Chapter 14
“Summertime” by NewS blasted on the car radio and they all sang along to the chorus.
“This is the Summer Time
Natsu no mae ni kimi ni aeta kara
saikou no nami ga kiteiru no sa
Sunao na mama tsutaeru kara
shiokaze ni negai wo takusu no sa…”
“It’s weird how we all know the lyrics eh?” Kei-chan mused from the back.
“I’ve always wondered why we would sometimes suddenly break into songs,” Massu mused.
“Yeah, this really isn’t High School Musical,” Mao chirped as Shun laughed beside her.
“And what’s up Zac Efron always looking like he’s about to cry? Or sometimes even looking constipated.”
“I can’t believe you even watched High School Musical.”
The steady flow of jabbing and small talk continued. Massy threw a bag of Cheetos over to Mao. They were on their way to the beach. A little trip Shun had organized. Maybe to make things right with her friends someway. Kei-chan and Massu occupied the backseat of the van they had borrowed. Tego sat alone in front of them, now asking Mao (sitting in front of him with Shun) to take a picture with him. Ryo drove while Pi sat in the passenger seat. It had been pretty awkward at first between Shun and the others but he’s spending a lot more time with them now… They were getting there…
She had told them everything and that they were back together. No questions asked they accepted her decision although she knew they might not be too keen on that. She didn’t know what to say to Pi. His face didn’t betray anything. She had thought of telling him. But what for? And it would be weirder if she had to explain it to him..
Of course it had been awkward between her and Shun too. At least on her part. It’s just weird trying to forget something like that… But they were working on it. And for Shun everything was back to the way things were… But for her… Her eyes went towards the passenger seat. Pi was looking out the window, as if deep in thought.
She then reached out her hand for the radio. Ryo immediately slapped it away.
“Don’t you dare put in your Big Bang CD!”
“There’s nothing good on the radio anyway!” Mao said as she tried again.
Ryo pushed her hand away and tried to push her back onto her seat, trying to keep his eyes on the road. Mao resisting.
“We’re going to dieeeeee!” Tego squealed.
Kei-chan bopped him on the head.
“Please pull your girlfriend back now,” Ryo said, still pushing Mao away..
Shun chuckling pulled her suddenly to him and she ended up on his lap. Mao glaring at Ryo, who was smirking. Her eyes glanced at Pi. He had no reaction whatsoever as if nothing happened.
What was up with him? He hadn’t been spending that much time with them lately. Always having an excuse to be elsewhere. Things shouldn’t be changing between them. She thought, getting frustrated. Not realizing it was naïve of her to think that.
“Here,” Mao offered, handing Pi a bottle of juice. “Are you alright? You seem out of it.”
He had been leaning on the car, absent-mindedly staring off into space. They had stopped for gas and some more food supplies. Massu had almost cleaned them out.
“Do you realize how early it is?” Pi pouted.
Mao chuckled. But she had wanted to ask him about avoiding-
“Mao! Wanna have half of my sandwich?” Shun called out to her.
She gave Pi a little wave and ran to Shun. Pi’s eyes following her. Shun held the sandwich as Mao leaned forward to bite into it. But Shun was teasing her and wasn’t letting her. She then hit him on the arm and tried to snatch the sandwich away, chasing after Shun.
“What are you going to do about Mao?” Ryo suddenly asked, stepping beside him.
“Whut?” Pi stalled, twisting the cap off the bottle.
Ryo snorted at his attempt. “I’m not blind. After seeing you wait outside of her door that night?”
Pi took a swig of juice, still keeping silent.
“And I can see the way you guys looked at each other or are trying to avoid looking at each other. It’s disgusting!”
“I don’t get why she went back to Shun. Or why you allowed it,” Ryo pressed on. Pi still silent.
“She wanted to be just friends. She was very clear about that.”
Mao’s laughter rang out as Shun had lifted her up and locked her in his arms, preventing her from hitting him again.
“And you’re listening to Mao? The most indecisive person on the planet?” Ryo asked in disbelief.
“Whut?” Pi asked distractedly, trying to block out Mao and Oguri.
Ryo threw his hands up. Maybe next time.
“It’s your turn to drive.”
Pi kept his eyes on the road but unable to help glancing at the rear view mirror occasionally. He could see Mao and Shun listening to their mp3, munching on Cheetos. All the others were asleep. Massu and Koyama’s mouth hang open.
Mao popped a piece of Cheetos into her mouth. Shun attempted to take it away with his mouth, teasing her. She pushed him away, glaring, embarrassed. Shun slowly leaned forward again…
The car stopped all of a sudden. Shun and Mao almost propelled forward. BAM! Massu and Kei-chan bumped their heads while Tego dropped to the floor. Ryo who had been sleeping too almost went through the windshield.
“What the pudding happened?” Ryo demanded, looking at Pi, rubbing his head.
“A raccoon suddenly just ran past!” Pi said, pointing out the window.
“Huh?” they all chorused as they looked out, unbelieving.
“It’s not my fault there was a raccoon!” Pi said hotly. But it wasn’t a raccoon obviously. It was the fact Oguri had been leaning towards Mao. He couldn’t help it and quickly stepped on the brakes hard.
They drove on again, after they let it go.
“OW!” they all chorused as the car jolted to a stop abruptly once more.
“Pi!” Mao glowered.
“The dog! Didn’t you guys see the dog?” Pi demanded. Oguri had been getting close to Mao again.
