“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” Mao said, as she fiddled with her helmet standing in front of her building.
Shun had offered her a ride home again. They really hadn’t talked about what happened in the break room this morning. After Shun asked her for a date, he supposedly had been pinning for, Mao had stared dumbfounded for like forever before she said ‘Okay’.
“Yes!” Shun had said, his face lighting up. “Excuse me.”
He had walked forward, took Mao’s hand and then pulled her out of the room, amidst the wide-eyed stares of the stick figures. Mao gazed at Shun’s back as he pulled her. Was this real? Are they really going out on a date?
Mao’s heart pounded. Her scalp had gone numb from the sheer giddiness. And then her heart plopped to her stomach. Maybe he heard what the girls had been saying and just wanted to help her get back at them. She smiled sadly. It was a very nice gesture indeed but…
She stopped and gently pulled out of Shun’s grasp. Shun looked back at her.
“T-Thanks for that. I-,” Mao started, her eyes cast down.
“I’ll wait for you out front later,” Shun cut her off.
Someone was calling for him. He gave her a smile and then walked off. Those words still made her heart flutter.
He had waited for her out front, just like he said. And so here they were.
“Didn’t have to do what?”
“You know, pretend you’ve been asking me for a ‘date’ for a while,” Mao said, nervously doing air quotes with her fingers. She quickly peeked up at him.
“I wasn’t. I have always wanted to ask you out,” Shun said, as he looked down at the blushing petite girl in front of him.
Mao’s head snapped up to him. Her stomach tightening into a nervous knot.
“Okay, am I on some hidden camera show?” she suddenly said, looking around furtively. There could be someone hiding in the bushes.
“I am not getting punked,” she babbled on nervously laughing.
Shun stared silently down at her as she laughed and then he reached out his hands and pinched her cheeks. Harder than he intended to.
“Ow!” Mao yelped as she rubbed her cheeks when Shun had let go.
Shun grinned. She was too cute.
“I’ve been wanting to do that,” he said, the goofy grin still on his face. “Believe it, Inoue Mao. I want to go out with you.”
Mao stared up wide-eyed at him, still trying to digest that information. Really? Shun and her?
“Why is it that hard to believe? Or do you not want to go out with me?” he asked, suddenly putting on a glum face.
“I do!” Mao blurted out and then winced. It was too enthusiastic.
But it was no problem for Shun. He grinned widely, feeling like a schoolboy asking his long-time crush out.
“Hey, Peeping Mao!” somebody suddenly called from behind them.
It was Ryo. Mao had her index finger on her lips when she saw him, asking him to shush. Ryo grinned innocently.
“Peeping Mao?” Shun repeated, mild curiosity evident in his smile.
“Yeah, you wanna hear the whole story?” Ryo said, enjoying Mao’s facial expression.
“Shun, this is Nishikido Ryo,” Mao introduced quickly, leaving no room for that story. “We call him Yakisoba.”
“I told you I don’t wanna hear that,” Ryo growled at her. She knew how to ruffle his feathers.
Shun faked a cough, hiding a laugh behind it. Ryo narrowed his eyes at both of them.
“That’s coz Yakisoba’s your favourite. One time his breath reaked of it,” Mao continued.
She knew Ryo wanted to strangle her but couldn’t coz of Shun. She gave him a haughty look.
“Anyway, it was nice meeting you,” Shun told Ryo. And then to Mao, “Saturday alright? I’ll call you.”
Mao’s ears perked up. And her smile widened as she nodded.
“What was that all about? ‘I’ll call you.’,” Ryo asked, imitating Shun.
“None of your business,” Mao retorted back, as they reached their floor.
“Oh-ho! Are we keeping secrets from each other now” he said, acting hurt.
Of course not, Mao had thought. She had wanted to tell him. Tell someone coz she can’t keep it all bottled up inside. She feels like she could faint from the rush of giddiness. But she had to appear coo. And not like a gushing idiot for which she was sure Ryo was going to make fun of.
She suddenly pulled Ryo to the next flight of stairs and they both sat down.
“Shun asked me out.”
“Oh? That’s it? Oh?”
“What do you want me to do? Declare a national holiday?”
“Your sarcasm never fails to escape me.”
Ryo looked sideways at her. He had an idea what was going on before she told him. She was really excited about this. But for some reason he didn’t know how to react. It should be pretty simple right? He wanted her to be happy. He was happy for her. But when she said those words something just felt wrong. He shoved those thoughts aside and then pulled her to him and ruffled her hair. She resisted.
“Stop smiling like that. It looks like your mouth is about to break.”
Mao hit him hard.
“A first for you huh? And with your major crush no less. I’d be excited too.”
“I’m not that excited.”
Ryo raised an eyebrow at her.
“Okay, okay. I am,” she said, blushing as she laughed giddily. She was glowing from the giddiness adding to her charm.
“He seems like an okay guy.”
“He’s more than that.”
And she continued gushing about him. (So much for not acting like a gushing idiot) Ryo felt like his ears were going to bleed.
“I get it. I get it. He better make sure he’ll behave and if he doesn’t treat you right, let me know.”
Mao snorted. “Why are you acting like an overprotective brother again?”
