}
Ryo stashed away his porn and they watched the news.
“And now we go to the scene at the Yamashita’s, holding a ridiculously extravagant party apparently to celebrate a future merger with another ridiculously rich family. Oh, how delightful.”
They all stared. Wait a minute…
“Doesn’t that newscaster look like Sakurai Sho?” Tego exclaimed, pointing.
“You’re right! But he doesn’t look like someone who would be a newscaster. He’s more likely to be in some kind of boyband. You know, the supposed ‘rapper’,” Massu said, rubbing his chin.
“I think he also has the look of a serial killer,” Koyama observed.
“As this party is going on, it’s the best time for friends to meddle in their friends’ love story and help them get together,” the newscaster who looks like Sakurai Sho said.
“There’s Pi!” Massu exclaimed, as a shot of him flashed by.
“Even though security is tight, they’d have no trouble trespassing into the property and crashing the party,” the newscaster who looks like Sakurai Sho continued, giving a hearty chuckle.
“I really wish we can do something for them…,” Koyama said sadly.
“You idiots!” the newscaster who looks like Sakurai Sho yelled, pointing at them from the television.
They all jumped and stared at him, wide-eyed. Was he talking to them?
“I’ve been giving you hints all this while! Just go to the party and knock some sense into Yamashita!” the newscaster who looks like Sakurai Sho ordered. “Include Mao in that while you’re at it!”
They blinked at him. And then turned to each other, understanding dawning in their eyes. They turned back to the TV. Heh? The newscaster who looks like Sakurai Sho was gone. An empty chair was all that was left.
{Kei-chan rubbed his temples hard. “What the pudding are you going on about?”}
{“Are you on shrooms or something?” Ryo asked frowning at Massu.}
{“You wanted action-packed! There should be romance, comedy, drama, horror…,” Massu defended.}
{“Horror?! How do you expect to put that in?!”}
{“We have Ryo don’t we?”}
{“What did you say?” Evil glare.}
{“I don’t want to help Mao and Pi get together!” Tego whined.}
Mao was walking aimlessly as the realization that Pi was out of her life was slowly sinking in… and she didn’t expect it to leave her feeling this lost… Suddenly, a familiar sound of a pink vespa came up behind her. She sighed resignedly and as expected she was snatched off the street and they rode off.
Mao looked up at the mansion that loomed above them, feeling a rush of dread mixed with a little anticipation. Pi didn’t want her anymore. Why would she want to ask him to take her back? What was the point? And she had her pride!
Mao then jumped into the air from the backseat, did a double flip and then landed neatly on her feet as Sho stared at her.
{“I’m doing back flips in the air?” Mao blinked at him.}
{“A little kung-fu doesn’t hurt. Ai-ya!” Massu said, a gyoza in his mouth.}
{“Somebody please just strangle him… Please…,” Koyama pleaded weakly.}
“Why are you doing this, Sho?” Mao asked. “I really shouldn’t be here. It’s over.”
“You’re pork & beans. It’s never going to be over,” Sho smiled.
BEEP! BEEP! He then drove off, hair flying behind him.
“Ma-ki-no!” she heard someone call from behind her.
{“Makino?!” Mao exclaimed, confused.}
{“You know that sounds really familiar…,” Pi said, deep in thought.}
{“Ehem. Sorry about that,” Koyama said.}
Ignore said reference to drama. “Mao!” she heard someone call from behind her.
She whipped her head around and there stood Kei-chan, Ryo, Massu and Nino (Tego didn’t want to help) each holding a flower bouquet, reminiscent of a group of four people named G4. Or was it E4? Couldn’t be F4. That just sounds stupid.
Mao stared. “What’s up with the flowers?”
They stared at it and then shrugged, tossing the bouquets over their shoulders as they started walking towards her all cool. In slow motion. Whut? Mao waited for him to finish.