Ryo stared at Pi’s strained look and then glanced back at Mao and Oguri.
“This is going to be one long ride,” he then muttered.
And then to Pi he softly hissed, “Decide on what you really want already!”
Pi’s eyes went to the rear view mirror again. Back at Mao, whose forehead was being rubbed by Oguri, checking to see if she was okay.
“Why would we want to look at a cave?” Ryo complained, as he carefully stepped on the sharp rocks.
“Maybe there would be treasure inside! Or it’s really the bat cave!” Massu joked as he tried to regain his balance.
“The bat cave in Japan?”
“It’s not impossible.”
Kei-chan started humming the old Batman theme.
“Batmaaaan!” he and Massu shouted.
Mao, laughing, almost lost her footing and two hands shot to her. She immediately grabbed hold of one, pulled at it and held tight. She looked up and was surprised to see Pi, looking down at her. Shun slowly put his hand down, blinking at the way Pi quickly went to Mao’s side. Mao immediately stepped away and went towards Shun. Pi walked on ahead.
“Ack!” Mao yelled as she slipped in the end and scraped her knee on the rocks. “Ow! Ow!”
Pi hurriedly jumped back towards her. But Shun was on her side. He had sat Mao down and was looking at her knee. Pi looked on, worry creasing his brow.
“Does it sting?” Shun asked.
“Not so much but I’m sure it will later,” Mao whined. “I’m such a klutz.”
Shun smiled up at her and then blew on her wound, gently touching her knee. Mao looked at him. He gave her knee a slight kiss.
“It would be all better now.”
Mao gave a small chuckle at his goofy grin as he took out his bandana and started wrapping the wound.
“See? It’s really dangerous here! Let’s just go into the water,” they heard Ryo say up front, his hands on his waist.
“Let me try,” Mao whined as Pi slowly floated towards them sitting on his surfboard. Shun was still out there.
Massu was content as he lay on his back and floated behind Mao, enjoying the feel of the sun. Ryo was swimming back towards them. Tego and Kei-chan who was floating along side her was also expressing their wish to take a turn.
“Waves aren’t big enough though,” Pi said, as he reached out his hand to pull Mao up to the board.
Mao was having a hard time getting up, no matter how much Pi pulled her. And the others just watched on. She almost looked comical. She was slumped over the board, looking like a koala. Her butt facing the others as Ryo’s cackles resounded. Pi tried to stifle a laugh, his shoulders shaking.
“Not really the most ideal position,” Kei-chan mused.
“Still, you have a nice ass, Mao,” Tego reassured.
“Stop looking at my butt, Yoshi,” Mao grumbled.
Ryo was still laughing his head odd but then was left coughing as seawater got into his mouth. She started slipping and then hit her forehead on the board before dropping into the water. She coughed as Pi jumped in.
“Are you okay?” he asked, voice full of concern, pulling her to him, cupping her face.
Mao stared up at him as he examined her forehead closely, gently touching it. (Tego was muttering ‘Let me at him. Let me at him’ as Kei-chan pulled him away) They met each other’s gazes. Shun suddenly pulled her and touched her forehead.
“Be careful next time.”
“It’s just a little bump.”
Shun gently rubbed it as he glanced at Pi, a small frown appearing on his brow. Pi avoided his gaze.
“My turn at the board!” Kei-chan called, raising his hands.
“Don’t do a Mao now,” Ryo joked.
“Shut up!”
Mao chuckled as she sat and watched Kei-chan and Tego digging up a huge hole in the sand. Her eyes went to Massu who was lying down beside her, asleep. They were intending to bury Massu in the hole up to his neck. She shook her head as Kei-chan directed Tego.
She then looked around, eyes looking for someone. She saw Ryo coming back with a drink in his hand. But Pi had been gone for a while now. What was up with her? Always looking for Pi? Not good, not good.
“You look crazy trying to smack your head like that,” Ryo cracked. Mao glared up at him. “What are you thinking of anyway?”
She suddenly saw Pi walking towards them holding a toy pail in his hand. Ryo rolled his eyes and then got distracted by Kei-chan and Tego. Wanna help bury Massu? They asked. Ryo was more than glad to help.
“Mao!” Pi waved at her and pointed at the pail. Mao frowning, jogged towards him as Pi set the pail down on the sand.
Mao kneeled down on the sand in front of Pi and the pail. He looked mighty happy about something. Mao tried to peer into the pail but Pi covered it with his hands.
“Did you bully a kid into giving you his toy pail?” Mao joked.
“Yeah, I’ve buried him in the sand. He’s crying for his mommy.”
Mao stuck her tongue out at him. “Bully Buta.”
And then turned to the pail, “What is it you called me over for?”
Pi grinned boyishly at her, like some proud little kid.
“Do you remember you said no one can give a star to anyone? That it’s impossible?”
“Yeah… I think so.”
“Well, you were wrong.”
He then pulled his hands away and Mao looked into the pail. Inside, along with some sand and water was a starfish. Of orange and yellow colors. Pretty.
“See? I was able to give you a star!” Pi declared, proudly pumping his chest out.
Mao slowly looked up at him, chuckling. Her heart doing summersaults as she tried to control herself. Pi looked at her in anticipation, still grinning. It was too sweet. Too damn sweet.
She then placed her two hands on both sides of his cheeks and then squeezed hard.
“Ow!” Pi yelled, pushing her hands away. “What was that for?!”
