Chapter 5
Mao opened her mouth wide as she let out a big yawn; her eyes getting watery. They were outside of the garden of one of the houses they borrowed for a photo shoot. Why do I even have to be here? She grumbled, as she watched Shun click away at the model. All she’s becomes so far is the model’s personal assistant. She let out another big yawn and then caught sight of a crew member staring at her. She quickly covered her mouth and bowed slightly in apology.
But still, as she watched Shun direct the model, it does have its perks. Shun was in his element, she observed, her lips curving into a small smile. She watched his profile. It showed how seriously he takes his work and how his dedication makes him admire her even more. His swift movements felt effortless as his camera clicked and clicked. She was called away for a while regarding some of the clothes the model was supposed to be wearing next.
Thanks to Shun’s directions. It looked like the shoot was going to end earlier than expected. Mao had found a place to sit down to rest her legs. She stifled another yawn. For the past few days, she and the guys had been going out more often than before. It seems like Pi didn’t have any problems bonding with them and sometimes they would talk or goof around well into the night. They had hung out last night in her room. Though it was a bit crowded, they still had fun nonetheless; from playing board games or taking turns at the Playstation.
“Pass the chips, Buta-chan,” Mao called.
“Are you talking to Pi or Massu?” Ryo cracked.
“Weren’t you supposed to be going out?” Massu countered.
“Got cancelled. Guess I’m stuck with you guys.”
They groaned in unison as Ryo protested indignantly.
“Buta,” Mao said, reaching out her hands.
“Stop calling me Buta,” Pi said, as he handed her the chips; his eyes crinkling as he couldn’t help smiling.
“Thanks,” Mao said. “Buta.”
Pi crinkled his nose. “I feel like going “Oink! Oink!” everytime you say that.”
Kei-chan laughed. “We should think of a nickname for her too.”
“Stubby!” Ryo, of course.
Her elbow connected with his chest.
“How about Mao-Mao?” Tego said, grinning.
“Wow. That’s original,” Ryo said saracastically.
“Nekko? You know like Mao-Mao; ‘Meow-Meow’?” Pi said, laughing at his own joke.
“Pudding?” Massu interjected. “She loves pudding.”
“Pudding,” Tego repeated in a hushed voice, his eyes twinkling.
“No way!” Ryo said, disgusted. “I’d rather die than call her ‘Pudding’.”
“Don’t you think that should be me?” Mao asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Pudding,” Kei-chan joked to Mao in a sickeningly sweet voice.
Everyone, including Mao, got goosebumps and they were rubbing their arms. That is a bit scary.
“Pudding Monster,” Pi said with a boyish laugh. His laugh somehow always brings a smile to Mao’s face.
“You guys are so lame at coming up with nicknames,” Mao said.
“Look who’s talking.”
“Let’s take a picture first. I don’t think we have taken a decent one yet,” Massu said, as he set up the camera.
The timer blinked as Massu hurried into the frame. Mao had her super bright smile on. Suddenly, Pi pulled her to him covering her face. A flash of light.
“That’s for calling me Buta,” he said, laughing as Mao slapped his arm.
Ryo laughed at that. But it somehow caught in his throat as he watched Mao and Pi’s sudden closeness. Not long after, Mao had kicked them out of her room as she didn’t want to be late for work again.
The crew seemed to be packing up as some crew members passed by with a few equipments in hand. She yawned widely once more suddenly hearing the familiar click of a camera. Shocked, it was Shun walking towards her with a grin.
Embarrassed, she quickly stood up. “Did you just take a shot of that?”
Shun chuckled. “It was cute. You were a natural.”
“Please delete it,” she pleaded.
Shun pretended he didn’t hear anything and just grinned. He sat down on the stone bench. Mao sat back down beside him.
“Didn’t get enough sleep?” he mused. “If you’re wondering why you’re here, I requested it to Takki.”
Mao’s head snapped to him. Oh… was all she could say. Was it because he wanted her near him or-
“I thought everything always works out great with you around the shoot,” Shun then said, as if hearing her thoughts. He was looking at her with a small smile on his face.