“You guys…”
They all smiled down at her, ready to help her bring her Buta back…
And then, “We’re bringing Buta back. (Yeah!) I don’t know why but we have to act (Yeah!)…”
They all stared at Massu and then floated away from him, leaving him singing.
They had successfully blended in with the crowd (Surprise! Surprise!). They split up trying to find Pi. Mao weaved through the crowd when a hand clasped over her arm and someone pulled her to them.
“I vant you,” Toma whispered in her ear, in a weird Dracula accent.
{“H-Help,” Massu choked, hands reaching out, as Koyama was strangling and shaking him at the same time. The others just looked on.}
Toma crumpled to the floor. (Why me?) The other guests looked scandalized and turned away from the scene. Mao stared up at Shun who was straightening up his suit. Wow, almost anyone can come to this party.
He then turned to her. She took a step back, feeling wary, remembering what he had said to her. That he wasn’t letting go…
“I wanted to see if you’d come here today. I saw you slap him on TV. I thought maybe I’d have another chance. But… you came… you just can’t help it…”
Well, technically, it was Sho who had pulled her here. But yes, eventually… she will still go and find Pi…
Shun regarded her silently. His heart had known all along though…There was no use… “Be very happy with him, okay?” he finally said.
Mao looked up at him and nodded. Pi saw her from the top of the stairs and purposefully went towards her, his eyes never leaving her, oblivious of everyone, even Shun. He reached out his paw, intending to whirl her around- Wait. His paw?? He looked down. He was in the bunny suit! All the people around him stared at the spectacle that he was.
{“It wasn’t me,” Massu choked out as Koyama strangled him again.}
{Pi jerked his thumb at Mao wordlessly. She snorted as she stopped herself from laughing.}
Pi whirled her around (not in a bunny suit, ‘kay?) Shun left them without a word, still unable to look at the two of them together.
“What are you doing here?” he asked in a low voice.
“Inoue Mao?”
Mao turned her head to her left. GD was standing there a bemused smile on his face. And then started walking towards her looking all fly (with his original permed hair), his strut, his eyeliner… Ahhh… Just heaven... Except for that headband though.
{“Fangirling! Fangirling!” Pi accused, pointing at her signalling to Koyama to make her stop.}
{“Whut? I just wanted him to come out again!”}
{“Fine! You have G-Dino then!” Pi pouted as he crossed his arms.}
“How ya been?” GD asked, smiling down at her.
“W-What are you doing here?” Mao asked. Pi’s scowls aimed at the both of them
“I don’t get it too. But I’m glad to see you here. How about we go out and party some time?” he asked, flashing his famous smile. Gaaaah…
“Ehem!” Pi cleared his throat. Mao and GD turned to him. They then jumped as a girl had appeared out of nowhere beside him.
“This is my date. Yoon Eun Hye,” Pi said pointedly, intending it for Mao.
Eun Hye smiled at her as Mao could only stare at how pretty she is. Pi gave a smug smirk. Ha!
“Can I have your autograph?” Mao suddenly asked. “I’m a huge fan!”
{“Stop messing it up!” Pi scowled at her.}
{“Whut? I like her!”}
{“Are you guys all on crack or something?! Why are you going crazy?! The story’s all over the place!” Koyama sobbed. His precious story…}
{“We need to go crazy coz our story’s about to end soon,” Massu explained, pouting.}
{They all nodded sadly at Koyama. Koyama sighed. They all looked at each other.}
{“Oblublublublublu,” they chorused, wiggling their fingers.}
Pi’s face twitched. “What are you talking about?”
Eun Hye then grinned at her. And then said, “Okay.”
Suddenly a bus came rumbling around the corner, heading fast towards them and then hit GD, sending him flying.