If she didn’t do that, she wouldn’t want to think about what other thing she could have done. She looked back down at the starfish, trying to avoid looking at Pi, afraid of what he might see in her eyes.
“Should we name him?” she then said cheerfully.
“Name him?” Pi repeated, rubbing his cheeks. What is she thinking anyway? Squeezing like that.
“Yeah. He looks like a Pedro.”
“Pedro?” Pi said in disbelief. “He looks more like a Hector.”
“Hector?! That’s so lame! Besides, he’s my starfish. I get to decide what name,” Mao reminded him.
Pi scowled at her. “I still have a say coz he came from me!”
“Steve’s not a bad name,” he then added.
“He can have two names then! Steve Pedro! See?”
“Are you an idiot? That’s sucky! And why does Steve come first? It should be Pedro Steve.”
“Steve Pedro sounds much better,” Pi stuck his tongue out at her.
“I wanna name him too!” Tego suddenly called from behind.
“Don’t make it worse, Yoshi,” Mao groaned as she watched the three of them come near. Massu was already buried up to his neck, shouting apparently not for help but he wants in on the naming.
“Chihuahua?” they chorused.
“So it will match the name Pedro. Pedro Chihuahua,” Tego said in a dramatics voice.
“It’s Pedro Steve Chihuahua,” Pi corrected.
“Steve sucks,” Tego retorted.
“Tego’s not allowed to name him anymore,” Pi said, holding his hand up as Tego glared at him.
“Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious.” Kei-chan.
“Pedro’s going to be so traumatized,” Mao said, looking down at the starfish. She could almost imagine him screaming for help.
“What are you going to name him?” Kei-chan asked Ryo, who was looking at them like they were all idiots.
“Shouldn’t it be Patrick?”
“No, Spongebob.”
“Pedro is enough,” Mao said exasperated.
“No, it’s Pedro Steve Chihuahua Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious Spongebob,” Pi corrected, mocking her.
“I want to name him The Third!” Massu shouted from behind.
“Retardation is rampant today,” Ryo said as if commenting on the weather.
“So he’s Pedro Steve Chihuahua Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious Spongebob III (The Third),” Pi declared, looking at Mao innocently.
Mao rolled her eyes at him but laughed despite herself. Crazy.
“Why isn’t Shun back yet? He’s going to miss the sunset,” Mao said, looking around craning her neck.
Shun had gone off with his camera and might get too distracted. He said he’s be back for the sunset.
Mao piled two mounds of sand on the yet again sleeping Massu’s chest on her left.
“Massu’s grown boobies!” Tego chuckled as he pointed at Massu and nudged Kei-chan beside him to look.
“Let me get a picture,” Kei-chan said, as he rummaged for his camera.
Ryo rolled his eyes and put on his sunglasses on, stretching luxuriously on the sand.
“What are you listening to?” Mao asked Pi on her right.
“Southern All Stars,” he said and offered one earphone to her.
“Maybe we can watch videos instead,” Mao said, as she reached for his iPod. She wanted to watch the video they did for her last time.
“There’s no videos in here,” Pi said, pulling it away from her.
Mao snatched it back. Pi panicked and pulled it back from her, stashing it into his shorts pockets.
“Is there porn in there?”
“Of course not!” Pi scowled.
“Then let me see!” she said, hitting his arm. She was being deliberate seeing how much he didn’t want her looking at the videos.
Mao then pinched both his cheeks hard. Pi’s hands shot up also pinching hers.
“Let go!” they both yelled.
“Again, retardation,” Ryo said as Kei-chan snapped away with his camera.
They had grown quiet as the sun started to set. Shun was still nowhere in sight. Massu had woken up confused as to why he had fake boobies and was now staring serenely at the setting sun. It just gave that peaceful inexplicable feeling only something so beautiful could.
Mao glanced at the friends on her left and her right.
“I love you guys,” she softly said, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed as Pi was included.
They all looked at her and murmured something inaudible, probably being shy. (except for Tego who gushed ‘I love you more!’)
He had always loved sunsets. He loved watching it as he listens to Southern All Stars; the emotions it evoked in him. But now as he looked at her sitting there, bathed in the orange glow, he had found something a whole lot more meaningful to look at…
“Aren’t you afraid to be sitting alone out here?”
Mao whipped her head around and smiled at Pi who was walking up to her. They were on a small makeshift dock they had found earlier that day.
“There’s plenty of lights anyway. Shun’s going to be here soon,” she then finished quietly.
“He’s always running off somewhere.”
“Yeah, but he was able to catch the sunset. He was pretty excited about something he shot,” she said, thinking back to Shun saying she’ll be able to see it next time.
Pi noticed a makeshift fishing rod beside her and attached to it for bait was-
“Is that a piece of Cheetos?”
Mao laughed. “Yoshi and I were just goofing around earlier. For the fishies!”
“You’re both mental,” Pi teased.
“You don’t have to wait with me. Shun will be back soon.”
Pi took off his slippers and sat down, dipping his feet into the water. Saying it was okay. They lapsed into comfortable silence, listening to the waves.
Here he goes again. Waiting with her now and later she’ll be with Shun. It’s like he’s always giving her away to Shun… Always… and he hated the feeling…
Mao suddenly sighed. “Ah, I miss Pedro.”
“Say his whole name.”
“Fine. Pedro Steve Chihuahua Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious Spongebob III (The Third),” Mao corrected herself, rolling her eyes.