Ryo pretended to crack his knuckles. “Coz I can’t let anyone hurt you.”
Mao was taken aback by his show of concern. Totally un-Ryo-like.
“Are you alright?” Mao teased, pretending to feel his forehead. “You’re scaring me.”
Ryo smirked at her. “I can go back to tormenting you.”
Mao held up her hands laughing. “No, no.”
Ryo gave an exaggerated sigh. Mao turned her curious stare at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just remembered our promise that when we hit 40 and we still don’t have a partner, we would get married,” Ryo explained, looking at his hands.
Mao laughed softly. “Awww…”
Although she didn’t know what made her agree to that promise.
“Of course, I always thought you’d be the one left alone. I’d have no problem. It seems that wouldn’t be totally the case,” he finished, his shoulders started shaking.
Mao hit him hard on the head. So much for nice Ryo. Ryo laughed as Mao stood up and headed for her room.
“Hey,” he called, still laughing.
Mao turned around at him, her eyes narrowing.
“Be careful, okay? And have fun,” Ryo said, sincerely.
Mao stuck her tongue out at him. “Thanks. I know.”
She grinned at him and went inside her room. Ryo smiled at that. The door to her room closed with a snap. The smile on his lips wavered. He looked solemnly at Mao’s door. After a while, he shook his head and then stood up heading for his room.
They were all gathered in Mao’s room as they prepared to go for dinner. Only Kei-chan wasn’t present since his shift is at night. Tego was sitting on the couch playing with P-chan, the stuffed toy.
“Stop harassing P-chan, Yoshi,” Mao had joked.
Tego pouted. “He’s really soft. Where’d you get this?”
Mao and Pi’s eyes met. She felt like blushing which was weird.
“I got it for her,” Pi then said. “It looks like her don’t you think?”
Mao protested as Pi grinned. “You’re the Buta here!”
Tego threw P-chan down on the couch.
“You…,” he said, as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Pi. Pi avoided his gaze.
“Why’d you buy her a stuffed toy all of a sudden?” Massu asked.
“I miss Kei-chan,” Mao said out loud as she grabbed her bag. They didn’t need to go there.
“Maybe coz he felt guilty Mao saw his-,” Ryo cackled.
“That was a long time ago. We don’t have to talk about it every chance we get, you know?” Mao cut him off. She and Pi had already gotten over that awkward situation.
“Did anyone tell Kei-chan we’re going to his favourite restaurant to eat?” Mao then started a different topic.
“Do we need to call him just for that? I know he wanted updates on what could be happening when he’s not around,” Massu said, checking his wallet.
“Just to punish him for getting an awful shift at work,” Mao said, grinning mischievously. She had missed him.
“Well, we could update him on something,” Ryo hinted mysteriously.
Everyone looked a bit confused at that. And then Mao’s eyes widened in realization. But she was too late. She was about to run to Ryo to kick him when…
“Oguri Shun asked Mao on a date this Saturday!” Ryo announced loudly and smiled in evil satisfaction at Mao’s horrified face.
“What?! How?! Why?!” Tego.
“Koyama needs to hear this,” Massu said, excitedly as he dialled his phone. And you think girls are the worst gossipers.
“What?! How?! Why?!” Tego asked again as he grabbed her shoulders.
“I… uh…”
She glared at Ryo and started for him but Tego still wouldn’t let her go.
“So the rumors were true?” Tego asked again.
“Koyama! Guess what!” she heard Massu exclaim into his phone.
He relayed the news to Koyama.
“Wait, I’ll put you on speaker,” Massu said.
Koyama’s voice spoke out loudly and dramatically.
“Awwww…. My little girl’s all grown up. Tell us more! Details please! You know, we should probably meet him first before you two should go out.”
Mao stared exasperatedly at the phone as Kei-chan rattled off like a proud parent. Massu was laughing his head off. Tego still insisted on answers while Ryo looked on in satisfaction at the chaos he created.
Amidst all of these, only one person remained silent. Mao’s eyes went to Pi who stood at the side, his head bent down as if deep in thought. She hadn’t seen or heard a reaction from him. Pi sensed her gaze and their eyes met.
She was taken aback at the look in Pi’s eyes. A hurt look flashed; it was as if… as if he felt betrayed by her. Was she seeing right? Pi looked away. Why would he feel betrayed? She hadn’t done anything… Is it because she didn’t tell him the news? No… she must be seeing things. She tried to catch his eyes again but he avoided her.
Tego continued his questions. Mao wasn’t answering any of them. Kei-chan was still rambling on.
“Aaarrrghhh!” Mao screamed in frustration all of a sudden.
Everyone went silent.
“Was that Mao or a wounded animal?” Kei-chan spoke up quietly after a while.
“Let’s go have dinner, okay? We’ll talk there,” Mao suggested.
Pi quickly walked past her and out the door without a word and without even looking at her, pulling Massu with him, still holding the phone.
“B-But I can’t talk. I have to go on air soon,” Kei-chan whined.
“Buta!” Mao called. Pi acted as if he didn’t hear it. Was it just her? Or has he suddenly gone cold towards her?
Ryo pushed a dejected Tego out of the room. He looked as if the world was about to end.