{“What the pudding? That’s too impossible! It can’t happen! KoyaMama!” Mao whined.}
{“It can too!” Pi defended.}
{Koyama was looking dazed, rubbing ointment on his temples.}
Okay, no bus came but Tego was walking towards them his eyes full of determination, his steps had only one destination. Mao. His eyes took in the scene with the four: Mao, Pi, Yoon Eun Hye (Oooh, have to ask for her autograph too.), and GD (Why is he wearing a headband?) You know those scenes in dramas when they just stand there, looking awkward and angsty at each other? The scene was just like that.
Tego pulled Mao to him. Pi’s eyes snapped dangerously to him. Mao could only stare up at Tego, not having ever seen this side of him.
Tego then spread his arms wide and closed his eyes blissfully. “Take me, Mao.”
{“I swear I’m going to slap you like there’s no tomorrow,” Ryo said.}
{“Whut?” Tego said, as Mao tried to stifle her laughter.}
{“Can the bus appear again?” Pi asked, raising his hand up.}
{Koyama almost had a nosebleed from all the stress.}
Pi snatched Mao’s hand and then dragged her away, not really caring if they were making a scene or that ‘someone’ might see them (see Pi’s letter to Mao for reference). Mao tried hard to pull free from Pi’s grasp. She bit him, hit him on the head, kicked him, everything but to no avail.
Pi pushed her into a room and slammed the door shut behind him. Mao whirled around to face him as Pi stepped closer to her. They stared at each other silently, as if ready for battle.
“W-What do you want?” she asked, not willing to back down.
“I should be asking you that!” he glared down at her. Her presence was making his resolve drain away…
Mao’s eyes clouded. “ I just want to thank you for that lovely letter you wrote!”
Damn. That letter. He didn’t want to do that to her. But if he didn’t…
“What letter?”
“Who are you? Why am I here?”
“Are you pretending to have amnesia?”
“Well, from the way you hit my head earlier it wouldn’t be impossible!” he growled at her, his head tender.
“Really? I thought I wasn’t hitting hard enough!”
“What are you really here for?” he asked, serious.
“I-I-,” she stammered. “S-Sho made me do it!” That wasn’t the right thing to say, she winced as Pi’s looks became darker.
“Made you do it huh? Why can’t you just admit your feelings?” he yelled. With Mao in front of him, all the other things seemed insignificant. He didn’t care… That ‘someone’ can’t do anything to stop him anymore… He wanted Mao…
“B-Because…,” he watched her stammer. “I have leukemia. Cough. Cough.”
“What?!” Pi cried, his eyes widening.
“I’m just kidding!” she abruptly said. What made her say that?
“Don’t do that! Are you crazy?!” he shouted as he grabbed her arms.
Mao looked up at him. The overwhelming urge to tell him everything poured into her. She was ready to throw her pride away.
“Pi, I-“
Suddenly the door burst open and in stepped a woman, obviously the evil mom (who had uneven eyebrows too, reminiscent of another evil mom) flanked by a number of guards.
“Cuál es el significado de esto, Tomohisa? (What is the meaning of this, Tomohisa?)” the woman demanded, glaring at how he was holding on to Mao.
{“Seriously? Seriously?” Ryo said in disbelief.}
{“Who the hell has a good command of Spanish here?!” Koyama said.}
{“We have an online translator. Duh!” Massu.}
{“I kinda am curious to hear Pi speak in Spanish,” Mao snickered.}
{"Ir mal Señora Yamashita! (Go evil Mrs. Yamashita!)” Tego cheered.}
“Se trata de ninguno de su negocio, madre! No voy a ser más amenazadas! (This is none of your business, mother! I won’t be threatened anymore!)” Pi glared at the unfeeling woman in front of him, as he held Mao closer to him.
“QuĂ© está usted hablando, Pi? (What are you talking about, Pi?)” Mao asked, dramatically searching his face, holding onto the front of Pi’s shirt.
“Ella amenazĂł con hacer su vida miserable si no me dejo. Aunque ahora, no me importa. I hará que usted, Inoue Mao. Nadie va a doler usted. (She threatened to make your lives miserable if I don’t leave you. Though now, I don’t care. I will have you, Inoue Mao. No one’s going to hurt you.),” he said, gazing down softly at her.