Pi grinned at her and nodded, satisfied. They had let him go knowing he’ll never survive with them. Just hearing the way they name he might have died a little already.
“Too bad I had to let the first star I’ve received go,” Mao said, shrugging. “But Pedro will always be in my heart,” she finished, chuckling.
Pi thought back to the necklace he had bought for her. Pedro had reminded him of it… that’s why he showed it to her. Mao gently kicked at the water. She glanced at Pi who had gone solemn, and then kicked the water hard at him. Water splashed onto Pi. Pi’s eyes went to her and then they started a water fight.
“I just showered!” Mao whined.
“You started it!”
Mao then closed her right eyes as water went into it, grumbling at Pi. Pi then gently cupped her face and checked her eye, blowing on it. She slowly opened it, saying she’s okay now. But Pi was looking at her differently. His hands still cupping her face. Mao had gone immobile, heart pounding. She should pull away. Pull away now!
“Mao… will you miss me if I went away?” Pi softly asked her.
Footsteps behind broke the moment. It was Oguri, carrying chips and sodas, a bit surprised at the position they were in. they explained what happened in what they thought was a casual tone. Pi excused himself and walked away, still feeling Oguri’s eyes on his back. It had looked like he wanted to say something to him…
As Pi walked away, he heard a murmur of conversation. He chanced a glance backwards, as soon as he was at a safe distance. Oguri was opening a bag of chips. He pulled too hard and chips rained everywhere. Laughter carried all the way to him as he watched Mao chiding Oguri playfully.
Pi shoved his hands into his pockets and continued walking. Will she miss him if he went away? He had been seriously thinking of leaving… more and more often, surprising even himself… He didn’t know if he can take it anymore… Having Mao by his side but not really by his side…
“Can you skip work?” Pi asked over the other line.
Mao had just finished a call she got from Shun saying he’s safely arrived at Okinawa. They were doing a shoot and he will be gone for two days. The phone had rung as soon as she hung up and it was Pi with his randomness again.
“That would be a ‘no’,” she replied, frowning.
“I’m coming near your building soon. Can you come down?” he then asked.
She noticed his strained voice and agreed. He had been pretty weird recently. Weirder than was normal. Again with the not spending that much time with them... Seems like a lot has been on his mind recently… She quickly walked down the steps and waited. In just a moment, a mini cooper stopped in front of her.
Pi then leaned towards the window.
“Come with me if you want to live,” he said in a low voice.
Mao laughed and rolled her eyes at him as he grinned at her. She stepped towards the car amazed at how he happened to have a mini cooper, admiring it over and over.
“A friend’s. Hop in. Have you had lunch yet?”
“I’ve eaten a bit. But if you’re buying, I’m there!” she said and jumped into the passenger seat.
“Awwww… you even have Teddy! Just like Mr. Bean!” she exclaimed as she snatched up the bear.
“I knew you’d be gushing about that as well,” Pi chuckled.
“So you’re like Mr. Buta. No, wait! Mr. Nut!” Mao guffawed, snorting. Ah, sometimes she just cracks herself up.
Pi made a face at her.
“How about some fresh seafood? Those by the sea!” Pi then said as they drove off.
“You have the day off. Takki didn’t mind,” Pi said grinning.
“What?! What did you say?”
“I have my ways. You have to spend the day with me. I’m kinda feeling down,” he pouted as he batted his eyelashes.
“You are such a baby!”
Oh well. It was an excuse not to work anyway. She gave Pi a sideways look. Wondering what was troubling him. Whatever she can do to help…
“You’re buying lunch!”
Their stomach bursting from all the seafood they pigged out on. They had decided to walk around the small market for a bit. Maybe buy some fruits home. Mao adjusted the star beanie on her head. It had grown a little chilly for her but luckily Pi brought it with him.
“Seems like you’ve planned this ahead,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him/
“Haven’t I told you? We’re spending the night here,” Pi said innocently.
“The long drive is tiring. Have you no consideration for other?”
Mao took a deep breath. “Uwaaahh-gah!”
“There you go again, making weird sounds,” Pi clicked his tongue.
They had bickered as they walked on but Mao in the end gave up. There was no way out of this. She pinched Pi’s arm really hard in frustration. Pi winced out loud. After a while, they forgot their little squabble.
“Ooh! Strawberries! Maybe we can make strawberry-banana shake!” Mao cheered, as she ran to check the strawberries.
Pi groaned. “Please don’t say strawberry-banana shake.”
“What’s up with you?”
His dream… Mao and strawberry-banana shake… No! Must. Not. Think. It.
“Where are we staying by the way?”
“You seem to have many rich friends,” Mao commented, looking at him, frowning.
Pi just smiled as he opened the gate. Inside, Mao ran up to the glass doors by the living room and happily looked out to the view of the seashore. Pi laid down the food and drinks they bought on the kitchen counter. Shige had done a good job of calling people to tidy the place up for them.
Mao was helping herself to the house, checking it out. There were two bedrooms thankfully. She had been wondering about that… and then slapped herself mentally, stopping her mind from drifting off into a different direction.
“There’s some DVDs in this room, I think,” Pi suddenly said, from behind her and pushed the door she had peeked into, walking in.
He turned on the television and started skimming through the stacks of DVDs underneath it. He grabbed one and popped it into the player. Mao felt her stomach growl. Uh-oh. Not a good sign. She shouldn’t have eaten that much…
She excused herself and went to the bathroom located outside. Pi looked up as she came back all of a sudden.
