Mao looked into the basket, searching for something to eat. She didn’t have breakfast yet again. Muffins again? She grumbled. Someone should really speak to Takki about the food here. Or maybe coz she’s always late all the good food have already been eaten. Or maybe everyone here wants to starve themselves.
She took a large bite out of the chocolate muffin and chewed thoughtfully. She had been secretly wishing to see Shun this morning, of course, leaving out the looking-like-a-fool part. She had woken up really early today and made sure she was prepared. Wearing her favourite puff-sleeved yellow blouse, she had paired it with her skinny jeans and flats. Tackling the curling iron that she hasn’t used for months, she had somehow successfully made her wavy hair frame her face nicely, adding a little headband to finish the look. But it took longer than expected and she was going to be late for work again. She was going to hurry but she wasn’t going to be running this time. Walking briskly out of the building, she had met Ryo who was just coming home after an obvious all-nighter party. Seeing Mao all nicely dressed up, he opened his mouth to speak.
“Not now,” she muttered and blew past him.
Ignoring Ryo’s indignant shouts, her heart thumped as thoughts of seeing Shun today surfaced. But much to her dismay, he was nowhere in sight. Deep in her thoughts, she failed to notice Toma come in the break room. He smirked when he saw her back. Mao’s thoughts were interrupted when she felt someone stand close to her. Too close. She looked up and saw Toma, apparently pretending to look for something in the cupboards. But he didn’t have to stand so close and bump to her on purpose.
Stiffening up, she stepped away to the side, hoping he would take the hint and go away. But he still inched closer to her, still pretending to look for something, his body grazing hers purposely.
“You look cute today,” he suddenly said in an amused voice as he looked down at her.
Mao’s ears were pounding. He was getting on her nerves but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. He makes her nervous and she just wanted him to go away. Plus you really don’t want to get on his bad side. She made it a point not to look at him, her mouth set in a thin line.
Toma moved closer to her making her immediately step away again. She didn’t want to let him see how he affected her but she just couldn’t stand him. And she hated herself for not being able to do anything. She was shaking a little in fact, which added to her frustration more. He, on the other hand, was enjoying it.
“To-ma,” a singsong voice called. It was one of the modes and she stood next to him almost as if attempting to climb him. “What are you doing here? We’re all waiting for you.”
“Was just looking for something,” Toma said, as his eyes flicked towards Mao.
Mao could have just went out of the room but she seemed to have frozen up. She bit into her muffin as if nothing was happening as Toma and the model flirted some more. Finally, Toma led her out of the room, but he looked back at Mao one last time before stepping out.
Mao let out a huge sigh of relief. She didn’t notice she had been holding her breath. She took two huge angry bites out of the muffin. What was his problem? Couldn’t he just leave her alone?
She jumped as someone suddenly tapped her shoulder. “I was saying good morning.”
She turned around. It was Shun. He looked more handsome than she remembered. He had a small smile on his face as se struggled to chew and swallow.
“Ngoomornee,” she said, as muffin crumbs shot out of her mouth.
She covered her mouth, eyes wide, as Shun chuckled. But he was looking at her with those kind eyes, she didn’t feel insulted.
“Enjoying the muffin, I see,” he said, still amused. “I’m Oguri Shun, by the way. And you are…?”
He waited for her to finally be able to swallow the food in her mouth.
“Inoue Mao,” she finally said, utterly embarrassed. Why now of all time?
He reached out to shake her hand. She didn’t want to let go. When they let go, Shun went to get some coffee. The coffeepot had enough for one.
“Do you want coffee?” Shun asked, turning around holding it.
Mao who was about to nod suddenly froze as she looked at the coffeepot.
“I have to go,” she said urgently and then absent-mindedly gave Shun her half-eaten muffin. And she was out of the room.
Shun blinked down at the muffin in his hand.
“She sure is a fast runner,” he said, as he looked to the door.
Outside, Mao ran past cubicles like crazy, as she took out her phone and dialled while endlessly muttering ‘Oh no, oh no, oh no…’.