“Mental,” Ryo commented, shaking his head at him.
“Ow! Ow! OW!”
Mao hit Ryo endlessly as they walked towards the stairs. Ryo wincing out loud.
They sat on the table and opened their menus. Mao peeked over at Pi, who was sitting across her. He hadn’t spoken all the way to the restaurant, try as she might to talk to him. He was acting as if he hadn’t heard anything. Now he was acting as if she wasn’t right in front of him. And it was starting to irk her. What was his problem?
“So were you ever going to tell us about this?” Massu asked, after they had placed their orders.
“Of course, I just didn’t think of announcing it like Ryo did,” Mao said as she involuntarily glanced at Pi.
Pi still had a poker face on as he sipped his tea.
“You’re welcome,” Ryo grinned.
“I wasn’t thanking you,” she growled.
“You’re still welcome,” he said smugly.
Tego sat beside Mao dejectedly folding and unfolding his napkin. But she was more distracted by Pi, who was looking at anyone and anything BUT her. She was feeling more and more irritated.
“How was your first day at work?” Mao asked Pi in a tentative voice.
Pi just shrugged. Irritation welled up stronger in Mao’s chest. Why is he making it so hard?
“All our female employees swooned at the sight of him. They wanted to take a picture with him. Like he’s some kind of celebrity,” Massu commented. “Reminds me of my first day at work.”
“Yeah, right,” Mao snorted, rolling her eyes at him.
“Why doesn’t anyone believe that?” Massu said in indignation.
“Dream on, dude. Dream on,” Ryo said, filling his cup with tea.
Mao laughed out loud and caught Pi’s eyes. But he just stared at her for a moment, expressionless, and then looked away as if bored. Mao wanted so much to give him a hard kick under the table. While she was contemplating on that, the waitress placed the sushi they ordered in front of them. She forgot about Pi for a second; She had been craving these for a while now.
“You want wasabi?” Tego asked her.
She shook her head and was about to pick one up when Pi took the piece she had been eyeing and placed it inside his mouth. She looked at him with a small frown and he just regarded her as if nothing was wrong. She tried to take another one and Pi shoved it into his still full mouth again. He was doing it deliberately as he took another piece from her. He was about to take another one, his mouth bulging.
“Hey! This is for all of us!” Mao exclaimed as she swatted his hand away.
He tried to take another one when Mao quickly picked up three pieces one by one and shoved it into her mouth. No way he was eating all of it. He was really starting to get on her nerves, acting like a kid.
The others watched in awe at first as the two of them were glaring at each other swatting each other’s chopsticks away.
“Stop!” Massu finally yelled and Pi and Mao looked at him, their mouths full of sushi.
“That’s for all of us, as you said,” Massu informed pointedly, as he pulled the platter away from them.
“Respect the sushi!” he added. “Geez!”
“You two aren’t getting anymore,” Ryo said, a bit confused at the both of them.
Mao pouted as she eyes the platter dejectedly and then glared at Pi as she tried to chew and swallow. Somehow Pi had managed to swallow all the sushi in his mouth and looked back at her as if challenging her.
“Here, Mao. I’ll still share with you,” Tego said as he placed one on her plate.
Mao smiled happily at him.
“I know I can count on you Yoshi!”
Tego giddily placed his head on her shoulder a bit. When he straightened up, Pi was glaring at him. Tego looked smugly back at him and then turned to Mao, who was chewing happily. Her eyes crinkling at him. She caught Pi’s glare and gave him a haughty look. He looked away as if he didn’t care, occasionally stealing glances at her. He couldn’t help it. She was making the cutest expressions as she ate happily, but he reminded himself he was still ticked off, as he stole yet another glance.
And it didn’t help his mood further when Massu asked about Oguri Shun again.
“Where’s Pi?” Mao finally couldn’t help asking.
They were hanging around in her room after their dinner. She had noticed he had gone out but never came back. Well, the better. He was being such a pain the whole night. She couldn’t understand the stunt he pulled during dinner and he hadn’t looked or talked to her again for the rest of their meal or on the way home.
“He said he was going to the roof for some fresh air and borrowed my guitar,” Ryo said, not looking up from the magazine he was reading.
“Strumming a guitar alone on the roof. Why’s he being so dramatic?” Massu mused as he shoved Doritos into his mouth. Tego flipped the channels and noticed Mao getting up.
“You’re going up?” he asked, not too keen on the idea.
“Yeah. I’ll just see what’s up with him,” Mao said as she went to the fridge. “He’s been acting kinda weird.”
“Probably not in the mood or something. We all get that,” Tego explained. “I’ll go with you.”
“It’s okay. You stay here. Nothing I can’t handle,” Mao said with a smile and closed the door behind her.
“She totally owns you,” Massu commented.
“Shut up.”
“Knowing Tego, he’s probably liking the idea,” Ryo quipped.
Tego glared at the both of them and continued flipping channels.
Mao slowly went up the stairs. Why was she making the extra effort? He was the one acting unreasonable. She could just ignore him and let him be the one to approach her first. But it was bothering her so much. Why though? His sudden behaviour really was confusing. Could it have anything to do with the news Ryo had broadcasted? He was okay before that… But- Ugh. Too complicated.