“The toilet’s broken…”
“Use the one here then.”
“Is there no bathroom in the other room?”
Pi shook his head. Mao bit her lip, her stomach growled again. Ugh.
“Can you go out first?”
“Heh? Why? The movie’s starting.”
“You can stop it for a while! Just go out, please,” she said as she held onto her stomach. She really had to go.
“The bathroom has a door.”
“I-I can’t go with you just outside,” she then reasoned out lamely.
Pi stared at her for a while.
“Taking a dump is a natural thing. If you’re going, then go. I really don’t care,” he then said.
“I do it too,” he added as an afterthought.
It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to her. Utterly weird and maybe a bit disgusting but somehow sweet. Mao pouted. He wasn’t budging and then sighing she ran towards the bathroom.
As she washed her hands thoroughly, she was wincing inside. Why did she have to ask him to go? But she had felt embarrassed and shy about it. What the pudding? Shaking her head at the weird situations she manages to end up in. Wiping her hands dry, she then stepped out and her eyes fell upon Pi, who was laying down on the bed, choking.
“Can’t. Breathe,” he wheezed, as he looked at her a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Tomohisa!” she shouted angrily, glaring at him.
Pi burst into laughter. Ah, always, always at her worst. But… there really was nothing to worry about, as Pi patted the bed, telling her to sit down. She was missing the movie.
“You sure you don’t want to take the floor?” she asked again, Uno cards in hand.
Pi narrowed his eyes at her.
“You can sleep in the other room then.”
Mao stuck her tongue out at him. They were sharing a bed that night. Mao somehow felt slightly afraid, sleeping alone in an unfamiliar house. It didn’t help that Pi was tring to scare her earlier, making ghost sounds.
So they decided to sleep in one room. Pi adamantly refused to sleep on the floor. It gets chilly at night! He complained. The bed was big anyway so they had placed pillows to serve as a divider in the middle.
They were playing Uno cards. Music playing softly in the background. Pi stuck his tongue out as he examined the cards in his hands. Mao peeked at him.
Is she crazy? She hadn’t really let the situation sink into her earlier. If she thinks about it, it will just drive her up the wall. Why is she spending a night with Pi? This shouldn’t be the actions of a girl who has a boyfriend.
But he’s a friend! And he looked like he was sort of having problems thought he still hasn’t brought them up. It somehow felt like she was cheating on Shun. No! No! That’s not the case. She was doing this for a friend. But why then did they hide the fact they were together from the other? Making up some excuse of spending the night with their respective “friends”.
Mao pulled her beanie lower on her head. Pi was right. It does get a bit chilly at night.
“Do you have board games here?” she then asked, feeling slightly restless as the thoughts she tried to ignore came flowing.
“iPod isn’t a word!” Mao yelled, exasperated as she looked down at the Scrabble board.
“It is too.”
“Take it out.”
“You’re just sore coz you’re losing.”
Mao took a pillow and beaned him on the head. they had been bickering all night, trying to get the better of each other and putting in words that didn’t exist in the dictionary.
“Don’t think just coz you’re a girl, I won’t hit ba-“
Mao beaned the pillow on his face, trying to keep a straight face. Pi paused and then grabbed another pillow and hit her. Mao growled. Pillow fight.
Pi pulled down her beanie over her eyes and beaned her. She pulled it off, gave Pi a smack and then pulled it low over his head, covering almost his entire face. She smacked him again and again and again, as they both burst into laughter.
“I can’t see,” Pi said dramatically, his hands in front of him.
Mao snorted. And then suddenly stopped as she looked at Pi, still laughing, the beanie still covering half of his face. She suddenly grabbed his head and kissed him on the lips.
She pulled away quickly. Her mind had gone completely blank. Her eyes on Pi ,who seemed to have frozen. Slowly, his hands went up and pulled off the beanie. His intense gaze locking with Mao’s. He slowly leaned forward. His lips parting slightly, as Mao closed her eyes, her heart full of anticipation.
Soft. Gentle. Perfect. Both realizing just how much they had longed for the taste… This time their kiss was slow and long, going deeper and deeper. It felt like they were savoring each sigh and sound as their lips moved over each other’s. She felt Pi slowly pull her closer.
And she made herself pull away from his lips. Pi’s heavy-lidded gaze going from her eyes to her lips again. She then clutch the front of his shirt, biting her lips trying to fight back the frustrated tears that were burning in her eyes.
“I’m sorry… I’m really sorry…,” she whispered, hanging her head. She couldn’t look at him… She shouldn’t have done that… But her heart… Her heart…
She can’t do this to Shun… Shun who had done nothing but love her. And she can’t do this to Pi either. Her indecisiveness might just drive him away… Her thoughts suddenly went back to what he had once said to her. If I went away, will you miss me?
They were friends. He can’t go away! The selfish thought popped into her head. Friends should stay by each other’s side, whenever, wherever. That’s how the two of them should be…
“We should stop, Pi. We should stop,” her voice shaking slightly.
Pi looked down at Mao’s lowered head. his heart silently breaking into a million pieces. He gently laid his chin on her head.
“If you say stop, we’ll stop,” he softly said to her as he closed his eyes, hurting and helpless.