“Thanks,” she said meekly. She sometimes was at a loss on what to say to him. She could be way too nervous sometimes.
Shun took out a pack of cigarettes. “Do you mind?”
Mao’s heart fell. She didn’t like smokers. For her, it’s really a bad habit and she can’t stand the smoke. But she shook her head, indicating it was okay.
Shun lit his cigarette and then exhaled. Mao tried to hold her breath. They sat there silently as the crew packed up. She glanced at him. Although she didn’t like the idea he smokes, he looked really handsome as he took a puff.
“Is there something wrong?” he asked, as Mao had been staring at him for a while.
Mao shook her head and grinned sheepishly. “I was just wondering… have you smoked ever since?”
Shun nodded. “Ever since high school. Have you ever tried it?”
“No,” Mao shook her head vigorously. “Have you… Have you ever tried quitting?”
She winced inwardly. She knew that was a stupid thing to say. Shun’s hand stopped midway from his mouth. Well, she didn’t like smoking, obviously.
“Not really. Never really had a reason to.”
Mao was called to help out. She gave a small wave to Shun and sprinted forward. Shun watched her go. He was never really too fond of people telling, asking or indicating him not to smoke. He looked down at his cigarette. Surprising even himself, he then lowered his hand down slowly to put it out. But in this case…
Mao jumped into the van and settled in. She knew Shun would be taking the other van. She looked out the window hoping to catch a glimpse of him, not noticing that someone had sat beside her. She turned around and to her surprise it was Shun. He closed the door as everyone had gotten in.
Mao’s heart raced as she smelled a whiff of Shun’s cologne. They were sitting really close together; their knees almost touching. Mao could hardly breathe. Shun shifted in his seat. Now their knees were touching.
Shun glanced at Mao. She was staring fixedly out the window. He smiled inwardly. It wasn’t really hard for him to guess Mao kinda liked him. She sometimes couldn’t look at him straight in the eyes and would stumble on her words. She was completely different from the women he usually encounters. She was a breath of fresh air to him. There was just something about her that intrigues him. Maybe it was her candidness, maybe it was the way she would goof up. She just reminds him of the simpler things. And it was a very nice feeling.
“Good work today,” he said, as he looked at her.
Mao smiled. “Yeah. Did you get hungry?”
And he loved that smile of hers…
“Want to go get some coffee?” Shun had asked. And those six little words had made her heart flutter.
As soon as they got out of the van, Shun had asked her and only her. It made the offer even better. Though nervous, she wouldn’t want to miss hanging out with him no matter how quickly they spend the time together.
They were standing in line in the coffee shop behind two high school students, who were obviously crushing on each other. It was really amusing watching them as they were a bit shy about it. The guy had taken his money to pay for the drinks but the girl thought it was rude not to pay for her half. It took them a while to sort it out. Shun and Mao caught each other’s eyes and smiled at that. Ah, high school puppy love. They watched as the pair tried to find their seats. Their faces flushed.
“Don’t worry about Takki. I’ll handle him,” Shun said, as they found a table. Mao had thought they were grabbing the coffees to go but Shun suggested they stay.
“I have no problem with that,” Mao grinned. Any excuse not to go back to work just yet.
They found themselves seated across the two high school students. Mao smiled when she caught sight of them which Shun noticed.
“They seem to be warming up to each other,” he mused.
“Yeah. It’s kinda cute how they were so awkward around each other at first. It’s sort of a different feeling eh?’ Mao said.
“You must have had a memorable high school love,” Shun smiled as he sipped his coffee.
“No,” Mao said, laughing. “I never experienced any of that. Going home from school together or maybe giving each other letters. Or just being teased by your classmates. I just think that when you’re older, everything’s much different when it comes to these things. Unlike high school, it’s so simple yet so genuine.”
She had babbled long enough. She can’t sound anymore dorkier than that! Why would she say that? Saying she never experienced a high school love, or college for that matter. But it was true, she could never go back and know how it felt like. Feeling slightly awkward and stupid, she concentrated on sipping her coffee. Shun stared at her for a moment.