“This looks nice,” Yamapi said, as he looked up the building.
“Yes, sir. Much better than the first one,” Shige said, as he scanned the property. “But still… Maybe we should look at the other places first before deciding…”
Yamapi had a crazy spontaneous idea. He was going to live away from his lifestyle for a while; on his own. It was a decision he made the day before when they were eating at the takoyaki stand. Before Shige realizes the weight of the situation, they were back in Yamapi’s place, checking on the internet and calling Shige’s friends to ask around that very instant.
“Sir, isn’t it better if you stay-,” Shige was saying, turning around from the computer screen.
Yamapi shook his head as he pulled the earphones to his ipod video off.
“Get me a place that’s totally different from this world. Some place Jin and the guys won’t be able to find. I’ll be telling them I’m out of the country.”
“Shouldn’t we ask your mother about this first?”
“Nah. She wouldn’t be able to stop me anyway. I need to find another place as soon as possible. She’d understand,” Yamapi said, clicking on his ipod.
“But…,” he started to say. He had inadvertently gave Yamapi the inspiration behind this plan.
“I won’t be telling her I thought of the idea because of you. It’s all me,” Yamapi said, grinning.
But that wasn’t the only thing that’s worrying Shige. Though it was cool Yamapi wanted to get away for a while and try leading a normal life, or as normal as it can get. Living alone in a very humble environment really is a first for him. And he wasn’t sure if he can get used to it.
“But that means you have to do everything yourself for the most parts, sir. I won’t always be there. And it can be dangerous out there-“
“What am I a teenage girl?” Yamapi chuckled. “I’ll be okay. That’s the fun part isn’t it? Doing something totally different. It’s just for a while. Stop babying me and search some more.”
To which Yamapi had put on his earphones and watched his movie. Shige sighed inwardly wishing Yamapi never had this realization.
“Your friend did say this place isn’t bad, “Yamapi said, his back to Shige walking around.
Shige sighed again. He just wished he knew what he was doing. It was really no use talking him out of it at this point.
“We should go up and take a look at the-,” Yamapi began to say. But he wasn’t able to finish his sentence as something crashed into him, knocking the wind out of him, making him land on his back.
He felt dazed and as his eyes gained focus, he found himself looking into a pair of big brown eyes. The eyes blinked twice at him. He blinked back. It was the person who knocked him off his feet. She was completely lying on top of him, holding onto the front of his jacket. Their faces inches apart, it felt like a whole minute passed with them just staring at each other. Yamapi swallowed.
She jolted upright. ‘I’m sorry,’ she squeaked as she got up and raced towards the stairs. Shige quickly stepped aside, as she zoomed past afraid of being bulldozed over.
Yamapi still lay on his back, as if mesmerized. Shige then ran up to him and helped him up.
“Wow, that girl came out of nowhere. Are you alright?” he asked, patting down Yamapi’s jacket.
“I can’t believe it,” Yamapi said, his lips cracked into a grin.
“It’s the same girl pounding on the hood of the car,” Yamapi said, his eyes looking up the stairs.
“Wha-? No wonder she looked familiar…”
“I just found my building,” Yamapi said, as he walked towards it, the grin still on his face.
Mao collapsed onto the floor, wiping the sweat on her forehead. Thank God, she thought. She had suddenly remembered she had made some coffee that morning. She wasn’t sure if she had turned it off before going out so she was calling her aunt to check on it but she couldn’t reach her. There was no other choice. She had to run back home to make sure. And it was off. So much for her paranoia. But at least she knows everything’s fine. If anything happens… She couldn’t bring herself to think about it.
“I should stop being so absent-minded,” she muttered as she slowly stood up.
A knock came from the open door and when she looked up two guys entered her apartment.
“Hey,” she said, caught off-guard. “You don’t enter a girl’s room like that!”
“Oh,” one of the guys with the big eyes said. “But it was open.”
What is wrong with this dude?
“Yeah… Still…,” Mao said, narrowing her eyes.