Pi laid on his side, unable to sleep. Everything had happened so quickly, he still couldn’t believe it. He rolled onto his back and looked over at Mao, her back to him. She was so far off to her side; it was almost as if she was going to fall off the bed. Somehow the pillows hadn’t found their way back in the middle of the bed…
What was he expecting from this little trip of theirs really? He suddenly had the idea of spending just a whole day and night with her. Just the two of them… before he… before he leaves. Yes, he had decided to leave. Though he still hadn’t decided if he was going to tell them beforehand. It was hard as it is…
Was that just it? Somehow like a farewell trip? Or maybe a selfish part of him had thought that Mao would suddenly realize that what they had was real… so real she won’t want to let it go… Apparently he was wrong… Maybe… Maybe what she felt for him wasn’t strong enough…
“Mao… before we stop… can I just hold you tonight?” he softly said, somehow mustering up the courage.
Silence. No movement or reaction whatsoever.
His heart gave a slight twinge. He was about to roll over on his side when he suddenly felt a movement and in a moment Mao was pressing against him, her face buried in his chest.
He looked taken aback, pausing for a while. And then slowly wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, taking in her scent. Mao snuggled closer to him, their legs almost tangled together.
It was an unspoken understanding. That this will be the last. They have allowed each other to have this one night. One night where they can just forget about everything… and just let go… give in to that connection they have…
As they sank deeper into their warm embrace… eyes getting heavier and heavier… both were wishing somehow that the night would never end…
They silently walked towards their respective rooms. Mao’s hand closed in on the doorknob. She glanced behind her the same exact moment Pi did. They both grinned at each other sheepishly.
That morning she had woke up to find Pi gone from her side. He was taking a shower. She buried her face on the pillow, groaning at her actions the night before. Pi’s scent… She could still feel his arms that had embraced her the whole night. Suddenly jerking up, she scolded herself to stop.
Somehow, like nothing happened, they fell into their usual interactions. Joking, hurling insults, goofing around as they finished breakfast and got ready for the ride home. Even in the car they sang along to the songs on the radio, not leaving room for any awkwardness. But as soon as they arrived at their building, reality was dawning on them.
“Bye-bye-cycle,” she then said, chuckling.
“Arienattsuno!” Pi then retorted back.
“Kon-kon!” they simultaneously said, with the gesture. And then laughing, turned to their doors and opened them.
Pi heard Mao’s door quickly closing. He stopped and turned to look at it.
Mao walked towards her bed, rubbing her eyes. She must be feeling really tired… Her frustrations slowly welling up inside her… She blinked her eyes rapidly… The frustrations weren’t going away… Her lips quivered and then she wasn’t able to control it as the tears rolled down.
Pi stood there still, his heart feeling so heavy. He bit his lip and then let out a deep breath. That pesky lump in his throat…
“How can I just let you walk away… Just let you leave without a trace… When I stand here taking e-,” Kei-chan sang.
“Will you stop singing that?” Pi snapped at him.
“Tsk. Tsk. Aren’t we touchy today?” Kei-chan said as he fried eggs.
Pi flipped the channels on the TV irritated. He didn’t have to be reminded of THAT.
“I’ll sing a different song then.”
The door opened and Mao stepped in.
“Victims of love are broken down unfair! So sad to see the de-,” Kei-chan sang at the top of his lungs.
Mao and Pi’s eyes locked, wide-eyed.
“Shut up, Kei-chan/Koyama!” they both yelled.
Kei-chan jumped. “What? I can’t sing in my own room now?”
Shaking his head and muttering, he placed the eggs on a plate and then checked on the noodles. Mao grabbed an onigiri off the table. Pi was keeping his eyes on the TV.
“How many eggs do you want, Mao-Mao?”
“I’m going out,” she mumbled and then glanced at Pi. Pi stared fixedly at the TV.
“You got it, you got it bad…,” Massu who opened the door and stepped in was singing.
Mao then jammed the onigiri into his mouth, pushing past Ryo, muttering a hurried good-bye.
“Oooh… Onigiri!” Massu said, his speech garbled.
“They can’t stand singing today,” Kei-chan shrugged as Ryo gave him a questioning look. He then jerked his thumb meaningfully at Pi.
Pi was still staring fixedly at the TV. Is Mao gone? He wondered and then jumped as Koyama’s face appeared before him.
“We need to have a little talk.”
They sat at the dining table, bowls of steaming noodles in front of them, regarding each other silently.
Massu suddenly shot his hand up. “I have a question.”
“Why is Sakurai Sho here?” he then asked, pointing beside him.
Everyone’s eyes turned to Sho.
“Beats me,” Sho shrugged, a bit weirded out himself.
“Because he’s someone who’s all-knowing. A casual observer,” Ryo then explained.
“Heh?” Pi.
“You’ll get it later. Anyway, Pi, we just want to tell you you’re not the male lead in a Korean drama, you know,” Ryo continued.
“Whut?” Pi asked, a confused look directed at Ryo.
“I’m talking about you and Mao.”
Pi shifted uncomfortably in his seat. What are they up to now?
“I was thinking their story is more of a soap opera ne.”
“Nobody came back from the dead though.”
“Anyway,” Ryo cut off pointedly. “I admit, it’s kinda cute in the start, you know. Boy meets girl. Girl gets a boyfriend. Boy and girl realizes they’re in love. Boy and girl are kinda confused. They have their oh-so-sweet little moments but still they can’t be together for some weird and probably stupid reason-“
“Awww… but having a but of drama is good too-“
“Koyama, focus.”
“Sorry,” Koyama squeaked.