“I don’t know. You’d be surprised,” he finally said.
Mao laughed, attempting to wave away that embarrassing monologue. “So, what were you in high school? The super popular jock maybe?”
She winced inwardly as she blurted that out. Did she sound like a groupie? That would be a turn-off.
“I was a rebel,” Shun grinned, a bit embarrassed as he thought back to his high school days. “I’ve done my fair share of stupid thing. You?”
They talked and laughed and somehow Mao’s nervousness slowly faded away. She was just enjoying the moment and she hoped that was the case for Shun too.
Pi had a bag of groceries in his hand as he walked back home, listening to his ipod, wondering if Mao was home yet. Funny how he had come to wait for her everyday. The past few days went by so fast but he had truly enjoyed every moment. Though what they do is limited and almost the same, it would feel like a totally new experience with them. Kinda weird but cool. With the flurry of events, he hasn’t had time to think what he plans to do next. But it was his vacation, so he should go at his own pace.
He rounded the corner and to his surprise saw Mao talking happily with a guy. He backed up a few steps and peeked at them. What the hell was he doing? He thought, confused at his own actions. Taking off his earphones, their voices had carried over to him.
“We’re lucky again we didn’t get caught you have no helmet on,” Mao said, as she handed the helmet to Shun.
Shun chuckled. “I hope we don’t ever get caught.”
Pi pursed his lips as he observed Mao’s body language towards this guy. So this must be Oguri Shun, he thought. And for the first time ever, he felt a certain animosity towards someone he had never even met. There was nothing he liked about him from his head to the tips of his shoes. What does she see in him?
He watched as Shun climbed onto his motorcycle and rode towards the corner. Pi pretended he was just about to turn around the corner. As Shun’s motorcycle rode past him, Pi gave a not-so-friendly glance at him. He felt irritated somehow.
“Hey, Pi! How was your day?” Mao asked as she spotted him.
“Fine,” he pouted.
Mao didn’t seem to notice this as she went up the stairs. Pi following behind, still pouting. As Mao reached her door, Pi remembered he really didn’t have anything to cook the instant noodles. He was just craving for some and didn’t think of it.
“Mao-Mao, can you cook the instant noodles for me?” he asked, holding up the plastic bag.
Mao stepped into her room. “You can use my kitchen. Come on in.”
“Yeah but is it okay if you do it?” he asked as he followed Mao in.
Mao rolled her eyes. “You can be such a brat. Okay, but I get half.”
She was in a pretty good mood today so she didn’t mind. Pi sat in the dining table with his juice. He watched Mao stir the noodles. It was almost done.
“So, have you found a job yet?” Mao asked, as she took two bowls out.
Pi shrugged. He really didn’t know what to look for but he knows he didn’t like staying in his room the whole time.
“I heard the pizza place Massu’s working at is hiring,” she said, misinterpreting Pi’s silence. She knew how frustrating finding a job is.
“Really?” Pi said, thinking. “I could check that out.”
“Oh, I just remembered I have eggs,” Mao said happily, as she went to the fridge.
“I want one, too,” Pi said, sounding like a kid.
Mao peeked inside the fridge and found only one egg was left. “Sorry. It’s mine.”
Pi sighed and pouted. Mao chuckled at him. When everything was done, she placed a bowl in front of him and handed him a pair of chopsticks.
“Since I’m in giving mood today, you can have the last egg,” she said, as Pi looked down his bowl.
“Thank you,” he said, smiling happily up at her. Mao had the urge to ruffle his hair.
“Yeah but you have to wash the dishes,” Mao said, as she sat down to dig in.
Pi stared blankly at her, the noodles halfway to his mouth.
“I cooked, you wash,” Mao repeated. “You have washed dishes before right?”
“Yeah…,” Pi said. Try ‘never’.
In the end, Mao still helped him with the dishes. Pi washed and he handed it to her for drying. They were talking as they did this but somehow Pi noticed Mao always brought up Shun in their conversation.