“I’m Yamashita Tomohisa and this is Kato Shigeaki,” he said, pointing to the other dude.
“Maybe we should step out first. She would be more comfortable,” the more sensitive guy said.
“We’re looking for a room,” the other guy then said, as if he didn’t hear anything.
Mao looked at the two of them. From the clothes they wear, they don’t look like people who would be looking for a place here. Could it be… They were drug dealers looking for a place to stash their goods in? Mao thought, suddenly afraid. She shook herself mentally for her overactive imagination. She couldn’t be that lucky. Besides, they don’t look shady or anything, as she watched the two of them talking under their breaths. Maybe they’re a gay coupe? She thought. Wonder what Ryo would think about that. It would be a shame if they were though, she mused.
Her eyes were drawn towards the guy who had introduced himself. There was just something about him that draws your attention to him. Maybe it was his quiet and cool confidence, the way he carries himself, the way his clothes fit him. Or maybe it was his perfect features, his big eyes that looked curiously around the room… Those eyes…
“Oh, you were the one I, uh, bumped into downstairs,” Mao suddenly realized. How could she have missed that?
“More like crashed into,” he said, grinning boyishly. His eyes crinkling; his cool façade totally melted away.
“Uh… yeah. Sorry about that,” Mao said, grinning sheepishly. Yamapi looked at her. She was even cuter with her hair curled.
“So you wanted a room. For the two of you?”
“No, no. Just me,” Yamapi said, as he began to observe the room.
The room was fairly small. Way smaller than his place. Way, way smaller. The living room, dining room and kitchen were in one area. A dusty old couch was facing a small TV and a DVD player. Magazines piled up on the small coffee table. Behind that, a big shelf stood serving as a divider for the bedroom. The double-sized bed was haphazardly made and was located beside a small cabinet.
“I have to talk to my aunt first about this and unfortunately,” Mao started to say.
“Who’s that?” Yamapi’s eyes fell on a poster by the living room window.
Mao looked taken aback. “Erm.. Matsumoto something? An actor? I don’t know, my aunt’s the one who put it up.”
“Oh. He just looks weird.”
Mao’s eyebrows raised. She looked at his friend, who looked lost as well.
“Maybe you can come back-,” Mao started again.
“Is there an available room?” he interrupted, smiling expectantly.
“Yeah there is. Just across this room. But-“
“I’ll take it,” Yamapi said.
Hasn’t he been listening?
“Si- err- Cousin!” Shige suddenly blurted out. Then cleared his throat as Yamapi raised one eyebrow. “I think we should take a look at the condition of the room first.”
He looked at Mao indicating that there’s really no way to get through to his stubborn cousin. Sighing, she reached out and took a set of keys from a hook on the wall. She walked towards the room across the hall. Behind her Yamapi was mouthing ‘Cousin?’ with a confused look on his face. Shige shrugged, scratching his head.
“Okay. No one’s really willing to take this room coz sometimes the water in the bathroom stops,” Mao explained, as she stepped inside. “But other than that, there’s no other problem. Although you still have to talk to my aunt first and she’s not here right now.”
Yamapi and Shige took a look around. It was as big as-
“By the way, what’s your name?” Yamapi asked, turning around.
“Mao. Inoue Mao.”
“Mao,” Yamapi repeated softy then looked around again. The room was as big as Mao’s room, only the paint on the walls were somewhat chipping. He could get used to it. Get some people to fix up the place, have the right furniture and everything will be set.
“She’s right. There’s no water in the bathroom right now,” Shige said as he stepped out of it. “Is this the only room left?”
Mao nodded and Shige suggested they go look for another place. Yamapi disagreed though.
“I’m okay with this room,” he said, despite Shige’s protests. “Besides, I’m kinda sick of looking at so many places today. This feels right.”
Many? This is just the second place they’ve gone to, Shige thought.
“Well, come back tomorrow then. I’m not sure when my aunt will be back, usually late so-“
“It has to be today. I have no place to go,” Yamapi explained.