“But it’s getting a bit tiring really, watching this go on and on. Just get together already!” Ryo said, exasperated.
“Who’s writing this fanfiction anyway?” Massu asked.
“I don’t know why I just said that,” Massu said, looking a bit confused.
“Look, I don’t know-,” Pi started.
“Don’t even try denying it. Sakurai?” Koyama then turned to Sho.
“It’s pretty obvious you guys want each other. But there’s something holding you back. Oguri Shun and probably Mao’s issues with your friendship. If she chooses you, things between you might change and become unstable like any other relationship is.”
He paused to eat his noodles.
“Just look at the way one little thing changed everything between Oguri and her. (Don’t ask I just know about these things.) She’s not going to let that happen with you. And you who loves her so much and wants to do everything you can for her, sacrifices your feelings. Also, you’re thinking maybe she doesn’t love you that much so she can actually take not being with you. Wrong, man. It actually shows just how much you mean to her,” he finshed. He then took out his Nintendo DS and started playing.
Pi looked at him, mouth slightly hanging open, dumbstruck. He raised a finger to point at him in awe.
Ryo nodded solemnly. “He just knows, man.”
“So he’s like the Sho-racle?” Pi’s lips twitched.
They all stared at him, as Sho’s game sounded off.
“Wow, did you think that up all by yourself?” Ryo then said sarcastically.
“Why, yes,” he replied, proud of that little joke.
“So, there’s always someone like Sho who just has an insight into these things. So believe it when he says Mao feels strongly about you,” Koyama chirped in.
Pi nodded slowly. Is that really the case?
“I wonder what role I play then?” Massu mused.
“You’re just the guy who can’t stop eating and always tries to be funny,” Ryo said coolly as Massu pouted.
“Then I’m the guy who takes care of everybody and has a big heart,” Koyama said, grinning.
“That’s so boring,” Ryo quipped. “Who wants to be that guy?”
“I take it you’re the wise-cracking idiot who everybody hates,” Koyama said flatly.
“No, I’m the wise-cracking good-looking guy who undoubtedly pawns everyone here.”
“No, you’re the wise-cracker on the outside but sensitive on the inside, especially to Mao whom you are secretly in love with but has given up in the end,” Sho interjected, pointing at him, his eyes not leaving the game.
“Oooh…,” they chorused. Pi’s mind was distracted though.
Ryo scoffed as Koyama and Massu tried to pry more details out of him.
Ryo glared at them and them solemnly said,” I just realized I could never love her more than Pi does…”
They all looked taken aback at that, even Pi heard that one. They all looked solemn for a minute as they saw a side to Ryo they’ve never seen.
“Anyway, you idiots. That’s the last you’ll see of that,” he then hurled at them.
Koyama sighed and then noticed something.
“Where’s Tego, by the way? He was just here a while ago.”
“Oh. I tied him up and stashed him in the closet.”
They stared at him.
“I’m kidding! He went out with some model friends of his, remember?”
A sound came from the closet. Koyama frowned at him.
“We’re here to help you get your girl,” Ryo then said, slapping him on the back.
“Yeah, coz the readers want to see you two getting together,” Massu chimed in.
“Again, I don’t know why I just said that.”
Pi opened his mouth to speak.
“Hasn’t that night you’ve spent together taught you anything?” Sho then asked.
“He knows,” Massu mouthed at Pi.
“You’re thinking of doing something drastic and stupid, aren’t you?” Ryo asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at him.
Pi kept his face blank. He was thinking of leaving… What are they? Mind-readers?
“You do want Mao to be happy, right?” Kei-chan asked seriously. “I don’t think she’d find that with Oguri.”
“You guys are thinking too much,” Ryo said. “It’s time to be honest and go for it.”
Pi’s heart pounded in anticipation and nervousness at the turn of events.
“This sure is a different kind of wake-up call, huh?” he then said, chuckling.
They grinned at him. Another sound came from the closet. Koyama gave Ryo a look, who kept his face blank. Koyama then stood up and pulled open the closet and out came Tego. Bound and gagged. His furious eyes staring up at them as he wiggled.
“What the pudding?”
“He was going to be a pain. So I thought we’d talk to Pi without him,” Ryo said, in a bored tone.
Pi watched as Koyama and Massu started untying Tego. Ryo cackled evilly in the background while Sho concentrated on his game. Hmm… was he supposed to listen to this crazy bunch?
“Gyoza. I want gyoza,” Massu said as he and Tego poured over the menu.
They were at their favourite karaoke place. Koyama had organized the get-together. Somehow Pi thought they had come up with something to help him. Honestly, he couldn’t think straight when it came to it. What should he do?
Koyama and Ryo pulled him far away from Mao and Shun who were picking songs from the list.
“Okay, what’s your plan?” Koyama asked excitedly.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought of anything yet?” Ryo rolled his eyes.
“I thought you guys were going to help me?” Pi said, indignant.
“I just realized this is your girl. You should come up with something on your won,” Ryo hissed. “We don’t have to hole your hand in this.”
Pi sighed, knowing Ryo’s helpful streak wouldn’t last.
“But I can’t just jump on her. What if it backfires?” The thought of ruining everything with Mao…
“You’ve already decided. Just take the risk,” Ryo said.
They felt Mao was looking over at them, a suspicious look on her face. They decided to go sing to cover it up. Tego excitedly joined them. As they stood there, the remaining people clapped for them. Mao waiting to watch a good and probably hilarious show. They debated on what song they should sing. Pi’s eyes caught one song.