“I really was shocked Shun smokes,” Mao said as she reached for the bowl Pi was handing to her. For some reason, Mao was comfortable talking to Pi about Shun. “I mean, well, not really shocked but I wished things would have been different, you know?”
If he hears Shun one more time, he’s going to jump out the window. He handed her another bowl. This time it slipped and crashed onto the floor.
“Sorry!” Pi exclaimed.
Mao bent down to pick up the pieces but then-
“Crap!” she yelped, standing up. Her finger was cut. It was small; nothing serious.
Pi suddenly grabbed her hand and looked at it. There was a little blood. He took the towel and pressed it against the wound.
“Does it hurt?” he asked, as he took away the towel.
Mao shook her head. “It’s okay. I-“
Pi suddenly put it inside his mouth. Mao stood there dumbstruck. Everything happened so quickly.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let it slip,” he said, as he looked at the wound again.
Mao caught his steady gaze and then looking away, her gaze went to his lips. Her heart involuntarily skipped a beat. They looked really red and- There was a knock and the door swung open.
“Hey Mao, I…,” Tego walked straight in. He stopped when he saw Pi was holding Mao’s hand in what seemed like an intimate moment seconds before as they were standing really close to each other, their gazes locked.
“What are you guys doing?”
“I-I cut my finger,” Mao replied, slowly pulling away from Pi’s grip. That was weird. One moment he was playful and the next…
“What?” Tego asked, concerned.
He looked at Mao’s hand and asked if she had a band-aid. As Mao walked away to find some, Tego looked at Pi, as if sizing him up, suspicious of his actions. Pi feigned innocence and continued to wash a pot.
“I’m good,” Mao said, as she came back with a new towel for drying.
“Are you still wearing lipgloss?’ Pi suddenly asked Tego.
“Yeah. Came home straight from a really long shoot,” Tego said.
“Yoshi has to maintain his prettiness,” Mao teased. “Heck, he’s even prettier than me if he’s not made up.”
“That’s not true,” Tego said, shaking his head.
“Are you kidding? Look at me.”
“I think you’re beautiful,” Pi and Tego said in unison. They glanced at each other, taken aback.
“Okay, if this is a pity party. I don’t want any of that,” Mao said.
They turned their heads as her door opened once more, the others were home as well and her room would be in total chaos again.
Have you experienced a day where everything just seems to go wrong? Nothing ever seems to go your way and it’s just frustrating as hell. You just want to go home and wait for a newer, better day to come. Well, for Mao today is just that day.
Mao lifted her heavy legs up the steps after a stressful day at work. Takki had been grilling her about an article that she supposedly had to hand over to printing.
“I did hand it over before the deadline. I don’t know what happened. You should ask them,” Mao said calmly, as she stood in front of Takki’s desk.
“They’re saying they never got it from you,” Takki countered.
Mao felt a flash of anger. He believes them but not her? Every little thing that goes wrong is her fault?
“I gave it to them,” she managed to say.
“I just want you to double check with them next time. You know what it’s like in there.”
Mao nodded. It was taking all her energy not to talk back to Takki. He is still her boss. But he was making it seem like it was all her fault. It was making her stomach churn. She excused herself, saying she still had a lot of work to do, which frankly is a fact.
But Leah (Stick Figure One) was waiting for her outside. And she really wasn’t there to cheer her up.
“I heard Shun sometimes gives you a ride home on his motorcycle,” she sneered, following her back to her desk.
Mao really wasn’t in the mood. She wished she would just shut up.
“I bet you think you’re all that now,” she continued.
Mao rolled her eyes and tried to block out her words, though sometimes they still stung. Leah, seeing she wasn’t getting any reaction from Mao, pushed her out of the way before leaving. And of course, that wasn’t the end of that. All day people had been coming to her for this and that. Takki berated her for a delayed shoot, some garments were lost, she spilled coffee on her white shirt leaving a big stain the whole day, she was getting dirty looks from some of the models. It was endless! In the end, she was snapping at people left and right. It was too much to take. Even Nino didn’t escape that.