“Si ir con ella, yo le disown! (If you go with her, I will disown you!),” she warned.
“No me importa! (I don’t care!)” Pi yelled. He was ready to defy anyone in his way.
In Pi’s arms, she felt the safest. Even if his evil mom was glaring at her with those uneven eyebrows… But she can’t make Pi lose everything…
“No, Pi (No, Pi),” Mao said quietly. Pi’s bewildered eyes went to her.
“Por favor, no hacer nada con hacerle daño a Pi… voy a salir… (Please don’t do anything to hurt Pi… I will leave….).”
Evil laughter erupted from his mom’s lips. You can say she got that down.
Pi shook her lightly. “QuĂ© haces? No voy a dejar que salga sin mĂ! (What are you doing? I’m not going to let you leave without me!)”
“No se obtiene? Estoy dispuesto a dejarte ir…… Esto significa simplemente que he admitido mi verdaderos sentimientos a usted… (Don’t you get it? I’m willing to let you go… This means… I’ve just admitted my true feelings to you…),” Mao’s voice shook as she cast her eyes down, feeling limp. She felt Pi’s hands slowly slide down off her.
Another evil laugh. “Esa es una sabia elecciĂłn, queridos. Además, los dos de los encuentros que usted es más que imposible. Hay una probabilidad de que dos son hermanos. (That is a wise choice, dear. Besides, the two of you getting together is more than impossible. There is a chance you two are siblings.)”
“QuĂ©?! (What?!)” they both yelped, jumping away from each other.
{Tego was pelted with whatever Mao and Pi’s hands could reach. Even the others joined in.}
{"Okay, sorry!” Tego yelled, hurting and sore.}
A guard whispered something into her ear.
She cleared her throat. “Bueno. Me dijo que el mal lĂneas. En cualquier caso, sĂłlo se mantenga alejado de ella, Tomohisa. (Okay. I said the wrong lines. Anyway, just stay away from her, Tomohisa.)”
“¿Puedo tener un burrito, por favor? (Can I have a burrito please?)” Pi said, dazed.
“Me encanta mi burro! (I love my donkey!)” Mao softly said, trying to avoid looking at Pi as her heart was wrenching.
{“Whut?” they all chorused.}
{"Okay, the online translator is acting up on me. Grrr…”}
The door burst open again. In stepped Kei-chan, Massu, Ryo and Nino, their faces set.
“No se preocupe, mis amigos, estamos aquĂ para ayudar (Don’t worry, my friends, we are here to help),” Kei-chan announced in a booming voice.
“Ha sido un tiempo desde que he golpeado a alguien hasta (It’s been a while since I’ve beaten someone up.),” Ryo said as he cracked his neck.
“Usted estará seguro, Mao (You’ll be safe Mao.),” Nino reassured.
“Arriba! Arriba! (I don’t know what else to say!)” Massu said defensively as they stared at him.
“Lanza meddlers que los actos como si fueran el grupo de niños ricos en este popular drama! No sĂ© cuál es el nombre del grupo es! DeberĂan avergonzarse de sĂ mismos! (Get them!)”
Chaos ensued as they fought with the guards. They somehow had all become really good fighters. Who knew? Mao even spotted Kei-chan doing a move reminiscent of the Matrix. In the rumble, Pi and Mao got separated. Pi was occupied with two guards, as he gave them a beating. A guard suddenly grabbed Mao and she struggled with him. She managed to grab a vase off the table and hit him with it.
“Oh my God! You killed Kenny!” a fellow guard had yelled.
“There’s too many of them!” Ryo yelled. He then ran towards Mao and grabbed her as they sped off to the balcony. He climbed onto the ledge. Mao stared up at him.
“I am not jumping. Have you gone mad?” she demanded.
“Trust me,” Ryo said, smirking. He pulled her up. He really is crazy, she thought as she took one last look behind her; pandemonium still present.