“This one,” he said.
“But I want to sing another-,” Tego started.
“Not now. We’ll sing this one first,” Koyama interjected. It looked like Pi had a plan.
The music started as Massu dimmed the lights a little. “Won’t Go Home Without You”. Maroon 5.
“I asked her to stay… I asked her to stay but she wouldn't listen...,” Pi started to sing.
“She left before I had the chance to say…,“ his eyes on Mao.
Oguri was whispering something into her ear, making her smile.
“The words that would mend the things that were broken,
But now it's far too late, she's gone away…”
Mao then whipped her head to him as the lyrics sank in. Pi… Pi’s gaze locked with her and somehow she couldn’t look away. Something in them was holding her. Shun was saying something and she distractedly said ‘Uh-huh’.
“Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?
Why does every moment have to be so hard?"
Hard to believe that…”
Pi sang as he felt like he was about to burst. It was awful of him to do this in front of Oguri. He felt sorry but he knew he was going to be more sorry if he didn’t do anything… Mao’s heart was pounding, making her weak…
“It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you…”
He definitely won’t. Not anymore.
“The taste of her breath, I'll never get over,
The noises that she made kept me awake…”
Mao’s thoughts involuntarily went to that night. She could feel a fierce blush as the way Pi sang those words felt like a caress to her…
“The weight of things that remain unspoken
Built up so much it crushed us everyday…”
She felt her heart give a lurch. What are you doing, Pi? But still, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. They’ve decided haven’t they? Shun took her hand when he felt something was wrong. His eyes flicked towards Pi, who still had his eyes on her.
Mao’s eyes went to Shun and she smiled weakly at him, trying to hide it.
“Of all the things I felt but never really shown
Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go
I should not ever let you go…”
Mao cast her eyes down as she closed them. Pi wanted her to look at him. He was telling her he had changed his mind… and she cast away the thought that she also wanted too…
“It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you…”
Shun had squeezed her hand. He had felt a nervousness and fear he had never ever felt in his life. She excused herself suddenly to go to the bathroom and ran out the room.
“I won’t go home without you… It’s not over tonight… Just give me one more-“
Pi, after a few thoughts, threw the microphone to Koyama and hurriedly said he needed to go too. Everyone looked taken aback for a second. Shun started to stand up as Koyama cheerfully went to him and asked him to sing.
Pi caught up to Mao on the way to the bathroom. He whirled her around. Muffled music sounded off as they both looked at each other silently. Mao rubbed her hands as if cold.
“What the hell was that?” she then demanded. She knew getting angry was no use. But she felt lost. Pi was making her resolve crumble and she can’t let that happen.
Pi wanted to shout it all out right at that moment but he had to be calm or else it would agitate her more.
“It’s weird how Maroon 5 kinda helps me convey how I feel,” he said casually.
“We’ve talked about this Pi-“
“I just realized something,” he then cut her off.
Mao stared at him, waiting for his next words.
“We’re like pork and beans.”
Pi grinned. “We’re like pork and beans. We belong together.”
That was probably the second sweetest thing anyone had said to her. But now’s not the time for that.
“Stop making jokes. Just stop.”
Mao looked at him, trying to control herself.
“I am dead serious,” he then said, his gaze growing solemn. “I can’t take it anymore, Mao.”
“I won’t listen to this,” she then said and walked past him.
Pi suddenly grabbed her and embraced her from behind. She felt like her legs were about to give in. They can’t do this…
“I’m in love with you,” he then softly said. “Always have…”
Mao closed her eyes as she felt the words. Why did you have to say it?
“I can’t stop…,” he whispered, tightening his hold.
Mao’s eyes snapped open. She quickly pulled away and turned to him.
“Is this some kind of prank you guys are pulling?” she then joked lamely.
“I won’t joke about this. And stop trying to make things go away by treating it as a joke.”
She bit her lip and rubbed her arms again, feeling Pi’s gaze on her.
“Stop looking at me like that,” she then said.
“Then stop looking at me that way.”
Mao’s eyes snapped away from him. She was giving away too much, which was making him plunge further in.
“Why is it so difficult? Why can’t you-,” Pi started to stay.
“Because you’re too good to be true…,” she said quietly.
Pi’s heart skipped a beat. “Funny, I think of you that way too. But I’m willing to-“
“And because of that, it just makes it all the more difficult to get attached to,” she cut him off.
“Look at what happened with Shun. Just one little thing snatched it all away. Made it all crumble. It’s changed things, there’s no doubt about that! I won’t have that with you,” she finished, blinking rapidly to fight back the tears.
“You can’t throw this away just because of the what ifs! Things have changed already. Why don’t we be honest with ourselves?” Pi said getting frustrated.
She rubbed her temples. She can’t make him see. But even she was too confused with her own thoughts right now. She then turned around to go again. Pi grabbed hold of her arm.
“Think about this, Pi. I’m with Shun. I choose to be with him,” she said as she looked up at him.
She then snatched her arm away as Pi limply leaned against the wall. Shun, who had been listening around the corner, quickly walked away.
Yamapiggy: Finally! >w< gaaahh, my hands... kekeke! i feel like things have gotten a little cheesy ne... been craving for cheese? LOL! typing this up really drained me O_o i just had to introduce Pedro. xD total randomness in this chapter O_Ov i've gotten as confused as they are LOL. curse you maroon5 >w< pork & beans!