She reached the roof and saw him sitting on the low wooden table, with his back to her strumming some melody. He then stopped and looked out ahead, deep in thought. She silently made her way towards him and then plopped down beside him, startling him out of his reverie. She placed two puddings beside her.
“This one’s for you,” she said, as she pushed one closer to him.
Pi looked down at it and then to her as she opened hers and started to dig in.
“I forgive you then,” Pi suddenly said as he grabbed the pudding.
Mao choked. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying that!”
“Really? I don’t think so,” Pi said as he tried to open the pudding.
“Really. You’re the one who’s suddenly acting like a jerk towards me! Why are you so ticked off again?” Mao really wanted to know.
Pi didn’t know what to say to that. Why he was ticked off? Coz she was going out on a date with Oguri. Coz he doesn’t want her going out with anyone but him. Coz he likes her and she should like him back. But he can’t exactly say that now, can he? He stayed silent as he ate his pudding.
“Was it because I didn’t tell you the news right away?” Mao guessed. She couldn’t think of any other reason.
No, coz I like you, he thought. The sudden urge to say it out loud was there. But he couldn’t quite do it. It could ruin everything… Should he risk it?
Taking his silence as a yes, Mao understood.
Smiling mischievously, she teased him. “Are you jealous I told Ryo first?”
Pi looked at her seriously.
“I am jealous.”
It was the closest thing he could say to admit his feelings. He was jealous. But for different reasons.
Mao stopped and then laughed softly at his sudden seriousness and then patted him on the back.
“Okay. Next time, I’ll tell you everything first.”
Pi didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Just don’t act that way again, okay? It kinda hurt… and it’s damn irritating,” Mao said, her eyes narrowed.
Pi acting that way really hurt her. More than was normal. She didn’t like not talking to him or joking around with him. And she remembered the look in his eyes again…. That hurt look somehow made her feel so guilty up until now. She glanced sideways at him. But she knew the real reason behind it now right? Yeah…
Pi heaved an exaggerated sigh and grudgingly mumbled, “Yes.”
Mao hit him on the arm. “Is it that hard?”
They looked at each other and then burst out laughing. Mao’s heart feeling a whole lot lighter.
“Sorry,” Pi said, sincerely as he looked at her.
He really was. He knew he shouldn’t have acted that way but his jealousy got the better of him. It wasn’t her fault she likes Oguri. Still, he wished things were different…
Mao looked back at him and then said, “Sing me a song then.”
“You have to cheer me up. You’ve ruined some parts of my night. So sing,” she said, like a master to her slave.
Pi grunted. Yeah, she would have been all giddy and giggly all night. Something he resented.
“What do you want me to sing?”
“Sing me a song from Big Bang,” she said, her face lighting up.
“Big what?”
“Big Bang! The Korean group I’ve been telling you guys about,” Mao said exasperatedly.
Pi just stared at her blankly.
“Men! You never listen! Anyway, I’ve been playing their songs. Lies? Koh Jid Mal? Doesn’t ring a bell?” Mao said, looking expectantly at Pi.
She’s been forcing them to listen to it with her.
“The ‘I’m so sorry, but I love you’,” she attempted at singing. “What was the English lyrics again?”
Another blank stare.
“You’re weird.”
“Right back at ya. Just sing any song you feel like,” Mao said as she returned to her pudding.
Pi looked up to the sky. A star twinkled. He positioned the guitar and then rapped “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. Yes, rapped.
“Twinkle, twinkle little shining star. I just wonder what you are, what you are. Freaky freaky fresh.”
The pudding Mao was about to put in her mouth ended up on her sweat pants as she laughed out loud when Pi opened his mouth. Pi grinned boyishly at her as she continued laughing. He remembered Big Bang after all. Who wouldn’t? It was as if she was trying to brainwash them with their songs.
“You eat like a kid,” he teased.
Mao stuck her tongue out at him.
“It’s because of your sick rap skills. Favor? Don’t ever rap again.”
“Why? I be the Pi-meister, fly gentleman, fo sho fo sho,” he continued.
Mao stared.
“You’re right I should stop.”
Mao leaned her head back and laughed; Pi joining her.
“Come on, sing a real song this time,” Mao said, shaking her head, chuckling.
Pi strummed the tune and Mao’s ears perked up.
“Ohh… I like this song…,” she said.
“Tap on my window, knock on my door, I wanna make you feel beautiful,” he started singing.
"I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile..."
As Pi sang the lyrics to the song, Mao felt his gaze on her was drawing her to him. It was as if something in those beautiful eyes of his was trying to tell her something.
“And she will be loved… She will be loved…,” Pi continued.
Mao’s heart was racing as Pi’s gaze was growing more and more intense.
“Mao, I…,” Pi started, as his gaze took in all of her.
She was sorta jerked back to reality. Belatedly realizing that she had been holding her breath. Pi was trying to tell her something and for some reason, anticipation rose up inside her and her heart…
Suddenly her cellphone rang. Big Bang’s ‘Dirty Cash’. And the magic was gone… Pi looked grudgingly at the cellphone she was taking out of her pocket. He watched her check who was calling. When he saw her expression, he knew.