"Go! Just go!" Kei-chan yelled.
"Go! Go! Power Rangers!" Massu.
Ryo and Mao stared blankly at him for a second. And then Ryo pulled her with him.
{“Ai-ya!” Massu explained.}
“Come on, I need to give you a piggyback ride!” Ryo said, glaring at Mao who was being uncooperative.
Mao stared at him in disbelief. “I can walk fine!”
“Yeah right. I know your feet’s all sore now. Come on! Every drama has to have a piggyback ride!”
Mao growled at him. And then in the end, Ryo was carrying her on his back as they slowly made their way home.
“You’re heavy.”
“I told you no shots about that!” Mao yelled, as she bopped him on the head.
Ryo chuckled softly. Mao felt a change in his attitude, as she observed the back of his head.
“Stop trying. You won’t be able to read my mind even if you stare a hole in it.”
“I was just wondering if there’s really a brain in there.”
Ryo pretended to throw her off as she yelped.
“Okay, you really wanna know something?” he asked.
Mao thought for a second. “Yep, okay.”
“I have always liked you before…”
{“What the pudding are you doing?!” Ryo hissed at Massu as he covered his mouth.}
{Pi had covered Mao’s ears and was doing his best to distract her. Mao tried to throw Pi off. She hadn’t heard anything.}
{“Just stick with the porn, Massu,” Koyama suggested.}
{“Oi!” Ryo protested.}
Pi had somehow managed to escape after Koyama and the others. Where was he going? He could only think of Mao. His steps quickened and then he slowed down… Wasn’t she clear about how she felt? Only an idiot would go to her again. But her eyes… He shook his head, scowled at himself and then turned around. He gave a yelp as Koyama, Massu and Nino were standing there, as if modelling, face all serious business. (Ah-ha! D4! That’s the name of the group!)
“Where do you think you’re going?” Koyama asked. “That was the right direction.”
Pi pursed his lips and looked away, remaining silent.
“Catch!” Massu suddenly called.
Pi’s hands then caught a can of pork & beans. What the pudding?
“Hey, don’t look at me. You’re the one who came up with something unromantic like pork and beans!” Koyama said defensively.
“I think you know what to do right?” Nino asked, a small smile on his lips as Pi stared down at the pork & beans, reminding himself about Mao. How she could be stubborn… how she was impossible… how she always needed a good bump in the head (provided by him)…
Massu smiled and then grabbed his shoulder. “Save the cheerleader, save the world.”
{“I just always wanted to say it!” Massu explained as he danced away from Koyama’s reach, who was ready to strangle him again. Mao snorted.}
Ignore said stupid comment by Massu.
Massu smiled and then grabbed his shoulder. “Well?”
Pi slowly looked up and they knew.
“Where is she?” he asked, as they smiled at him.
Fast forward to the scene at Mao’s door.
“Do you think P- they’re alright?” she asked.
“Of course! Don’t worry about them. Just go in and rest,” Ryo reassured.
“But I can’t- Let’s go back. Maybe-,” Mao started.
She is going to ruin the plan, Ryo thought. He insisted she go in as he opened the door for her. Mao pushed him. They struggled for a while and then something fell out of Ryo’s jacket. Mao frowned down at it while Ryo whistled. She bent down to pick it up. It was a porn magazine.
“You haven’t changed have you?” she said flatly, narrowing her eyes at him.
Ryo grabbed the chance and then pushed her into her room, deaf to her protests. He closed the door and grinned.
Mao stumbled into the very dark room. She almost had a heart attack when someone spoke up.
“I finally have you alone,” Pi’s voice. She clutched at her chest.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
“This damn lamp,” she felt Pi mutter as noises ensued. It almost sounds like Pi was trying to strangle the said lamp. Mao’s heart pounded. More noises.
“Boo!” Pi’s face suddenly appeared before her, a flashlight shining on it. PUNCH!