“When you are ready to stop snapping at me, call me,” he had said before walking away.
Mao had felt really guilty. She would apologize to him next time. But right now, she can’t handle any more people. Fortunately, no one was home yet, leaving her in peace. She just wanted to be left alone in her room, with her sweets; something to cheer her up at least.
After changing into her comfy house clothes, she opened her fridge expecting to eat her favourite pudding she’s been saving, while watching a bit of TV. Problem was it wasn’t there. She rummaged through everything. Nothing. She heard footsteps outside.
“Massu!” she shouted, as she stepped out of her room.
Massu stopped halfway from getting into his door. A lollipop in his hand. He sensed Mao wasn’t in a good mood and he knew what that meant.
“What?” he asked, a bit wary.
“Did you take my pudding?”
Massu shook his head vigorously. “Of course not!”
Mao knew she was being ridiculous but this was the last straw to a long day. At that moment, Ryo came up the stairs.
She pointed a finger at him. “Did you eat my pudding?”
Ryo laughed. “Eat your pudding? Is that like some sexual innuendo?”
“Shut up! I’m not in the mood!” she said, as she stomped back to her room.
Behind her, Ryo caught Massu’s eyes. Massu shrugged. It was just one of those days. A rustling of plastic behind them made them turn around. It was Pi, holding grocery bags.
“What’s up?” he asked, as he saw them standing around.
“Yamashita, did you eat my pudding?” Mao asked, giving Ryo a warning look.
“What happened to Buta?” Pi asked good-naturedly. His smile froze with Mao’s serious look.
“I met your aunt this morning. My bathroom had no water again and she told me I could use your bathroom,” Pi started to explain.
He glanced at Ryo and Massu, unsure as Mao impatiently raised one eyebrow.
“I got thirsty and looked for something to drink. I also saw your pudding…,” his voice trailed off. “Look, I thought of buying you a new one but the store was out and –“
“You don’t just take someone else’s things like that!” Mao said in an irritated voice. “My aunt said feel free to use the bathroom not the food.”
Pi took a few steps forward. “I’m sorry. I-“
“You’re always like that! Not really thinking about your actions even if it’s so simple!” Mao continued, seeming not to hear him. “Stop acting like such a brat!”
“I-,” Pi started.
But Mao slammed her door behind her loudly. Was he like that? Well, maybe the way he acts would be a bit different but there wasn’t anything wrong with that. Is there? Is he a brat?
Pi looked to Ryo and Massu. Ryo patted him on the back.
“She’s just had a bad day at work.”
“It’s a total opposite from how she normally is,” Pi said, looking at Mao’s door.
“She’s really a great person but when she’s pissed off…,” Massu said and then shrugged.
“Everything will be fine tomorrow,” Ryo said as he took out his keys. “Well, at least she regards you as someone close to her snapping like that.”
Pi looked back to Mao’s door. He really hoped Ryo was right. Not being on good terms with Mao just didn’t feel right…
Shun stepped out of the building and saw Mao and Nino walking down the steps. They were talking and laughing, as they reached the bottom and turned right. Shun smiled to himself. He had wanted to give Mao a ride home. But it’s just him this time. Why he was always going out of his way to do that… He shook his head at himself.
As he waited for the traffic light, he caught sight of a shop selling motorcycle accessories, including helmets. A pink one jumped out at him. His eyes went to the traffic light but then flicked back towards the shop, contemplating what to do. The light turned green and he drove off. And then after a while, he gave an amused laugh and started looking for a slot to turn back around.
Mao reached her door, turned the keys and opened it. Behind her, she heard another door open.
“Hey, Mao,” Pi called. He hadn’t seen her the whole day and he just wanted to smooth things over with her.