“I… gotta take this,” she turned to Pi, somehow awkward about it.
Pi nodded without a word.
“Thanks for the song. Remember no rapping again,” she teased, mouthed ‘Good night’ and walked quickly towards the stairs. Pi’s gaze followed her and watched as she answered the phone. He strummed a last note.
And the softly sang a last line, “She will be loved…”
Mao had gone down the stairs. Pi hung his head. He took out his cellphone, dialled a number and put it to his ear.
“I think I screwed up,” he said glumly as someone picked up.
“Are you still going out with Oguri?” Pi suddenly asked Mao as they sat on the couch watching TV.
“Yes,” Mao answered back tiredly.
He had been asking her that question all week. Endlessly. Incessantly. She would suddenly receive text messages at work with that question. She didn’t know how many times. Sometimes he would ask her out of the blue without warning.
“Buta, please pass the ketchup,” she had said one time.
“Are you still going out with Oguri?” he suddenly asked.
“Yes,” Mao said exasperated. Nothing has changed since he last asked it an hour ago.
“If ever, would you want to go out with Tego?” he asked.
“No…,” Mao said and mouthed a ‘sorry’ at Tego. Tego whimpered.
“How about Massu?”
Where is he going with these questions?
“How about Ryo?”
“No! What does-“
“How about Nino?”
“Are you still going out with Oguri?”
“N- Yes!” she exclaimed.
“Ah-ha! You were about to say ‘No’,” Pi said, pointing at her. As if that would change anything.
Mao gave him an exasperated look, her mouth hanging open in confusion. She didn’t now what silly game he was playing so she had tried to figure it out one time.
“What’s it to you? Why are you always asking that? “she suddenly asked, frustrated.
“Nothing. I just want to be sure,” he said, blinking innocently at her.
She let out an exasperated sigh.
“Why? Should there be something behind the questions?” Pi then asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I don’t know,” Mao shrugged. “Is there?”
“You tell me,” Pi said, rubbing his chin.
Mao had stared at him for a minute and then walked away.
As if bugging her wasn’t enough, Tego had thought it would be fun to join in. So the two of them have been bugging her. She switched the channel as Pi once again asked her the question. He was like a fly buzzing around her ear she’s been longing to swat.
“I really want to hurt you right now, Pi.”
“You guys just want to torment me, huh? Did Ryo put you up with this?” Mao said, narrowing her eyes at him.
Before Pi could answer, Massu and Tego came in. Kei-chan’s shift changes from time to time and tonight he had dinner with them. They just went to buy some ice cream.
“Ryo’s gone out?” Mao asked as she went to see what they had bought.
“Yep,” Kei-chan said. “He doesn’t want to spend more time with me.”
He wiped an imaginary tear away.
“Chocolate’s mine,” Massu declared as Mao stuck her tongue out at him.
“Hey Mao-“
“Pi’s already asked me that and the answer is yes,” Mao said, predicting what he was about to say.
Tego sighed and then her phone on the couch rang, Pi picked it up and saw Oguri Shun’s name. Mao snatched the phone away and answered, not noticing Pi’s dark look.
“Hey, I’ll be coming to pick you up tomorrow,” Shun said.
“Okay. What time?” Mao replied as she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.
She didn’t catch Pi mimicking her in an exaggerated way. His mood has changed drastically. He was pissed off. He had accepted they were going out but he didn’t have to like it.
“Hi Shun!” Kei-chan suddenly yelled happily standing next to her.
“It’s the big date tomorrow!” Massu yelled from her other side.
And then they started making kissing noises as Mao stared daggers at them, kicking them while trying to cover the mouthpiece. They laughed hysterically as they avoided her. Pi and Tego sat on the couch giving them dirty looks.
Shun chuckled at the antics her friends were making.
“How’s eleven sound?”
“Sounds good -“ Mao started.
“Oh oh oh oh, yeah yeah,” two singing voices suddenly came from behind, making Mao jump as she clutched her phone.
“Omoide zutto zutto, Oikaketa yume, Futari ga tooku e ittemo…” Kei-chan and Massu sang as they waltzed around as if on a high.
“Stop singing that!” Mao hissed.
Shun was saying something. “Have you prepared the things I asked you to bring?”
“Y-Yeah,” Mao answered. “But I don’t quite understand…”
“You’ll find out tomorrow,” he said, a smile in his voice.
“Love so sweeet… ” Kei-chan and Massu continued.
“The movie is coming out soon! Final!” Kei-chan informed out of the blue. “You should go watch it next time.”
“It’s really love so sweet,” Massu teased Mao, winking and then pouting his lips in a kiss.
Mao hurriedly arranged things with Shun and then hang up the phone with a snap. She slowly turned around. Kei-chan and Massu froze, looked at each other and then sprinted away, laughing like a ouple of kids.
“Come back here!” Mao growled as she ran after them. Pi and Tego still brooding.
“Is it too late to ask you not to go?” Tego asked jokingly as Mao stepped out her door.