“Aren’t you cousins? You can’t stay at his place for the night?” Mao asked, incredulous.
And judging from their expensive-looking outfits, she has some serious doubts about what he is saying. What’s up with these two?
Yamapi gave a laugh and put his arm around Shige’s shoulder. “I know but his place is really small. We wouldn’t fit.”
To which Shige nodded vigorously.
“Mao?” a voice came from behind. “What are you doing home?”
“Aunt Mari!” Mao said, as she went to her aunt’s side. “I just came back to check on something. I didn’t remember if-“
“The coffeepot right? You didn’t turn it off. Lucky you I check up on your room everyday before I go out,” she said sternly. “Be careful next time.”
Mao winced. She put her hands up, palms together in a sign of apology. Aunt Mari noticed Yamapi and Shige in the room.
“They’re interested in the room,” Mao said. And then under her breath she added,” I don’t think you should rent it out though something about them seems a bit off.”
Aunt Mari looked over at the two. They flashed her their most winsome smile.
“They’re hot,” she said, nudging Mao.
Mao rolled her eyes. “Stop that.”
“You want the room?” Aunt Mari asked. Yamapi gave a nod.
“You got it,” she then said winking. “Just talk to my niece here.”
She then took out a small notebook and a pen, scribbled something on it, tore it off and then handed it to Yamapi. It was a phone number.
“Mao’s,” she said, smiling. “Okay, I have somewhere to be. You finish this up.”
Mao hurried after her. “Aunt Mari, didn’t you hear what I said?”
“Look, I’m good with people. Have I ever been wrong in my decisions?”
Mao thought about it. She was right. But maybe not so much in Ryo’s case…
“No one else would be willing to rent that room because of the water. Remember to have someone look at it again, okay? Besides, he’s hot. And you need to get a boyfriend.”
Mao opened and closed her mouth in frustration, at a loss on what to say.
“What does that have to do with this?”
“Why else would almost all our tenants I accept be male?” Aunt Mari said, raising one eyebrow.
Mao’s mouth hung open unable to believe her aunt.
She laughed and patter her softly on the cheek. “I’m just messing with you.”
Mao let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head as she followed her aunt’s back.
“Okay, I’ll have this for you in a sec,” Mao told one of her co-workers as she hurried to her desk.
Reports were piled up high on her table. Certain garments even found their way there. She had to get these to the shoot. And it never stops. Her phone rang.
Heavy breathing on the other line and someone moaning. She hang up her phone with a disgusted look.
“Have you got my report?”
“I left it at your desk,” Mao said as she absent-mindedly answered her ringing phone again.
More heavy breathing and moaning. What is it with these people? Somebody should just- Her phone rang once more.
“Go die, you pervert!!” she screamed into the phone.
“Huh? Pervert? Are you alright?” the unfamiliar voice said on the other line.
Mao stopped. “Who’s this?”
“It’s your new tenant,” the amused voice said.
“Oh, Yamashita-“
“Call me Yamapi,” he said.
“Come again?”
“Yamapi. Y-A-M-A-P-I. Or Pi for short. Anyway, I’ve already officially moved in. I’m just walking around getting familiar with the neighbourhood,” he said. “See you!”
Mao looked at her phone when he hung up. There’s no need for a status report, she thought.
Yamapi placed the phone back in his pocket. She even sounded cute on the phone, though her scream made him jump a bit. But he just felt like calling her even though it was unnecessary, Feeling hungry, he spotted a small ramen shop. Looks good, he thought to himself. He stepped inside the shop. Well, this was the start of his new life...
kawai desu!!! can't wait for the next chapter. lolz.. its so cute!!!! (^^,)v
just a question... why oguri shun again??? its toO sad making him the 3rd wheel again .
hey shan! thanks for the comment! maji happy ne! i wanted to post 2 chapters up this time. but i think i might take a while for the second one so i posted this up first. XD haha! i dunno, i thought shun just fitted in XD
sangkyuuuu!!! ^___________^
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