“Oh hey,” Mao said, without turning around. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Pi blinked as Mao’s door closed behind her. That was weird. Behind her door, Mao mentally banged her head. She really felt awkward with Pi right now. Her outburst last night wasn’t her best side. And she never intended to show it to him. Well, at least not this early. They just got to know each other and all that for a pudding? It sounded insane right now but last night it really ticked her off. She was still too embarrassed to talk or even look at him. She wanted to apologize but her pride’s sort of getting in the way. Maybe next time.
“Am I a brat?” Pi suddenly asked.
Shige choked on his drink. He coughed a few times as a waitress placed down their rice bowls in front of them.
“What, sir?” he asked, as he wiped his mouth.
“Am I a brat?” Pi repeated.
Shige didn’t know how to respond to that. Is this a trick question?
“Mao said I am a brat,” Pi explained, as he picked up his chopsticks. “We sort of had a fight. Or at least I think it was one. Sort of.”
Pi had called Shige to talk. The situation with Mao was really bugging him. To the point, he didn’t understand why it was bugging him this much. He just needed to let it out.
“How long has this been?” Shige asked, as he started to dig in.
“Last night.”
Shige looked up. He would have thought it’s been a while.
“I ate her pudding. I was planning on replacing it but the store was out and now she’s still not talking to me. Well, directly,” Pi continued. “What?”
Shige had been looking at him with an incredulous look on his face. This is probably one of the weirdest things he’s heard so far.
“It was just last night. I’m sure she’ll come around?” Shige said, a little unsure.
Pi shrugged. “Still, I thought we were going to be okay as soon as she comes home- What?”
Shige had an amused smile on his face. “You’re never one to be affected by a girl…”
Pi narrowed his eyes at him. Shige looked like he was trying not to laugh.
“I’m sorry. But you sound just like a high school kid,” he said.
It was true he had never seen this side of Pi. Overthinking things concerning a girl. He’ always surrounded by them. Girls flock to him that’s for sure. He’s even getting stares from the women in the restaurant. All the girls he’s met thinks he’s everything they need but for him, they were just a nuisance. When he’s around them, they irritate him and relief was what he feels when they’re not all over him. And so, to see him like this really was something new… This girl… Mao… really had him…
Pi shrugged off Shige’s comment. High school kid? If you count calling out a friend and whining about a fight… well…
“She’s really that cute to you?” Shige suddenly asked.
“Well, she is,” Pi blurted out. Shige tried to stifle a laugh.
Pi tried to stable himself. “Admit it. You think she’s cute too right?”
“Well, no-“
“What? That’s ridiculous! Just the way she looks at you with those big eyes of hers-“
“What I meant was, yes, she really is cute but-“
“Oh, so you are interested in her?”
“W-What? No! I-,” Shige stammered.
“Relax. I was just messing with you,” Pi laughed.
Shige breathed out in relief. Pi chewed his food thoughtfully.
“She really is cute,” Pi said, silently. “In fact, beautiful.”
An image of Mao appeared in his mind, causing him to smile. Shige was dumbfounded.
“There’s just something about her. No pretenses whatsoever… Just natural…,” Pi continued. He then stopped. “You’re right. I sound like I’m in high school.”
Shige nodded slightly in agreement. It was interesting though to see him like this. There was a different aura to him and it looked like he was having the time of his life these past few days.
“There’s this guy she likes. Oguri something,” Pi carefully said out loud.
“I thought she would automatically like…,” Shige’s voice trailed off, pointing to Pi with his chopsticks.
Pi stayed silent. It was the one time he had hoped it had happened. Does she even really notice him? What was he saying? They were friends. Good friends.
“I take it you don’t like the guy?” Shige said, a smile in his voice.
“You still haven’t answered my question,” Pi said, steering the topic.
Shige had hoped he had forgotten about that. “Well, sir, you have the tendency to do things your way. Whenever you want. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but that’s just how it been, owing to your lifestyle and all. And she probably noticed that little detail and she saw it as…”
Pi pursed his lips. “Hmm…”
Shige continued to eat as Pi pondered on that.
Suddenly he said, “Have you still got that bunny suit I made you wear last year to cheer my mom up?”
“Are you going to make me wear it again?”
Pi rolled his eyes. “No. I need it.”