{“There’s the horror part!” Massu exclaimed, triumphant.}
“Ow!” he yelled in a wounded voice. Mao went and turned on the lights.
“Don’t scare me like that!” she growled.
Pi turned a scowl at her. His hand still rubbing his nose. Mao looked at him, trying to hide her amusement.
“It’s not funny!”
“How did you escape?”
“That’s not important! Do you love me?” he suddenly asked.
“I- I-,” Mao stammered once again. She growled at him.
“I have been honest, Mao… It’s your turn..,” Pi said. “You know... for me the taste of love was that lousy cookie you made.”
“Hallelujah Chance!” Mao cried with the pose.
{Koyama threw down the tissue that were rolled up in his nose, owing to the nosebleed. “What the pudding?! Stop copying lines from dramas!”
{“It’s not easy to come up with lines!” Massu pouted.}
“Let’s just fall in love, Mao,” Pi then said, his eyes softening at her.
Mao looked at him silently. Was she going to jump into her arms this time?
A sweet smile then appeared on her lips. “Let’s do that… and never stop…”
{“Okay, remember this next scene is in slow motion,” Koyama reminded.}
In two long strides, Pi had stopped in front of Mao and caught her lips with his. Mao clung to him as their kiss deepened. Nothing was holding her back anymore. Evil mom or not. She was going to be with Pi… Their lips broke apart. Pi caressed her cheeks. Both of them looking at each other breathless. He then gave a smile and then scooped her up in his arms.
{“End slow motion!”}
“What are you doing?” Mao asked, wriggling.
“We never did the piggyback ride! So this is the alternative. Besides, I like holding you in my arms,” he grinned.
“Cheesy Buta!” she said. “My favourite flavour,” she grinned softly.
Pi nuzzled her and then started whirling around as she laughed in his arms. It wasn’t a good idea though. They were dizzy after a while.
They landed on the bed. Mao still laughing as she covered her face, chiding Pi. Pi had gone quiet. She took her hands away and found him looking at her, his eyes making her blush, making her pulse race…
Mao placed her hand on his cheek as he leaned down and kissed her again, enjoying the taste.
“I love you,” Pi whispered close to her lips.
She could feel his breath-
{“Okay, Tego’s fainted again!” Massu announced.}
{They went to him. Massu waved a gyoza under his nose.}
{“That would only work for you,” Ryo shot at him. He shrugged and popped the gyoza into his mouth.}
{Koyama tried reviving Tego by slapping him gently on the face. Ryo then volunteered to do the slapping.}
{Mao tried to get up to go check but Pi pulled her back. “Why can’t he let the story finish first?” he pouted.}
{“I don’t know. I think I like our version better,” Mao mused, pursing her lips.}
{Pi shrugged and grinned. “I don’t care. As long as I have you in the end.”}
{Mao looked at him. She pinched his nose as he grinned. She bit her lip. Maybe it was the randomness of the situation. Or maybe she just found his expression irresistible. She then leaned close to his ears. “Why don’t we finish the story?”}
{“I love you,” she whispered. “More and more.”}
{She slowly pulled back to Pi’s widened eyes. He suddenly grabbed her in a bear hug. And then pulling back, his eyes softened at her. Gently holding her chin up, he whispered back. “Oink oink?”}
{Pi silenced her giggle. Mao savored the feel of his lips on hers. She slowly opened her eyes…}
{“Guys, don’t do it before Tego!” Koyama said. He had finally revived him but he had fainted again when he saw Mao and Pi.}
{“Just leave him like that! Geez!” Ryo said, not caring anymore as Massu stood up.}
{Pi and Mao’s eyes locked. They bit their lip and then grinned as Pi purposely leaned closer again...}
Yamapiggy: omo!i know i shouldn't be doing this right now. but i have to post it up.>w< kekeke!sorry i got carried away LOL!hope you guys enjoy this!and hope you guys get some of the references LOL