Mao laughed at his comment. “Awww… Yoshi…”
They went down the stairs together. Tego offering her some brides as Mao laughed. They met Shun at the bottom. Tego sighed dramatically and said good-bye claiming it was too painful to watch. As he walked away, Mao’s thoughts went to Pi and was thankful he was nowhere in sight.
“Ready?” Shun asked.
She then focused her attention on him, feeling her heart flutter and nodded happily.
“You’re seriously not considering stalking her, right?” Shige asked as they stepped out of McDonald’s.
Pi sipped his drink loudly like a big kid. He gave it some serious thought as he remained silent.
“I shouldn’t, huh?” he finally said.
“Of course you shouldn’t. That’s so wrong and if she finds out-“
“I can just say it was a coincidence.”
“Okay, okay. How about tracking her down? Maybe through her cellphone. I think they’re probably meeting up right now.”
Shige tried to hide his exasperated look.
“Okay. Bad idea,” Pi pouted. “But we could just take a look-“
Shige gave him a look. Pi ran his hand through his hair, frustrated.
“I just- I just want to do something but I don’t know what.”
“I know that, sir. But it’s just too late, I guess. Maybe it won’t work out for them huh?” Shige suddenly thought.
Pi was incredulous. “I should have told her. I should tell her now.”
“I dunno, sir. Kinda risky. What about your friendship? You’ve somehow become the ‘best friend’.”
“What’s with the air quotes?”
“Nothing. Just thought it was appropriate,” Shige shrugged. “She might resent you for it. Dumping this on her all of a sudden. Just when she’s feeling excited about…”
His voice trailed off. The dark look back in Pi’s eyes. Yeah, he should really think about it carefully. But- But-
Pi growled, sounding a lot like Mao, as the thoughts frustrated him further.
“This feels kinda weird,” Mao said as she slowly made her way back over to Shun.
She had changed into her old high school uniform. Amazingly, it still fit her. Good thing she hadn’t gained weight. Shun had told her to bring it and she had dug it out. They went to the mall and he had told her to change into it. Mao had stared at him and he answered he was going to change too.
“No, you did not go out with some hentai with a fetish,” Shun said, as he read what Mao was thinking. They then went to the bathrooms.
Mao looked up and saw Shun standing there holding his backpack. He too was in his high school uniform. He hadn’t changed much from high school to, it seems.
An appreciative smile broke his lips.
“Ah… You look so cute,” he said, grinning.
Mao blushed but rolled her eyes.
“What’s with guys and girls in uniform?”
“I don’t know. It makes my heart go… Ahh…,” he said as he clutched his chest.
“Well, the same goes for us girls and boys in uniform,” Mao teased him.
Shun pumped out his chest and grinned, looking flattered. He then bent down, his eyes level with hers.
“But, to be honest, you’re the only one that makes my heart go doki-doki like this,” he said, quietly.
Mao stared back at him.
And then shyly scoffed, “Yeah right.”
“Swear!” Shun said as he held up his right hand. Mao peeked up at him, blushing.
Shun, smiling, then held out his hand for her. She slowly put her hand in his. He clutched it gently.
“Let’s go have lunch,” he said and they started walking.
They were earning stares from the people passing by. Mao felt she looked ridiculous but they wouldn’t know they really aren’t high school students. So it must be because Shun was so attractive.
“Why are we in our high school uniforms again?” she whispered to him.
Shun looked down at her.
“Coz you mentioned you’ve never experience something like this in high school,” he explained.
Mao blinked up at him. He remembered that?
“So I wanted to give you this experience. Somehow. And I wanted our first date to be memorable. Something totally different,” he continued.
They stopped walking. Shun turned to her.
“I thought really hard. It might be overkill, though now that I think about it,” he said, chuckling sheepishly. “You’re not the only one nervous about this.”
He gazed at her softly. Mao bit her lip and then smiled back. This is really sweet…
“McDonald’s?” Shun then asked, pointing at it beside them.
Mao gave a laugh.
“Fries and sundae?” she said, smiling at the thought.
Shun grinned childishly and they jogged inside hand-in hand.
“Get it! Get it! There it is!” Mao exclaimed, jumping up and down as Shun tried to snatch up a Stitch doll.
They had been playing in the arcade for a while then Mao saw the Stitch dolls.
“Noooo,” Shun exclaimed as he failed another attempt. Mao echoed his thoughts as she peeked through the glass dejectedly.
“I though you said you were the best at this,” Mao said, turning to him.
“You were cheering so loud. Distracting me,” Shun pouted.
“Men. You and your excuses.”
“Let’s just buy the doll. This machine is rigged,” Shun said, pointing accusingly at it.
Mao rolled her eyes at him and then laughed as Shun grinned sheepishly. They had been having so much fun that Mao forgot her nervousness. She was able to act more naturally around him now. They had gotten more comfortable around each other, which was good. Really good.
“Anyway, pikura time!” Shun exclaimed.
“It would have been better if Stitch was with us…”
“I’ll go buy from the counter!”
Shun stuck his tongue out at her and then went to the counter, grinning.
They then went inside the pikura booth with Stitch. Striking different poses using Stitch as a prop. Holding him as if he was the holy grail; Shun strangling Stitch as Mao strangled Shun; imitating Stitch’s blank expression. They waited for the pictures to come out, joking around and playing with Stitch.