Pi signalled for the bill. “If Mao won’t talk to me, I’ll make her. Coz I like things to go my way, right?”
Mao heard the knock on her door. She hoped it wasn’t Pi. He had already knocked twice. But she made it seem like she was in the bathroom. Placing the remote control down, she went to the door. Cracking it open a little, she took a little peek. What the…? There was a huge white furred creature with it’s back to her. Complete with a bunny tail and huge bunny ears. She opened the door wide, her mouth slightly agape, staring at this… thing. Was she dreaming? The white bunny slowly turned around, revealing a grinning face. Pi’s face to be exact.
Pi stood there grinning as Mao continued staring at him. It seemed to go on forever when Mao suddenly burst out laughing. She was doubled over still laughing as Pi watched her. He would laugh at himself too. She straightened up, still laughing, clutching her sides. She wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes.
“Wow. I don’t remember ever laughing this hard,” she said, a little out of breath. What are you doing?”
“I owed you a pudding,” he said, as if everything was normal.
“With a bunny suit on?” Mao said, laughing.
“Coz you won’t talk to me,” he reasoned.
Mao bit her lip.
“About that… I was just embarrassed at the way I acted. I didn’t know how… it’s not exactly my best side…,”
Pi nodded. “Yeah. It isn’t”
“See? I didn’t know how to face you. And we’ve just gotten to know each other… I just had a really bad day… so… Important thing is… I’m really sorry,” she said, looking up at him.
Pi shook his head. His bunny ears flapped. “I’m sorry too. It was my fault in the first place. So, can I come in? Before anyone who sees me freak out.”
Mao laughed and stepped aside.
“I would think you like wearing that,” she said, as she closed the door.
This was the first time he’s actually done something like this. He’s not exactly the type to volunteer wearing one. That’s why he had to force Shige before.
“Watch it,” he said, as Mao stuck out her tongue. “It broke the ice, didn’t it?”
Mao stood beside him and nodded, smiling. “You know you’re probably the only one to think up something like this.”
“I don’t know. Koyama could.”
Mao grinned as Pi handed her the pudding. “You’re spending too much time with Kei-chan. I didn’t think someone as cool as you would do this.”
“So you think I’m cool?”
“Not anymore,” Mao said, grinning as she pulled on his bunny ears.
Pi pouted. “I wrestled that pudding out of a kid’s hand, you know?”
“With the bunny suit on? I’d be more impressed with that.”
They both laughed. Pi making as if to hit her head.
And then seriously, Mao said, “Thank you, Buta. Thanks for cheering me up. I seriously needed that laugh. And I didn’t even realize it.”
She smiled softly up at him. It was true. Her heart felt lighter. It was all thanks to Pi and his randomness, which almost never fails to make her smile. Right now, she was more than thankful she met him as a friend. That he didn’t judge her. And that he actually did this for her, which warmed her heart even more to him.
Pi looked down at her, feeling the sudden urge to kiss her. They stood there staring at each other.
“You really can’t stand not talking to me eh? To think this up!” Mao joked.
“Yeah, I can’t,” Pi said, serious.
Mao looked back at him, the tone in his voice was different. Recovering, she then pulled on his ears again. He made to take it off now when Mao was suddenly struck with a bright idea.
“Let’s take a picture of you first.”
“No,” he said firmly and tried to pry it off as Mao went for her cellphone.
“Oh, come on,” Mao said, as she walked towards him.
“It’s too cute!”
“You better not- Hey!!”
Outside, Ryo had come back home and headed for his room He heard voiced in Mao’s room. Mao and Pi. They seemed to be chasing each other around as Pi was yelling for her to give him her cellphone. An amused smile spread across his face. They were okay now…
hi yamapiggy!
love your fanfic! have been waiting four your update everyday :]
it's worth waiting, as each chapter that you've written is long enough for me to enjoy each time!
keep writing on! ganbatte yosh~
typo error>> for*
thanks so much for the support zin! ^^ hope you like chapter 6! chuu~~*
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