They then went around the mall, eating ice cream, and just acting like a couple of kids, pointing at things, laughing and having the time of their lives. As they finished looking at the record store, it was time for dinner.
“I want ramen…,” Mao said, rubbing her stomach.
“Hmm… Let’s go out to ear then. Ramen in those small stalls are the best,” Shun suggested.
“I don’t remember high school kids riding their own Ducati,” Mao mused as they got off.
“High school kids get anything they want nowadays,” Shun commented.
They laughed as they sat down at one of the tables. The owner came and cleared out the table as she took their orders. It was a busy night.
“How’d you get into photography?” Mao asked as she opened the soda she ordered.
“I guess it came from this desire to just preserve moments. Memories of people, things,” Shun said.
Mao nodded solemnly.
“My parents are divorced you know. And for some reason, I felt like I lost so many memories I should have had because of that… So I’m just attached to capturing memories. Capturing that one moment in time you know you can’t have again. And then be able to cherish it…,” he then finished as he laughed at how serious he got.
“Sorry about that,” he said to Mao.
Mao shook her head and unconsciously placed her hand on his arm.
“You must be wondering why I’m in the fashion industry,” he said, chuckling. “I’m just bidding my time. It may sound awful but I need the money to start on my plans.”
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Mao said. “We all have to start somewhere.”
“You ask one question and I pour my heart out,” Shun said, shaking his head. “How did you do that?”
Mao shrugged. “I’m just being my loveable self.”
“Oh ho!” Shun scoffed jokingly as their ramen arrived.
Mao stuck her tongue out at him. “So what inspires you mostly?”
Shun picked up his chopsticks.
“Could be anything or anyone. I take one look at them and then I just know.”
And then softly, “You, actually.”
Mao choked on the soup she was sipping.
“Me?” she said in a small voice.
“Yeah. You inspire me.”
Mao wiped her mouth with a tissue.
“Sounds cheesy huh?”
“A bit,” Mao said, laughing shyly as she felt her face grow hot.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to photograph you some time,” Shun said quietly.
“Like glamour shots?” Mao joked. That wouldn’t be so bad.
“Well, yeah and some natural ones,” Shun said, grinning.
Mao nodded casually.
“You’re so active today. Like goofier than your usual self,” she then observed.
“Too much?”
“No, I like it.”
The quiet admission made Shun’s heart skip a beat. He really felt like a schoolboy now. It’s been a while since he felt this way.
“See? You inspire me,” Shun teased, delivering that cheesy line again.
It was true. She made him feel lighter. At that line, Mao laughed out loud, almost snorting. Shun gazed at her as he laughed with her, basking in her glow.
“I really had fun today,” Mao said to Shun as they stood in front of her building.
Mao didn’t know what else to say. Her nervousness was coming back tenfold. It was the end of their date and…
“That would mean you would want to do it again?” Shun said, a smile in his voice.
Was he asking her out again?
Mao shrugged, a sign of teasing him. She blushed as he continued to gaze at her.
“Let’s see how you’ll behave,” she managed to say. “Okay then…”
She started to turn around when Shun caught her arm.
“Mao…,” he said in a low voice as he pulled her closer.
Mao looked up at him. Her ears were pounding as Shun’s gaze went to her lips, lingering there. And then he leaned down…
Mao froze on the spot. Her mind a complete blank. What should she do? As Shun’s lips drew closer, her eyes slowly closed involuntarily. Her lips parted slightly. Anticipation almost taking her breath away…
And then their lips met. It was soft, so gentle as Shun’s lips moved over hers. She wasn’t sure what to do and then tentatively moved her lips over his, clutching hard on the Stitch doll in her hand… Feeling like her heart was about to burst as Shun held her tighter…
Pi slowly walked towards the corner. Mao should be home right now. It was already late. He had thought of calling her to see where she was but Shige had stopped him.
“That would be a bit weird,” Shige thought.
“Well, I’ll just say I want to be sure she’s home safe or I want her to buy something for me.”
“Again, weird.”
Pi sighed, exasperated. Well, Shige was right after much thought. Glad he was there or he would have done something stu-
He was not able to finish his thoughts as he rounded the corner. The sight that greeted him almost ripped his heart out. He stood there wide-eyed and unable to move. Mao and Oguri kissing. His throat had gone dry. They had broken apart and he stepped back and quickly hid around the corner.
Breathing heavily, he leaned on the wall. He heard some murmuring of words he couldn’t make out. He felt like his legs were going to give in. He slid down on the ground. A motorcycle started, came around the corner and rode off.
He leaned his head back, closed his eyes and swallowed hard. The scene seared into his mind. He felt a pang of pain in his chest, mixed with anger, jealousy and a helplessness that was making it harder and harder for him to breathe.
It was her first kiss. She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her cheeks tinged pink as she smiled sweetly. Giddiness getting the best of her. She unconsciously touched her lips. Corny as it may sound, she had expected fireworks to erupt in her head but all she could hear that time was her pounding heart. Her nervousness might have made her so stiff. She wonders if Shun liked it as much as she did. Though when they had broken apart, he had said…
“You have to go out with me again,” he had teased in his husky voice as he gazed at her intently, making her blush more fiercely and unable to look at him.
Her body gave off a slight tingle as she took her toothbrush. The feeling had been indescribable… Though at the back of her mind, she felt like something was missing… What-
She heard a knock at the door, breaking into her thoughts. Wondering who it was, she went and opened the door a crack and saw Pi standing there. He looked sullen.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m out of toothpaste,” Pi said briefly.
“That’s why you have that look on your face?” Mao teased brightly.
She didn’t notice Pi didn’t find it funny, as she had turned towards the bathroom. She grabbed the toothpaste by the sink and was about to give it to Pi when suddenly he squeezed himself inside, bumping hard into her and snatched the toothpaste away, as if irritated. Mao stared at him, a bit surprised at that. What was the matter with him?
“No water as well,” he said shortly, which really wasn’t the case.
And then he stood there and started brushing his teeth. Mao looked at his reflection in the mirror. He looked pissed. She slowly started brushing her teeth, wondering why he was this pissed over no toothpaste and water. His mood swings are getting worse, she thought. Deciding not to let his mood affect her, she brushed away happily. Nothing he can do can douse her mood tonight.
Pi watched with a dark look as Mao stood there looking giddy and happy. She was probably thinking about their kiss again, he thought as he savagely brushed his teeth, not taking his eyes off her.
She made to open the faucet but Pi shot his hands out and blocked her and then rinsed his mouth. Mao took two steps aside. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She will not let him affect her. Pi straightened up and wiped his mouth with a towel and then quickly got out of the bathroom, bumping Mao aside again, as she was standing by the door. What the-? She took another deep breath.
Pi stood outside and asked about the school uniform he saw strewn over the couch. Mao finished brushing and stepped out. She would have wanted to tell him about the date but he was being really moody again and she didn’t feel like it was a good idea. He might totally piss her off.
“Nothing,” she said, expressionless.
This irked Pi more.
“Did you kiss?” he suddenly blurted out.
Mao was taken aback as her eyes widened. A blush crept up her cheeks and-
“Eew. It’s obvious you did with that weird look on your face,” he then commented a bit harshly.
Weird look? Mao scowled at him.
“I’m tired. Go back to your room.”
“I want to watch TV,” he said and plopped down on the couch.
He was being deliberate he knew that. But he didn’t know how else to channel the frustration he was feeling. He knew Mao was controlling herself from bashing him in the head. He didn’t care.
“Aren’t you tired too? Isn’t that why you’re being so bitchy?” Mao glared at the back of his head.
He turned the volume of the TV up, ignoring her. Mao has had enough.
“Give me that!” she suddenly said and tried to wrestle the remote control from Pi.
“I’m not finished watching,” Pi said, easily holding the remote control out of her reach.
“This is my room!” she shouted, as she tried to take it away from him again but failed miserably. She then walked to the TV and switched the power off.
Pi stood up, reached over her and switched it back on. Mao then grabbed his hand and held tight. He wasn’t going without a fight.
“Throw your tantrums elsewhere,” she said through gritted teeth, as they struggled; holding onto his arm for leverage.
Pi clearly had taken a bath. No water, my ass, she thought. He smelled good. Really good, she thought distractedly, Pi still trying to push her off. A mixture of soap, shampoo and… Pi.
Her frustration at him, coupled with the scent of him filling her nostrils and head, she did the unexpected, biting on Pi’s forearm.
“Arrrgh!” Pi yelled and he let go of the remote control.
They both stared at each other, shocked.
“Why did you bite me?” Pi demanded, feeling his face grow hot.
Don’t blush now, he scolded himself. He knew it was a bit hentai but her bite… He shook his head, trying to clear his mind up.
Why did she bite him? Coz he’s being the irritating, pesky Pi again! Not because he smelled yummy and even looked-
“So you could get out of my room,” she said as she turned around and switched off the TV.
The sight of Pi was threatening to give her weird thoughts again. Why is he doing this to her? Affecting her like this. Her night would have been perfect.
She pushed him out easily as he was a bit distracted, feeling her face grow hotter by the minute.
“I don’t know what your problem is but sleep it off!” Mao said, glaring at him, her red face having nothing to do with her anger. She then slammed the door in his face.
Pi stood there still holding his forearm, staring at the spot where Mao’s face had been. Suddenly, getting a grip on himself, he raised his fist to bang on the door and then stopped himself. What was the use? He wasn’t going to tell her anyway.
“What my problem is? It’s you kissing another guy,” he said softly, looking at the door and then ran his hands through his hair.
Heaving a sigh, he turned around and went inside his room, not noticing that Sho had arrived that exact moment and had heard what he said.
He stared for a while and then a small smile appeared on his lips.
========Yamapiggy: I've updated! *grins and looks around* LOL! You've probably already noticed that by now. Hope some people are still interested in this. Well, I thought I would be gone longer! But well, here I am! LOL! And also hoping I would be able to update regularly. Depends if I'm too busy or not T_T. But anyway enjoy! And thank you for sticking with me! ^_____________^ Keep the love going for YaMaopi ne? *grins*